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Chapters of the "Decades of Darkness" timeline

This is an overview of the chapters of the timeline “Decades of Darkness”. It mentions the important characters in every chapter, and also mentions if some chapter refers to another one.

#1: Seeds of Division

Content: POD: Thomas Jefferson dies on 6 January 1809. Madison becomes POTUS instead (and Clinton temporarily). The Embargo Act is not repealed. October 1809, the Massachusetts Legislature calls for a constitutional convention. The more extreme wing of the Federalist Party, led by Timothy Pickering, demands that New England should leave the Union. On January 5 1810, “Report and Resolutions of the Hartford Convention” are published, which suggest seven new amendments for the constitution.

Characters: James Madison, George Clinton, Timothy Pickering


#2: Growth of Disharmony

Content: The below mentioned discuss “Report and Resolutions of the Hartford Convention”. Madison finally decides to repeal the Embargo Act. But then, Otis and Lowell demand more from the president, to no avail.

Characters: James Madison, Senator William Branch Giles (D-R / VA), Chief Justice John Marshall, George Clinton; Harrison Gray Otis, James Madison, John Lowell


#3: The Gathering Storm Clouds

Content: Timothy Pickering withdraws as US senator; then, he holds a speech advocating adding the proposed amendments to the Massachusetts constitution.

Characters: Timothy Pickering, Christopher Gore (still governor of Mass.)


#4: The First Rains Fall

Content: Republic of New England declared. At the moment, only Massachusetts has joined, but more states are expected to do so. (12th June 1810)

Madison is shocked when five states leave the union, and expects further trouble because Aaron Burr has returned to New York. (23rd July)

Timeline about the events until July 27th.

Characters: Timothy Pickering, Gore, Otis; Madison


#5: The Florida Question

Content: John Rhea from West Florida visits Madison, asking for annexation of Florida. While the president declines, senator Henry Clay tells Rhea that the congress has to decide about admitting new states - and with the New England congressmen gone, this could happen.

Characters: Madison, John Rhea, Henry Clay


#6: The British Answer

Content: The British government decides to support New England. They don't consider the situation a big problem.

Timeline until March 4th 1811. Pickering elected New England president. War hawks like Clay and Calhoun pressure for war with New England. First skirmishes already happen.

Characters: Prime Minister Spencer Perceval, Foreign Secretary Richard Wellesley, former minister to the United States FJ Jackson.


#7: The War Drums Sound

Content: Congress declares war on the British Empire; A War of Ironies; Thomas Pinckney, despite being Federalist, before the First Battle of Amherstburg.

Characters: Major General Thomas Pinckney


  • “A War of Ironies: A Short History of the Second War of Independence”

By James E. Howard, Australia 1949

#8: Echoes in the Mist

Content: Howard explains how important New York was during the war of 1811, and how opinion about separation in the state was split.

Pickering meets with Burr and De Witt Clinton. Clinton and Pickering agree: Clinton will support NY secession if he becomes next president of New England.

Characters: Pickering, Aaron Burr, Mayor of New York De Witt Clinton (also nephew of George Clinton)


  • “A War of Ironies”
  • Foreshadowing: A New England army is raised.

#9: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Content: Hull wants King arrested in his home, but an unnamed soldier shoots King dead. Then, it's shown that Burr was behind the assassination. Howard resumes that this drove New York (and indirectly, New Jersey) in the hands of the secessionists.

Characters: General William Hull, Senator Rufus King; Aaron Burr


  • “A War of Ironies”

#10: Moves and Counter-Moves

Content: After the lost battle on Lake Erie and the death of captain Perry, Pinckney is forced to retreat. Jackson is doing well in NJ, but then the news of the British occupation of Washington arrives.

Characters: Major General Thomas Pinckney; General Andrew Jackson


#11: A Tale Of Two Presidents

Content: Pickering thinks about the going of the war and anti-British sentiment in NE and decides to write a letter, suggesting peace. Madison resumes the US situation, which isn't that great, reads a letter by Adams and writes another one.

Characters: Timothy Pickering, Tecumseh; James Madison, John Quincy Adams (US minister to the Russian Empire)


#12: Winter of Discontent

Content: In December 1812, Adams (who's doing negotiations in St Petersburg) muses about his role as a Yankee still serving the *US. Porter muses about Madison's reelection and the *US constitution, regarding the succession after the death of a POTUS or VP, and other things.

Characters: Tsar Alexander I, John Quincy Adams, Albert Gallatin and Henry Clay; General Peter Buell Porter

References: John Quincy Adams will later return to New England, candidating twice for president (unsuccessfully).

#13: Breaking The Union

Content: A letter from Gallatin to Strong, who's now absent from the peace negotiations, suggesting more reasonable demands to avoid long-lasted hatred between *USA and New England; Gallatin and Clay discussing the terms; Excerpts from the Treaty of St. Petersburg, which gives New England independence and the northwest to the Indian Confederation, but also West Florida to the *US.

Characters: Albert Gallatin; Gallatin, Henry Clay, quasi-Russian foreign minister Count Capo d'Istria

References: It's mentioned that Madison was reelected and thanks to Wilkinson, the SW could be held.

#14: Falling Through The Cracks

Content: Adams and the count discuss the made peace, when Napoleon is beaten at Dresden. Adams decides to return to Massachusetts.

Pinckney and Peter B. Porter are in NY City while leaving for the *USA, the latter planning to go west.

Characters: Count Capo d'Istria, John Quincy Adams; Pinckney

References: It's mentioned that “Some British lord had won a significant victory at Vitoria”.

#15: The Great Debate

Content: Excerpts from a debate held at the University of Pennsylvania in 1949.

Contra: He lost seven states, Washington DC was burned, and he committed many other mistakes.

Pro: He designed the American flag, made seven new states to make up for the seven ones lost and officially outlawed secession.

Contra: He also didn't repeal the slave anti-importation act or formalised the rules for indenture.

Pro: The debator thinks New England's secession was inevitable.

Characters: Two unnamed speakers

References: The states of Washington, Jefferson, Wilkinson and Jackson are mentioned. And the fact that the *US now have 77 states. And the (failed) secession of Pennsylvania.

#16: The Butterfly's Wings

Content: Extracts from “Napoleon Bonaparte: The First French Tyrant”; and from “The Compleat Textbook Series: Modern European History”.

Chapter 24: Despite of somewhat better conditions, Napoleon loses when the allies concentrate on his marshals instead of him.

Chapter 32: Napoleon defeats Wellington at Waterloo, but loses against Blücher.

At the congress of Vienna, Prussia gets Saxony, but a smaller part of the Rhineland; the Netherlands enter the German confederation; plus, some minor changes.

Characters: -

References: The latter book will make a return in TTL.

#17: In The Aftermath Of War

Content: Thirteenth to seventeenth amendment of the *US constitution (no honors and such from other nations for *US citizens unless allowed by congress; barring of secession; ruling of presidential succession; OTL 20/25th? amendment, made in 1992; amendment of Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution); Timeline 1811-17.

Characters: -


#18: The Next Generation

Content: Abraham Lincoln's family decides to leave Kentucky for Missouri; Joseph Smith has his first vision (or claims so); eleven-year-old Robert E. Lee swears to clean the name of his family at his father's funeral; Scott decides to help president Wilkinson building up a professional army; Ferdinand von Bismarck has a newborn son, Otto.

Characters: Thomas Lincoln and his family; Joseph Smith; Robert Edward Lee; Col. Winfield Scott; Ferdinand von Bismarck, his son Otto Eduard Leopold and a midwife.


#19: My Fellow New Englanders

Content: The final address of Pickering. Excerpts from James H. Worthington's “1800-1850: Early History of the Republic of New England”. (Timeline 1815-19)

Characters: Timothy Pickering

References: He hopes that the Maritimes will join NE eventually. He'll be right.

#20: The Three James's

Content: Madison, Monroe and Wilkinson in the White House discuss the fate of slavery and the build-up of the army; Excerpts from a letter from De Witt Clinton to Harrison Otis, about the alliance with Britain, the new state of Maine, and the division of New York state, which Clinton declines.

Characters: James Madison, James Monroe and James Wilkinson (duh); De Witt Clinton

References: The laws on the importation of slaves, separatist tendencies in the NE are mentioned

#21: Glimmers of Light

Content: The American Colonization Society (with several prominent figures as members) gathers to talk about returning the free black people to Africa; (black) Reverend Samuel Bacon on the ship Elizabeth on the way to Africa in Jan 1820; the same one returned two years later, to report the failing of the first colonization, suggesting Angola for a better place; extracts from “The Rise and Fall of The Liberian Republic: Struggle, Sorrow, Triumph, Growth and Tragedy”.

Characters: James Madison, James Monroe, Francis Scott Key, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, Reverend Finley (organisator of the meeting); Rev. Samuel Bacon; Rev. Samuel Bacon, James Madison.

References: NE president Otis is mentioned to want reconciliation with the *US. How Wilkinston, Liberia came to its name. The Expulsion Act of 1854 is also mentioned.

#22: A Matter Of Trade

Content: Rhea thinks about the readmission of slave trade that's about to fail, then talks to Clay about making slavery legal in all territories, remembering their first meeting ten years ago. Clay suggests Rhea the governorship of West Florida.

