What is a common thing or trope that always seem to happen?

Okay, I'm gonna ask - I've been following this thread for a few days and am utterly bloody perplexed. What in God's good name is an SI!?!?

Like, I'm sure is a super obvious abbreviation, but I can't figure it out and even context clues aren't helping me.

Perhaps I'm an idiot. But ... help, please! :)
I thought someone explained it above.

But it is short for Self Insert.

A genre of story that relies on the author inserting himself into the mind of a historical figure, usually a powerful political or military leader.
"Feudal contract" is a contract for a reason, it was not entirely one sided. Peasents, even Serfs, had certain guaranteed rights and lords/kings had certain obligations they must fulfill for them.
even in france it was not that simple, the king had duties with the other social classes. Absolutist king in the purest form does not exist.
Also I thought that "I am the King because God says so and I can do whatever I want" was much more widespread than in France.
It definitely was, The Age of Absolutism spanned all of Europe (and the rule of the Russian Czars remained relatively absolutist until the very end), and outside of that limited time-period there were plenty of Absolute Monarchs (in that there were single leaders who managed to consolidate their power during most of their reign by subordinating/crippling alternate power structures), but Absolutism of the kind you describe most famously and successfully occurred in France from Louis XIII to the French Revolution - to the point that it is kind of considered to be the poster-child, as it most similar (as @holycookie correctly points out, was identical) to the Weberian Ideal-Type of Absolutism.
However, these were the exception. In practice, especially in the "Middle Ages" (see above), the power of the central government was extremely constrained (and until the proliferation of cannons/gunpowder weapons) tended towards increasing fragmentation. I'd recommend the Book Seeing Like a State, which discusses this, but even peasant communities were fairly able to resist direct interference by the central government. And that's not keeping in mind the Church (It was Heinrich who went to Canossa), the landed nobility (they managed to repeatedly check the powers of the kings by rebelling, winning, and forcing the king to accept limiting constitutions), as well as the Burghers of the towns. (And that's presuming you were maximally Machiavellian, and are willing to discard the long network of traditions and agreements, and rights and such - essentially what @Gokbay said)
I was thinking of the typical situation where the character tries to formulate it in the style of the 21st century without taking into account the context.

I think that's another thing that always seems to happen: characters from other times using 21st century jargon and expressions and no one questions them or asks what that means.
This is a problem in many SI fics.
It definitely was, The Age of Absolutism spanned all of Europe (and the rule of the Russian Czars remained relatively absolutist until the very end), and outside of that limited time-period there were plenty of Absolute Monarchs (in that there were single leaders who managed to consolidate their power during most of their reign by subordinating/crippling alternate power structures), but Absolutism of the kind you describe most famously and successfully occurred in France from Louis XIII to the French Revolution - to the point that it is kind of considered to be the poster-child, as it most similar (as @holycookie correctly points out, was identical) to the Weberian Ideal-Type of Absolutism.
However, these were the exception. In practice, especially in the "Middle Ages" (see above), the power of the central government was extremely constrained (and until the proliferation of cannons/gunpowder weapons) tended towards increasing fragmentation. I'd recommend the Book Seeing Like a State, which discusses this, but even peasant communities were fairly able to resist direct interference by the central government. And that's not keeping in mind the Church (It was Heinrich who went to Canossa), the landed nobility (they managed to repeatedly check the powers of the kings by rebelling, winning, and forcing the king to accept limiting constitutions), as well as the Burghers of the towns. (And that's presuming you were maximally Machiavellian, and are willing to discard the long network of traditions and agreements, and rights and such - essentially what @Gokbay said)
Even in France, after Louis XIV absolutism was more a theory than a practice, as Louis the XV and XVI didn't have the force of personality to actually make use of it.
I thought someone explained it above.

But it is short for Self Insert.

A genre of story that relies on the author inserting himself into the mind of a historical figure, usually a powerful political or military leader.

Okay, I must have missed it. Thank you so much; entire conversation is making so much more sense now!!! :)
People trying to find some way to make the Nazis more successful, competent and or victorious in general; I see it pop up a lot and I don't understand it, not on any level. Be it from the fact the Nazis were not actually particularly competent or advanced in reality, or the fact their economy remained garbage cos it was broken from the ground up, or even from am interest or moral level cos it just seem disgusting and unpleasant, along with being totally ASB levels of baseless.

