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Presidents of the United States

No. President Took Office Left Office Party Home State Vice President
44 Barack Obama January 20th, 2009 January 20th, 2013 Democratic Illinois Joe Biden
45 Mitt Romney January 20th, 2013 January 20th, 2017 Republican Massachusetts Bobby Jindal
46 Kirsten Gillibrand January 20th, 2017 January 20th, 2025 Democratic New York Keith Ellison January 20th, 2017-September 19th, 2019
Vacant September 19th, 2019-October 20th, 2019
Cory Booker October 20th, 2019-January 20th, 2025
47 Julián Castro January 20th, 2025 January 20th, 2029 Democratic Texas Tim Ryan
48 Marco Rubio January 20th, 2029 January 20th, 2037 Republican Florida Adam Kinzinger
49 Alexander Boone January 20th, 2037 January 20th, 2045 Democratic Virginia Ryan Kirkpatrick
50 Ryan Kirkpatrick January 20th, 2045 January 20th, 2053 Democratic Illinois Antonin Solis
51 Drew Cheong January 20th, 2053 December 28th, 2056 Republican Oregon Whitney Sinclair
52 Whitney Sinclair December 28th, 2056 January 20th, 2061 Republican California Vacant December 28th, 2056-January 20th, 2056
Ike Davis January 20th 2057-January 20th, 2061
53 Malia Obama January 20th, 2061 January 20th, 2069 Democratic Illinois Jeff Clinton-Mezvinsky
54 Norse Cavalier January 20th, 2069 August 7th, 2072 Republican California Maria Gomez
55 Maria Gomez August 7th, 2072 January 20th, 2081 Independent August 7th, 2072-September 1st, 2072 Republican September 1st, 2072- New York Vacant August 7th, 2072-September 6th, 2072
Harold Faysal September 6th, 2072-January 20th, 2081


44. Barack H. Obama (D-IL) January 20th, 2009-January 20th, 2013 [1]

45. Willard Mitt Romney (R-MA) January 20th, 2013-January 20th, 2017 [2]

46. Kirsten E. Gillibrand (D-NY) January 20th, 2017-January 20th, 2025 [3]

47. Julián Castro (D-TX) January 20th, 2025-January 20th, 2029 [4]

48. Marco A. Rubio (R-FL) January 20th, 2029-January 20th, 2037

49. Alexander R. Boone (D-VA) January 20th, 2037-January 20th, 2045

50. Ryan P. Kirkpatrick (D-IL) January 20th, 2045-January 20th, 2053 [5]

51. Andrew L. “Drew” Cheong (R-OR) January 20th, 2053-December 28th, 2056 [6]

52. Whitney A. Sinclair (R-CA) December 28th, 2056-January 20th, 2061 [7]

53. Malia A. Obama (D-IL) January 20th, 2061-January 20th, 2069 [8]

54. Norse P. Cavalier (R-CA) Janaury 20th, 2069-August 7th, 2072 [9]

55. Maria A. Gomez (I-NY) August 7th, 2072-September 1st, 2072; (R-NY) September 1st, 2072-January 20th, 2081 [10]

[1] First African-American President

[2] First Mormon President

[3] First Female President

[4] First Hispanic President

[5] First Indian American President; First Openly Atheist President

[6] First Asian American President; Youngest Elected President (Age 38); Died in Office

[7] Elevated to Presidency

[8] First Female African-American President

[9] First Italian American President; Assassinated

[10] First Female Hispanic President; First Independent President; Elevated to Presidency; Longest-serving President of the 21st Century

Vice Presidents:

47. Joseph R. “Joe” Biden, Jr. (D-DE) January 20th, 2009-January 20th, 2013 [1]

48. Piyush A. “Bobby” Jindal (R-LA) January 20th, 2013-January 20th, 2017 [2]

49. Keith M. Ellison (D-MN) January 20th, 2017-September 19th, 2019 [3]

50. Cory A. Booker (D-NJ) October 20th, 2019-January 20th, 2025

51. Timothy J. “Tim” Ryan (D-OH) January 20th, 2025-January 20th, 2029

52. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) January 20th, 2029-January 20th, 2037

