WI: Statue of Liberty instead of WTC?

There would be far less damage to the economy and far less lives lost. This may prevent Afghanistan and Iraq from happening as there would be less lives to justify the incursions.
USA still attacks to Afghanistan but it hardly is so massive. And in America might be more counter-Islam.
There would be far less damage to the economy and far less lives lost. This may prevent Afghanistan and Iraq from happening as there would be less lives to justify the incursions.

Yeah, there would be fewer lives lost, but I doubt that it would butterfly the wars. The destruction of the Statute of Liberty would regarded as extremely symbolic.
What if, on September 11, 2001, the terrorists had attacked the Statue of Liberty instead of the World Trade Centre?

For this to happen, Al Qaeda would have to decide on a symbolic strike instead of the intended destruction of the American political, military, and economic system. So this would either be a single attack, or the other planes would be directed at other historic landmarks, like the Washington Monument, or the Lincoln Memorial. In both cases, I would guess, both retaliatory invasions likely go forward, but the Statue of Liberty is replaced much sooner due to a lower casualty count, so the 9/11 strike is a less effective rallying cry in the future--it just won't make such an emotional impact, iconic statue or not, because the body count will be at least an order of magnitude lower.
The body count will be lower, sure, but not having future emotional impact? Lady Liberty is one of the most beloved symbols of the US isn't she?
The body count will be lower, sure, but not having future emotional impact? Lady Liberty is one of the most beloved symbols of the US isn't she?

She is, but the lower body count and overall lower level of destruction will mean she can be rebuilt much more quickly. At least, that's the way I see it. I doubt anyone would seriously consider not rebuilding her in the original exterior plan, so several years of arguing design are gone, for example.


The body count will be lower, sure, but not having future emotional impact? Lady Liberty is one of the most beloved symbols of the US isn't she?
While far more iconic, LL is still simply a construction of metal and glass, not blood and flesh.
I agree with the above posts, while the statue is iconic people were moved more by the loss of human life than anything else. That being said I doubt it butterflies away either of the two wars, the only noticeable difference I could see is a grander rebuilt Statue of Liberty.


I agree with the above posts, while the statue is iconic people were moved more by the loss of human life than anything else. That being said I doubt it butterflies away either of the two wars, the only noticeable difference I could see is a grander rebuilt Statue of Liberty.

With machine gun turrets in Lady Liberty's eyes.


For a really interesting TL, the terrorists fly planes to the Capitol building, one for the Senate and one for the House. What was going on that day and time? What votes were being cast? Who would have been on the floor of the House and Senate to be killed and who would be elsewhere?
And it would take two planes, each crashing through the roof. One plane hitting the Rotunda wouldn't get either House of Congress, probablly. A plane hiting the White House on 9/11 would probably kill Dick Cheney.
For a really interesting TL, the terrorists fly planes to the Capitol building, one for the Senate and one for the House. What was going on that day and time? What votes were being cast? Who would have been on the floor of the House and Senate to be killed and who would be elsewhere?
And it would take two planes, each crashing through the roof. One plane hitting the Rotunda wouldn't get either House of Congress, probablly. A plane hiting the White House on 9/11 would probably kill Dick Cheney.
If the attacks were launched just a bit later then in your scenario might kill the First Lady. Laura Bush was scheduled to meet with the Senate Education Committee at 9:15 that morning.
Less direct effect, probably more outrage and emotional effect due to the destruction of one of America's greatest symbols.


Any attack on the U.S. justifies our response. The U.S. has gone out of it's way to be "understanding" in not blaming Islam for the unprovoked terrorist attacks on this country. Anything else is simpleminded anti-American propaganda.