Like, Alexander the 'Great' dying in a battle where he almost died is a believable divergence cos it almost actually happened. You can't magically fix the Nazi's broken economy, ruinous ideology that sabotaged their effective, or the fact they were not the supreme juggernauts of the world their propaganda painted them as; not without ASB or completely changing them on a base level into an entirely different society, movement and government.
People trying to find some way to make the Nazis more successful, competent and or victorious in general; I see it pop up a lot and I don't understand it, not on any level. Be it from the fact the Nazis were not actually particularly competent or advanced in reality, or the fact their economy remained garbage cos it was broken from the ground up, or even from am interest or moral level cos it just seem disgusting and unpleasant, along with being totally ASB levels of baseless.

Like, Alexander the 'Great' dying in a battle where he almost died is a believable divergence cos it almost actually happened. You can't magically fix the Nazi's broken economy, ruinous ideology that sabotaged their effective, or the fact they were not the supreme juggernauts of the world their propaganda painted them as; not without ASB or completely changing them on a base level into an entirely different society, movement and government.
I believe that the answer to this question consists of multiple factors conjoined with each other, whose conjunction is the result that we see here. Among the most important I would highlight these factors:

1) Decades of propaganda about how the Nazis were actually formidable engineers, capable of stunning feats in the fields of science and technology, most especially in the engineering and design of machines of all kinds.

I think the main culprit for this idea is Phillip K. Dick and his mindfucks at TMITHC about how the Nazi government would have translated into Concordes, lunar and Martian colonies, FLYING SAUCERS with zero point energy engines, Atlantropa being fact true, and Germania being built in all its splendor... all BEFORE 1962.

An idea that all the other writers who came after just ran with no matter how ridiculous or baseless they turned out to be. In many cases it was because of the assumption that, as an American author, Phillip K. Dick was assumed to have done his research correctly. And that, therefore, his statements were nothing more than the purest truth.

An author from any other country would undoubtedly have been required to have papers and statistics to support his claims that the Nazis could have done all this. And he would have called his bluff right away, in case he couldn't provide these documents. (Which he would not have been able to).

This idea of "the Nazis as formidable engineers" would also be reinforced by the publicity of operations such as Paperclip and the presence of Von Braun in NASA, to cite the most visible example. (Von Braun is important).
The appearance supports, in theory, Dick's claims that the Nazis were such formidable engineers that the United States and the Soviet Union would not have advanced as quickly without them. This is greatly helped by the fact that many of the projects of the Third Reich suffer from what is called “overengineering”.

There are reasons why the “Nazis were making 1950s weapons to fight a 1930s war” meme is a real thing (while ignoring the corollary that the Allies won with 1940s weapons).

2) The rejection of economism as an explanation.

Economism is defined as "the idea that ALL decisions have, in the first, only, and last instance, purely economic causes." Also adding that “all other non-economic arguments used to justify these decisions, in reality, completely lack weight and relevance. Being only excuses used by the leaders to disguise economic motivations”.

In its application to the study of Nazi Germany, the greatest exponent of this thesis is Tooze, a guy that everyone treats as if he were a God of economics and history for reasons I don't understand.

According to the interpretation that I have obtained from the economistic theory in the case of the Third Reich, it follows that he "operates" in this way:

