Tri-Partite World Map

What do you think of this map? How can it happen?

Bright day
Eh... Eh... eeeh?
Well it is not that really different from New Roman Empire of mine, but I really need some aliens, preferably bigger caliber than simple bats.


It's not really tripartite; The US and UK are clearly jockeying for position, with Russia as a minor power.

I could explain this if it wasn't for the fact that the US was a monarchy.

Grey Wolf

Hmm, Tsar Nicholas VIII

Ok to get as high a number as 8 you need to change the Romanov succession early enough on - maybe Konstantine instead of Nicholas I, maybe the Nicholas son of Alexander I lives

Grey Wolf
With America, Washington is killed and Arnold and Hamilton make America into an aristocracy taking the electoral college even further making a few large powerful families. The Hegemony is a command economy and an aristocracy where only the 13 great families hold power, with one being chosen as the Imperial House, currently Hamilton.

The British are similiar to 1800s. They are a consitutional monarchy but only upper and middle class men may vote and the parliament seats of continental Europe are few compared to those in Britain itself.

Russia is the equal of either of the other two and a powerful absolute monarchy with strong theological ties.
personally i don't think an outright oligarchy in america would last all that long. with at least thomas jefferson and james madison there would have been more egalitarian movements, maybe a true revolution of 1800. and when thomas jeffersonsteamrolls into office as the next emperor of america...
1714 Stuarts flee to America along with lots of Scotsmen. While the British look for him. they aren't sucessful

1740, with more imigration to America [all those Scots along with some Irish] the war of Jenkins Ear, is more intense leading to the British takeing Florida and Nova Scotia in 1748.

1756 Britian takes Quebec and all French North America.

1772 american revolution, the Bonnie Prince comes out of Hiding becoming a Hero of the War.

1775 war over - Britian has chased France out of India

1782 choas following the end of the war lead to calls for a strong national goverment. The Bonnie Prince is picked as the new Consitutional Monarch

1784 Louis of france calls for a estasted general to raise taxes.

1785 french revolution

1788 the French Dauphin marries the British Princess of Wales- Victoria [POD was 1714]

1792 Napolean Analogue takes over France

1795 Britian takes France's African, Indonesian, Caribean, Claims

1803 Nap Ana conquers Europe, establishishes Empire

1808 Russia Conquers Sweden
1809 US British War US takes British Processions in Caribean

1811 Nap Ana defeated by British /Russian alliance French Dauphian Louis takes throne of French Empire

1812 Mexico Independence includes /viceroy of Panama

1836 US Mexican war US annexs Mexico

1856 Louis son of Louis takes British throne when his mother Victoria dies. this combines the two empires forming the British- Franco empire. Louis who was raised by his Mother as a proper British Gentlemen, Makes London his Capital . in Time the Franco part of the name is dropped in ordinarly use.

1872 Four party war in South America. When everyone is exchasted the US steps in and imposes order. The King of America is proclaimed Emperor of the Americas

1905 China Boxer rebellion Britian annexs China

1918 Great war US, Russia vs Britian, Ottomans, Persia, Britian Loses, US Gains Ottomans Persia, Northest africa. Russia get part of China Persia.
Why is Russia screwed?

Oh and America doesn't start out so aristocratic, it starts with a strong electoral college and central government but slowly turns into this.

Oh its 2004.
America in the arab lands makes no sense unless its some sort of humourus paraody of todays world. Where is the original map of this? It looks good with the squares and stuff, like its off a game.
Some sort of a Britain conquers most of the world then splits between half in Britain and half in America with the Arabs deciding the American ruler is the rightful one?
1918 Great war US, Russia vs Britian, Ottomans, Persia, Britian Loses, US Gains Ottomans Persia, Northest africa. Russia get part of China Persia.

But Russia doesn't have any of Persia.

Nice TL btw.
I really can't see how the British end up ruling Europe. Not without a POD waaay before the American revolution. Angevins manage to hold their empire together, slowly pick up the rest of Europe west of the Orthodox lands? Then the American Empire is a former part of the World-Empire of the Angevins [1]which broke away in rebellion a couple centuries ago: the Middle Eastern territories, ruled over by a Christian elite since their conquest in the Renewed Crusades of the 17th and 18th centuries, declare for the American Emperor. Russia, cold, distant, and Orthodox, had never been conquered by an over-extended Angevin Empire, and by playing off the two giants against each other, the Russians have managed survive long enough to emerge as a third big power at the end of the 20th century, having successfully modernized up to European standards, with the territories west of China alone having a population almost as large as all of Angevin Europe.

[1] Yes, I know I am ripping off Gurps Alternate Earths. Consider it an alternate version of Centrum.