Characters: John Rhea, James Pleasants, Henry Clay


#23a: Monarchs and Slavers

Content: Two commanders hunt for slave ships, talk/think about how the French are invading Mexico and Argentina - which Britain allowed France for banning slave trade in return; Excerpts from “Revolutions and Counter-Revolutions: Examples of the March of History”, analyzing why France failed with its interventions.

Characters: Cmdr Matthew Calbraith Perry, Cmdr Albright

References: Many slaves which officially are for Cuba end in the *US, since the *US don't care much to enforce their own laws against slave trade. And the *US are angry about Britain trying to increase influence in the Americas.

#23b: Historians and Dreamers

Content: Timeline 1820-25 (from “The Compleat Textbook Series: Early American History”); Extracts from “Slaves, Serfs and Peons: Indenture in the Industrial Age”, about how the *US were still split about the topic of slavery.

Characters: -

References: Matthism is mentioned.

#24: On The Road to War

Content: Extracts from “The Seventh President: A Calhoun of Contradictions”, about the very same; Excerpt from “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary”, about the meaning of “war tortoise”; Extracts from “United States Foreign Policy 1789-1833: The Northern Obsession”, about the reasons for trouble: slavery, slave trade, wish to restore *American honor, the Indian Confederation…

Characters: -


#25: Days of Infamy

Content: Tecumseh is dying and expects the palefaces to make war; Jackson prepares the declaration of war (of 1833); Commodore Warrington celebrates the first *US victory; Jefferson Davis destroys Prophet's Town.

Characters: Maywathekeha, Tecumseh, his wife Nenexsa; Andrew Jackson, Secretary of War John Eaton, Henry Clay; Commodore Lewis Warrington; First Lieutenant Jefferson Davis


#26: The Stars and Strikes

Content: The leading British politicians speak about the war in North America and the troubles in Ireland, which distract them; Seymour hopes for British support; Scott in reconquered Detroit.

Characters: British Prime Minister Robert Peel, Foreign Secretary Lord Aberdeen, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Lord Anglesey; NE president Horatio Seymour; General Winfield Scott, First Lieutenant Lee


#27: Around The World in Eighty Names

Content: A “Where are they now?” until the 1833 war.

Characters: Many.


#28: Ravens

Content: A captain in the Continenta army creates a poem about ravens; Indian warriors expect a victory against the *Americans; French captain Forey meets Zachary Taylor, to volunteer; Bowie and Briscoe in the proclaimed republic of Texas.

Characters: E.A.Poe; Black Sparrow Hawk; Captain Elie Frederio Forey, Colonel Zachary Taylor; James Bowie, Andrew Briscoe

References: Forey is a veteran from France's invasion in Venezuela.

#29: Wars and Rumours of Wars

Content: Excerpt from “The Compleat Textbook Series: Early American History”, a timeline 1826-33; from “Among The Ravens: The War of 1833 and its Historical Context”, about the war-torn 1830s


References: Joseph Smith founds his Nephite church; Abraham Lincoln's family moved to NE; Patrick Matthew wrote his book about evolution; Democratic-Republican party falls apart, into Democrats (under Andrew Jackson) and Patriots (under Calhoun); Russian-Ottoman War of 1834-1836, revolutions throughout Europe

#30: Crows and Jackals

Content: Clay tells Dallas to ask the Czar for mediation in the war, after the *US have made their objectives; article from The Hartford Sentinel about the combined British-New English victory at Norfolk; Editorial from the same, condemning the *Americans; another editorial, condemning Charles X who has joined the war; Commodore Perry and Captain Albright on the Nantucket, telling why half of the British fleet stayed in Europe, to fight France.

Characters: Secretary of State Henry Clay, minister to Russia George Mifflin Dallas; Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry, Captain Albright


#31: Active Negotiations

Content: John Brown and Aaron Burr plan an uprising, to make Pennsylvania secede; Santa Anna capitulates to the victorious Texans, and is told to strike against the emperor now; Forey on the way to Quebec meets Poe; Perry and Albright have a plan involving sailing up the Potomac; Excerpts from “Among The Ravens: The War of 1833 and its Historical Context”, about the successful raid on Washington DC

Characters: John Brown and Aaron Burr; Generals Sam Houston and Peter Buell Porter, and Santa Anna, and Davy Crockett; Elie Frederio Forey and Edgar Allan Poe; Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry, Commander Albright


#32: The Descent Begins

Content: Extracts from “Slaves, Serfs and Peons: Indenture in the Industrial Age”, about the growth of slavery (also in acceptance) between 1810 and 1850, especially industrialized slavery due to the war of 1833.

Characters: -

References: The many forms of indenture within the *United States are mentioned: peonage, debt-bondage and slavery proper.

#33: The Year Of Revolutions

Content: Article from The Boston Wanderer, about the four revolutions that happened in 1834 (Pennsylvania, France, Belgium, Mexico); John Brown's unsuccessful uprising in Pennsylvania that just lead to the split of said state, but also saved New England from being conquered; Another Boston Wanderer article, about the French revolution that year, which lead to the December monarchy; excerpts from “Misfits of History” about the failed Belgian revolution; entry from “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary”, about emperor Agustin de Iturbide, who was toppled by Santa Anna

Characters: Radical abolitionists John Brown and Elijah Pennypacker, Penn. governor Joseph Ritner, George Wolf of Westylvania; William I of the Netherlands; Agustin de Iturbide and general Santa Anna

References: It's said that the December Monarchy would be replaced by another republic and another empire, and this wouldn't last forever either. Matthism is mentioned again.

#34: Peace or Pieces?

Content: President Oakley in the Federal House thinks about giving the Indian confederation to the *US for a peace; Clay, David Crockett Harrison Otis in Sweden doing negotiations; a letter from Clay to Andrew Jackson about the slow proceeding of said negotiations, although Britain and New England are willing to concede Texas to the *US; article from The Stirling Daily Mirror, mentioning that the negotiations broke down in december 1835.

Characters: NE president Oakley; *U.S. Secretary of State Henry Clay, David Crockett, Harrison Otis, Karl XIV of Sweden


#35: The Piece Of The Board

Content: Extracts from “Stars and Stripes Redundant: The War of 1833”, about the battle-less year of 1836; Excerpt from “Among The Ravens: The War of 1833 and its Historical Context”, about the Canadian rebellion; White and Clay talking about Jackson seeking a third term; another excerpt from “Among The Ravens”, about the Battle of New Orleans, won by Jefferson Davis, and the new negotiations

Characters: *US Senate president Hugh White, Henry Clay


#36: God Save The King, Because No-One Else Will

Content: The king and PM of Britain talking about the new negotiations, with the question of slave trade being a problem; general Porter celebrating the peace / victory, thinking about the new frontier in the southwest

Characters: British Prime Minister Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice of Lansdowne, new king Edward VII; General Peter Buell Porter


#37: Shooting A Mangum

Content: Article from The Knoxville Register, how president Mangum was shot by a free black, making Lewis Cass new president; Clay, Cass and Rhett discussing sending free blacks to Liberia, and making freeing them harder

Characters: Henry Clay, Lewis Cass, Senator Robert B. Rhett

References: The treaty of Detroit, which ruled the *US-Canadian border is mentioned, as is the earlier forming of the National Guard

#38: The Sons Of Nephi

Content: Joseph Smith, Jr. speaks about his religious visions, renews the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; the most important people of the Nephite church deciding to go west; after released from jail in Illinois, Young and Smith jr decide to leave the *US and go even further west; timeline 1845-50 from “The Compleat Textbook Series: Early American History”

Characters: Joseph Smith, Jr.; Joseph Smith, Jr., his wife Mary Ann, his brother Samuel Smith, Parley P. Pratt, David Whitmer, the three High Witnesses, Brigham Young; Brigham Young, Joseph Smith, Jr


#39: A New King For A New World

Content: Baldwin and Palmerston talk about creating a unified kingdom of Canada within the empire; Mangum's reaction, who's not exactly pleased; Webster thinks that New England should get a concession for accepting the Canadian kingdom; Baldwin and Palmerston continue talking, about Webster's idea to buy the maritimes; Webster toasting new King James I of Canada

Characters: Canadian Representative Robert Baldwin, British Foreign Secretary Henry Temple Palmerston; *US president Mangum; NE President Daniel Webster; Robert Baldwin and Palmerston; Irish immigrants Seamus and Patrick O'Grady in Dearborn, Wisconsin (OTL Chicago), who don't like the idea of a Canadian king at all; Daniel Webster, King James I


#40: The Good Doctor

Content: Farragut welcomes Dr. Adhemar in Ballington, East Florida (OTL Miami) in 1839; Adhemar operating in the Caribbean in 1840, when a slave tells the *Americans the site of some pirates near East Cuba; Adhemar and Farragut in Guadeloupe, which is occupied by the *US; Adhemar discovering mosquito bites as a reason for yellow fever; Adhemar being interviewed by Grant about his mosquito theory; article form The Ballington Express, how Adhemar discovered a vaccine against yellow fever