—NOBODY in the Nazi Party believed a word they were saying, they were just spouting lie after lie to shut people up.
—ALL the ideological, political, social program, etc., were nothing more than excuses to justify economic decisions.
—The German economy was on the brink of exploding in 1938 because the Nazis were screwing it up to that point for reasons that are a mystery. Sources? BECAUSE HEKONOMI! BECAUSE TOOZE!
—There was a very real threat that the military would stage a coup to stop the Fuhrer from further destroying Germany's economy. For no other reason. Yes. I'm supposed to believe that the military were seasoned economists, deeply concerned with economics, obsessed with economics as the ultimate driver of everything, and extremely knowledgeable about macroeconomics. Despite the fact that the real evidence shows that their understanding of the economy was limited to yelling at the quartermaster where the ammunition they so badly needed was.
—The Allies had been drinking huge amounts of lead paint since 1929 and continued to GIVE AWAY millions of tons of resources and hard currency to Germany in exchange for vague promises that maybe one day they would get paid. From a strictly economistic point of view, it makes absolutely no sense to dedicate yourself to throwing away tons of resources, without obtaining in return any tangible benefit from this action, trying to keep the economy of a country running that clearly has no intention of paying for all that .
—As if that wasn't bad enough, the Nazis were also formidable economists who spent almost a decade running what would become the biggest Ponzi scheme in economic history, completely unnoticed. (Except FDR, of course.) Which resulted in the above situation of "The Allies grab all the idiot balls and give Germany everything it needs to attack them later."
"But at the same time I'm supposed to believe that they were fundamentally stupid and completely incapable of managing anything more complex than the economics of a single-family home."
—All the invasions of Nazi Germany were for the sole purpose of looting resources to keep the economy going. All strategic, ideological, political, and any other non-economic considerations had absolutely no weight in this plan. All the talk about the Lebensraum, revenge for the First World War, etc., would be nothing more than propaganda to disguise their desire for looting.
—Again, the Allies began to drink massive amounts of lead paint and decided not to exploit the advantages this situation offered them.

The problem is that the economistic explanation given to us here openly and absolutely contradicts everything that has been written up to then about the Second World War. To which is offered as a counterargument "well, the other historians were victims of their prejudices and children of their time, in addition to buying the propaganda that the ex-Nazis made about themselves."

So what you get is basically "Everything that has been said so far is a vile lie, this is the real truth, and if you don't accept it it's because you're stupid." Which generates rejection due to the lack of elaboration of the argument.

Something that does not help at all that, in many cases, the fans of Tooze's economic thesis "argue" it as if they were a YouTube booktrailer, without doing more than referring you to the book: "If you want to know the truth, read Wages of Destruction”.

Which is even more absurd because usually at least a summary of what the claim is is included, but in this case it is not.

So what we get is that the so-called "gold standard of economic history of the Third Reich" is treated as if it were a work of fiction subject to the "NO SPOILERS" hysteria we see on Fandom. In addition to the fact that his fandom sounds too similar to the cult of sectarian gurus that we see in many other places.

3) "No one can be that stupid."

Earlier I mentioned how the Nazis are repeatedly portrayed as formidable engineers, even more formidable economists, and generally the height of strength and virility. Of course, this is not universal.

Many other authors have chosen to go to the other extreme and portray the Nazis as people who are obscenely stupid to a ridiculous degree more like a Saturday morning cartoon. Often, moreover, they do so at the same time as they copy and paste Dick's ravings delusions about Nazi superscience.

So what we get is people with technology worthy of Star Trek but actually behaving and acting like illiterate medievals. Which in turn generates rejection for lack of realism because "it is impossible for someone to really be so stupid without causing his own downfall."

Which is made even more absurd by the contradiction involved in portraying people as patently stupid as being at the same time a severe existential threat. A danger that must be contained at any price, as soon as possible, with the most violent means possible... even if the economist's own theses establish that in reality it would be enough to sit and wait for the Third Reich to explode by itself.

As a consequence, this translates into a brutal reversal of the thesis on "the Nazis and science". If before the idea was "Nazi superscience" now the opinion moves to "in reality all Nazi projects were huge white elephants devoid of any value except as resource sinks." Plus some stupid pseudopsychological Freudian talk about how they're trying to make up for something.

Remember Von Braun? He too has suffered this effect. If before the idea was that Nazi science was superscience, now the pendulum is swinging to the opposite extreme. Von Braun is the example I've seen most often, and that's why I'm using it. Apparently now it turns out that Von Braun
1) Actually he just copied Goddard's plans and sold them as his own.
2) he never invented anything useful.
3) He was a liability to NASA rather than a benefit.

The reason I don't mention "made his career by exploiting forced labor to death" is because that's an absolutely legitimate criticism, but it has nothing to do with Von Braun's scientific qualifications (or lack thereof). Which is what I was talking about right now.

