AHC: Have Canada invade the US

With a POD like my NZ/Australia challenge, which is either before WW1 or WW2, somehow have Canada attack the US. Perhaps, SOMEHOW the US becomes a Central Power in this, and so Canada being the closest colony to the US, Britain orders it to attack the US?

PS: Do you guys think Canada would get stomped if tried for SOME reason to attack the US now?
Canada, who have a fine military and all, would get curb stomped by the US military. Now. In 1905, who knows. Canada has a lot of land with very few people. Any invasion of America is gonna be turned around on them pretty fast.
Well there isn't anything to technically per se stop them from trying.

It's just that it will end in Canada's provinces becoming stars on a much bigger US flag and with the United States becoming very nearly energy self-sufficient.
Sheesh...I thought Canada being so hard to take over, by the US in the past, it would cause ALOT of damage before the US subdued it...Also, do you guys think the UK would aid the US in a war with one of its former colonies?
To think that this is just Canada defending herself is the wrong way of thinking. If Canada invaded the US, it would be the initial shock victories, followed by waiting...for the forces of the British Empire to come and help, by which time, any American curbstomping will be removed and replaced with even battling. Maybe have Britain attempt to have Mexico attack the US to divert troops to the south, and you could have a minor victory. A major victory, though, would be impossible, on both sides.
Sheesh...I thought Canada being so hard to take over, by the US in the past, it would cause ALOT of damage before the US subdued it...Also, do you guys think the UK would aid the US in a war with one of its former colonies?

The US will invade Canada, who will receive a few initial shock victories. The Canadians will most likely see the most limited success in Upstate New York, New England, the Dakota's and Montana. Anywhere where there aren't many people. I also don't think the US will subdue Canada. but it will become a defensive War very quickly. Once the British get to the Continent, I don't know how or why the Canadians would invade America btw, but the British troops are going to be fresh reinforcements. But they can only do so much. The Americans have a large pool of fresh troops, who will continue to support the war, considering the Canadians invaded us. The British may tire of the war.
The US will invade Canada, who will receive a few initial shock victories. The Canadians will most likely see the most limited success in Upstate New York, New England, the Dakota's and Montana. Anywhere where there aren't many people.

*Nods in agreement.

Do you think Mexico would somehow end up getting involved in this?
*Nods in agreement.

Do you think Mexico would somehow end up getting involved in this?

Probably not. Mexico would have nothing to gain from the situation. Result 1) America beats Canada and turns their attention on us. Result 2) America loses to Canada and turns their attention on us.
Also British Resupply is not as easy as people have been mentioning. The US Navy will probably go straight for Halifax and Vancouver. Taking two major ports. Plus the US Navy could blockade the Saint Lawrence.
Major civil strife in the USA, possibly a Communist revolution in the 30s, and the Canadians and Brits might occupy the border states and Northeast in the event of a drawn-out conflict. That could lead to a Republic of New England with an enlarged Canada. AWESOME :D
the problem for canada is time the more time america has the stronger it gets and the weaker the british empire gets. If the war takes place before the first world war then canada has a shot at winning as long as they have the support of the entire british empire. Their still going to pay a massive price but they may just win. If it happens during the first world war canada is doomed, the british empire can fight germany or it can fight america it can not do both at the same time and win. If it happens after world war one but before the second world war, well canada loses the empire loses. The great war demolished a lot of the empires power. If it happens at the same time of the second world war, churchill will take one look at hitler and the another at the us put up his hands and say "Um were not with them." After world war 2 canada is just plain doomed.


If the war takes place before the first world war then canada has a shot at winning as long as they have the support of the entire british empire.

I don't think there'd be an actual win even then, not as the thread specifically says "invasion".
More likely an 1815-style "Look, this is getting neither of us anywhere, why don't we just stop, eh?" score-draw.

I actually think Canada stands a better chance of victory today.
They just need to squeeze Shatner back into his Starfleet uniform, and the US don't stand a chance!
(Bit rough on the Mounties, though, who'd be instantly annihilated because of those red tunics).
Canada has been invading the US for years. Advance shocktroops have entered and rise to positions of power in the American Hockey League and in the news bureaus of the major television networks. Hollywood has been a haven of sorts with actors of Canadian descent working behind the scenes.
If we're still debating the WWI scenario, a Canadian invasion of the US would tie up troops that could otherwise be sent to reinforce the BEF in France and Belgium. The Canadians made up a pretty sizable contingent of the British Empire's commitment to Europe, so that might have some bearing on whether or not the British advise the Canadians to invade the US.
If we're still debating the WWI scenario, a Canadian invasion of the US would tie up troops that could otherwise be sent to reinforce the BEF in France and Belgium. The Canadians made up a pretty sizable contingent of the British Empire's commitment to Europe, so that might have some bearing on whether or not the British advise the Canadians to invade the US.

If the ww1 era US manages to hold off Canada, do you think any European countries would try to assist it? I could see perhaps one of the smaller European countries trying to send supplies to the US which will be enraged at this point and would try to INVADE Canada...Only this time, they are gonna get the full industrial might of the USA...