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A Song Was Heard In China

A TL created by Tony, where the 1989 standoff on Tiananmen goes differently.


In TTL, Wan Li did not go to Canada as in OTL, while the health of Deng deteriorated rapidly. Following Deng's hospitalization, Li Peng tried to seize power by illegally declaring martial law. Deng would die in early June due to a sudden heart attack, and the Li Peng regime would try to cover it up. However, leading military personnels like President Yang Shangkun, Yang Baibing, General Zhang Aiping, Defense Minister Qin Jiwei, Lieutanent Generals Xu Qinshen and Liang Jianglie had doubts about the whereabouts of Deng, and refused to obey the Committee to Enforce the Martial Law. After air strikes on peaceful protesters in Chengdu, the Sichuan provincial government declared independence from Beijing. Before the PLA could crush it, regional governors began to voice their opposition towards the illegitimate regime in Beijing. Deng Pufang, son of Deng Xiaoping made a secret recording to bash the Li Peng regime tor covering up his father's death, leading to the PLA turning their guns against Li Peng. Li Peng was arrested, while regionalism would continue to affect the effectiveness of the central government. In the National People's Congress vote, Tianjin leader Li Ruihian was elected Premier of the State Council, but he decided to break with the Communist Party to form his own Social Democratic Party to push for a federalist constitution that gives the provinces more power. An ad hoc election of the National People's Congress was to be held in February 1990.


Foreign Minister Uno was forced to resign after the Shanghai-based World Economic Herald exposed his OTL sex scandal, but for he could run for the LDP presidency. Following Prime Minister Takeshita's resignation, former Acting PM Masayoshi Ito reluctantly accepted the top slot given that every frontrunner has fallen. Prime Minister Ito would delay the institution of the consumption tax, and would cancel the tax on money being put in postal accounts. Prime Minister Ito would also push forward political reform. While it would ultimately succeed, Prime Minister Ito would be challenged by Defense Director Shintaro Ishihara for thr LDP presidency, which he survived but by a surprisingly nwrrow margin. His government would be defeated after failing to push forward a new law to grant “foreign” permanent residents who are not Japanese citizens the right to vote in local elections. Ito would die during the election campaign. Chief Cabinet Secretary Ichiro Ozawa is as of March 1990, Acting Prime Minister of Japan.

Read it here.

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