53. Ryan P. Kirkpatrick (D-IL) January 20th, 2037-January 20th, 2045

54. Antonin P. Solis (D-CA) January 20th, 2045-January 20th, 2053 [4]

55. Whitney A. Sinclair (R-CA) January 20th, 2053-December 28th, 2056 [5]

56. Isaac B. “Ike” Davis (R-OH) January 20th, 2057-January 20th, 2061

57. Jeffory W. “Jeff” Clinton-Mezvinsky (D-NY) January 20th, 2061-January 20th, 2069

58. Maria A. Gomez (I-NY) January 20th, 2069-August 7th, 2072 [6]

59. Harold P. Faysal (R-PA) September 6th, 2072-January 20th, 2081 [7]

[1] First Catholic Vice President

[2] 1st Indian American Vice President

[3] 1st African American Vice President; First Muslim Vice President; Assassinated

[4] First Hispanic Vice President

[5] First Female Vice President; Elevated to Presidency

[6] First Female Hispanic Vice President; First Independent Vice President; Elevated to Presidency

[7] First Arab American Vice President; First Maronite Vice President

Defeated Presidential Tickets:

2012: Pres. Barack Obama (D-IL) / VP Joe Biden (D-DE)

2016: Pres. Mitt Romney (R-MA) / Sen. John Thune (R-SD), Sen. Rand Paul (I-KY) / Gov. Sam Brownback (I-KS)

2020: Former Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) / Sen. Paul Ryan (R-WI)

2024: Former VP Bobby Jindal (R-LA) / Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO)

2028: Pres. Julian Castro (D-TX) / VP Tim Ryan (D-OH)

2032: Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) / Sen. Alexander Boone (D-VA), Former Sen. Harold Ford, Jr (I-TN) / Sen. Henry Cuellar (I-TX)

2036: VP Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) / Sen. Reade Granger (R-MO)

2040: Sen. Kirk Wythe (R-MI) / Gen. John McIntyre, Ret. (R-VA)

2044: Sen. Kirk Wythe (R-MI) / Gov. James Rovenerou (R-OK)

2048: Gov. Andrew Lee (R-CA) / Sen. Liz Clark (R-TX)

2052: VP Antonin Solis (D-CA) / Sen. Chris Sparkman (D-NY)

2056: Gov. Ann Blumenthal (D-NC) / Gov. Francis Wade (D-IN)

2060: Pres. Whitney Sinclair (R-CA) / VP Ike Davis (R-OH)

2064: Former VP Ike Davis (R-OH) / Gov. Jonathan Weld (R-MA)

2068: VP Jeffory Clinton-Mezvinsky (D-NY) / Sen. Clyde Galloway (D-SC), Rep. Bryan Wilson (P-CA) / Sen. Kyle Jennings (P-MN) 2072: Rep. Geoffrey Yates (D-RI) / Former Sen. Cynthia Vincente (D-MI)

Presidents of the United States of America

44. Barack H. Obama II (D-IL) [August 4th, 1961 - May 2nd, 2049]

Illinois State Senator, 13th District: January 8th, 1997 - November 4th, 2004 United States Senator from Illinois: January 3rd, 2005 - November 16th, 2008 44th President of the United States: January 20th, 2009 - January 20th, 2013 18th Chief Justice of the United States: October 5th, 2019 - October 1st, 2041

“The first step in winning the future is encouraging American innovation.” - State of the Union Address, January 26th, 2011

45. Willard Mitt Romney (R-MA) [March 12th, 1947 - March 20th, 2033]

70th Governor of Massachusetts: January 2nd, 2003 - January 4th, 2007 45th President of the United States: January 20th, 2013 - January 20th, 2017

“We must wait for the free market to sort this problem out.” - July 19th, 2014

46. Kirsten E. Gillibrand (D-NY) [December 9th, 1966 - July 4th, 2060]

United States Representative from New York's 20th District: January 3rd, 2007 - January 26th, 2009 United States Senator from New York: January 26th, 2009 - November 10th, 2016 46th President of the United States: January 20th, 2017 - January 20th, 2025

“The solutions to the nation's problems must be comprehensive and wide-reaching; we must rebuild, revive and redefine. Rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. Revive the American economy. Redefine the ultimate role of government.” - Inaugural Address, January 20th, 2017

47. Julian Castro (D-TX) [September 16th, 1974 - Present]

Mayor of San Antonio, Texas: June 1st, 2009 - December 3rd, 2014 48th Governor of Texas: January 11th, 2015 - November 12th, 2024 47th President of the United States: January 20th, 2025 - January 20th, 2029

“America needs a New Initiative to build upon the progress we've made as a nation; there are still people waiting for the help they need, countries searching for a guiding light to peace, progress, and prosperity, and a pinnacle waiting to be reached.” - Inaugural Address, January 20th, 2025