Characters: Doctor David Adhemar, Commodore David G. Farragut; Adhemar; Adhemar and Farragut; Adhemar; Adhemar and reporter Ulysses H. Grant

References: A ship-of-the-line is named after Warrington, who lead the successful attack on New York (#25); the *US capital has been moved to Knoxville, TN

#41: Amidst The March Of Time

Content: John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay witnessing the hanging of John Brown; timeline 1833-50 from “The Compleat Textbook Series: Early American History”

Characters: John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, Governor Wolf, John Brown

References: It becomes apparent that slavery is perpetuated in the *US: Indiana and Illinois allow slavery, while Iowa and Coahuila can't become states because they're too much anti-slavery yet

#42a: The Global Tour

Content: Development of various important countries in the world until 1849

Characters: -


#42b: The North American Tour

Content: Population Data for the North American states. At the moment, 15.7 million *Americans (3.5 million of them slaves) face seven plus a quarter million New English, two million Canadians (and 400 thousand in the Maritimes)


References: As said, Nova Scotia was bought by New England from Britain

#43a: Revolutions - Islands in a Sea of Crime

Content: Excerpts taken from “1849: The Great Year Of Revolution”, with citations by Karl Marx, Tocqueville, and Lewis Cass; the revolutions in Italy, which were suppressed by Austrian Marshal Radetzky; the February Revolution in France which succeeded in kicking out king Louis Philippe and making the Second Republic

Characters: Field Marshal Josef Radetzky; King Louis Philippe


#43b: Revolutions - Against The Tired Of Years

Content: New king Willem III of the Netherlands who wishes to rule in his strifed country; Kossuth speaking before the Hungarian diet, on the success of their revolution in Hungary, calling people to take up arms; Nicholas I denying Austria help against the Hungarians

Characters: Crown Prince Willem Alexander; Lajos Kossuth; Tsar Nicholas I, minister for education Sergey Uvarov


#43c: Revolutions - On The Oceans Of Emnity

Content: Extracts from “1849: Case Studies in Revolution” about the Chartist rebellion in Britain and the Young Ireland rebellion, which were handled better than those in France; Extracts from “Schleswig-Holstein: The Danish Tragedy”, how S-H was separated from Denmark; Extracts from “The Three Kaisers: The Rise of the German Confederation 1815-1867”, how Germany was united as a Reich under, well, three kaisers.



#44: Greece on the Wheels of Revolution

Content: Three Greeks in Odessa form the Friendly Society, planning to liberate Greece; Bishop Germanos watching the first town to be liberated in the Greek Revolution; deadly sick Lord Byron remembering a poem for Greece he created some months ago; Sanford asking shipbuilder Bayard to make sure that the Greeks will get their ordered ships for a fair price; Lord Byron seeing the frigates arrive in Greece; Count Kapodistrias in Navplion, new Greek capital; Excerpt from “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the very same.

Characters: Emmanuel Xanthos, Athanasios Tsakalof, Nikolaos Skoufas; Bishop Germanos; George Gordon, Baron Byron; William Bayard, his secretary, NE VP Nathan Sanford; Lord Byron; Count Iaonnis Antonios Kapodistrias


#45: Too Much To Bear

Content: Travis in still-not-renamed Knoxville gets an offer from Lewis Cass: If he can bring rebellious Mexican California into the *US, he'll become general or governor; when said expedition meets Mexican general/governor Vallejo, he surprisingly doesn't mind to be annexed, after which they create a new flag for Mexico; extracts from a letter by Colonel William Travis to his (Mexican) wife.

Characters: Colonel William Barret Travis, Lewis Cass; General Mariano Vallejo, Travis' expedition


#46: Down Mexico Way

Content: Extracts from “United States Foreign Policy 1789-1833: The Northern Obsession”, about how the *US exchanged its “northern obsession” with a southern obsession; Excerpts from “The 100 Most Influential Men In World History”, counting Lewis Cass at #74; Taylor in Fort Bowie, Jefferson, waiting for the invasion into Mexico; Scott and Cass discussing the situation in Mexico: Scott suggests a naval assault on Yucatan, but Cass declines; Mendez writes a letter to the Americans, inviting them to Yucatan, where the Indios get too “uppity” against the Spanish.

Characters: General Zachary Taylor; General Winfield Scott, Lewis Cass; Governor Santiago Méndez


#47: South of the Border

Content: Grant interviews Kearney and Mendez in meanwhile-occupied Yucatan, where they try to suppress the Indios; Excerpt from “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary”, about the “Jaguars”, the former 1st West Florida Volunteer Infantry, the new *American elite unit; Extracts from “Marching Into Mexico: The 100th Anniversary of the First Mexican War”, how the *US easily won after no other power intervened, since the Mexicans had declared war first

Characters: Ulysses H. Grant, General Kearney, Governor Santiago Méndez, an interpreter, soldiers, Mexicans


#48: The Treaty of the Monarch Butterfly

Content: Treaty of Zitacuaro, which gives more than half of Mexico, plus Yucatan, to the *US


References: Note that the treaty doesn't allow Mexicans in the ceded lands to become *Americans

#49: A House Divided

Content: Text of the Independence Day Address of New York State Senator Abraham Lincoln, where he condemns the *US, but also criticizes that men of foreign birth / without enough property / living in Michigan or Nova Scotia can't vote; Popular and Electoral Vote for President in 1850: While William L. Dayton (Rep.) should've gained a majority, unfaithful electors send the election to the House of Reps, which give the presidency to Robert Ch. Winthrop (Fed.) instead; Extracts from a letter written by Thomas Wilson Dorr to Abraham Lincoln, which helps Lincoln to change party affiliation, to the Radicals.



#50: For Kaisers and Country

Content: A movie by United German Studios in 1942, about Bismarck; Extracts from “The Confederation War: Germany versus Europe?”, about the War of 1852/53, which the German confederation won, and why.

Characters: Actors Hans Lüchel, Adolf Goebbels, Karl von Schmidt, the director

References: The relations between France and Britain are worse than in OTL, because they almost fought each other during the war of 1833.

#51a: A Matter of Patriotism

Content: The Presidential Elections of 1852, from “The Atlas of American Political History”, which Cass overwhelmingly won; extracts from his private diary, where he muses about what to do with the conquests; Excerpt from “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the Columbia Treaty of 1849, which ruled the border between Canada and the *US (the 46th parallel); an article from The Knoxville Register, about “The threat of free Negroes”, from 1853; the 19th amendment (suggested by senator Robert B. Rhett) which allows to re-enslave or remove free blacks in the *US


References: Note that Britain is willing to settle the friction about the Canadian border, since they already worry about what might happen in Europe.

#51b: A Matter of Democracy

Content: Excerpts from “The 100 Greatest Events That Changed The World” - place 15: U.S. President Jefferson Davis's “Manifest Destiny” Speech, 1859; The Presidential Elections of 1856, from “The Atlas of American Political History”, which brought Davis into the White House; an article from The Columbia Register, about Davis's inauguration, and how he renamed Columbia; President Jefferson Davis's address to Congress after the annexation of Nicaragua, 1859


References: In Davis's speech it's hinted that *America will become a more complex society, with additional classes besides whites and slaves.

#52: Over The Fine Dark Sea

Content: The Dutch / German Navy under Captain Fokker reclaims Formosa (Taiwan), starting to acquire the German colonial empire; Excerpts from “The 100 Greatest Events That Changed The World”, place 78: Rear Admiral Fokker's Expedition to Nippon, 1856; Fokker and Perry have a formal dinner together, talking about the world's situation.

Characters: Gillis Fokker; Gillis Fokker, Admiral Perry

References: The new unfied German language, Neudeutsch, is mentioned. As is the looming war between Russia and Britain, for the Ottoman Empire.

#53a: A Collection of Butterflies

Content: From “The Whitman Encyclopaedia: Volume 23: Famous Americans (7th Edition)”, about: Junius Smith, who founded the *American tea industry in 1834, but also started using slavery for shipbuilding; Stephen Decatur, who was killed during the Pirate Wars in 1840; Matthias William Baldwin, who developed the “Ironside”, a better locomotive in 1832 and introduced it to Brazil; James Gillespie Birney, who unsuccessfully opposed slavery



#53b: Footnotes of History

Content: The lives of various characters (A-C) until ~1855



#53c: Filling the Annals

Content: The lives of various characters (D-H) until ~1855



#53d: A Character-Building Exercise

Content: The lives of various characters (J-M) until ~1855



#53e: Ibid.

Content: The lives of various characters (N-S) until ~1855



#53f: Mere Details

Content: The lives of various characters (T-Z) until ~1855



#54: The Charge of the Right Brigade

Content: Edward and Charles talk about the critical situation, with Ireland revolting and a war with Russia being close. They come to the conclusion to make Ireland a kingdom within the empire, with Charles as king; Extracts from “The Russian War: Awakening the Northern Bear”, about the war that broke out in 1858; From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary”, about Russian admiral Nakhimov; Extracts from letters sent by Sergeant Jonathan Pierce, while his regiment was serving in the quelling of the Indian Mutiny, where he witnesses the unspeakable massacres committed, as he thinks, inspired by the Russians.

