XXth C: Discussion Thread

Oh, sorry, thoes are pretty old. Some stuff has changed. Thoes refer to party factions.

TRJR is your best bet here, late in his second term. He's going to slowly become more and more big government, but after him people are going to pull back a little. Sorry about making it too complicated.


Great. . . now we remove events :D so. . . how bought removing the Kennedys. . . just kidding

Ha Ha. We removed events that you told me were rejected, and that Imajin said he made a major error on.

Chalk it up to my long absence, but there will be no 'retconning' for the sake of preference.

But as you say, you were just kidding.:)
August 1920: After several years of delay, the Lincoln Memorial and Refelecting Pool are completed.

Febuary 1929: A Jefferson Memorial is proposed by prominent Populists in congress.

June 1929: The Jefferson Memorial suggestion gains some support, but is eventually voted down because, though Jefferson is viewed as a founding father, he is also a symbol for the somewhat less popular Populist movement.


August 1920: After several years of delay, the Lincoln Memorial and Refelecting Pool are completed.

Febuary 1929: A Jefferson Memorial is proposed by prominent Populists in congress.

These are fine.

June 1929: The Jefferson Memorial suggestion gains some support, but is eventually voted down because, though Jefferson is viewed as a founding father, he is also a symbol for the somewhat less popular Populist movement.

Sorry, but Jefferson isn't likely to be that closely identified with Populism. I think the monument would go through.


February 8, 1975 - First human undergoes the vitrification cyrosuspension process. Swen Bjornson, a patient suffering from an aggressive form of leukemia but with a very rare haplotype, undergoes the process in hopes of suviving long enough to find a bone marrow donor. Ironically, the publicity around the procedure leads to a donor being found within a few months.

April 12, 1975 - Swen Bjornson is revivified successfully. He undergoes bone marrow ablation and transplant a week later. Only mild complications are reported.


1976 - First 'large scale' trial for vitrification. About 12 people total are enrolled in the trial.

1977 - Vitrification is certified as a reasonable alternative in cases where a delay in treatment is necessary. Side effects include arthralgias and mild cognitive deficits (one case) which tend to resolve over time.

1978 - Second Chances opens in the USA. They set up containment facilities for storage of cryosuspension patients in terminal cases in which it is unknown when a treatment will be available. Insurance does not cover cryosuspension in these cases, and at first only the rich can afford it. By the end of the year, several small insurance companies start selling 'cryoinsurance' to specifically cover the process.

1979 - Second Chances spreads to several developed nations. They also controversially offer to store people cryosuspended after official declaration of death. Anders Swensson warns people that there are 'no guarantees' for such desparate cases, and dissociates himself from Second Chances marketing.

1982 - Together Forever, Inc. opens as a competitor to Second Chances. Together Forever has a great deal of start-up from private investors, and not only provides storage facilities, but also perform cryosuspension at their offices. They offer to simultaneously offer cryosuspension to terminal or officially dead patients, but also their loved ones who want to 'wait with them' in cryosuspension.

1984 - The US Congress investigates Together Forever, Inc.'s practice of vitrifying healthy people. The hearings last for the entire year, but in the end the good record of the clinical practice and the testimony of several celebrities who have signed on for the procedure in the case of the imminent death of a loved one sway the Congress to not take action against the practice.


Fall 1918 - Humphrey Bogart matriculates into Yale University. He joins the Naval ROTC that same year.

June 1922 - Humphrey Bogart graduates Cum Laude from Yale University. He receives a commission in the Naval Reserve.

Fall 1922 - Humphrey Bogart begins Law School at Yale University.

1924 - After passing the Bar, Humphrey Bogart finds himself restless with settling down and signs up for active naval service, much to the chagrin of his parents.

1929 - Humphrey Bogart after five years in the Navy resigns and takes up position in the New York City's prosecutor's office.


January 5, 1937 - Humphrey Bogart's commission in the Navy is reactivated.

April 1937 - Humphrey Bogart's naval vessel is sunk. He is adrift at sea, alone, for five days. He swears he will give up smoking if he lives through this. After rescue, he is as good as his word and never smokes again.

1939 - Humphrey Bogart accepts the offer of one of his Yale Law School buddies and joins the largest law firm in Portland, Oregon.

November 1944 - Humphrey Bogart wins the election for Senate in Oregon. Though a relative newcomer to Oregon, he capitalizes on this as a 'fresh face' in Oregonian politics. His victory is aided by a number of high powered contacts he has made in his law practice, by his record as an assistant DA (albeit in another state) and his status as a naval veteran. In the several decades to come in Congress, Senator Bogart is known for his smooth voice and delivery of speeches on the floor of the Senate.

December 1974 - Senior Senator from Oregon, Humphrey Bogart, is name Senate Pro Tempore.

December 1984 - Senate Pro Tempore Humphrey Bogart retires from the Senate, citing ill health.

January 25, 1986 - Retired Senator Humphrey Bogart, near death in a Portland hospital, undergoes cryosuspension in hopes of some day being revived. He is stored at a Together Forever, Inc. facility.
Comments on the Bogart stuff. . .

Nobody becomes pro tempore after serving only thirty years. It'll take more time.

Also, tempore for that long. . . well, at least that estabolishes that the Republicans will maintain the Senate for the duration, as I've suggested.

