Map Thread X

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Neat map series, indeed. However, I'm curious as to why you prefer the old version of the Q-Bam, with it's multitude of missing lakes and islands, completely broken Caspian, and modern Netherlands, Sinai, el Jerrid and other water features which where radically different at the time.

He presumably likes it because it's such a pain in the arse to find a modern, updated QBAM!
That is still the modern world though, when the first comment was why he was using a map of the modern world....

The thread mentioned contains a number of historical patches and comments as to which elements to delete for certain eras, as well as a number of era-specific basemaps.


Neat map series, indeed. However, I'm curious as to why you prefer the old version of the Q-Bam, with it's multitude of missing lakes and islands, completely broken Caspian, and modern Netherlands, Sinai, el Jerrid and other water features which where radically different at the time.
Because that's the version of the Q-BAM saved on my computer, and has been since time immemorial.
Do not question the wisdom of the ancients, child. :p

PS) Also, I might look it up later. But the more you gab on about it, the less inclined I am to care. This is my way with all things.
in a similar vein to my previous alien planet map, i just finished this map of what a terraformed Mars could look like. the geography is based on this map, which turned up on a google search for "terraformed mars map" and was posted right here on i plan to make a political map of this as one of the states of the Republic of Humankind. the date here is around 3040 AD, with Mars having been first settled by mankind sometime during the first half of the 3rd millennium AD, probably by either the Chinese or Indians shortly before the complete unification of Earth (or, rather, by settlers launched out of either China or India and thus largely being comprised of those peoples, though the settlers would probably have been multinational by this point)
Oh, oh my.
Well, looks like I just found my clone.

seriously though HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK.

god is real, GOD IS REAL :eek:
[lowtuff exe. has broken down. please rebbot]

Wow, really, wow. I'll explain my shock now...
A few days ago, prompted by the Mars FBWI I made, wanted to make a better Mars basemap. I then searched google images, found exactly the same map that you based yours off of and then reformatted in the same manner you did.

I literally finished it off a day or two ago. I only neglected from posting it out of laziness.
And then just as I go to the Map Thread to post it I see that someone somehow has had the exact same thought process as me.

I'm not joking, look at the map that I made.


Apart from the enlargement of that map, my keeping of the latitudes & longitudes and the edits I made to mine they are nigh identical bar the individual drawing styles on the coasts.

My jaw, it refuses to close.

Okay, so I think it's done. Comments and Critiques?
Looks really cool, and I like the color you used for commie France, which would probably be more socialist than communist anyways. Is Alaska independent or just autonomous, cause that doesn't look like the Russian color?
I like your map better to be honest (no offense Oshron) because it has latitude and longitude lines.
The latitude and longitude lines were from the original map, they can't be credited to me. I would have expanded them to be more than small blips but I couldn't find a way to do it without distorting them, but since they're useful I left them on.


The union of the Greek and Roman empires was all but assured. They turned their attention towards generating commerce in the previously war-torn Mare Nostrum, and engaging in further border wars with the Parthians. Peace was temporarily forged with a marriage alliance between the Babylonian line and the Parthian Arascid dynasty. But this peace did not last more than a few years. The Parthians used the death of the Babylonian king in 63 CE as pretext for a succession war, launching an invasion of the Fertile Crescent, temporarily capturing Babylon. The Greek and Roman armies marched east and retook the city after five years of war, and spent another five years securing their foothold. The Roman general Britannicus, who served as commander of the joint armies, likened the conflict to the Trojan War in its devastation. But the conflict was put to rest, with the Parthians held at bay against a vast wall built to block the pass between the Zagrus and Tarachoatrus mountains.

In 72 CE, the Roman dictator Gaius died, age 60. Rome was going through a vicious plague, and he died within two days from contracting the disease. He had no natural sons, and left no will. The Roman senate controversially appointed his nephew and adopted son, Nero Lucius Ahenobarbus, as Dictator. Some, however, preferred Gaius' grandson through his daughter--the heir to the Greco-Egyptian throne, seventeen-year old Alexander Caesar. They saw him as the blood heir of Gaius and the Julian dynasty whose roots lay in Julius Caesar. Nero was viewed by many as a distant relative whose mother had used guile and machinations to foist him into the political hierarchy, orchestrating his adoption by Dictator Gaius.
Ptolemy Alexander Caesar became Alexander II and asserted his son's claim following his own father's death in 74 CE. He renewed the Ptolemaic claims of the kingdom of Rome, declaring the provinces of Italy, Illyria, Dalmatia, and Baetica as the rightful inheritance of his son.

