Map Thread XIII

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Canadian backed rebellions in 1964? Is that canon? I thought that was around the time the book was set wasn't it?

Its not really spoken about, but I used the Canada color to show any democratic/Anti Reich rebellion, support for these rebellions isn't officially Canadian, but I imagine Canadian citizens are the main source of funding/supplies for them anyway.

What are those little pockets in the midwest/northeast between US and Canadian territory?

Radiation from the Reich civil war, the massive area was a special dirty bomb designed to spread radiation.
You have my unadulterated attention. Please, good sir, tell us more!

Edit: My brains has the dumb. Was looking at the previous page.
Flag/Map combo of the island of Borneo circa 1989 from my TL.

OK, a new commission for Mumby. The notes will be on a separate sheet from the map proper: Mumby wants to print the map out and I don't want it shrunken down by the area for notes.

The world of Fallout! Well, almost. It’s 2091, some 14 years after the bombs flew in the canon TL, and the world is still largely non-destroyed. What gives?
The basic situation is similar – a more conservative US has done its darnedest to stay in the 1950s, the Cold War never really ended (although China took the place of the USSR as Leading Red Menace as the latter relatively declined and turned isolationist), atom-punk technology is widespread, and the global economy has cratered as a result of incompetent handling of global climate change and declines in raw material stocks, most particularly oil.

In this near-parallel timeline, Soviet scientists developed an effective fusion power cell in 2055 more than a decade earlier than in the baseline scenario, and the Soviet Premier of the time, worried about the increasing energy and raw materials crisis worldwide, decided to share the technology with other nations in hopes of stabilizing the international situation.

Various knock-on effects have flowed from this. With less desperation about gaining oil sources, China and the US have not gone to war over control over Alaska, the US has not annexed Canada to secure its access to Alaska (although Canada has still been reduced essentially to a puppet), and various nasty experiments in Extreme Technology haven’t pushed forward quite so fast by the Chinese and US governments. The US is even selling a little of the oil from its experimental super-deep ocean well tp the Chinese, now that fusion has made US energy needs a little less critical.

On the other hand, fusion power by itself hasn’t been enough to solve all the world’s problems. Other vital resources are in short supply, climate change greatly compounds an already very difficult situation, and the European-Middle East war, which had already been under way in 2052, dragged on to its disastrous conclusion, leading to the collapse of the European Community. Much of the world is run by various “governments of emergency”, while oil shortages and lack of access to advanced nuclear and fusion tech means much of the Third World is operating on largely 19th century levels. And a switch over from a fossil fuel (supplemented by fission) infrastructure to a fusion one has been slow and difficult; only in the decade after 2067 did the US power grid become majority fusion-powered (although, rather representatively of this world’s priorities, the first luxury fusion-cell powered car came on the US market in 2060).

(This world has an odd blind spot when it comes to wind and solar and some other renewable, but it may be explainable in terms of alternate physics making solar panels less practical or simply the even greater power of conservative corporate regimes).

Fusion, robotics, new forms of artificial intelligence, biological engineering: the technology exists to create a true post-scarcity society, but will Politics As Usual and the accumulated weight of past errors bring things to a point of collapse before this new future can bloom? Early development of cheap fusion has given the world some critical extra time, but it remains unclear if this will be enough.

The long-isolationist Soviets are struggling to find a new path in this changing world. The Soviet leadership, after the crisis of the early 2000s in which the Soviet empire nearly broke up (and some of the western bits of the Warsaw Pact peeled off), faced a choice between collapse if things went on as they had been going on, fundamental reform, or withdrawal from active competition with the US. It took the third choice, forged the remnants of the Warsaw Pact into a closer union, and largely dropped out of the International Big Dude contest, leaving the stage to China and the US, returning (in the words of its leadership) to “Communism in one country.” Largely technocratic rather than Communist nowadays, regime survival have been the watchwords for the 21st century: it’s a rather grey and grim sort of place, but at least nobody is starving, and while private radios are a death sentence, one has to work pretty hard at it to get sent to the gulag nowadays. However, the collapse of the European Commonwealth has left it with a crumbling western frontier that offers opportunities – and perhaps unavoidable risks – while the apocalyptical final rounds of the of the War for Oil has send ripples which in spite of all censorship and border security, seemed to have reached as far as its central Asian provinces…

