Recent content by ggarner57

  1. WI: No Playboy Magazine

    It has also had political implications- Jimmy Carter's Playboy interview in '72 hurt his campaign significantly.
  2. WI Luis Carrero Blanco isn't assassinated?

    Blanco was Franco's chosen successor, and it has been claimed that his assassination by the ETA struck a mortal blow to the regime's chances of survival, as his successor was far more open to liberalizing the country after Franco. If the assassination had been foiled, was there a chance that the...
  3. [AH Fiction] Murder in Hitlerstadt

    Spent the past few days reading all of your stories from this TL, I must say, it's one of the best things I've ever read on this site.
  4. How long would Slavery Last in a Victorious Confederacy?

    Everyone does forget the tensions that will be created between the Upper South along with Texas, which would most likely have a much greater incentive and resource base to become industrialized given time, and the Deep South, who will be much more closely wed to the old system and will try to...
  5. How long would Slavery Last in a Victorious Confederacy?

    Possibly true, but I mean more in the context of the question i.e. conflicts over slavery in a surviving Confederacy.
  6. How long would Slavery Last in a Victorious Confederacy?

    The Upper South would probably come into conflict with the Deep South on the Issue when the Boll Weevil devastates the cotton economy, making slavery even less viable then it was antebellum- they were already beginning to sell theirs Southward at this time- and an Appalachia-based abolitionist...
  7. New Deal Coalition Retained: A Sixth Party System Wikibox Timeline

    This is going to make the upper South even more Republican than OTL, isn't it? Even with Mine Unions, a lot of those Appalachian districts are red since the Civil War, and places like KY, TN, and VA should feel the impact of that combined with the black vote.
  8. New Deal Coalition Retained: A Sixth Party System Wikibox Timeline

    Really enjoying this! Just wondering for my home state, how is TN doing politically? TN-1 and TN-2 have been Republican since the Civil War, and Howard Baker got elected even OTL, but I imagine now the state is pretty bitterly divided on geographic lines.
  9. New Deal Coalition Retained: A Sixth Party System Wikibox Timeline

    My man Nixon getting a better rep! But seriously, I love that the GOP can have Rockefeller as president and Goldwater as nominee within 5 years.
  10. New Deal Coalition Retained: A Sixth Party System Wikibox Timeline

    I've been reading this on and off for the past few days, and all I can say is well done, I am really enjoying it!
  11. earlier knowledge of CTE, President Reagan advocates de-emphasizing football?

    He died of Strep throat after playing a game in November during a rainstorm. But maybe if someone else like that gets one, CTE research could begin.
  12. If the Cuban Missile Crisis became nuclear war, which large cities would survive?

    IRBMs at the radar sites in Alaska, and fast movers hit Thule. It would take 60-70% Losses, but I think some could get through to Seattle, Toronto, Ottawa, Boston, etc.
  13. If the Cuban Missile Crisis became nuclear war, which large cities would survive?

    Is there any way the Soviets could use ICBMs to blast a hole in US air defense for their bombers, like we would in China? It would require massive coordination since they'd already have to be in the air but it could be done.
  14. U.S. Gives Ho Chi Minh an Audience

    I don'f figure that communism will be as dominant within an independent Vietnam that has some trade with the United States, Uncle Ho was much more of a nationalist than a communist after all. I think that there would be a visible socialist movement, but the coming of American and Western...
  15. U.S. Gives Ho Chi Minh an Audience

    It's pretty well known that Ho Chi Minh was eager to cooperate with the United States after WWII, even naming his army the "Viet-American Army" as they marched on Hanoi. He at one point asked Truman for an audience and urged American investment into Vietnam. So would would happen if Truman...