AHC: Ottomans Defeated 1915


[QUOTE Also, it was Kitchener who ordered the landings, and Kitchener who selected Hamilton as the man to command the operations, so at this point, things passed out of Churchill's hands, and he therein cannot be blamed for any real part of the tragedy that followed.[/QUOTE]

Besides his actual guilt or degree of control of Naval Operations, the press, Naval commanders and survivors Gallipoli held him responsible.
Churchill was one of the proponents of the idea, as First Lord of the Admiralty had the political responsibility for failure and that obviously was used by his enemies in the Royal Navy and political
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Being held responsible is not the same as being responsible. Yes, he was responsible for the loss of those pre-dreadnoughts, but not the quarter-million deaths that resulted from the landings, those are Kitchener's fault.
Here's where I got the first bits of info, and it does indeed seem that Chunuk Bair was a major issue at the time.

This is fascinating. So, if Kemal is killed shortly beforehand say, that means:
*the Allies hold Chunuk Bair, meaning...
*the August Offensive (aka the Battle of Sari Bair) is a success for the Allies, meaning...
*the Dardenelles fall, meaning...
*the Ottomans are knocked out of the war by year's end.

Does everyone agree with this chain of events?