Cold War after WW2 w/o American Intervention

So the question has been asked quite consistently about what if America stayed neutral in WW2 but still gave Lend-Lease to the Allies and the response seems to be the Allies would've won the War in Europe (East Asia/Pacific too). My question is this : Without American Intervention, how far do the Soviets get as Germany collapses and from that Europe and a potentially stronger USSR, what does the Cold War look like? How much worse is the Red Scare? What will be the politics of the UK and USA going forward? Questions like these have been burning my mind and I would like to see what the thought process would be.
So the question has been asked quite consistently about what if America stayed neutral in WW2 but still gave Lend-Lease to the Allies and the response seems to be the Allies would've won the War in Europe (East Asia/Pacific too). My question is this : Without American Intervention, how far do the Soviets get as Germany collapses and from that Europe and a potentially stronger USSR, what does the Cold War look like? How much worse is the Red Scare? What will be the politics of the UK and USA going forward? Questions like these have been burning my mind and I would like to see what the thought process would be.
Difficult to see the URSS stronger, no american direct intervention mean just the commonwealth and the UK so we can not only decide what campaign we can butterfly away, Italy or D-Day but also the bombing campaign campaign will be diminished all that mean more resources for the estern front and while in the end the URSS can win, well it will be in a much worse state than OTL