Characters: King Edward VII, his youngest brother Charles

References: New England also joins the war on Britain's side, and Russia will lose Alaska.

#55: New England, Old Problems

Content: Popular and Electoral Votes for President in 1854, from “1810-1910: A Century of New England Political History”: The Radicals are becoming a strong party, while the Federalists are losing - Republican Pierce is elected president; Selected Important Dates in North American History: 1850-1855, from “1810-1910: A Century of New England History”; Lincoln meets with Hamlin to talk about making Nova Scotia and Michigan states; Popular and Electoral Votes for President in 1858, from the same source: Lincoln becomes new president, although having only the plurality of electors and even lagging in the popular vote; Letter from John Davies, Connecticut to his brother in Australia, telling him about the division in New England about the difficult election

Characters: Abraham Lincoln, Hannibal Hamlin


#56: What Is And What Should Never Be

Content: Excerpts from “Great American Speeches”, John Henry Hammond's address to the Senate, in response to the reading of a copy of Abraham Lincoln's inaugural address: he belittles the New English system, which doesn't allow reelection of presidents and accuses them to be hypocrites for excluding men from voting, and also about slavery (he counts factory workers as quasi-slaves); Excerpts from “Slavery in the New World: How the Industrial Age became the Second Dark Ages”, about how agricultural science made plantations viable again in the northern *US; Extracts from “Slaves, Serfs and Peons: Indenture in the Industrial Age”, how the Yucatan system (i.e. serfdom and debt-slavery) could be used by the *US to maintain their slavery-based society, and how cotton rose and fell again in importance; Excerpts from “Slavery in the New World…”, again about the serfs and peons which many Mexicans in the conquered areas became, but also how Hispanic influence came about; Excerpt from “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary”, about the Citizenship Act, which made provision for serfs, debt-slaves, peons, slaves, convicts, Indians, and “other persons who shall be held indentured”.


References: Note that Hammond states that whites “never should be slaves” . If he only knew…

#57: Jewels of the Caribbean

Content: Jamison meets with some influential Cubans who want Jefferson Davis to annex Cuba, to avoid that slavery is abolished; Davis decides with Barnwell that since Britain and New England are bound in war, he can annex Cuba, and prepares the same for Nicaragua; Duarte wonders who could prevent a similar fate for the Dominican Republic, and decides to ask Lincoln for help; Lincoln thinks about what he can do in his four-year term to prevent slavery, when Duarte's letter arrives.

Characters: *US Consul to Cuba Richard Francis Jamison, Francisco de Frías, some other unnamed Cuban gentlemen; Jefferson Davis, Secretary of State Robert Barnwell; President of the Dominican Republic Juan Pablo Duarte; Abraham Lincoln and his secretary.


#58: The Call of Liberty

Content: A synopsis after 50 years of the TL; President Abraham Lincoln's address to the New England Senate, responding to Jefferson Davis's “Manifest Destiny” speech after the annexation of Nicaragua; he urges the senators to accept a protectorate over Santo Domingo to preserve freedom abroad; first state visit between Lincoln and James I, where they talk about the Domingo protectorate - plus, Lincoln suggests buying New Brunswick and combining their armed forces; From “The Decline and Fall of the Ottoman Empire”, how said empire was finally broken up.

Characters: Abraham Lincoln, James I of Canada


#59a: The Numbers of the Beast

Content: Population Data for the *United States of 1860; The Presidential Elections of 1860, from “The Atlas of American Political History”, which Davis easily won



#59b: The Marks of the Beast

Content: Population Data for New England, Canada and British North America in 1860; Davis and Barnwell meet about the Domingo protectorate, but Davis decides not to make war with New England, but instead more filibusters in Central America; Excerpt from “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about filibusters, which kead to a *US acquisition of Honduras and Puerto Rico; Davis and Barnwell again, after a filibuster by Lansdowne in Veracruz was unsuccessful

Characters: Jefferson Davis, Secretary of State Robert Barnwell


#60: In The Fading Light

Content: The New White House Funeral Sermon for President Jefferson Davis who was shot by a Mexican; Myers is told by Pinckney that the assassin was a Mexican acting under the orders of Ignacio Salanueva; Myers and Lord Lyons at the execution of the assassin - Myers promises not to annex all of Mexico, but tells that war is inevitable; Text of the United States' declaration of war on Mexico

Characters: President Abraham Myers, head of the DC National Guard Colonel Pinckney; Abraham Myers, Lord Lyons


#61: Jaws of the Jackal

Content: A Book Review of “So Far From God: The History of the Mexican Wars”, by a descendent of David about said wars, which doesn't say much about the causes of them however; Excerpts from “The Historical Detective: The Assassination of President Jefferson Davis”, which is pretty unclear even today; Myers takes his oath a president; Excerpts from the Treaty of Veracruz

Characters: Abraham Myers, Judah P. Benjamin


#62: Filling In The Blanks

Content: Popular and Electoral Votes for President in 1862, from “1810-1910: A Century of New England Political History” - the Republican Haines is new president, despite having the least amount of popular votes, because the electoral college has to decide the election again; The Presidential Elections of 1864, from “The Atlas of American Political History”, which Myers narrowly wins against ex-general Travis; Selected Important Dates in North American History: 1851-1865, taken from “The Compleat Textbook Series: Early American History”



#63: How Many Holes Has A Swiss Cheese?

Content: Excerpts from “Misfits of History”, about the turmoils and the Fall of the Swiss Kingdom; from “The Swiss and Italian Wars: Europe in Crisis 1858-1864”, how the German confederation decided to interfere, how Italy was united (which cost some Habsburgs their lands) and how the Germans could win Switzerland; Extracts taken from “The Compleat Textbook Series: Modern European History” about the Second Congress of Vienna (1863/64) which reordered European borders and split up Switzerland



#64a: Amidst The Gathering Dark

Content: Excerpts from “A Jaguar's Life: An Autobiography” by James Fisher from West Florida - how he joined first the army and later the Jaguars to escape his little village, and what he felt when David was assassinated



#64b: Through Sun And Fire And Sea

Content: More excerpts from “A Jaguar's Life: An Autobiography”, about the training, how they got their first Spencer rifles, later were deployed in Cuba hunting rebelling slaves and their sympathizers and supporters - Nicaragua, where the *US want to build a canal, will be his next deployment.


References: Fisher mentions at one point that they capture a “Portuguese peacock”. He'll appear again.

#65: Taiping Away

Content: After having won in Yungan, Kwangsi province, Hong Xiuquan, the “son of Christ” and leader of the Taiping rebellion, receives a vision that tells him to chase out the Manchus from China. Excerpts from “The Long Road: A History of the Taiping Revolution”, which tell us that the Taiping could capture Nanjing, failed to take Beijing, but some years later took Shanghai. From “The Whitman Encyclopaedia: Volume 23: Famous Americans (7th Edition)”, about Frederick Townsend, a soldier of fortune who decided to help the Christian Taiping win. More excerpts from “The Long Road:…”, how the capture of Shanghai lead to the eventual victory of the Taiping, the capture of Beijing (which became Xinjing) and a Qing Manchuria under Russian protection.

Characters: Hong Xiuquan


#66: Whistle-Stops On The Global Tour

Content: A brief tour of the wider world through to 1865.



#67: All The King's Men

Content: Dumont is becoming more and more dissatisfied with the new English-speaking settlers in Assiniboia, and the government exerting more control. O'Grady, an immigrant in Dearborn who's also dissatisfied, starts an uprising against the Nephites. Excerpts from “Revolutions and Counter-Revolutions: Examples of the March of History”, about the Metis and Irish rebellion, which is eventually solved by the king who grants more rights to the Catholics.

Characters: Louis Dumont, governor of Assiniboia; Seamus O'Grady

References: One of the reasons for the uprising is the cooperation of New English and Canadian armies. The role of the king becomes stronger.

#68: Domino Theory

Content: The Presidential Elections of 1868, from “The Atlas of American Political History”, which Hugh Griffin clearly wins. Excerpts from “The 100 Most Influential Men In World History” by Alexandra Samotsova, about Hugh Griffin, who makes place #18. From “Eagle's Wings, Lion's Heart: A Biography of President Griffin” about Griffin, how he manages to start his reign with the annexation of Honduras. Griffin and Willem III meet to negotiate about a sale of the Caribbean colonies of the Dutch to *America. Excerpt from “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the “Canal War” (1871) within Costa Rica, which gave the *US a border further to the south, so they could build the Nicaragua canal. Griffin surprises his Secretary of State when he advises him NOT to oppose Mexico's claim over Guatemala - since he knows that this will alienate Mexico from everyone else. Griffin receives a letter from Mexico that tells him dictator Salas made a mistake. Excerpt from “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about said “Gomez letter”, in which the *US are invited to make war with Mexico against Britain. Extracts from a letter by Captain Pablo Bustamante, in which he tells his wife how Griffin, as said, alienated Mexico from all possible allies. Excerpts from “The 100 Greatest Events That Changed The World”, at place 82 the Caribbean Purchase, which gave the *US all the French Caribbean. Extracts from “From Napoleon to Peter: International Relations in the Nineteenth Century (1789-1906)” - how Disraeli's government falls due to *America's unchecked growth, and how Britain starts the Bogotá Pact since Germany under Bismarck isn't interested in transatlantic affairs.

