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  • Hallowed Learner

  • I just finished chapter 62 of your Joffery story and I just had to tell you someway(since chapter comments are locked) that the end of that chapter was beautiful and it honestly made me cry. I don't know how you chose the music for your story but you did a damn good job. I glad you wrote this and I found it.
  • baurus


  • Hello all! Long time no see. Purple Days is still very much alive but has fallen into a sort of seasonal hibernation as I'm swamped with my 'practica' or internship, which is needed here in Chile to get your profesional degree. The last year has been hard going for everyone, and for me its been about closing a career I never much cared for after discovering my passion for writing. (cont.)
  • Vornado

  • Your story fucks me up man. I don't think anything fictional has made me so unsettled. Granted, the first time I read it was when I had food poisoning but still. Great job making this as unsettling as Lena Headly makes Cersei evil.
    baurus 1
    Nice! As an author, creating feelings within my readers is what it's all ultimately about. What do you think is the thing that most drives the unsettlement in particular?
    Vornado 2
    So I think what got to me most was Joffrey being exceeding evil at the beginning and the going crazy. The Red Wolf storyline near the beginning was gruesome. Basically all the different ones where Joffrey kills for next to no reason.

    My favorite arcs have been YiTi and the Royal Guards one recently. Thank you for sharing your story with us here. Do you have any interest posting in on AO3 or other sites?
    There'll be a version (slightly revised) posted on FF someday, but beyond that nothing for now.
  • Archy_84


  • Hi Baurus, sorry to hear about the writers block, Purple days is by far and away my favorite on going story on here, take the time you need but please don't abandon this excellent story. Your story writing has come on leaps and bounds since you started, keep up the good work!
  • hazeem azam

  • Dear Baurus, approximately when will you upload next chapter of purple days?
  • hazeem azam

  • Bro, when can us fans expect the next chapter?
  • Hateme18

  • Hey bro how's things coming along?
  • Hateme18

  • Asking about updates would be so much better if we shared a hobby or something. i always feel like i'm being an annoying ass and no combination of words makes up for it. I don't even have any constructive criticism to offer that has not already been said. So i guess good luck in life and hope whatever you are doing works out. Do you happen to have an eta?
  • davetheorist666

  • I just binged this entire story, and am currently undergoing withdrawal. I know you probably get this a lot, but this is one of the best works I've read in a long time, and I just have to compliment you for that. That said, do you have any idea how long it's gonna take you to post the next chapter? I know these sorts of dates are finicky sometimes, I really want to know, even if it changes.
  • Witch breaker

  • Hi, um, I've been doing a podcast series on how to write fanfiction and I just posted a podcast on Live, Die, Repeat fics where I talk about yours. So, if you want to hear me talk about your fic for ten minutes straight, you can find it on Soundcloud under the creator Byebyebriar or go to the Fanfiction Versus tumblr. Thanks for writing such a great fic.
  • Hateme18

  • You took away the told us we were getting the xl The Works and you gave us a medium 2 topping. After everyone said The Works was a great idea. Why do you torture us so?
  • Hateme18

  • Eta on the next 8ball?
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    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    Hateme18 3
    Damn, good enough i suppose. Oh well it will come when it comes i guess. I wish i was a good enough writer to offer something more substantial. Sorry i'm just that terrible with writing and encouragement.
    Can't wait to see how not Jofferys(sp) unravels the puzzle of the purple. I swear man your story immersive's me like no other. I treat your story like a good tv show or movie, i always get fucked up and read it.
    Hateme18 3
    While i may not be able to offer critique on the technical aspects of your story, let me just say that your story gives me and countless other neck beards enormous enjoyment. I hope you personally are doing good and if you ever need someone to bounce ideas off of or just curse the world in general Hateme is here, huggable but not lovable. :)
    baurus 4
    Thanks! Its always nice to be remembered about the people who like my work, its a good motivator!
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