Robertson '88


So basically, Robertson's behavior is going to keep voters away from the Republican party for at least a generation, and the Republicans will respond by gradually pushing the religious right out of the party.

I love how your framing device is a lazy guy haphazardly trying to finish his assignment at the last minute. I am that guy on several occasions.

I can't wait for more.
So basically, Robertson's behavior is going to keep voters away from the Republican party for at least a generation, and the Republicans will respond by gradually pushing the religious right out of the party.

I love how your framing device is a lazy guy haphazardly trying to finish his assignment at the last minute. I am that guy on several occasions.

I can't wait for more.

Don't forget Jane, who actually gives a damn despite politicial history not being her strongest subject(or one she's passionate about) and is trying her hardest to ensure both she and her boyfriend don't flunk.
Chapter 6: The Cycle Repeats, Doesn't It?

“Of course I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. I’ve believed in it since the time you took that position when you ran in 1970 as a U.S. Senate candidate. Roe v. Wade has been the law for over 15 years now and we should sustain and support it, no matter what Mr. Robertson says in Alaska. We cannot and should not throw away sensible policies to appeal to those…people.”

- Future 45th President Mitt Romney during a private chat to his mother, Lenore Romney, after Robertson’s August 8th rally


From the laptop of Jane Woodman, last accessed on September 29th, 11:25 AM:

Research Paper/Presentation Notes:

Reasons why Pat Robertson was able to capture the Republican nomination for President in 1988:

VI.The GOP by 1988 was quickly becoming the party of preference for social conservative-religious voters. Why? Certain Supreme Court rulings including Roe v. Wade(abortion)and Engel v. Vitale (banning school mandated prayer) already enraging social conservatives and with the increased alienation of social conservatives, especially in the South and rural areas, from the Democrats the Republican Party was seen as a viable alternative in the late '70s. While they did support Democrat Jimmy Carter for President in 1976, the winds were shifting against him with this bloc by the end of his term. Religious social conservatives were tired of him and his defense of what they viewed as "godless liberalism run amok"; "the decay of the family"; "devious homosexual agenda"; and founded advocacy groups like Christian Voice and the later(and more successful) Moral Majority who advocated for many political positions they felt were either under siege by modernity or were being outright ignored. They also worked with Reagan, who by his 1980 campaign was directly appealing to them and sought out their votes, thus bringing religiously motivated social conservatives into the Republican fold and were likely responsible for contributing to both of Reagan's dramatic landslide victories.

Perhaps it was inevitable a charismatic figure, from this bloc, like a televangelist who used mass media to spread his religious message throughout the nation, thought he could succeed Reagan in 1988. In fact, I'd argue that Reagan appealing to this bloc of voters was one reason why a figure like Robertson was able to rise to prominence within the Republican Party. Why not complete Reagan's work in the social sphere with a true believer?

Of course, one faction gaining control of an entire big tent party's nomination for president(and the entire party) would be inconceivable despite Robertson's considerable influence within the party and the Moral Majority's successes during the Reagan administration. Robertson had many rivals who could offer quite the challenge for the nomination in the primary, including popular Vice-President Bush - who was seen as Reagan's natural successor if he decided to run for office when Reagan stepped down - and establishment figures that had years of experience and connections, bases of support to draw upon and seasoned staffs even Robertson's enthusiastic volunteers and followers around the country couldn't hope to match up with in a serious clash. Yet life is stranger than any piece of fiction. His best shot at being the one to succeed Reagan happened in part thanks to the series of strange, ill-timed, almost providential deaths within the GOP ranks that not only denuded the party of its top talent heading into 1988, but also turned the by-then complacent social conservative voting bloc in the GOP into a seething cauldron of furor and activity at the prospect of electing one of their own as many of them believed the deaths were going to trigger a prophesied period of trial, tribulation and end times in America, one that only Pat Robertson was uniquely qualified to handle. Pat Robertson played up such sentiments and in return, these socially/religiously conservative voters came out and came out in force - helping him swamp the browbeaten remnants of the establishment GOP which hadn't chosen a side or defected to Robertson post-deaths....


From: Mark Biggs <> Sent at 11:15 AM 10/1/2014
To: Read at 11:46 AM 10/1/2014
Subject: Game on!

dude! i saw the link detailing the new DLP for Neddard Stark Lives! in "Protect and Survive"(what a great title! no one can churn out quality like the boys at square!) I gotta play as Robin Stark's Fray Guardsmen Olivar for the first time ever!...we better be there at 1201 tomorrow and download it as soon as it comes out! yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking, "won't Jane find out like she did when the last DLP came out?" and the answer is "no" or as you would say "mark is playing oppa style"?(hard to tell sometimes with you bro, no offense). She won't know, or ever find out. ive stopped playing games during the day when she's around, remember? hid the NPSIII too in a place where she won't look whenever she comes over. you know im also putting actual effort into this stupid assignment that failed actor(and wannabe assistant professor) janey seems to give a shit about - the research ive done should cover my ass. dont worry, ive got this! no accidental wrong emails sent this time! anyway, shes coming over so we can go on a date to West 25th! see ya around dude!


"Why would I want to vote for Al Gore over Pat Robertson? Can't any of y'all see why Pastor Pat's needed? Weren't, uh, the deaths a while ago enough of a sign from God himself that he's tired of the way we've behavin'? I know what I plan on doing November 8th: I'm voting for Pat Robertson so he can save our nation from the sinners who helped kill the vice president and those poor senators, and that governor of yours. Lemme ask you something: why aren't you voting for Pat Robertson?"

- taken from a very heated phone exchange between a Democratic pollster phone operator and a Pat Robertson supporter, July 17th, 1988.


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"Once I get into office, we're repealing Roe v Wade. Right off the bat. I don't care what the feminists and their allies say. The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians. We won't let that happen, will we?! Do you choose life and sexuality as God intended or a culture of death and homosexuality?! Will you stand with me?"

- Part of Pat Robertson's infamous "Feminists are witches" speech from his August 7th rally in Juneau, Alaska.