Map Thread VI

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I warned the Russians. The Swiss can hold the mountains for all eternity. Also, every single male in Switzerland above 17 owns a working automatic firearm. Every. Single. One.

Think about that.
umm... About the invasion of Switzerland...

you all know that Switzerland was just an invention by the Germans so that they would not have to worry about a French invasion through the mountains.. while at the same time, being able to prepare for an invasion of France through those same mountains..
So here's my take on the Southern Song challenge, actually finished it last week bar some translations (thanks Hendryk!). I need to head off this weekend before the deadline so there is still some unfinished bits – the tablet was going to have some cool buttons and I was going to name all the little Malay states (sorry Ridwan!).

Ok, who are the servants of Heaven and who are the Great Qingzhen?

Awe-inspiring, if largely illegible. You are the current King Of Maps.

A map of modern North America form an idea I had, and no, it's not meant as an Ameriwank, though the US is the dominant power in the Western hemisphere and one of the
six superpowers.

Following the Crimean War the United States and Great Britain still had'nt agreed on the Oregon Territory, the United States proposal was a straight line along the 50th parallel,
however Britain refused, after several border incidents tacitly supported by the British military the United States declared war.
Germany, as per an agreement it had signed with the US declared war on Britain in turn, two weeks later France would declare war on Britain as well, both to gain favour with
Germany and to try and gain at Britain's expense.
After a year of fighting Canada and Quebec were 'liberated' and both declared their independence under American occupation.
When the war ended Britain was forced to cede several territories, including everything except Newfoundland, Belize & Bermuda in the Western hemisphere and recognize the
independence of Canada, Quebec and the Marathi Federation (de facto German protectorate) in Southern India.

In 1901, Spain, having financial problems and facing a pro-Union rebellion sold Cuba to the United States.

Do to the nature of their independence America, Canada and Quebec became very historically close, especially given the fact that they had a de facto unified military from
the get go (became official in 1921) and had close interactions, this eventually lead to the formation of the Union of North American in 1905, which was replaced by the
North American Community in 1930. Central America, which essentially owed its existence to the US (the nationalist rebellions were put down with American help) and had
had close relations with America ever since joined the NAC in 1937. Mexico would join the NAC in 1950.

It's now modern day, and both Haiti and Dominica are in the process of applying for statehood as a way to gain further security and prosperity.
The NAC has had a structure similar to the OTL EU for the last fourty years, slowly becoming more integrated leading to present calls for the formation of a single United
North America, though not Universally popular, the movement is very popular in Canada, Southern Quebec, Northern Mexico and the Urban centers of Central America.

VD North America.png
I think it's supposed to look like Mongolian.
Or maybe Manchu, come to think of it.

You're both right! Though I do say say as much in the post before the map ;).

Ok, who are the servants of Heaven and who are the Great Qingzhen?

Awe-inspiring, if largely illegible. You are the current King Of Maps.


The Servants of Heaven are the Chinese Imperial government, the Great Qingzhen are the alliance of the four powerful Muslim nations (shaded with green slashes) that are its main rival in this timeline (though the Holy Eurasian Uls isn't particularly Muslim as OTL would define it).

I mean to make a normal text version next week, but have to post the main map before the deadline and my trip away.
Now that is a nice map. I do find it interesting that we both used a lot of the colour green in our maps, especially the border.

Well it's the colour of Jade, the East, and is harmonious and serene; all things one would associate with a dominant/influential Middle Kingdom...

Alternate: We're both awesome!
Nugax, are you completely incapable of not making an awesome map?

umm... About the invasion of Switzerland...

you all know that Switzerland was just an invention by the Germans so that they would not have to worry about a French invasion through the mountains.. while at the same time, being able to prepare for an invasion of France through those same mountains..
I really hope you don't seriously believe that.
I was bored

Okay, so I stole someone's previous map (something to do with EU member states) and used it to create a very strange and... well, just look:

Bonus to those who can name the countries and some reasonable PoDs.



Here's the beginning of the Connecticut Parliamentary districts. Fairfield County is done. That's right, New Yorkers! You can't have Fairfield County!

The Servants of Heaven are the Chinese Imperial government, the Great Qingzhen are the alliance of the four powerful Muslim nations (shaded with green slashes) that are its main rival in this timeline (though the Holy Eurasian Uls isn't particularly Muslim as OTL would define it).

Hm. So the thin green slashes are the semi-Muslim Qingzhen.

so, what are little red x's? They seem to be in both the Islamic "Shadow Caliphate" in North Africa and the British-allied Kingdom of Italy. I assume thin red slashes (as in England) is some sort of Christian, but what is Hispanian broad Orange and N. Russian-scandinavian green dots? Other branches of Christianity?

(Not to mention the green clovers and blue diamonds) :D

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