An average viewer, perhaps a potential TL author, sees this and is likely to conclude that this over-the-top stupidity is actually just part of the publicity/demonization campaign of Nazi atrocities.
The conclusion ends up being that so much insistence on the stupidity of the Nazis has no basis and is just propaganda.
Something that has had a lot of weight, more than the historical documentation, the fact that historians and writers are too influenced by all these works of fiction where the villains are stupid who prepare their own downfall by themselves as a result of their own Actions. (And Nazis are massive villains in both fact and fiction)

At least that's what I think happened here.
I believe that the answer to this question consists of multiple factors conjoined with each other, whose conjunction is the result that we see here. Among the most important I would highlight these factors:

1) Decades of propaganda about how the Nazis were actually formidable engineers, capable of stunning feats in the fields of science and technology, most especially in the engineering and design of machines of all kinds.

I think the main culprit for this idea is Phillip K. Dick and his mindfucks at TMITHC about how the Nazi government would have translated into Concordes, lunar and Martian colonies, FLYING SAUCERS with zero point energy engines, Atlantropa being fact true, and Germania being built in all its splendor... all BEFORE 1962.

An idea that all the other writers who came after just ran with no matter how ridiculous or baseless they turned out to be. In many cases it was because of the assumption that, as an American author, Phillip K. Dick was assumed to have done his research correctly. And that, therefore, his statements were nothing more than the purest truth.

An author from any other country would undoubtedly have been required to have papers and statistics to support his claims that the Nazis could have done all this. And he would have called his bluff right away, in case he couldn't provide these documents. (Which he would not have been able to).

This idea of "the Nazis as formidable engineers" would also be reinforced by the publicity of operations such as Paperclip and the presence of Von Braun in NASA, to cite the most visible example. (Von Braun is important).
The appearance supports, in theory, Dick's claims that the Nazis were such formidable engineers that the United States and the Soviet Union would not have advanced as quickly without them. This is greatly helped by the fact that many of the projects of the Third Reich suffer from what is called “overengineering”.

There are reasons why the “Nazis were making 1950s weapons to fight a 1930s war” meme is a real thing (while ignoring the corollary that the Allies won with 1940s weapons).

2) The rejection of economism as an explanation.

Economism is defined as "the idea that ALL decisions have, in the first, only, and last instance, purely economic causes." Also adding that “all other non-economic arguments used to justify these decisions, in reality, completely lack weight and relevance. Being only excuses used by the leaders to disguise economic motivations”.

In its application to the study of Nazi Germany, the greatest exponent of this thesis is Tooze, a guy that everyone treats as if he were a God of economics and history for reasons I don't understand.

According to the interpretation that I have obtained from the economistic theory in the case of the Third Reich, it follows that he "operates" in this way:

—NOBODY in the Nazi Party believed a word they were saying, they were just spouting lie after lie to shut people up.
—ALL the ideological, political, social program, etc., were nothing more than excuses to justify economic decisions.
—The German economy was on the brink of exploding in 1938 because the Nazis were screwing it up to that point for reasons that are a mystery. Sources? BECAUSE HEKONOMI! BECAUSE TOOZE!
—There was a very real threat that the military would stage a coup to stop the Fuhrer from further destroying Germany's economy. For no other reason. Yes. I'm supposed to believe that the military were seasoned economists, deeply concerned with economics, obsessed with economics as the ultimate driver of everything, and extremely knowledgeable about macroeconomics. Despite the fact that the real evidence shows that their understanding of the economy was limited to yelling at the quartermaster where the ammunition they so badly needed was.
—The Allies had been drinking huge amounts of lead paint since 1929 and continued to GIVE AWAY millions of tons of resources and hard currency to Germany in exchange for vague promises that maybe one day they would get paid. From a strictly economistic point of view, it makes absolutely no sense to dedicate yourself to throwing away tons of resources, without obtaining in return any tangible benefit from this action, trying to keep the economy of a country running that clearly has no intention of paying for all that .
—As if that wasn't bad enough, the Nazis were also formidable economists who spent almost a decade running what would become the biggest Ponzi scheme in economic history, completely unnoticed. (Except FDR, of course.) Which resulted in the above situation of "The Allies grab all the idiot balls and give Germany everything it needs to attack them later."
"But at the same time I'm supposed to believe that they were fundamentally stupid and completely incapable of managing anything more complex than the economics of a single-family home."
—All the invasions of Nazi Germany were for the sole purpose of looting resources to keep the economy going. All strategic, ideological, political, and any other non-economic considerations had absolutely no weight in this plan. All the talk about the Lebensraum, revenge for the First World War, etc., would be nothing more than propaganda to disguise their desire for looting.
—Again, the Allies began to drink massive amounts of lead paint and decided not to exploit the advantages this situation offered them.

