Photos from The Thousand Week Reich

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Might I please ask if there have been any illustrations of troops from the US-sponsored Russian Republic? (I’ve been trying to puzzle out exactly what combination of Soviet Surplus & US supplies might define this particular faction and it’s been quite an amusing exercise - for one thing, would they wear US derived insignia on Russian should boards? Or US combat uniforms with Soviet helmets?).

Okinawan national guard resting in iwo jima after training, 2018



United States Holocaust Memorial in Washington, D.C. The memorial contains all recorded victims and atrocities the German Reich committed in Europe. Highlights include the victims, namely the Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, and the LGBTQ+ community.

U.S. Merchant Marine ships arrived in the Arctic Circle region of the Soviet Union to supply the Red Army with arms and food for their continuing struggle against the Reich, 1951.
images - 2022-06-16T233342.481.jpeg

(Unfortunately i forgot who is the artist so forgive me)
A leaked concept of the announced remake of the 2006 hit game Brat (made by Kaluga Games which is now Rockstar Vladivostok) which was set in the russian republic during the 90s that follows the story of Ivan Reznov who is a member of the vladivostok russian mafia who after a deal went wrong got entangled in between a rival family in novisibirsk,a corrupt police commisioner in irkutsk and a crooked businessman. The game was an instant hit both in russia and beyond as it combines many aspect from popular games such as gta and max payne while also incorporating element from games such as the yakuza series and mafia the city of lost heaven, the game received a sequel in 2012 after Kaluga was bought by Rockstar which was also praised and feature more location even going to places outside of russia (Mongolia,Chongqing and San Fransisco), a third game is reportedly being produced and set to be released in 2023.
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Anti-Reich propaganda poster distributed by the Atlantic Union. Even if some of these countries no longer existed by the 1960s, their flags were included to inspire rebellion against the Reich in occupied territories.

The British Embassy in Washington, D.C. celebrating an important milestone of trans-Atlantic diplomatic and defense relations with the United States.
A russian republican family enjoying leisure time, circa 1983.

During the period of economic stability in the late 70s,80s and 90s luxury items started to become more readily available in the republic as many middle income family have the capability to buy more of these things especially during the peak of the economic prosperity in the 80s as goods such as TVs and radios started to appear in more russian household.

During these times russian television also started to develop with show such ostap bender (live action comedy),gena the crocodile (stop motion animation) and treasure island (fully animated cartoon) started to air not mention the influx of foreign shows such as popular japanese cops show,british sitcom and american crime drama also appeared in russian television and some russian show are also broadcasted overseas with the afformentioned ostap bender,gena the crocodile and treasure island being shown in america and japan. (This even has an impact in america as show like gena and treasure island become cherished memories for those who have watched it in the early 2000s on cartoon networks while ostap bender became one of television greatest character)
Good to know Trump/Pence still get elected here
I was looking for a modern-day photo of anti-Nazi protest since in TWR, it has a similar premise to Anglo-American Nazi War where the Germans initiate Generalplan OST. I didn't notice that sign in the background. It was not my intention to drag current pol into this.
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