The European Commonwealth broke up into squabbling bits after the war with the middle East ended with the EC gaining bupkis. Economic collapse brought to power a pretty totalitarian regime in France, the efforts of which to grain new raw materials and resources in _Europe_ did not work out very well. Germany is divided into an authoritarian but semi-democratic regime in the north, an essentially neo-Nazi regime in the south, and a weirdo, not very widely recognized technocratic regime In Saxony, while the best that can be said for northern Italy is that there are _fewer_ Governments of National Salvation than before. By and large, even the better off parts of Europe are currently looking rather Latin American Junta nowadays.

The UK has disengaged from the continent and is leaning on the few remnants of its old empire for support (the Brits were rather more successful in maintaining the Commonwealth as a genuine political power block than in our timeline, but there has been a slow erosion). It’s a US ally, but mostly due to fear of China: the Canada thing really rankles. Democratic France hangs on in the overseas territories (France, too, incorporated more of its overseas territories directly into the Mteropole than in our world), but its rapidly becoming an African-dominated affair (vs the alternate option of becoming a pro-Chinese and French person-free affair).

Outside of British and French bits, the European effort to help keep afloat through ruthless neocolonial exploitation of African resources is over with Europe as a major power center: the US and China carry on with their own projects, though. Will Africa ever control its own destiny? The Science Dictatorship of Liberia, founded as a private venture by US blacks to stabilize said country, and then expanding way beyond its original ambitions, is one possible model: the Grand Jihad expanding in the wake of collapse of authority and functional economies in the Sahel region is another.

The Middle Eastern powers managed to deliver in the later stages of the war some 20-odd crude, first-generation nukes to Europe, by missile, by boat, by crate of weed. The European response was perhaps a trifle disproportionate: the area between Morocco and Pakistan remains a disaster area thirty years on, although outside the lawless Sahel most of the area has recoalesced into more-or-less functioning states.

India has weathered the nastiness of the 21st century without collapsing, perhaps thanks to the Hindu belief that this life is just compensating for bad Karma. The current Very Hindu (but not Hindu-nationalist in the Our Timeline sense) government is pursuing an ongoing project for creating a Minimalist Society capable of living comfortably but lightly in a harsh future: yoga and ancient Hindu mind-control seems a part of this, and there are confusing reports of telepathic and psychic powers. The Chinese and US Deep Governments don’t take this too seriously: one gets telepathy through gross genetic manipulation, not squatting and chanting. It is true that India of late seems to be getting more impenetrable to foreign intelligence…

China is quite totalitarian if pragmatic, a still theoretically Marxist society whose leaders having had some success in a program of creating a true planned society through the use of computers and AI (indeed, the more powerful Chinese AIs have been of late been developing some agendas of their own, unknown to the Central Committee), although having a US more authoritarian, rigid and big-corporation dominated than OTL has helped them in their ongoing completion. The population is enormous (there was no one-child policy) and it is only thanks to China’s high level biotech work that they aren’t starving. Unlike the USSR, China remains an active overseas interventionist, and supports Marxist or just pro-Chinese regimes and movements world wide. Current US internal difficulties are seen by many as a golden opportunity for expansion of Chinese influence, starting with a very annoying offshore island: others fear the possibility of overextension and the risks of pushing the US too far.

The US is currently in a state of turmoil, and its empire of allies, puppets and dependencies in Asia and Latin America is undergoing fierce unrest as the center of power seems increasingly paralyzed. Ultimately the Enclave, the secret alliance of scientists, military, industrial and political leaders which existed to maintain their own survival in the face of an expected atomic war couldn’t keep all of its dirty laundry hidden. Starting with the discovery by uninformed army officers of their facilities where advanced genetic manipulation took place on human subjects and human brains were made mere information processors for robot bodies (the mass escape of super mutants into Central Florida was _really_ hard to cover up), the Conspiracy has begun to unravel, first slowly then at explosive speed as several Enclave members decided to throw their allies to the dogs to secure their own position, and powerful politicians outside the Enclave’s “magical circle” (usually because of their failure to grasp the expendability of most of the US, and world, population [1]) have seized the opportunity to go after a lot of people whose smell they haven’t liked for a long time.

