Keynes' Cruisers

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I think I need a few days to write up Bismarck.

Crete is 99% written.

and the lead up to Barbarossa is 70% written. But then I'll need a break as I have US-UK figured out through mid-1942 and need to figure out USSR to that same point before I start writing Barbarossa.
@fester take your time as long as you do a great job, just hope the battle between Bismarck and HMS Hood would have some butterflies at least.
The biggest difference is Prince of Wales is fully worked up. She was never bombed at Merseyside on August 8, 1940 and the lower invasion scare allowed for no diversion of her workforce.
Fully worked up and previously deployed on raider hunts. She is as close to 100% combat ready as a warship will be after trials and a few months of normal operations.

That could well make a gigantic difference in the fight with Bismarck...
Might not save Hood, but Bismarck wont get out of the Denmark Straight without a lot more damage that she actually received. Still if Hood does survive she gets her long overdue refit.
May 13, 1941 border of occupied France and Vichy France

The train stopped. A dozen border guards looked through the papers of everyone on the passenger car. The young woman with mousy brown hair tightly pulled back into a bun handed the inquisitor her papers. He asked her questions. She replied straightforwardly and with as little hesitation or defiance as possible. She had gone to see her grandmother in Paris as her health was failing and now she was heading back to Marseilles.

At the end of the car there was a ruckus. A Jew had all of his papers in order but he was not properly obsequious to the guards. First one and then another took their truncheons and slammed them into the man’s kidneys. As he bent over a knee went up into his face. No one on the car did much besides re-assemble their papers. No one wanted to come to the attention of the authorities on either side of the Demarcation Line for an action that would have no effect. Thirty minutes later, the broken man had been dragged off the train car and the train slowly crept over the border.

The first scent of the approaching Holocaust. Jesus wept.
Story 0589

May 17, 1941 Corpus Christi Texas

Four Wildcats clawed for altitude as a pair of three fighter vics initiated the fight. The four Wildcat split into two pairs, and began to turn into their attackers, each stubby fighter twisting wildly, skidding and sliding across the sky trying to catch their opponent in their gun cameras for a steady second or two.

The past few weeks had been constant flying for the Devil Dogs. Twenty four brand new Wildcats had been delivered to the squadron on the first day it officially stood up. Thirty five pilots were putting the powerful fighter through their paces as they became familiar with the Grumman product.

The pilots who had flown the Buffalo liked the additional power and the much heavier armament but the Grumman product was a far heavier plane than the Brewster so it was not quite as nimble. The experienced pilots were adjusting to the new bird. The nuggets did not know better, so they were making their dumb mistakes as they pushed the fighters to the edges of their envelopes. One rookie was in the base hospital after he bailed out of his plane that he had pushed into a flat spin.
story 0591
May 19, 1941 2300 Scapa Flow

The anchorage was almost empty. A few cruisers with engine troubles were being frantically worked on before being ready for screening duties. A pair of destroyers were still refueling from the oil tank farm but the anchorage was effectively empty. It had been full that morning.

By nightfall the cruisers, the eyes of the fleet were already taking positions to reinforce the sentries covering both the Denmark Strait and the gap between Iceland and the Faroes. Two major hunting groups also left. King George V along with Rodney would cover the Iceland-Faroes gap while Prince of Wales and Hood were steaming towards the southern exit of the Denmark Strait. Victorious and Furious, each with a single fighter squadron and two reinforced torpedo bomber squadrons aboard, were accompanied by Repulse. The carriers would be available to reinforce either battleship group once land based air or cruisers located the Germans. A fair fight was the last intention of Admiral Tovey.

Far to the south, Ark Royal, Renown and a coterie of cruisers were leaving the protected anchorage of Gibraltar. The two R-class battleships along with Barham hung ever tighter to the critical convoys that they were covering across the North Atlantic.

The hunt for the Bismarck had started.
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The hunt for the Bismarck has begun--sink the Bismarck!!!

And the invasion of Crete is also soon (that's not going to turn out like the Germans wanted, methinks)...
I really hope the Butterflies are in a good mood and Hood makes it yes with damage but not a dammed great explosion and the country need some sort of win moral is the key to victory basically I'm asking that you please do not sink Hood.

One thing that would be really cool it HMS Hood sitting next to HMS Belfast on the river Thames one hell of a monument to the UKs past and indeed the Royal Navy's
Story 590 (retro-fit)

May 19, 1941 1503 Kattegat

The Swedish cruiser Gotland was outnumbered and outgunned. Her own protection was her flag. Half a dozen large German warships had disappeared over the horizon. She would stay on station for another three hours until she had to turn back to port. The radio was already active reporting the movement of major units back to fleet headquarters at Stockholm.

The Royal Navy observer looked at his notebook and compared his notes to the ship's log. They fundamentally agreed. He would be the first person off the gangplank as he would dash to the nearest pay phone to call the embassy.
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