Game WI: Reboot the Myst series to make it more consistent from the get-go

I'm not necessarily interested in a scenario where Cyan Worlds reboots the series themselves, or some developer partnered with them will do the same. I'm just interested in how you'd do a reboot of the original series, a few years after its official conclusion in 2005.

I think this series would deserve a good reboot, as the setting itself and the accompanying lore is actually really interesting, with its multiverse-hopping, many different science fantasy trappings and emphasis on mostly non-violent storytelling. What bugs me about the series is how it got cobbled together over time in OTL. It went through a lot of constant retcons and clunky additions in its later years, and that spoils the enjoyment. Another thing that's problematic about the games is that they pioneered certain adventure game elements that got old really fast and the installments of the series thus became antiquated really fast. Finally, another weakness of the OTL series is that it often struggled (especially in early installments) on how to balance emphasis on gameplay and emphasis on storytelling. One notable flaw IMHO is that it goes far too often for the overly cryptic, elliptical route to storytelling, making the storylines loose momentum after a while unless you're a very patient player. I often had the impression that the developers were never entirely sure whether they're doing too much handholding for the player or far too little (and clearly, they often erred by going too far into the latter direction).

So, how would one go about rebooting the series for a new generation of PC gamers ? Preferrably while keeping some principal characters (Atrus, his relatives, Katran, etc.) and events (the origins of the D'ni, how they wound up in our dimension/TL/"age", etc.) intact and doing the multiverse exploration angle justice ?
Hmmmm. Well for starters there's no adventure game market by 2008ish. A decade earlier or a few years later, sure, but any reboot is filled with risk.

Like sure if someone wanted to make Myst the FPS puzzle shooter they'd make tons of money (think Bioshock), especially if it was slower paced (think Call of Duty 4 and reverse their choices). But Myst Reborn or whatever the adventure game is DOA in the market at that time.

So what do you want? Because we can have spectacular failure of adventure game (hopefully they don't need a publisher for the cash) or like wildly successful Bioshock clone or something in-between.

Obviously much of it depends on the brothers, since IIRC they control the IP.
A good point, but I'm not saying "reboot it in the 2000s" or "reboot it now". Just write down ideas for how to handle the narrative and gameplay parts of the reboot. Then we'll consider the marketing side (preferrably in a closer-to-the-present timeframe).

Though now it would be more realistic, thanks to market diversification and the Internet. Competing with "AAA" shooters or whatnot is obviously not a viable or sane strategy, you've got to go for the appropriate niches.

And yes, Cyan has kept the license and they've remained an independent studio since their founding.

What I'm primarily interested in now is how to avoid the pitfall of the original series, with all the aforementioned lore retcons, uneven storytelling/narrative quality and progression, etc. Instead, have a well-defined universe (multiverse ?) and a well-defined starting cast and situations from the very beginning. Start the first game of the reboot from there and then logically build upon the content and story of that first installment. With the benefit of hindsight, one could reintroduce major setting elements and characters without the uneven way they entered (and departed) the series in its original run. Make the exposition less elliptical, so that a player will always be learning about the setting as he/she goes along exploring and solving puzzles, instead of just being quickly told a minor disjointed detail or hint (narrative or puzzle-related) and left clueless on what's going on and what to do next.
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