Actual civil war has not yet broken out, but much of the US is now under the banner of the “new nullification movement”, which refuses to accept the legitimacy of Washington’s orders until a genuinely free and independent investigative body is given the authority to dig out the sordid truth about such things as the “experimental shelters”, the “super-soldier program”, and the notorious “starship project” (apparently abandoned when space telescopic studies confirmed that the nearest habitable planet was over a thousand years away at current travel time projections). The Enclave, who knows that a full accounting will leave many of them facing the disintegration chamber or at least jail time, are blocking and denying and doing their best to blacken the reputation of their opponents, while making preparations for more violent measures if baffling the US public with bullshit fails to do the trick. Whether democracy will survive (some cynics prefer the term “return”), or even the Union itself, is currently in some doubt.

Certain elements in the Enclave are making preparations for evacuation to the secret Moon Base if the worst comes to the worst.

Scientists working at UC Berkley have successfully nullified gravity on a small scale. The planets and their resources await – if the human race makes it through the current uncertainty.

Deep in space, the Zetans observe. Their experimental manipulations of human society through surreptitious technology transfer (the Zetans, to whom individuals are no more important than skin cells, are amused by continued human assumptions as to the crash-prone nature of their ships) have yielded much valuable data, but some feel that it is time to wrap things up and reduce humanity to a level where it will be less likely to make a nuisance of itself: an atomic war should be easy to trigger at this point. Others disagree: human creativity is a valuable resource. After all, a species which has created the Giddyup Buttercup has tremendous potential. Of course, control is necessary, but the current unstable situation has considerable potential for the expansion of their covert on Earth influence: it will be possible to maneuver many Implanted humans in positions of power, and their secret bases can be expanded under the cover of supposedly “official” authority. (They haven’t been dissecting all those human brains for fun, after all). And then there is the possibility of Elder technology on Earth, which will be a lot easier to track down with human cooperation.

A consensus will probably be reached soon.

And the notes.