The Romans in Babylon were betrayed by their Greek allies and slaughtered, and Greek armies invaded Spain; thus kicking off a gruelling war in the Mediterranean after three decades of peace. This time, Rome had become so dependent on Egyptian grain flow that many starved, the Roman economy began to crash, and the political stability of Nero Caesar was threatened by revolt. Famine continued the widespread plague, kicking off even more internal revolt. Nero was assassinated in 77 CE and his uncle Britannicus seized the dictatorship. Popular, militarily skilled, and politically powerful, Dictator Britannicus led a successful counter-attack in Spain. His chief general, Flavius Vespasianus, suppressed mass rebellion in northern Italy and southern Gaul; he was given a triumph and the epithet Alpinus. The childless Britannicus hoped to make Vespasianus his co-ruler, abolishing the dictatorship and restoring the collegiality of the Republic with two consuls. But Vespasianus died in 79 CE before it could be enacted. His son, Titus Flavius, was adopted by Britannicus; all of the other male scions of the Julian dynasty were either dead or very old. Just in time, as Britannicus died the following year in battle against the Greeks in North Africa.

Titus Flavius ignored Britannicus' designs to restore the Republican consular government. He declared himself not only Dictator, but Lord of all the Romans; tantamount to calling himself King. He saw himself as divine, a restorer of the Roman Empire. He suppressed rebellions in Gaul before turning attention to the Hellenic Empire, which had seized Sardinia, the Balearic Islands, and some of Illyria. The Romans pressed them back, while suffering losses in Mauretania. At the peak of the war in 90 CE, the Parthians organised an invasion of the Hellenic heartland. They occupied northern Babylonia, Babylon itself, and pressed deep into Asia Minor. Soon, they were in the heart of Cappadocia. They didn't seek the capital, which lay in Alexandria. They sought to burn the heart and soul of the Empire to the ground. They sought Greece; defenceless, open, and flammable Greece.

Meanwhile, the Romans had looming threats from the north to deal with. While they had secured Britain, the Geats were rapidly expanding into northern Germania, sending the Cimbri, Teutons, and Goths fleeing in all directions--including towards Roman Gaul.

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Very good update. I look forward to seeing what will happen next. Perhaps the Hellenic empire becomes the northern and southern hellenic empire.Could we possibly see an alliance between the roman dictate and the Parthian empire.
Oh, oh my.
Well, looks like I just found my clone.

Crazy coincidence. I was thinking about trying to make biome/landform/climate maps for his, but I think I'll use yours now. Should make it really easy to decide which nations would look where, or which would form on it naturally, or where resources might be.

It may become my project for the rest of the year. I need to look at crater sites, axial tilt, wind patterns, etm. I may need some help.


A Future History regional map, and much more of a wet dream on my part than a serious possibility. Basically, the current political and institutional crisis goes worse and a new constitutional process begins in Spain in the early 2020's. Spain becomes a Federal system (though with more clear-cut field of action for the constituent states), and the incumbent government of the Murcia Region, led by a reformist from Cartagena, redesigns the Murcia Region to create a more balanced and decentralized entity. The Murcia Region is renamed as Region of the Southeast, the regional level of administration is thinned, and the municipal level is dissolved in a system of Mancomunidades based more or less in pre-existing shires or comarcas, with a great field of action apart from the national constitutional limits. The Valencian Community copies the pre-existing Centralist model, and that increasingly alienates the inhabitants of the Alicante province, where Valencian identity was low to begin with, so they start to look at the Region, with which they share strong commerce and proximity links, with an administrative model more suited to their needs, and with which they conform a metropolitan axis, as their natural place in Spain. A referendum is held in Alicante to join the Region of the Southeast, the outcome being a 57% Yes. The map depicts the Region of the Southeast with its 15 Mancomunidades and their respective symbollic heads

Región del Sureste.png
That's one of the cool things about this site's international nature - one sees such unusual things as a regional Murcia-wank. :D

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