Characters: Kaiser Willem III, Hugh Griffin; Secretary of State Edwin McCullough, Griffin; Griffin and his secretary

References: Two *American presidents of the future, Mitchell and Nielsen, are mentioned.

#69: An American Miscellany

Content: Population Data for the North American States: 1870. At the moment, there are 35 million *Americans (24 million of them free) against 16.6 million in the north. From “Abolitionist and Anti-Slavery Literature: A Review”, about various famous anti-slavery writings in DoD. Popular and Electoral Votes for President in 1866, from “1810-1910: A Century of New England Political History”, which William Seward wins, again via the electoral college. A letter from Hugh Griffin with his condolences for the death of Seward, which makes Barnum new president.



Interlude #1: Gazing Into The Crystal Ball

The World Factbook - Australia (1953 edition) Australia has over 50 million inhabitants, three quarters of them are white, Roman Catholics are the biggest single denomination (one third), and its monarch is referred to as head of the “Restored Empire”. Since 1947, it has broken diplomatic contact with the *US.

#70: Rayne In Spain

Content: Taken from “The Rayne Diaries: The Life of New England's First Great Spy”: Timothy Rayne was New England's first master-spy, one of the first agents of the DFS (Department of Foreign Security), who started his career in 1865, met the “peacock” Alberto in Cuba in '67, prevented an *American filibuster by Colonel Quigley in '68, was sent to Spain in '69, where he was killed one year later. Extracts taken from “The Compleat Textbook Series: Modern European History”, about the Congress of Versailles, which divided up Spain.



Interlude #2: Bride of the Emerald Aisle

The World Factbook - Ireland (1953 edition) Ireland also is part of the Restored Empire, and of the GEEU too. It has a queen and a female prime minister.

#71: Eye of the Griffin

Content: Excerpts from the Independence Day Address of President Hugh Griffin, promising great times coming. Popular and Electoral Votes for President in 1878, from “1810-1910: A Century of New England Political History” - Radical John Adams IV wins, while the Republican vote collapses. Selected Important Dates in North American History: 1866-1880, taken from “The Compleat Textbook Series: Early American History”



#72: La Gloire

Content: Taken from “Napoleon III: Idealist, Nationalist or Opportunist?”: While critical, this short entry ranks him positively. Extract from: The Encyclopaedia Recidivus (3rd edition), about Napoleon III's life, how he f.e. expanded France's colonial empire.

Characters: It's mentioned that Napoleon III was the only Napoleon who died while being head of state.


#73: Amidst The Sands Of Time

Content: Population Data for the North American States 1880: 45 million *Americans (31 million of them white) stand against 21 million in the north. The Presidential Elections of 1880, from “The Atlas of American Political History”: Thomas “Old Tom Silver” Corbin narrowly wins. From “Slavery in the New World: How the Industrial Age became the Second Dark Ages” (1860-1890) about the reduction in cotton profitability and the adoption of bonded labour from Central America



#74: President Wanted (No Experience Necessary)

Content: From “Unique Story of a Marvellous Career: The Life of President Phineas T. Barnum”: How he started to make money as a boy, and made his presidency “the greatest show on earth”. John Adams IV goes incognito on a ferry to dedicate the Colossus. From “Wonders of the Modern Age”: The Colossus of New York, a gift from the Greek people to New England. All the four heads of the North American states at Lincoln's funeral; Adams and James are in sorrow that another war with the *US would result in defeats, and Diaz tries unsuccessfully to enter the Bogota Pact.

Characters: John Adams IV; John Adams IV, Thomas Corbin, James I, Manuel Diaz, NE Secretary of State Daniel Fisk


#75: Nightfall

Content: Napoleon and Peter sign an alliance (“axis”) against Germany. Corbin goes to New England, for Lincoln's funeral, and finds out that Mexico and New England are trying to improve their connection. Clay, who helped Corbin win the White House, receives a telegram to wreak havoc in Mexico. Clay tries to press Corbin into a war, but Corbin disagrees and Mahan doesn't the idea like that much either. Corbin reads an article how railroads in Mexico were sabotaged and suspects Clay. Mahan's diary entry from 26 September 1881: “The interlude is over.”

Characters: Napoleon IV, Peter IV of Russia; Thomas Corbin, John Adams IV, James I, Manuel Diaz, Jonathon Albrecht; Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Northern Pacific Railroad, Brutus Junius Clay, his secretary; Brutus Junius Clay, Thomas Corbin, General Edward Mahan; Thomas Corbin


#76: Going Under

Content: Fisk is surprised when war between the *US and Mexico is about to break out, just at the time Edward VII died. Corbin tells Fisk that he can't/won't stop the war; they only can get a declaration of neutrality. Text of the United States' declaration of war on Mexico on 4 October 1881. Hill is angry because he can't take a part in the Mexican conquest, and Mahan tells his adjutant afterwards that the army had to deal with worse generals.

Characters: John Adams IV, NE Secretary of State Daniel Fisk; Daniel Fisk, Thomas Corbin, New England minister Henry Astor; General Edward Mahan, Lieutenant General George Hill, Mahan's adjutant Major Peabody


#77: The Mexican Assortment

Content: Fisk receives the telegram that Britain won't make war and hopes for the best. The “peacock” wants from Artaud a meeting with a highly placed individual within the *American Department of Foreign Affairs. Bismarck fears a war with France and Russia and hopes for British help. Thomas Corbin wants to avoid war with Britain and New England, but can't grant them recognition for their protectorates. Then, instead, he stops the African slave trade. Mahan in Mexico has to scold a subordinate general who didn't what he was supposed to do. From “So Far From God: The History of the Mexican Wars”, how Mahan marched into Mexico City

Characters: NE Secretary of State Daniel Fisk, New England minister Henry Astor; Marcel Artaud aka Alberto Zarco, and the Portuguese peacock; Reichs Chancellor Otto von Bismarck; Thomas Corbin; Daniel Fisk, Henry Astor, Thomas Corbin; General Edward Mahan, Brigadier General Hamilton


#78: Enemies of the States

Content: Mahan in Mexico City meets Fisher and suggests him to train some more Jaguar regiments, to prepare for the expected trouble. From “1810-1910: A Century of New England Political History”, about the collapse of the Republican party after 1872, esp. under John Adams IV's government. John Adams IV's speech in 1882 to push through the Sixth Amendment. The Sixth Amendment itself, which gives any male over 21 the right to vote. Excerpts from: “No Cause Too Radical: A Social History of New England From 1850-1950”, how Adams IV transformed New England into a more egalitarian state, by the expansion of the franchise, the anti-child labor Factory Act and increasing the immigration. Two quotes from ex-president Winthrop who opposed the Sixth Amendment, and Adams IV, who defends it.

Characters: General Edward Mahan, Mahan's aide Captain Johnston, Jaguar Captain Fisher. John Adams IV.


#79a: Everybody's Fool

Content: Extracts from: “From Napoleon to Peter: International Relations in the Nineteenth Century (1789-1906)”, how Napoleon IV dismembered Aragon in 1882/83 successfully, but thus drove Britain towards Germany. General Juarez receives new smokeless Adams guns from the “peacock”

Characters: José Ramon Juarez, Alberto “the peacock”, a soldier named Miguel Calatrava


#79b: Taking Over Me

Content: Juarez defeats a troop of “chacals”. Australian immigrant Macarthur comes to San Francisco, meets “emperor” Norton I. When Britain and Germany threaten war over Aragon, Napoleon IV decides to strike NOW. A letter from Norton I to Richard IV.

Characters: José Ramon Juarez, local guerrilla commander Ernesto Obregón; William Macarthur, “emperor” Norton I, Jonathon Bradbury; Napoleon IV, Foreign Minister Antoine Dumouriez


#80: Have You Ever Seen The Rain?

Content: From “Land of Hope and Glory: The Complete History of Australia, 1788-1948”, about the spreading of the settlements during the early decades, and how the enslavement of the Koori was prevented. Madden discovers gold in Lewis Pond Creek, near Bathurst, New South Wales. From “Land of Hope and Glory…” about the Gold Rush. From “The Eternal Friend: Gold Throughout The Ages”, how the many immigrants and the end of convict transportation changed Australia. From “Land of Hope and Glory…”, how after 1850 the Australian aristocracy came into existence. From “McGuire Atlas of Australian Military History” about the military achievements of Australia. From “Land of Hope and Glory…”, how he federation came about and got its king George in 1882. From: “Classics of Australian Literature”, William Charles Wentworth's poem about Australia.

Characters: Daniel Madden

References: It's mentioned that in 1946, Australian forces are deployed on five(!) continents.

#81: Riding the Dragon

Content: Canrobert is dissatisfied about Napoleon's crazy plan to strike into Germany. Napoleon gives a rousing speech to his soldiers. Bazaine salutes the emperor in occupied Saarbrücken. Beart destroys the Pulverturm in Mainz with a detonation. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the battle of Mainz, which France won. Bismarck oversees the orderly evacuation of Frankfurt. Napoleon IV orders to burn the Reichstag.

