Map Thread III

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The Hapsburg Peshawar Lancers!? :eek::cool:
That's what I was inspired by.
Of course, in this, since that was the conclusion to the Scenario, the destruction is more complete. The bombardment by meteors and rock fragments from the comet's trail lasts for weeks. Not the mention the radiation left over from the impacts of such deep-space objects.
By the end of Week One, 78% of humanity, some 71% of the land biota, and 62% of the marine biota are wiped out. By the end of Week Two, 96% of humanity is dead, 89% of the land biota, and 88% of the marine biota are killed. By the end of Month One, 200 humans isolated on Iceland are left, 2% of the terrestrial biota are alive, and 5% of marine life survives. The humans living on Iceland descend into cannibalism, murder, and by the end of the week, they're all dead. Earth is repopulated by the animals that lived long before mankind came and went.

What? I like closure in my stories. :D

Does that mean Franz III was the Anti-Christ?!?!?!
Not enough people left to speculate about that when the event's over. :D
That's what I was inspired by.
Of course, in this, since that was the conclusion to the Scenario, the destruction is more complete. The bombardment by meteors and rock fragments from the comet's trail lasts for weeks. Not the mention the radiation left over from the impacts of such deep-space objects.
By the end of Week One, 78% of humanity, some 71% of the land biota, and 62% of the marine biota are wiped out. By the end of Week Two, 96% of humanity is dead, 89% of the land biota, and 88% of the marine biota are killed. By the end of Month One, 200 humans isolated on Iceland are left, 2% of the terrestrial biota are alive, and 5% of marine life survives. The humans living on Iceland descend into cannibalism, murder, and by the end of the week, they're all dead. Earth is repopulated by the animals that lived long before mankind came and went.

What? I like closure in my stories. :D


Nice. Although the destruction is really, really complete -- I'd figure we're talking about an ecosystem-buster per day for three weeks to get that kind of a kill rate.



Nice. Although the destruction is really, really complete -- I'd figure we're talking about an ecosystem-buster per day for three weeks to get that kind of a kill rate.
I was thinking along the lines of many, many more smaller ones. Somewhat less damage done by each individual meteor in the shower, but over time, they collectively deal out the destruction of the human race.
Additionally, as people see these big rocks crashing down and blowing up in the horizon, they flee to the cities which, by chance, are struck by big clumps of meteors, and wipe out huge numbers that way.
I was thinking along the lines of many, many more smaller ones. Somewhat less damage done by each individual meteor in the shower, but over time, they collectively deal out the destruction of the human race.
Additionally, as people see these big rocks crashing down and blowing up in the horizon, they flee to the cities which, by chance, are struck by big clumps of meteors, and wipe out huge numbers that way.

Somehow I think I'd flee away from the cities. :p


Well, people are going to be panicking, not in their right state of mind. They're see meteors hitting ground away from the city, automatically think, "Well, they're not hitting the city, let's get inside the walls. It's the closest!" as a gut reaction, and well...shit happens. People in general are stupid, easily frightened animals, and in the right (or wrong) situation, that could lead to humanity's downfall.
Well, people are going to be panicking, not in their right state of mind. They're see meteors hitting ground away from the city, automatically think, "Well, they're not hitting the city, let's get inside the walls. It's the closest!" as a gut reaction, and well...shit happens. People in general are stupid, easily frightened animals, and in the right (or wrong) situation, that could lead to humanity's downfall.

OK, hey, it's your timeline. (And more than I've ever done :eek:)

Ah well, even arguing over planetbusters drags us ever closer to Map Thread IV!
I originally posted this map in the ASB Map Thread, but as it hasn't got much response, I'll try it here. The map is a fantasy, partly clichéd map of an alternate colonial North America.

Fantasy North America.jpg
I originally posted this map in the ASB Map Thread, but as it hasn't got much response, I'll try it here. The map is a fantasy, partly clichéd map of an alternate colonial North America.

Interesting that California still as the same name even when the Chinese are colonizing it.

Also, if "Sina" is the name of TTL China (you stole my idea ;)) wouldn't it be "Sinese" and not "Sinician?"

Nice map though.
Interesting that California still as the same name even when the Chinese are colonizing it.

Also, if "Sina" is the name of TTL China (you stole my idea ;)) wouldn't it be "Sinese" and not "Sinician?"

Nice map though.

Perhaps the Spanish had it first, and then the Chinese bought it.

Or Siniz is the name of a guy who started his own country there.
British Russia :eek:
And not only that - British company-controlled Russia :eek::eek:
Lovely :D Would like to see a world map of that world.
WWZ map. (Never even read the book, but I saw the thread... :rolleyes:)

It's an okay book. But I have a hard time finding anything political other then the U.S.A. has seccured California, Israel escaped, Cuba is an economic powerhouse, and a few other bits of information.
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