48. Marco A. Rubio (R-FL) [May 28th, 1971 - August 9th, 2053]

Member of the Florida House of Representatives, 111th District: January 25th, 2000 - January 2nd, 2009 Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives: January 2nd, 2007 - January 2nd, 2009 United States Senator from Florida: January 3rd, 2011 - November 20th, 2028 48th President of the United States: January 20th, 2029 - January 20th, 2037

“The American people have proven that no matter how much the face of the nation changes, the spirit of it remains the same.” - November 8th, 2028

49. Alexander R. Boone (D-VA) [November 7th, 1992 - Present]

United States Senator from Virginia: January 3rd, 2025 - November 17th, 2036 49th President of the United States: January 20th, 2037 - January 20th, 2045

“In the face of globalization, America is continually being tested. As a nation, it is our duty to overcome our challenges and come out stronger than before.” - Inaugural Address, January 20th, 2037

50. Ryan P. Kirkpatrick (D-IL) [July 20th, 1992 - May 12th, 2058]

United States Representative from Illinois' 9th District: January 3rd, 2019 - January 3rd, 2023 United States Senator from Illinois: January 3rd, 2023 - January 15th, 2037 53rd Vice President of the United States: January 20th, 2037 - January 20th, 2045 50th President of the United States: January 20th, 2045 - January 20th, 2053 14th Secretary-General of the United Nations: December 4th, 2056 - May 12th, 2058

“Progress isn't defined by what we've done today, but rather the ideas of tomorrow that leave the nation in better shape than when we inherited it.” - Inaugural Address, January 20th, 2045

51. Parke L. Jeung (R-OR) [September 26th, 2014 - December 28th, 2056]

United States Representative from Oregon's 3rd District: January 3rd, 2045 - January 3rd, 2051 United States Senator from Oregon: January 3rd, 2051 - December 12th, 2052 51st President of the United States: January 20th, 2053 - December 28th, 2056

“The pessimists say the younger generation is unprepared and unaware of the challenges that face us in this century, and no one under 40 will ever be elected to the highest office in the country. Well I say that the American people proved them wrong last night.” - November 3rd, 2052

52. Whitney A. Sinclair (R-CA) [January 3rd, 2001 - Present]

United States Representative from California's 52nd District: January 3rd, 2035 - January 3rd, 2041 Lieutenant Governor of California: January 9th, 2043 - January 3rd, 2047 United States Senator from California: January 3rd, 2047 - January 20th, 2053 55th Vice President of the United States: January 20th, 2053 - December 28th, 2056 52nd President of the United States: December 28th, 2056 - January 20th, 2061

“We must win this war with discipline and honor, no matter what the cost. If we have to put a million men in the Congo to uproot the mass murderers, then so be it.” - Presidential Debate, July 20th, 2060

53. Malia A. Obama (D-IL) [July 4th, 1998 - Present]

United States Attorney General: January 21st, 2045 - April 28th, 2052 United States Senator from Illinois: January 3rd, 2053 - December 10th, 2060 53rd President of the United States: January 20th, 2061 - January 20th, 2069

“Since the birth of our nation, we have wondered about what is America's place in the world. Some say we are the defenders of freedom, champions of democracy, a shining city upon a hill. I believe it's time that we showed the world that we embody all of these ideals.” - Inaugural Address, January 20th, 2061

54. Norse P. Cavalier (R-CA) [July 20th, 2024 - August 7th, 2072]

Lt. Governor of California: January 3rd, 2055 - January 3rd, 2059 Governor of California: January 3rd, 2059 - April 17th, 2060 United States Senator from California: January 3rd, 2063 - November 22nd, 2068 54th President of the United States: January 20th, 2069 - August 7th, 2072

“We have the duty and honor of preserving this great nation for the next generation, as we rocket into space, try to touch the face of God, and strive for excellence. However, first and foremost, we must remember how we have gotten here: because we are Americans.” - Inaugural Address, January 20th, 2069

55. Maria A. Gomez (R-NY) [February 10th, 2026 - Present]

Governor of New York: January 1st, 2063 - January 20th, 2069 58th Vice President of the United States: January 20th, 2069 - August 7th, 2072 55th President of the United States: August 7th, 2072 - January 20th, 2081

“I can hear you, sir, the cowards who killed our president can hear you, and you can bet they will hear all of us soon!” - August 8th, 2072

timelines/progress_decline_and_hope/us_presidents_progress_decline_and_hope.1344549221.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:18 (external edit)

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