Hilarious Ways For Hitler to Die

While walking around Budapest, Hitler accidentally walks right into a tough-looking man. The next thing he knows, a knee drives through his groin and into his intestines. He collapses to the ground, writhing in agony, slowly dying from his internal injuries while watching the stranger pummel his bodyguards.

After wiping his bloody hand on an SS jacket, Imi Lichtenfeld takes one last look at the Führer before disappearing into the night.
While sitting in the living room of his mountain house, Hitler is talking to Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler and Hermann Göring. Hitler then tells a joke, Himmler and Göring don't find it funny, so Goebbels decides he has to laugh to please his Fuhrer.

Göring, sees this pathetic act as hilarious and bursts out laughing spraying his spirit drink all over Hitler, who then steps back hear to the fire place and is set a light due to the flammable alcohol on his clothing, burning to a pulp.
Hitler is captured by the Soviets alive, put in a cage, and paraded through Moscow alive as trash and rubble is thrown at him until he is suffocated.
Leaps onto a table during the Bier Hall Putsch to rally his "troops", slips in a puddle of beer, lands on his neck (breaking it) and accidentally shooting Ludendorff through the head while doing so.
Hitler is hosting a party and is greeting his guests by the door who over time pile their coats in his arms until he is covered by them and he suffocates to death.
After completing his first beer hall speech as a member of the Nazi party, an ecstatic and joyful Hitler is hit with a bout of dull headaches. Seeking to find the cause, he goes to a local doctor
for a checkup.
After some tests, several stage 4 malignant tumors are found growing inside his eyes tissue.

After one day...Hitler is dismissed from the party

After one week..Hitler goes completely blind

After one month..Hitler dies penniless in the Vienna homeless shelter of his youth
After an RAF ploy tricking the Luftwaffe into believing they're beaten, Hitler gives the go ahead for Sealion. So confident is he in the plan that he decides to embark in the first wave.
Cue ambush.

Or he could be touring the front when Bagration happens.
After riding through Berlin in his open touring car which he stands in to greet crowds. The car suddenly speeds up, hits the breaks, and Hitler flies out into the crowd at the impact.
While flying away from his one and only visit to Paris, Hitler, on a impulse, demands a low flight over Paris... where the pilot promply smacks into the Eifel tower. :cool:
Hitler attacks a beehive, dresses up as a moose during hunting season, while trying to remove toast from a toaster with a fork while on a hommade airplane which is about to land on railway tracks while the Dora guns trains are about to hit.

And yes I've played dumb ways to Die
Maybe has already been mentioned:

Göring Works has invested in a massive new coal mine. Hitler is present when the site is opened and accidentally slips and falls into the pit.

PS. To get bonus points he graps Göring to regain balance and they both fall in
PPS. Any suggestions for his last Words that can be heard echoing when he falls?