The problem is that the economistic explanation given to us here openly and absolutely contradicts everything that has been written up to then about the Second World War. To which is offered as a counterargument "well, the other historians were victims of their prejudices and children of their time, in addition to buying the propaganda that the ex-Nazis made about themselves."

So what you get is basically "Everything that has been said so far is a vile lie, this is the real truth, and if you don't accept it it's because you're stupid." Which generates rejection due to the lack of elaboration of the argument.

Something that does not help at all that, in many cases, the fans of Tooze's economic thesis "argue" it as if they were a YouTube booktrailer, without doing more than referring you to the book: "If you want to know the truth, read Wages of Destruction”.

Which is even more absurd because usually at least a summary of what the claim is is included, but in this case it is not.

So what we get is that the so-called "gold standard of economic history of the Third Reich" is treated as if it were a work of fiction subject to the "NO SPOILERS" hysteria we see on Fandom. In addition to the fact that his fandom sounds too similar to the cult of sectarian gurus that we see in many other places.

3) "No one can be that stupid."

Earlier I mentioned how the Nazis are repeatedly portrayed as formidable engineers, even more formidable economists, and generally the height of strength and virility. Of course, this is not universal.

Many other authors have chosen to go to the other extreme and portray the Nazis as people who are obscenely stupid to a ridiculous degree more like a Saturday morning cartoon. Often, moreover, they do so at the same time as they copy and paste Dick's ravings delusions about Nazi superscience.

So what we get is people with technology worthy of Star Trek but actually behaving and acting like illiterate medievals. Which in turn generates rejection for lack of realism because "it is impossible for someone to really be so stupid without causing his own downfall."

Which is made even more absurd by the contradiction involved in portraying people as patently stupid as being at the same time a severe existential threat. A danger that must be contained at any price, as soon as possible, with the most violent means possible... even if the economist's own theses establish that in reality it would be enough to sit and wait for the Third Reich to explode by itself.

As a consequence, this translates into a brutal reversal of the thesis on "the Nazis and science". If before the idea was "Nazi superscience" now the opinion moves to "in reality all Nazi projects were huge white elephants devoid of any value except as resource sinks." Plus some stupid pseudopsychological Freudian talk about how they're trying to make up for something.

Remember Von Braun? He too has suffered this effect. If before the idea was that Nazi science was superscience, now the pendulum is swinging to the opposite extreme. Von Braun is the example I've seen most often, and that's why I'm using it. Apparently now it turns out that Von Braun
1) Actually he just copied Goddard's plans and sold them as his own.
2) he never invented anything useful.
3) He was a liability to NASA rather than a benefit.

The reason I don't mention "made his career by exploiting forced labor to death" is because that's an absolutely legitimate criticism, but it has nothing to do with Von Braun's scientific qualifications (or lack thereof). Which is what I was talking about right now.

An average viewer, perhaps a potential TL author, sees this and is likely to conclude that this over-the-top stupidity is actually just part of the publicity/demonization campaign of Nazi atrocities.
The conclusion ends up being that so much insistence on the stupidity of the Nazis has no basis and is just propaganda.
Something that has had a lot of weight, more than the historical documentation, the fact that historians and writers are too influenced by all these works of fiction where the villains are stupid who prepare their own downfall by themselves as a result of their own Actions. (And Nazis are massive villains in both fact and fiction)

At least that's what I think happened here.

There is also the fact that while meticulously researched hard AH (or AH trying to be that without the necessary research) is a thing there is also the "Historical Fanfiction" soft AH.

And in that sub-genre making the Nazis more competent, more successful or even fully victorious comes from the simple want of having more formidable antagonists and the common inclination to ask "what if the bad guys won?"
There is also the fact that while meticulously researched hard AH (or AH trying to be that without the necessary research) is a thing there is also the "Historical Fanfiction" soft AH.

