cold war

  1. South Africa WI: the United Party returns to power in 1961?

    After their (frankly ridiculous) loss in the 1948 election, the United Party of South Africa would never again regain its former prominence. Instead, the number of seats it held in parliament shrank further and further as the years went by, while the National Party consolidated its grip on power...
  2. Onedotman

    Republican Spain in WW2 and the Cold War

    Suppose that the Republicans won the Spanish Civil War. After the Fall of France, Germany is most likely to invade Spain, since no way they would tolerate a socialist country right next to the Vichy. Now there are two scenarios at hand: one is that the Nazis successfully take over Spain and...
  3. The Red Millennium (What if the Soviet Union won the Cold War?) (WIP)

    The Red Millennium is an alternate timeline that explores a world where the Soviet Union won the Cold War through a tumultuous Trotskyist approach and the failure of American unity and lack of American economic stimulation. The United States collapses into various socialist states and the Texan...
  4. TheDoofusUser

    Cold War after WW2 w/o American Intervention

    So the question has been asked quite consistently about what if America stayed neutral in WW2 but still gave Lend-Lease to the Allies and the response seems to be the Allies would've won the War in Europe (East Asia/Pacific too). My question is this : Without American Intervention, how far do...
  5. Brky2020

    Protect and Survive: The Last Game, February 19, 1984
    Threadmarks: Introduction, part 1

    --this is ABC News, with continuing coverage of the war. I'm Tom Jarriel, from New York. It's 7:58 p.m. on the East Coast, 4:58 on the West Coast. There is plenty of news related to the war which we will return to shortly, but we did want to note that the sports world here in the U.S. has...
  6. Could the US have a strong Communist Party as the opposition?

    This question was inspired by the PCI in Italy where it was constantly the second-largest party in the country and all the other parties would sometimes enter grand coalitions solely to prevent the PCI from taking power. What I was wondering was, with a POD that still results in a Cold War of...
  7. A Tale of Two Eagles
    Threadmarks: 1946: The Ashes of Victory

    1946: The Ashes of Victory “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” - Charles Dickens The Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan At last, the shooting had finally stopped. The corridors and hallways of the emperor’s residence had been defiled with bullet holes, rubble, small fires, and...
  8. Born to Run:A Robert F Kennedy 1964 timeline

    Coming very soon! What if LBJ stepped aside for Bobby Kennedy to follow in his brothers footsteps in 1964?
  9. What if the Polish occupation zone in West Germany remained and was established as an independent polish republic in the heartland of Germany?

    The Polish occupation zone in Germany was a military occupation area, under the administration of the Polish government-in-exile, located within the British Occupation Zone of the Allied-occupied Germany, that existed from 19 May 1945 to 10 September 1948. It was established from the territory...
  10. TheDoofusUser

    Side Effects of a Longer Lived Stalin with this scenario in mind

    So I'm planning to write a TL where the PoD is simply FDR picks Richard Russell Jr. over Truman, Wallace, and Byrnes as his VP in 1944 due to all the early benefits of Russell being on the ticket (Deep Southerner (from Georgia), well connected, relatively pro-Labor, pro-New Deal, Conservative...
  11. Historyman 14

    John F. Kennedy assassinated...during his second term?

    More of a thought experiment, but what if JFK is never gunned down in Dallas, lives and wins the 1964 United States presidential election, only to be instead kill in say 1967 in a manner that mirrors his OTL death. So...what next? Would LBJ be President, or would Lyndon B. Johnson been...
  12. Service Rifle Evolution of a KMT-ruled China (PODs: Mao and Zhou were killed in 1935, National Revolutionary Army captured Manchuria in late 1946)

    1) Hanyang Type 88 rifle Produced from 1888 to 1944 In front-line service from 1888 to 1949 In service as a ceremonial rifle 2) Chiang Kai Shek rifle / Type 24 rifle Produced from 1935 to 1955 In front-line service from 1935 to 1959 In service as a ceremonial rifle 3) FN-49 rifle / Type 39...
  13. CountofDooku

    Soviet Union and Russian Federation

    Having this idea for a couple of months now, could a Soviet Union that is only missing the Russian SSR turned Russian Federation continue to exist? OTL the last remaining member state was Kazahkstan, but what if more stayed part of the SU? I know that could be tricky as soon as Belaus and...
  14. Interesting WI for post-1945 Scandinavia

    There are many TL of the Cold War period for other European countries, but for Denmark, Norway and Sweden, they do not seem to have received much attention. Apart from occupation by the Soviet Union in World War III, and the near improbability of a communist and military coup, What events could...
  15. Plausible alternate borders in Europe post-WW2?

    Asking for a map I am probably going to make sometime in the future, what are some plausible alternate border settlements in Europe after WW2 given the OTL war? There can be changes as far back as Yalta and other wartime agreements about the state of Europe post-war, but assume that the war goes...
  16. What if Edgar Whitehead's United Party won South Rhodesian election of 1962 and thereafter?

    What if Edgar Whitehead's United Party won South Rhodesian election of 1962 and thereafter? It favoured continuation of the Federation in some form, together with moves towards multiracialism and gradual progress to majority rule What would happen next? Was it really possible to place a...
  17. the Imperium of Canada

    WI/AHC: Communist China in a Nazi-American Cold War

    Obviously very implausible but so is basically every Nazi Victory scenario, so... Let's just say that for whatever reason the Nazis are much MUCH more successful during Barbarossa, with Leningrad, Moscow, and Stalingrad falling by 1943 and from they are the war drags on into a horrific...
  18. Alt Timeline: China the Superpower (Chinese Armor)

    In this timeline, the ROC won the Chinese Civil War, and then annexed back East Turkestan. This version of the ROC controls all of Mainland China (excluding Macau that is to be returned in 1980 and HK that is to be returned in 1997), Taiwan, and the Diaoyu Islands except for Western and Central...
  19. Worker coops own economies after eastern bloc falls

    After the fall of the Eastern Bloc their socialist economies privatised. In Russia, Ukraine and Belarus the industries were given to the former nomenklatura who previously administered them. This severely hampered their productivity and led to economy decline. The POD is that the fall of the...
  20. BigBoy88

    =Eternal National Glory, - A cyberpunk-themed Timeline and Taiwan's Invasion of the Mainland=
    Threadmarks: Introduction - October 1960

    Eternal National Glory Kein Ende in Sicht für den Nationalstaat Guójiā róngyù yǒng wú zhǐjìng - 国家荣誉永无止境 Kokka no meiyo wa kesshite owaru koto wanai – 国家の名誉は決して終わることはない Великая нация продолжает свой долговременный путь For as long as man has been on this earth, change has been a constant...