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You could do a poll..

Or, there might be good reason for making Kautsky the figurehead leader, with oversight from a political bureau of the major players (and Rosa as chairperson of the bureau?)
Nice to see this continuing, and things are looking up for Rosa et al.

One note, "council communism" in German is Rätekommunismus, and her party is thus likely to be termed the Rätekommunistische Partei.
Whatever happened to

Leadership of the Council Communist Party • Rätekommunistische Partei • RKP

• Rosa Luxemburg [Party Chairman]
• Leo Jogiches [Co-Vice Chairman]
• Karl Liebknecht [Co-Vice Chairman]
• Klara Zetkin [Director of Coalitions]
• August Thalheimer [Director of Propaganda]
• Fritz Mehring [Director of Union Relations]
• Wilhelm Peck [Vice-Director of Union Relations]
• Ernst Meyer [Director of Finance]
• Paul Levi [Party Secretary]

Kautsky? Kautsky? Kautsky?

Also, if Rosa can spend some time showing Karl Liebknecht he is still a valuable comrade, he might come around. If not...
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Hey readers.
Since this will be the last post until the new board update takes effect, I wanted to pause for a moment and ask for an update from you on how you feel about the TL?

better or worse than the original?
too descriptive or not descriptive enough?

whatever it is, share your thoughts :D
Hey readers.
Since this will be the last post until the new board update takes effect, I wanted to pause for a moment and ask for an update from you on how you feel about the TL?

better or worse than the original?
too descriptive or not descriptive enough?

whatever it is, share your thoughts :D

It is certainly lacking in description, though that is more a flaw of literary alternate-history instead of a "read the TL as a history book". Both have their advantages (scrapbooks TL's allow for a bigger picture but literary TLs' allow for better immersion):)
It is certainly lacking in description, though that is more a flaw of literary alternate-history instead of a "read the TL as a history book". Both have their advantages (scrapbooks TL's allow for a bigger picture but literary TLs' allow for better immersion):)

I'm glad you brought that up actually.
its something I've come to terms with over time I've written this TL as well as the one on Haiti.
In order to keep the writing ball moving I've to sacrifice on description, plus it's so much more fun to write this way. :)
Chapter II (1919) | Part II ( 3rd Congress )
Chapter II: Alliance of Equals

Part II

Time Period: December 16th - January 1st, 1919

On the night of December 16th, with the structure, ideology and leadership of the Council Communist Party (RKP) now set, the meeting was called to a close.
"We stand at the precipice of revolution, comrades. And it will be our party that will be the engine that drives the masses to that end." toasted Karl.
"Let us design a plan to accomplish this goal."

Between December 16th and December 29th the leadership expend their efforts on doing just that.
Spearheaded by the re-united colleagues of Rosa and Karl, the group laid the framework for a Mass Strike that would at once economically paralyze the Ebert's SPD-led government and at the same time coral the working class of Berlin to the communist cause.

"I cannot stress this enough; Presenting the RKP as a vangardist-party will not be a component of this strike! Rather, we must be a symbol; a rallying cry for the workers." said Rosa during a dinner with Karl.
"While I disagree, I place my trust in your wisdom." responded Karl.
The synthesis of ideas between the two of them formed a comprise between their competing opinions.
Thus, while Karl acquiesced to Rosa anti-Bolshevik programme, Rosa acquiesced to Karl insistence on hastened insurrection against the established order.
On December 18th, after some negotiation, each of the union alliances forged by the Leo Jogiches agreed to prompt their members to join in the planned Mass Strike with the understanding that its success would mean the creation of an economic order more favorable to their structure.
"If we are successful, there will be structural changes imposed upon the traditional trade unionist system. But what comes after will be an order that will favors the disenfranchised; providing direct political representation to each and everyone of them," said Leo during an underground rally.
The workers that had joined the party, while agreeing with Leo's presentments, each also had their own grievances with SPD rule. The Emergency Relief programme promised by the Ebert's cabinet had yet to come to fruition leaving the poor of Berlin starving for basic necessities.
Moreover, news of the merger between the two communist faction also prompted Fritz Kater and Fritz Koster to re-approach the RKP with a second alliance proposal. When word leaked of the planned Mass Strike, they did so with great earnest.
"Trade unions still serve as the backbone of organized working class resistance, not only in Germany but across Europe. I implore you to not alienate those who still support that arrangement for the sake of ideological zealotry. The workers are starving in the streets; the factories remained shuttered; we wish to join your crusade but letus do so in good faith" said Koster during a meeting between Karl and Rosa.
"Promise to support the trade unions and our men are yours to command."
Rosa tacitly agreed.

With everything set, on December 30th, a leadership meeting was held to present the Mass Strike plan to the party as well as to discuss the implementation plan of the RKP - Ten Point Program once successful.

3rd Party Congress

"Revolution is upon us comrades; And here is our plan of action!"

Luxemburgist Plan

Mass Strike & Aftermath
January 1st, 1919
1) March on the Reichstag

• At 6:00AM, 250 members of the aligned-Locomotive Drivers union will garrison and barricade themselves within the main Berlin train terminus and shut down transport into and out of the city.

• Simultaneously, Leo Jogiches and 15 handpicked RKP members armed with weapons will hit the police barracks and seize it in the name of the party. No blood is to spilled unless the local units fire first.

• At 6:15AM, Karl Liebknecht will march on the Reichsbank of Berlin with 50 party members and surround the building with orders to not storm it until called to do from Rosa.

• At 6:30AM, once panic has begun to spread throughout the city, Rosa and 500 members, including the rest of the leadership, will march on Reichstag via the central promenade.

2) Declaration of a Worker's Republic

• Rosa and the leaders will publicly announce surrender terms to both Friedrich Ebert and Hugo Hasse, and upon their acceptance, declare the collapse of the bourgeois German Republic and birth of a Worker's Republic. If they do not comply, Rosa will issue an arrest ultimatum to both leaders.

3) National call to German Workers

• With the Worker's Republic declared an national call to all workers of German to join them in their revolution will be issued with offers of immediate political recognition being extended to any spontaneous worker's councils that crop up via peaceful insurrection.

4) Implementation of RKP Programme

• With resistance to the regime quelled with the least amount of violence necessary, the process of worker councilization will commence along side the implementation of our Ten Point Programee.

"Our slogan will be Peace & Democracy," said Rosa to the party leaders.
"Peace & Democracy," they each echoed in response.

After spending an additional hour go over the specifics of the of each moving part, the insurrectionist scheme was set.
Knowning full and well that some of their comrades in attendance that night may not survive the coming days, Klara stood up and toasted each of the for their courage.

"If blood must be split, let it be for the working class!" she said as raised a glass in the air.
To Revolution!” Leo responded.
To Revolution!” they all echoed.

The dye had been cast.
After an additional day of preparation, the morning of January 1st arrived.

The Locomotive Workers stormed the Train Terminal

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