And in that sub-genre making the Nazis more competent, more successful or even fully victorious comes from the simple want of having more formidable antagonists and the common inclination to ask "what if the bad guys won?"
Historical fanfiction?
Historical fanfiction?
Works like The Bridgerton or What Madness Is This. Works that pretends to be historical but that's only a fine coat of paint from another era. It's often noticeable because, among other things, the characters and environment insist on making references to OTL concepts, events, and characters that shouldn't exist there.
Historical fanfiction?

Fanfiction where "the original work" is history.

What arguably all AH falls under, thought in the above post I only used it to refer to the more literary and less "scientific" soft alternate history.

(Maybe you could just call that "historical fiction" but I would prefer to add "fan-" for mainly two reasons. 1: Most TL authors are not published authors (of course some are), and more importantly 2: I would consider "historical fiction" to limit itself to OTL, in AH, just like in Fanfiction we add divergences into the original)
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But it honestly takes me out of the story when it seems like there's not an honest human reaction in sight.
It's why if I ever make a SI I would like them to be someone who is only okay with the whole going back in time thing because they already hated everyone they ever interacted with and maybe just maybe they arent the best person for intentionally erasing everyone that ever existed to fulfill their ambitions
Like seriously, if your SI isnt filled with guilt for doing that they either have some serious empathy issues or underwent severe abuse, both which should be addressed when handling a character
I think it's because it would be considered too depressing, and quite anticlimactic, for the character to spend 20 episodes locked in his room suffering from depression. Even if it's probably what would happen to anyone.
That's me already, I feel so called out
SI's blatantly being the author's wish-fulfilment able to magically wank/screw any bits of history as they please are...dubious.
Yeah, unless you're magically blessed or an utterly genius you're going to screw up and get yourself(and a lot of other people) killed in a terrible way, not create a modern superpower in 300 AD
this would be great in a story, the SI create parliament due to the attachment to democracy, just for the parliament to get in the way of what the SI wants to do. It would be very funny, with the SI trying to withdraw the reform and try to return to an absolutism goverment to be able to do what it thinks is best for the country without interference of others.
Plot twist the SI accidentaly creates a democracy by unintentionally making everyone to join forces against them and create a parliament to make sure nobody will ever follow their footsteps by accumulating that much power

Would also be funny to have a story where people are just so done with the SI's shit that they just ignore them, like dont kill or anything, the military and nobles just refuse to take any orders from them on the justification that they're crazy(and in a way they are!) but wont off them out of respect for who they are
Which is honestly pretty weird when you think about it. Like most Historical Figures aren't universally admired and adored even ones who were well loved in their own time aren't often as well loved today. For example King Henry VIII was one of the most popular Kings to ever sit the English Throne and our dominant image of him is as a psychopathic wife murdering tyrant. Hell even Gandhi is despised by a fair few Indians and his legacy is very controversial over their. No matter how successful the SI is. There is absolutely no way no matter how much of a good job the SI does that he can please everyone.
Like we talked in chat, unless you're your society's Washington(or Hitler) you'll hardly be universally loved/hated by them
It took Alexander and Caesar all that conquering to get that much admiration they got on the ancient world
This get's even worse in my experience with SI's who are inserted as Children where for some odd reason literally every adult including the SI's parents immediately starts taking their advice on state policy and never even think about opposing them. Because as well all know the one thing Kings just love is ambitious young Heirs trying to rule before its their turn.
Would be funny to see a SI getting the exile treatment if nothing else
Never will it ever occur to the King that maybe theirs something a bit off about this weird son of his whose way smarter than 10 year old should be and keeps suggesting these crazy ideas like abolishing Slavery and completely altering the entire framework their society works on
"It's a spawn of Satan, kill it!"
As an aside, but one thing I feel it likely underestimated is how hard it is to actually make a democracy, especially from a position of absolute or near absolute power. I don't even mean cos greedy nobles and the Church will be against it or whatever, I mean more in a functional systemic way. As in, we have seem in real time people with the power of despots try to establish democracies and within a handful of years its a dictatorship again cos the means you use determine the end result more often than not.
Yeah, I myself dont think I could create one personally
Like good luck if you wanna try it, I'd rather decentralize my position as much as possible(quite the contrary of the usual SI getting all the power for themselves) to please my powerbase(and because I'm extremely lazy) in trade for them accepting my technological adventurism and ever-growing gnormous soft power
Cause really whats the point of being a future person in such a position if you are not going to exploit that advantage?
I for one want to be Mecha Santa thank you very much