1. Poseidon Energy Deep Water Oil Extraction Rig (the world’s only known remaining large oil field, and a secret base for the Enclave).
2. Arm-twisted by the US into departing from the Melbourne Pact, its resources exploited by US megacorps (albeit with the local cooperation of Canadian *Harperites), Canada is now truly America’s hat.
3. The US government is shocked, shocked that the inhabitants of the Self-Administering dependencies” (relaxation of military rule, or stealth annexation) should be some ungrateful as to riot against US control.
4. Of course, with the US turning inwards, many Mexicans feel now is the time to strike for national liberation.
5. Mutants on the rampage.
6. After the Integralists took over and France overseas refused to join, the US took over the French colonies in the Caribbean “until the situation resolves itself”, which is a polite way of saying “until hell freezes over”.
7. Which is also about when the US will depart from the Canal Zone.
8. Starving, angry peasants
9. The Amazon Clearcut is only part of the area where the Brazilian government feels it necessary to maintain Special Emergency Administration.
10. And
11. Tit for tat rebellion support
12. The new Potato Blight is widely blamed on US bioweapons: famine is expected next year if the Chinese can’t spare enough food aid.
13. Gloomy predictions of chaos as US troops begin to return home from the Chilean Blighted Zone.
14. Uruguay taken over by Argentina “to prevent pro-Chinese coup”: some call this questionable, but Argentina’s US ally doesn’t care.
15. When Antarctic claims started to turn into actual territorial exploitation, the Soviets didn’t allow their lack of a recognized claim prevent them from participating: they simply squatted in the “international” area until they became possessors through sheer inertia.
16. The border strips are supposedly still international, but they’re really more Melbourne Pact/USA
17. Given to Argentina to get them to shut up and stop making absurd claims.
18. Remaining Norwegian Antarctica: US strong-armed then into selling the rest a while ago, before they went neo-fascist
19. US also has some “joint development” zones with Australia.
20. Fortunately, Huge Pools of Oil remain elusive, or else China would be much grouchier than it is about being too late to the party.
21. On the other hand, nobody will be happy if anyone is unlucky enough to drill into this buried city.
22. Integralist warship laid claim to this chunk of rock and ice, nobody cared to object.
23. On the other hand, this bit of Free France is under Melbourne Pact protection since nobody wants the French Integralists in Antarctica.
24. The _wealthy_ bit of Denmark.
25. With the collapse of the European Commonwealth, have moved into the US orbit.
26. The Second French Revolution is well underway: as yet the revolutionary government has not received international recognition, although that may well soon change.
27. The Spanish junta continues to struggle to suppress the “lost territories” it re-conquered, even as anarchy spreads in the drought-ravaged south.
28. The Saxon Technocracy is actually on pretty good terms with Hamburg-Germany nowadays.
29. Of late, crazy reports of “zombies” have emerged from the contaminated region where the French invasion of the Rhinelands came to a disastrous (for both sides) stop.
30. After the neo-Fascists seized control of Vienna, the Soviets carried out their threat of sending in the troops: the south German neo-fascists (which had ignored Soviet warnings as they supported extremist groups in Austria) are now screaming about aggression and claiming deadly “secret weapons.”
31. The Czech Republic (neutralized after the Soviet crisis of the early 2000s) is seeing a chaotic uprising in the south as a result of food shortages and collapses of services in rural areas.
32. Norway suffering from severe neo-neo-Nazi unrest (feel the government isn’t nearly radical enough)
33. In dealing with the difficult economic situation of recent decades, Sweden has become almost alarmingly collectivist while still remaining (mostly) democratic
34. Surprisingly still not Finlandized.
35. The ceasefire between the (currently three) “national salvation” regimes in the north is holding, although those wacky Florentines still reject the legitimacy of any Italian government save their own.
36. Back to goats and clan warfare (all those bunkers are a good place to put your goats at night).
37. “Free Greece” (military dictatorship).
38. The Socialists may have officially won the civil war in Morocco, but the Party of God is far from out of action. (Morocco managed to stay out of the European/Middle East war only for revolution to break out, partly because people thought the government had been a bunch of cowards for not aiding their Islamic Bretheren).
39. The French held onto a chunk of coastal Algeria as a Pied Noire Homeland, which had expanded substantially as a result of the Resource War and its aftermath.
40. Coastal Egypt and Cyrenaica are ruled by the (secular) remnant of the Egyptian military. (Secular Arab nationalism did better in the world, until the war).
41. “Autonomous Zones” sounds better than “we’re too weak to effectively rule most of our country.”
42. When Mauritania was still a country, it rented desert space to a chemical and atomic waste disposal corporation: with the collapse of central authority, NIMBY Inc. has greatly expanded its operations.
43. Few recognize the Tuareg Free state, but then there is no legitimate authority in the Saharan Anarchy Zone.
44. Another nasty basic-staple blight: in this case suspected of being a Chinese weapon, aimed at protecting its regional allies from the Jihad.
45. Growing tension between Americans who feel they created this state and locals who feel exploited, in spite of similarities of skin color: an old story repeats itself, perhaps.
46. Taken under the US wing thanks to its oil, locals begin to wonder if they might have made a deal with the devil.
47. The USSR’s one remaining African ally, old-school Stalinists with their own nukes and more secret police than you can shake a stick at.
48. Occupied “to end ethnic slaughter” by the Congolese in the 2020s, in the 2050s “voted to join the glorious Congolese Republic” with a reported 99% “yes” vote.
49. Didn’t do very well the last two times the Ethiopians occupied Somali territory, but the third time’s the charm, right?
50. Doing surprisingly well, considering.
51. French Integralist effort to get in on the Madagascar civil war stalled out at “ridiculous” level when most troops called home to deal with their own revolution.
52. The Malagasy Liberation Front has already been recognized as the official Madagascar government by several nations, but the Free French are being stubborn, much to British annoyance.
53. People’s Socialist Union of South Africa: trying to get Angola to join in.
54. Really stubborn Boers.
55. A “colored” and Indian state, mostly.
56. After the Tel Aviv nuclear bombing of 2053, Israel has become mostly Arab-free and mostly underground: only the cost has prevented Israel from becoming a full-blown Vault society.
57. The Holy Cities (ruled by the Hashemites of what used to be Jordan before the mass Palestinian expulsions) are under the protection of Turkey, which while mostly secular again nowadays doesn’t want any of the loonier post-war groups taking over.
58. Buried Elder technology the Zetans would give their collective left flegnab gland for.
59. Mostly camels.
60. Having existed for millennia, a little nuclear bombing isn’t going to blot out Iran.
61. The first rumblings of a distant landslide? Time will tell.
62. A brilliant experimental new power source – not.
63. The People’s Republic of Greater Pakistan has survived by ruthless management of limited resources and imposed birth control: things have settled down a bit after the Pathans were largely exterminated.
64. The Indians gave Kashmir its independence without giving it to Pakistan (which pisses off the Pakistanis) and kept the Hindu and Buddhist majority areas (which pisses off the Kashmiris)
65. China was a wee bit careless in its techniques for storing all sorts of toxic waste in the Taklamkan desert.
66. Thinking of maybe starting a non-aligned movement or something.
67. Running out of standing room, Maldive inhabitants being evacuated to India
68. Increasing loss of farmland to salty sea water is driving a local panic, manifest in an apocalyptic Islamicist movement that claims the end of the world is just around the corner.
69. First pulled out of orbit weakening USSR, then swallowed whole.
70. US actually declared war on North Vietnam: atomic “line of death” stopped Chinese forces.
71. Violent unrest in South Vietnam? Must be Tuesday.
72. Japan never did as well economically after WWII, the US economy being more protectionist: when signs appeared that Japan was falling prey to the evil of Neutralism, Steps were taken by the US government. One of the results of said steps are the savage “heirs of Mishima” revolutionaries.
73. Sort of like a US Commonwealth, only without that pesky political representation thing.
74. Malaya left the Commonwealth and Melbourne Pact as a result of British participation in the war vs. the Middle East.
75. Australia, unlike Canada, has succeeded in retaining enough independence as a US ally to also remain part of the Melbourne Pact
76. Not that it’s not having trouble: the drying up of the continent is leading large regions of​
the interior to essentially drop off the radar.
So who inhabited this rather different new world before the Europeans showed up? Standard Amerindians? Neanderthals? Magical ponies?