Characters: Marshal Francois Canrobert; Napoleon IV and many of his soldiers; Marshal Pierre Bazaine; Sergeant Jean-Louis Béart; Reichs Chancellor Otto von Bismarck; Napoleon IV


#82: The Spear of St. George

Content: From: “No Place in the Sun: France From Great Power to Great Embarrassment”, how Napoleon IV failed to see that the conquest of Frankfurt didn't mean the end of the war. King George and Kelvin decide to invade the Spanish Philippines to prevent them falling to Germany or Nippon. Morton asks Radama II to surrender due to the war with France, which the king declines. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the battle of Oppenheim. Brisbane wins a sea battle near Dover, preparing for the landing of the British Expeditionary Force near Dunkirk.

Characters: King George of Australia, Prime Minister Lord Percy Kelvin; King Radama II, Frederick Morton; Petty Officer Herbert Brisbane


Interlude #3: Bittersweet Kandy

From the World Factbook - Ceylon, which is also a part of the Restored Empire.

#83: Smooth Operator

Content: Excerpts from “A Jaguar's Life: An Autobiography”, how James Fisher trained the new Jaguars and fought to “restore order” in Mexico and caught three of the four “great generals”. Mahan tells Fisher that Juarez is the man they're looking for, on the day “Old Tom Silver” dies. Fisher finally finds and executes Juarez.

Characters: General Edward Mahan, Captain James Fisher, Mahan's adjutant; General Juarez, Ernesto Obregón, James Fisher, a Catholic priest


#84a: That's Freedom

Content: Verdi is ready to invade Lombardia. From “Thomson's Illustrated Guide to the Second Napoleonic Wars”, about the Italian front, where the Italians make great progresses, although the Austrians successfully resist and later strike back. Fermi oversees an attack with the new artillery against the Austrians. From “Thomson's Illustrated Guide…” about an Italian counter-offensive near Parma. From “A History of the Italian-Speaking Peoples”, which says that while Italy did better than its allies, this would create problems later. McInnis and his men in Gibraltar are close to capitulation.

Characters: Marshal Giuseppe Verdi; Captain Bruno Fermi, Zahra; Sergeant John McInnis, Privates Carter, Anderson


#84b: Don't Look Back In Anger

Content: “Divided we stand; united we fall: Spanish history from world empire to world embarrassment” a modern history lecture series by Professor Josiah Menende, why Spain fell apart - and how it foolishly attacked Portugal, thus drawing the *US into the war.



#84c: War and Pieces

Content: Popular and Electoral Votes for President in 1884, from “1810-1910: A Century of New England Political History”, which the Federalist Gould wins. Moltke talks with Bismarck about Britain's attack on Gallipoli, and Bismarck suggests taking out Russia by defeating them on German ground. Extracts from “From Napoleon to Peter: International Relations in the Nineteenth Century (1789-1906)”, how Peter IV left the war after losing Poland, Lithuania and Bulgaria.

Characters: Field Marshal Helmuth Graf von Moltke, Reichs Chancellor Otto von Bismarck

References: The burning of Frankfurt is mentioned, as is New England's entry in the war on Britain's side.

#85: How Do I Live

Content: Selected excerpts from: “Thomson's Illustrated Guide to the Second Napoleonic Wars” - Timeline of the Second Napoleonic Wars, which end with Napoleon IV's abdication



#86: Lest Darkness Call

Content: Three liaison officers witness the horrible battle inside Madrid. Extract from the Encyclopaedia Recidivus (3rd edition) about Czar Peter IV, who wanted to conquer Turkey and reformed Russia for this purpose, but had to abdicate in 1906. Korsakov meets the Czar and persuades him to form a Duma and to grant a constitution. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the December Manifesto, a pledge from Czar Peter IV to reform Russia. Korsakov celebrates the first meeting of the Duma.

Characters: Captain Jonathon Friedman (New England), Jaguar Captain Anthony Harman, Flecha Captain Vasco Lavrador (Portugal), Captain Juan Aznar (Spain); First Deputy of the St Petersburg Soviet of Workers Deputies Mikhail Araslanevich Korsakov, Czar Peter IV; Chief Minister of the Duma Mikhail Araslanevich Korsakov, Minister of the Interior Count Stolypin, Minister of Finance Count Gromyko


#87: The Sword and the Mind

Content: A synopsis of events after 75 years of the Decades of Darkness TL. From “No Place in the Sun: France From Great Power to Great Embarrassment”, how Napoleon IV's diplomatic mistakes lead to his defeat. From “Blood and Iron: The Concise Encyclopaedia of Military History” about the (casualties from) Second Napoleonic Wars. From “The Compleat Textbook Series: Modern European History” about the Third Congress of Vienna, which also divided Africa into spheres of influence.



Interlude #4: The Main Frankfurt

Michelle Kelvin and her husband Baron Andrew Kelvin from Australia visit Germany and have a look at Frankfurt before going to their hotel.

It's mentioned that Germany defeated seven nations in the “Great War”, and the airport is full of uniformed and armed men, which isn't the case in other countries Michelle knows. And the relation between Australia and *America seems to be extremely hostile. Germany seems to control all of Europe west of the Russian border.

#88: The Little Flower

Content: Griffin and princess Maria, “The little flower” meet in Columbia City and talk about the institution of slavery. The emperor and his daughter talk about the Bogota Pact and decide to honor the *American soldiers who helped them. Excerpts from “A Jaguar's Life: An Autobiography”: James Fisher writes about his “adventures” in Brazil, meets princess Maria and receives the Order of the Southern Cross, with a special approval. The Brazilian ship-of-the-line Riachuelo sinks while in Uruguay. From “Without a Trace: A New Investigation of Nine Lost Ships and Their Fates”, how the Riachuelo sank, which lead to the war of the Quadruple Alliance, and who might be responsible for it. Empress Maria signs the declaration of war to Uruguay.

Characters: Princess Maria de Bragança e Bourbon, Hugh Griffin; Emperor Dom Pedro II, Princess Maria; Miguel Rodrigues


#89: Under The Southern Cross

Content: Fox offers empress Maria that Britain could help negotiating, which she declines, since she's got support from *America. Gomes oversees the attack against the Uruguayans. Morrison sees the Brazilian flag rising over Montevideo. Martinez approaches Gomes to tell him that Paraguay and Charcas have entered the war against Brazil, so they decide to make a truce. Maria doesn't want peace, since Chile is about to enter the war against the Quadruple Alliance. Brazilian cylinder-gunners attack the Argentinians in Uruguay. From “The Sword and the Cross: A History of Imperial Brazil” about the war of the Quadruple Alliance (incl. timeline). Maria allows Fox to mediate for peace.

Characters: British ambassador James Henry Fox, empress Maria; Brazilian Lieutenant-General Bruno Gomes; Captain Henry Morrison (*USA); Bruno Gomes, Argentinian Colonel Rodrigo Martinez; Empress Maria, James Henry Fox; Colonel Duarte, Sergeant Ricardo Barbosa, Corporal Rocha; Empress Maria, James Henry Fox


#90: As I Look At The World

Content: A brief tour of the wider world through to 1885/86



#91: Old Reliable

Content: The Presidential Elections of 1888, from “The Atlas of American Political History”: Mahan and his young running mate Lewis Mitchell defeat sitting president David Richards. President Mahan meets with Brutus Clay to tell him that he plans to fight monopolies, and wants to start in the railroad business. Population Data for the North American States 1890: 68 million *Americans (43 millions of them white) face 28 millions in the rest of North America. Selected Important Dates in North American History 1881-1890, from “The Compleat Textbook Series: Early American History”.

Characters: President Mahan, Brutus Clay


#92: Age of Reason

Content: Excerpts from “Design and Evolution: The Natural Selection of Species” by Patrick Matthew, where he claims that new species may form after catastrophic events. From “Emigration Fields”, also by Patrick Matthew, advocating emigration to avoid starvations. Excerpts from “A Different Flesh: The Hireling and the Slave”, where the author advocates slavery as the best form of labor for blacks. From “America In Upheaval: The Dawn of a New Epoch”, where the author asks what proper place the Indians and mestizos should have. Extract from a speech by Governor Charles Ramsey of North Carolina, where he calls for expansion. From the editorial of the Columbia Register, where the author claims that a new race has emerged: The *American one.



#93: It's Just Not Cricket

Content: From “Gold and Flame: The History of the Modern Olympiad”, how the Modern Olympiad came into existence. From “Fifty Not Out: Test Cricket 1872-1922”, how cricket became popular (again), even in Germany. From “Baseball: New England's National Pastime”, about New England's national pastime. From “Football: One Name, Many Games”, about the many (more than IOTL) different kinds of football. From The Culiacán Journal, about the old sport of Ringball.



#94a: Toy Soldiers

Content: The composer Shicklgruber witnesses how the Holy Roman Emperor watches the premiere of his opera “The Ship of Phantoms” in Vienna. From “Yellow's Notes on (Ernst) Grillparzer's War of the Clouds”: about the author, a grandson of famous Franz Grillparzer, and his book, a pessimistic work about a Venusian invasion of Earth, predicting cloudships, tanks, missiles and poison gas. From “Yellow's Notes on Hanson's The Chrononaut”: about the author, and his work - a timetraveller visits first the past and then the future, eventually deciding to stay there.