But in case I werent a future person, like I said in the "if you were a Middle Eastern Dictator" thread I feel its more worth it having system determined by a "meritocratic" education so as to keep the elite happy with still having all their privileges but also giving commoners the opportunity to ascend in the political system
That way you can convince both of these groups that investing in education(even if for all the wrong reasons) serves their interests in order to curtail social stratification by slowly empowering more and more of the population with it
but it felt fair to acknowledge option "Run away to an island and make your own civilization, with blackjack and-" you get the idea.
I love this, someone please write this
A genre of story that relies on the author inserting himself into the mind of a historical figure, usually a powerful political or military leader.
Okay, I must have missed it. Thank you so much; entire conversation is making so much more sense now!!! :)
To be fair, it doesnt need to be the author being inserted into someone
It can be any type of character, be an avatar of the author, someone that exists/existed(say, Napoleon) or a completely original character being sent back in time to shake things up
Like mentioned before, it and ISOT(sending something physically back in time) are the Isekai genre of Alternate History
or even from am interest or moral level cos it just seem disgusting and unpleasant, along with being totally ASB levels of baseless.
I agree they're everything that you've said, but I feel like assuming the nazis could've not done better(not conquer America or even Britain, but lets say destroy Italy or something) kinda undermines the threat they actually posed both militarily(yeah yeah Germany couldnt take over the world, it still was a Great Power that was this close to Moscow and that ate up France) and specially ideologically(see the neonazis that exist till this day)
The Nazis were monsters and let no one else say otherwise, and they surely were crazy, but they werent pathetic buffons that couldnt see the door handle in front of them, saying that is a disservice to those who suffered through their evil
You can't magically fix the Nazi's broken economy, ruinous ideology
Agreed,, but you can magically make them Not-Nazis if you're in ASB
Its amusing because its a subversion of the typical nazi victory scenario
"Oh look Super Germany without genocidal bullshit, so cool"
But yeah, there's just how much you can employ that trope before we have to remind people that Hitler was in fact not australian
What, so they get into power and then abandon everything that GOT them into power?
And they justify it by saying that it is for the good of the country and the people accept it without further ado and continue to support them anyway.

Curiously, this only causes outrage when the Nazis do it. As if defending horrible ideas means that a cosmic law compels them to try to carry them out anyway (even if history keeps repeating that they are compulsive liars who do not believe a word of what they say) .

In the event that another person, of another ideology (especially if the character describes himself as progressive) does that thing of coming to power and proceeding to do whatever he wants (which, of course, has nothing to do with or is diametrically opposed to what people voted him for in the first place)... we're expected to root for this character instead of thinking he's a chump shooting himself in the foot. And is expected people in-universe to continue supporting "their president".
Ya, pretty much any SI into an adult(because baby SIs are a thing) historical figure is someone that is abandoning everything that put them in that place and screwing their powerbase to follow the ideals of someone usually a thousand years into the future
Exception of course for the rare SIs who share the ideal of who they are possessing and have as their sole goal to one up them
Ya, pretty much any SI into an adult(because baby SIs are a thing) historical figure is someone that is abandoning everything that put them in that place and screwing their powerbase to follow the ideals of someone usually a thousand years into the future
Exception of course for the rare SIs who share the ideal of who they are possessing and have as their sole goal to one up them
Which usually receive complaints from the public accusing the author of supporting those ideas just because the character does.

I think of how in "Using the Hammer and Sickle" no one expressed the slightest criticism of the fact that the protagonist was turning everything related to Stalin upside down, as well as altering the entire foreign and domestic policy of the USSR with a stroke of the pen. .

...but as soon as the protagonist expresses criticism of British imperialism, complaints and accusations of ignorance and prejudice begin to rain down on him.