One problem though, the West Coast has been Democrat in this TL. During the mid-40s, I could see some Republicans getting in, but I have trouble seeing him keep it for four decades.


Comments on the Bogart stuff. . .

Nobody becomes pro tempore after serving only thirty years. It'll take more time.

First time Robert Byrd did, he had served 30 years.

Also, tempore for that long. . . well, at least that estabolishes that the Republicans will maintain the Senate for the duration, as I've suggested.

A bit of a stretch given the history of the Senate IOTL, but not impossible.

One problem though, the West Coast has been Democrat in this TL. During the mid-40s, I could see some Republicans getting in, but I have trouble seeing him keep it for four decades.

Odd birds do occur. If he's one with bipartisan appeal, he could buck the general trend.

Why is the West Coast Democrat, and since when again?:confused:

Anyway, note I left some wiggle room. Is it okay by you overall?


Spring 1974 - Riots break out throughout Western India over the lack of military intervention in the slaughter in Afghanistan.

Fall 1974 - Massive reversals in the Indian Parliamentary and Imperial Senate elections lead to an even more militant stance on the part of the Indians against the actions of the Russians in Afghanistan.

January - February 1975 - India once again presses for the British Empire to intervene militarily in the Afghan war. However, an odd coalition of rightists and leftists in the Imperial Senate, mostly from Anglo dominated dominions, blocks a vote for military intervention.

March 1, 1975 - The Indian members of the Imperial Senate storm out of Westminster, and return to India for 'consultations' with the subcontinental government.

July 4, 1975 - The Indian Parliament issues a declaration calling for the severance of the Indian nation from the British Empire over their lack of action in the face of genocide and environmental damage from overflow of chemical and nuclear weapons into India as well as their consistant manipulation of dominion representation to keep Anglo Senator numbers artificially elevated. They call on other dominions to join them.

Summer to Fall 1975 - Tense negotiations for reconcilliation or a peaceful severence of ties between the British Empire and the Indians continue.
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Okay, where I'm going with the British-Indian stuff is a break between the two, after either some brinksmanship or even a few low to moderate clashes.

However, geopolitically in this situation I don't think they are likely to have good flashpoints, so maybe just a lot of name calling and then they get the divorce lawyers in and call it a day.


BTW, I'm surprised perd let in all that stuff with Afghanistan. I have to say I find it a bit ASB.:(

Still, will try to make the best of it....


July 4, 1976 - A year to the day after their declaration of intent to separate from the Empire, India achieves its independence. The date of the declaration and of the official recognition of independence were chosen on purpose by Republican Indians. The Confederation of India is born 200 years after the last break away nation from Britain, the USA.

1976 - The loss of India is a great scandal throughout the British Empire. A long series of reforms begin to make the Imperial government more representative and responsive to the dominions. Several of the obstructionist politicians who blocked military action against Russia lose election in this and the next year.
I'm glad to see these events to be honest. Its a huge cliche that the British empire could be saved. We havn't really done anything that would merit such a huge historical change.

I actually agree about the Afgan events. They are a bit much. Perd submitted so much stuff that I think we stopped truly monitering it as closely as we should. Just because 99% of it was brilliant.

There have been many many ASB points in this TL. Lets face it, its not the most realistic TL on Earth. Its just the most complicated tl on earth.

I noticed that you left some squiggle room with Bogart. I'll take advantage of that.

Most west coast Republicans became progressives, and Smith, though very popular in the east and midwest, wasn't so popular in the west coast, so after the fall of the Progressive movement it became Democrat.


I'm glad to see these events to be honest. Its a huge cliche that the British empire could be saved. We havn't really done anything that would merit such a huge historical change.

Yes, we have, and yes, it will. Just not every single bit. That would be a bit unrealistic given the twists and turns of this timeline.

I actually agree about the Afgan events. They are a bit much. Perd submitted so much stuff that I think we stopped truly monitering it as closely as we should. Just because 99% of it was brilliant.

There have been many many ASB points in this TL.

I disagree. the Afghan thing is really the only big one, with the Venezuelan thing pushing it sometimes. Oh, and the Sierra Leone greenbelt bit is somewhat hyperbole.

Lets face it, its not the most realistic TL on Earth.

But its plausible by and large.

Its just the most complicated tl on earth.

Detailed at least.

I noticed that you left some squiggle room with Bogart. I'll take advantage of that.

Most west coast Republicans became progressives, and Smith, though very popular in the east and midwest, wasn't so popular in the west coast, so after the fall of the Progressive movement it became Democrat.

Feel free to take advantage in that regard. BTW, did you pick up on the fact that Bogie doesn't have a lisp?:eek: ;)
Yes, we have, and yes, it will. Just not every single bit. That would be a bit unrealistic given the twists and turns of this timeline.

- Agreed

I disagree. the Afghan thing is really the only big one, with the Venezuelan thing pushing it sometimes. Oh, and the Sierra Leone greenbelt bit is somewhat hyperbole.

- I hate to say this. . . but that kinda proves my point. The Kennedys with a 1900 POD is also kinda pushing it.

But its plausible by and large.

- I've seen much much worse. Would this hold up to exstreme scrutiny? I hope so.

Detailed at least.

- You can say that again

Feel free to take advantage in that regard. BTW, did you pick up on the fact that Bogie doesn't have a lisp

- Yes. . . briliant.