Characters: Johannes Georg Shicklgruber


#94b: If I Could Turn Back Time

Content: From The Encyclopaedia Recidivus about the “Gothic novel” (which some people define that it includes some of Grillparzer's novels). From “From Grotte Chauvet to Grosse Chapman: 30,000 Years of Painting” about Momentism, DoD's Impressionism. Karl Rudden witnesses a royal wedding, but is bored of it. Napoleon IV gives his son the advice to wait for his chance in republican France, before abdicating and killing himself. Napoleon IV's “Dernière lettre au Français” (Final Letter to the French), which made a great impression.

Characters: Karl Rudden; Prince Charles Jean Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, emperor Napoleon IV


#95: "On, Wisconsin"

Content: From “Old World, New Land”: A Social History of the Province of Wisconsin“, about the Irish immigration which heavily influenced the province. From “Historical Maps of Canada and British North America”, about its population makeup (Irish, English, Germans, Scandinavians, Yankees). From “Letters Home: Letters from Settlers”, by Robert Zeitland to his brother Karl, asking him to move to Big Bull Falls from Dearborn. Another letter from Thomas Dombeck to his sister, written from prison after they founded a miners' union. From the Wisconsin Historical Archives: Declaration of the Ideals of the Wisconsin Republican Party. From “Rebels in our Midst: Radical Politics in the Kingdom of Canada”, how the Republican party emerged and later united with the labor unions to form the Labor party.



#96: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them

Content: Julia Gordon, despite twenty-one and still unmarried, persuades her father to let her go to Nicaragua. Julia arrives in Nicaragua, where she plans to found a plantation. Julia eats her first banana and has a business idea. One year later, Julia's plantation flourishes, and she has found a girlfriend. Julia is invited to the White House by president Griffin.

Characters: Julia Gordon, her father Richard; Julia Gordon, her personal maid Abby, Harry Walker; Julia Gordon, Abby, a banana seller; Julia Gordon, her girlfriend Yolanda Fuentes, Harry Walker; Julia Gordon, Yolanda, president Griffin.


#97: For Whom The Belle Tolls

Content: Julia Gordon and Griffin are interviewed, and Griffin uses the opportunity to advertise his canal idea. Julia returns to her father's plantation when he tells her he's going to sell it. Julia talks to Mitchell to expand her banana business into New England. Julia confesses Yolanda that she'll marry Harry Walker. Announcement from The Granada Mural that Harry Walker and Julia had their first child, William James.

Characters: Julia Gordon, president Griffin, Jesse Grant and other reporters; Julia Gordon, her father, Lucy (a house slave); Captain Anderson Mitchell, Harry Walker, Julia Gordon; Julia Gordon, Yolanda


#98: "Left Me Out In The Cold Rain And Snow"

Content: From “Alone and Forsaken: The History of America's Northwest”: About the city of Jackson, Wilkinson, its history and the role of the Populist movement there.



#99a: Between The Shadows

Content: Bryson who feels that he comes always too late moves from West Florida to San Francisco, meeting Quigley. After the filibuster in Hawaii has failed, they're banned by the king, but Bryson swears to return. Then he meets Julia Gordon and tries to woo her, but just wants her plantation. While they creatively misquote Shakespeare, he has no success, as Walker tells him to get off.

Characters: Herbert Bryson, Colonel Quigley; Bryson, Kamehameha V; Bryson, Julia Gordon, Harry Walker; the same ones


#99b: Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone

Content: Bryson stays in Nicaragua, tries to plant cotton now, but it doesn't look too successful either. Bryson finally settles in Puerto Rico, where he plants pineapples, with more success. Some years later, his agent gives him two great ideas: Planting another kind of pineapple, and canning them. Some years later, he wants to try a filibuster in Hawaii again, although his wife doesn't like the idea. He starts it in San Francisco, although White tells him there'll be no *US support.

Characters: Herbert Bryson; dito; Bryson, his agent Segundo Betances; Bryson, his wife Annette; Bryson, Assistant Secretary of State Carr B. White


#99c: Strangers In A Famed Land

Content: Dole visits Bryson in Puerto Rico, suggests him to try his filibuster again now that Britain is at war, and Bryson agrees. Somewhat later, his filibuster was successful, and they even captured the Hawaiian king. Mahan assures Britain that he won't stop them from removing Bryson, although his VP Lewis Mitchell supports it. Then, while he has a plan to stop the British navy, the Nipponese arrive instead. Shortly after, they execute him.

Characters: Herbert Bryson, R. Joseph Dole; Bryson, (ex?)king Jonah Liholiho, Dole; President Mahan, British ambassador James Henry Fox; Bryson, Dole; Bryson, Nipponese soldiers.


#100: Born In The USA

Content: From “Without Conscience Or Colour: The Rise and Rise of American Slavery”, where the author mentions his birth in Veracruz and writes about: how slavery changed during the second half of the 19th century; what role Nicaragua played; and how the *US enslaved most of the Central American population with occupation taxes. The Twentieth Amendment, about said occupation taxes. From “Without Conscience Or Colour…”, how peons moved to the northern *US where they hadn't been before, and the enslavement of the Amerindians.


References: Note that Cardiff is part of the Republic of Cymru in 1952. And slavery still exists in that year, albeit in modified form. Michelle Davies's “Slaves, Serfs and Peons” is also mentioned.

#101: Fields of Gold

Content: “Marse” Steve decides to sell his cotton plantation in Mississippi and move to Kansas to plant wheat instead; Jefferson will go first. Then, “Marse” Steve and the others follow by railroad and are heckled by anti-gold standard demonstrators in Kansas. In Kansas, Gloria seems to have caught Jefferson's eye. Jerome decides to flee to Canada with Ruth and Gloria, even fakes passes for them; on the journey, they meet the anti-gold standard man “Marse” Steve insulted, who helps them to flee, if just of spite. From “My Life And Times: From Lash to Law”, Jerome / Romulus Courtenay's autobiography.

Characters: The house slave Jerome, “Marse” Steve Jenkins, his son Jefferson, the servant Adam, Jerome's daughter Gloria and his wife Ruth; Jerome, “Marse” Steve, Ruth, some hecklers; Jerome, Gloria, Ruth.


#102a: A Special Case?

Content: From “Southwesternmost-Germany: From “Special Case” to Normalcy; A short review of its Nineteenth-Century History”, about the developments in Switzerland, which went from “Eidgenossenschaft” to kingdom to a bunch of monarchies. Extracts of the Diary of Principessa [Princess] Maria Isabella of Tuscany, who became Grand Duchess of Zürich. From “Southwesternmost-Germany…”, about how exactly Switzerland was split up.



#102b: Normalcy

Content: From “Southwesternmost-Germany: From “Special Case” to Normalcy; A short review of its Nineteenth-Century History”, the constitution of the Grand-Duchy of Zurich and its early political development. Extracts of the Diary of Grand Duchess Maria Isabella of Zurich, about the government work and the admission of women to the university. From “Southwesternmost-Germany…” about the development of railroads. Letter from Pietro Scarlatti to Giorgio Domeniconi about the Labour movement. From “Southwesternmost-Germany…”, how the small (French-speaking) Helvetian republic became a part of the Bern duchy, and how Switzerland had developed until the 1890s.



#103: The Wild Hunt

Content: Popular and Electoral Votes for President in 1890, from “1810-1910: A Century of New England Political History”, which gave the Radicals under John Hunter the power. “Lame duck” president Gould worries about New England's future and receives a telegram from *US president Mahan. Mahan visits Gould in Hartford, suggests him to acknowledge the *Americans in Cuba and Puerto Rico and recognize the New English protectorates in return, and also asks him to mediate in the expected African conflicts. Excerpts from “The 100 Most Influential Men In World History”, John Hunter makes #27, because of his reforms. Excerpts from New England President John Hunter's inauguration address, who wants to make New England a beacon to the world. The Seventh Amendment to the Constitution of New England, which gives women the right to vote. From The Encyclopaedia Recidivus, about the Prohibition Movement of New England. The Eighth Amendment to the Constitution of New England, which forbids alcoholics. The Ninth Amendment to the Constitution of New England, which introduces universal suffrage.

Characters: Stephen Gould, his secretary; Stephen Gould, Edward Mahan


#104a: Diamonds Are Forever

Content: From the State of the Union Address by Lewis Mitchell, where he proclaims that the *US stands at the cusp of history and expects great things. From Neville Wood's memoirs “Good Intentions”, where he tells that the Boer War was the first step on the destruction of the British Empire. From “Gold and Khaki: The History of the Kingdom War”, how the Boer War broke out over the South African gold. From “Blood and Iron: The Concise Encyclopaedia of Military History”, about the Anglo-Boer War 1890-93. Stephen Gould has successfully mediated the Columbia Accord between Britain, Portugal and Liberia - the Boer states were not invited, however.

Characters: Stephen Gould, ambassador of Greater Liberia B. Talifero Pickering, British ambassador Sir Derek Haynes, Portuguese emissary José Manuel Lopes, *US president Mahan

References: The fall of the British empire is foreshadowed, as is Neville Wood's execution.

