The Horde of the Lord: A History of Asiatic Judaism

Part I: Out of the Wilderness
Chapter I (Part II)

Note: All text in this passage translated to OTL modern English. All fault for the terrible Bible-imitating prose is mine.

From “The Canterbury Compendium of English Words and Phrases, Edition 493”

BURKHAN (Noun, vernacular): 1. A location of great significance to an individual’s life, i.e. “His Burkhan is in the French countryside” 2. A sudden revelation, usually of a spiritual nature, i.e. “He had a Burkhan a few years ago and became a Christian.” Origin: Mongolian loan word. From “Burkhan Khaldun”, the mountain at which Chingiz Khan was born and had his famous revelation...

From “The Works of the Conquerors” by Anonymous, Compiled Late 13th Century on Order of Shlomo Melech Khan

AND so it was that in the spring of his seventeenth year Temujin came to the base of the holy mountain that is called Burqan Haldun, and his family and people came behind; and on that night they slept at the base of the mountain.

And it so happened that as they slumbered there came a mighty fog as had not been seen in the land for many years, so that if a man stretched out his arm he could not see the end of it. And through this fog came the men of the tribe that is known as the Merkits. They were raiders and plunderers, rapits and thieves. And they came upon the people of Temujin as they slept, so that the whole camp was quickly overwhelmed, and the people therein were scattered in all directions.

And Temujin gathered his mother, and his ally Jelme, and Jelme’s family. And though the fog in the direction of the mountain they saw a shimmering light like that of a candle. And they followed it, and it led them away.

So Temujin and those about him followed the light up the mountain, until they were near the peak. And then a voice called out, saying “He who is named Temujin shall ascend to the top of the mountain; any others who follow him will surely die.” And so Temujin left his family and Jelme and his family behind and ascended to the top of the mountain. And the fog cleared and the sky was made clear; and at the top of the mountain there stood two men, and from behind them shone a light so powerful that Temujin was made to look away.

And then one of the men said, “Do you not know enough to kneel in the presence of the LORD?” And Temujin remembered the words of Jochebed the Slave, and he knew that the men were his andas Moses and Abraham, and that behind them lay the apparition of the LORD. And so he fell to his knees and looked to the ground.

And then Temujin spoke, saying “Why is it that you have revealed yourself to me?” And the spirit of Moses said, “Listen,

“The Covenant promised by the LORD to the First People has failed. They scurry around the nations of the world homeless, powerless, and timid, forgetting all the words and laws of the LORD. The City of God and the Land of Israel are the domains of fat kings of barbarians worshipping bauble idols. From one Great Sea to the other, all of the nations of the world have forgotten the LORD, and this is grievous in His sight.”

And Temujin said, “All this and more I know, yet I am a humble warrior surrounded by heathens and heretics. I have not the words or the will to carry the words of the LORD.”

Then Abraham spoke, saying “As with the First People before you, the Mongol have found favor in the sight of the LORD. If you shall consecrate a pact with the LORD, and your sons and daughters keep it, then they shall multiply across the world, and all men shall know them as their masters. This is no choice; you have been chosen.”

And Temujin said, “I doubt myself; yet I shall carry forth the words of the Lord as best I am able.”

And then the LORD God spoke with a voice of thunder that rolled down the mountain, saying “I am YHW*, God Almighty. In the days before I made the world; in the times of the ancients I delivered the mighty prophets unto Israel. From this day forth the Mongol shall be my sole vessels upon the Earth. I shall give you and your sons victory everlasting, but only so long as battle is fought. This is your mission-to carry My Will and My Word to every nation that you find, to thrown down every heathen king and despoil every idol, until every nation knows My name, and all men keep the Sabbath. Do you understand?”

Temujin said, “I do. I will keep this mission until you took me unto you, or until I am cut down by an enemy.”

Then Abraham said, “Arise, for you are Temujin no longer. You are Genghis Khan, as is apt, for between the two seas there will be no place that does not know your glory, or the glory of your offspring.”

And then Genghis Khan descended back into the breaking fog. And he found his party again, and he still was possessed by the flame of the LORD; so he spoke to them, and he made them believe, and there were three there to hear the Revealed word. They were Hoe-lun, the mother of Temujin; Jelme, the loyal friend provided by Toghrul, or the Ong Khan; and Jelme’s brother, the one then called Subotai. And they were the first to hear the Revealed Word after Genghis Khan himself.

And then they went back down the mountain to the camp. The Merkit had vanished and the Borjigh had returned, and they found that few had been killed, and little food and cloth had been taken. But then it was discovered that Borte of the Onggirat, the beloved wife of Genghis Khan, had been stolen away. And the rage of Genghis Khan was a sight to behold, and he swore to the Highest Heaven that the Merkit would be the first to taste the fury of the LORD…


Jewish Genghis Khan makes a frightening amount of sense; after all, didn't he basically say in OTL "I am the Scourge of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you"?
Jewish Genghis Khan makes a frightening amount of sense; after all, didn't he basically say in OTL "I am the Scourge of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you"?

It certainly does seem kind of odd. Not to mention Temujin's personal focus on Burkhan Kaldun (which was absolutely perfect for the conversion story), the fact that he lived with a tribe with an Abrahamic religion, and the almost quasi-partly monotheistic bent Tengrism took int he latter years of its existence (though, as said, ITTL future historians will make Tengrism more Jewish, as OTL historians made the Norse pantheon more Christian).
A curious story. I normally don't pay attention to the plausible WI (I like to spend more of it in the ASB section), but this looks to good to pass up. Subscribed.


The Ashkenazim are pretty much set up to be shafted in this scenario, but they don't have to come off as badly as they do in Tarr's story.

I would say they could come rather well off in fact. While Jewish Mongols would be a threat to Christian World and make Christians more hostile to Jews, there are also elements the other way. The Ashkenazim will be a useful middleman in trade with the Mongols, especially as they are already a trading minority in the western part of Euroasian plains. So we could see them spread out in as urban minority from Kiev to Beijing, especially as the Mongols have eradicated the traditional urban population of the Euroasian plains. In fact they may adopt farming in some parts of depopulated Central Asia and establish their own -stan.

A few questions though:

- Will we see the Jewish Mongols overtime expand into India, Indochina, one or two Japanese islands, much of Arabia (apart from maybe Al-Yamamah / Nejd), Egypt (up to Cyrenaica), eastern Balkans and Anatolia (up to the walls of Constantinople)?

- Will there still be a succession dispute that will divide the Empire as in the OTL or will we see a Jewish descendant of Genghis Khan who still heads the Empire somehow battle against say Vlad of the Impaler at some point?

- Will we see some sort of temporary Christian-Muslim / Crusader-Jihadist alliance against the Jewish Mongols or a situation where either the Christians or Muslims attempt to court the Mongols into siding with one of them at the expense of the other?

- Will Asiatic Judaism be influenced by de-sinified Chinese Philosophical systems and other religions within the Empire, in a manner similar to how Greek thought / rationalism eventually became a part of Jewish philosophy?

- Also, how would a Jewish Mongol Empire impact the Spice Trade compared to the OTL?
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I guess I owe it to you all to give you a status update:

Not good, unfortunately. I've been pretty busy with school lately (and college stuff is coming up; yeergh), and that combined with the traditional flaw of Gosing TLs (lack of pre-planning and research) has more or less driven my work on this to a standstill. But don't worry; all is not lost! I still love this idea-its interesting, semi-plausible and has a lot of room for massive butterflies-and I'm in the process of ordering a few books on the Mongols to brush up on my knowledge of the period and area. Don't expect the reboot to begin until summer-but it will come, maybe even sooner than that.

That's all for now.