The Children of Earth.png

You pretty much inspired me to make a future climate post-apoc map based on the one you had.

There is no backstory or timeline leading up to this map, but I will say if you live in New Zealand, Republic of Patagonia, Canada, or Scandinavia you would probably be living a good life and be in harmony with adaption with the new climate.

Personally I would relocate to Canada since it would basically become a bio-region and agricultural sector and a superpower.

The Children of Earth.png
View attachment 267911

You pretty much inspired me to make a future climate post-apoc map based on the one you had.

There is no backstory or timeline leading up to this map, but I will say if you live in New Zealand, Republic of Patagonia, Canada, or Scandinavia you would probably be living a good life and be in harmony with adaption with the new climate.

Personally I would relocate to Canada since it would basically become a bio-region and agricultural sector and a superpower.

And yes I know the sea level rising on this map is unrealistic, but deal with it.
So who inhabited this rather different new world before the Europeans showed up? Standard Amerindians? Neanderthals? Magical ponies?

Being an EU4 Random New World? Standard Amerindians, unless he got a fantasy scenario. Then it could be inhabited by anything from super-advanced Amerindians to lost Templars.


Any tips on how to improve my world continents? How can i make it more interesting?
I'm no geologist so this may be off but it seems that your continents came from one supercontinent based off the 200 million years earlier map, much like Pangaea. If that's the case, one thing that might make them look a bit more natural is if they correspond more directly to one another in shape (like how South America's Atlantic Coast fits strangely well into Africa's OTL)
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