#104b: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Content: Liberal MP George Evans criticizes the Boer War. From “Gold and Khaki: The History of the Kingdom War” how the war unexpectedly (for both sides) dragged on. In Transvaal, Petrus Reitz participates in a successful raid on the Brits. Captain Hamilton and his Canadians arrive in Brisbane (OTL Durban), surprised by the lack of Australian discipline. From “Gold and Khaki…” about the troubles the Boers gave the Brits. In Columbia, Jesse Grant interviews an *American who fought with the Boers. Grant in South Africa has the dead photographed for his report. Grant in an “assembly camp”, talking with Rev. Godwin about the treatment of the suffering Boer civilians. From The Columbia Messenger about the horrors of the Boer War. From “Blood and Iron: The Concise Encyclopaedia of Military History” about the second (guerilla) phase of the war. From “Gold and Khaki…”: The conclusion.

Characters: Petrus Reitz, Commandant Rhoodie; Captain Bryce Hamilton, Sergeant Tatum, Captain Simpson; Jesse Grant, *American volunteer Jones; Jesse Grant, Commandant Badenhorst, a photographer; Jesse Grant, Reverend Michael Godwin


#105: You're The Voice

Content: The Presidential Elections of 1892 from “The Atlas of American Political History”, which saw the Patriots break up and the Reform Party arise, and how this came about. From “Breaking the Gilded Cage: The USA From 1888-1910”, how the presidents Mahan and Lyndon Hughes broke up the monopolies. The Twenty-First Amendment to the Constitution of the *United States, which ruled the Senators' direct election. The Twenty-Second Amendment to the Constitution of the *United States which introduced income taxes. From “Breaking the Gilded Cage…”, about the military expansion during this time.



#106: Live To Tell

Content: Harry Walker receives a letter from captain Fisher who invites him, and Harry's kid William follows. From “A Jaguar's Life: An Autobiography”, where he mentions that the army is the fifth and most important estate (in British terms). William sees Juarez's grave and learns some bits about the Jaguars by Fisher, recommending Fisher to write his stories down. North American timeline 1891-1900, from “The Compleat Textbook Series: Early American History”. Population Data for the North American States 1900: 86 million *Americans (55 million of them white) face 35 millions in the North.

Characters: Harry Walker, Julia Walker, their only kid William, captain James Fisher, Yolanda, Geoffrey; William James Walker, James Fisher


#107: Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Content: The history of various important states in the world until 1900.



#108: How Few Abstain

Content: George Yeats has decided to leave poor Ireland for Canada. Yeats after some months in Kingston is dissatisfied and thinks about moving to New England. Yeats and his new wife visit the “Pineapple Merengue” in New York, where one can still get alcohol, and talk about whether Mitchell might start a war.

Characters: George Yeats; George Yeats; George Yeats, his wife Herminie, his friend Timothy Anderson, the latter's woman Maggie, other guests


#109: The Use Of Forbes

Content: Popular and Electoral Votes for President in 1902, from “1810-1910: A Century of New England Political History”: The Radicals lose against Nicholas Forbes, who wants to stand up against Mitchell. Excerpts from the State of the Union Address by *U.S. President Mitchell on 22 February 1904, where he rants against the “besieging” of the *USA by its neighbors. Robert Connery is desperate because he can't find a middle course between Mitchell's demands and Forbes telling him to provoke the *United States. Forbes meets with the ambassadors of his allies, deciding on a new pact against the *US. Extracts from a letter written Mitchell to his cousin, telling her that he's made the *US ready for war, which he expects will come. Palmer reports to Mitchell that there's “proof” for Britain supporting rebels in Yucatan, which makes Mitchell happy. A note from the *U.S. Secretary of State to the Ambassador at London, telling him to deliver an ultimatum to the British government.

Characters: New England's ambassador Robert Connery; Nicholas Forbes, Colombian ambassador Flavio Vergara, Venezuela's ambassador Pablo Herrera, British ambassador Oscar Shaw; Mitchell, Secretary of the Interior Samuel Palmer


#110: Opening Moves

Content: From “War in North America?”, a series of reports commissioned in the Frankfurter Standard by Generalleutnant Helmuth Hans Ludwig von Moltke, an analysis how the coming war will look like. Alexander Jefferson meets with Vickers just to see that there'll be no peace.

Characters: Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Vickers, U.S. ambassador Alexander Jefferson, Prime Minister Isaac Disraeli, a messenger


#111a: Kings Gambit Accepted

Content: Cleveland in occupied South New Jersey worries about the high losses. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 6: The North American War”, about the Sixty Days in New Jersey, which saw the *US First, Third, Ninth and Fifth armies advance, under high losses. Vickers and Röhm talk about the Russian grain embargo and what one could offer them to cease it. From “From Napoleon to Peter: International Relations in the Nineteenth Century (1789-1906)”, about said embargo crisis, in which it became apparent that Britain had become the minor partner to Germany.

Characters: Major General Jefferson Davis Cleveland; British Foreign Secretary Edward Vickers, German ambassador Hermann Röhm


#111b: Four Knights Game

Content: Two days before war is formally declared, the Jaguars already cross into British Honduras. In the *US congress, Bautista tries to talk the congress into not starting “Mr Mitchell's war”, unsuccessfully. The Jaguars rise the flag in occupied Belize City. Ingersoll watches the *US attack Fort Sanford at the Niagara front with cloudships. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 6: The North American War”, about the Lake Erie Theatre, where the *US eventually succeeded.

Characters: Lieutenant William J. Walker, Corporal Arthurs, other Jaguars; Plutarco E. Bautista of Sonora, W. Joseph Simmons (Alabama), Jeffery Quinn of Illinois; Captain Goldson, William J. Walker; Lieutenant James Ingersoll


#111c: English Opening

Content: From “Phrases for the Ages: Memorable Political Speeches”, Canadian king George's coronation address, which happened to be about the day the North American War began. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 6: The North American War”, about the Wisconsin front, where the Allies proceed, albeit under very high losses. From The Hartford Sentinel, about “THE SHIP WITH WINGS” which did a successful raid on the *Americans. From “Phrases for the Ages: Memorable Political Speeches”: Excerpts from New England President Nicholas Forbes's address to the nation after the Battle of Staten Island Sound, calling the war a “total war”.



#111d: Modern Defence

Content: Mitchell welcomes the Nipponese ambassador, making him understand subtly that Nippon can't expand in East Asia because there's still Russia. Some decades later, the same scene is filmed very differently - completely blunt, that is. *American soldiers near Anderson, Manitoba witness one of their armored horsts attack the Canadians. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 6: The North American War”, about the Trans-Mississippian Front which saw more movement, and General Edward Montgomery's successes there. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the Battle of Buenaventura, first major Pacific naval engagement, which the *US won against Colombia. Liholiho talks with Reid, who assures him that they'll defend Hawaii.

Characters: Nipponese ambassador Satoru Fujimori, Mitchell, Mitchell's secretary; actors Michael Ellicott, Dieter Lo; Sergeant William Ames, Corporal Jorge Alvin, Captain Johnson; King Jonah Liholiho II of Hawai'i, Australian Admiral Reid


#112: Guns of the North

Content: General Custer is unhappy about the clueless general staff, tries to shift the blame to the Fifth Army. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 6: The North American War”, about the Hammer Offensive which was anything but successful and wasted the lives of many *American soldiers. The filming of “Guns of the North”, how Captain Alvar O'Brien lead his men onto Mt Bethel. A movie review of “Guns of the North” from The Charleston Republic. From “Wars That Changed The World…” about the unsuccessful Hammer Offensive, which still was a success for Charles Bull and Alvar O'Brien.

Characters: General George Washington Custer; actors Elijah Benson, Tony Flinders

References: It is hinted that Russians and Germans would be *America's foremost enemies mid-20th century.

#113: The Fakes That Launched A Thousand Ships

Content: Disraeli holds a speech in the House of Commons, condemning the *US. Oscar Herschel on the submersible USS Seawolf sinks the first Yankee ship. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary”, about Oscar Herschel, regarded as the best submersible commander of all time. From “Guns, Gas and Steel: The North American War”, how the Allies caught Trinidad, freed the slaves, but couldn't prevent a later massacre of the whites there. Lieutenant Montgomery observes British ships going to occupied Trinidad.

Characters: Prime Minister Isaac Disraeli; Lieutenant Oscar Herschel; Lieutenant Pablo Montgomery, Commander Curran


#114: From A Distance

Content: From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 6: The North American War”, about how the *Americans attacked at the Trans-Mississippi front after the end of the Hammer Offensive. Sheppard and four thousand other *Americans die by poison gas. From “Wars That Changed The World…” about the usage of poison gas, which only temporarily helped the Allies. Stanley and his Arlac (ARmored LAnd Cruiser) men take part in a breakthrough, but are killed. From “Wars That Changed The World…” about the success of New England's first Arlac offensive.

Characters: Sergeant Adam Sheppard; Lieutenant Lyman Stanley, seven other men


#115: The Soft Underbelly

Content: From “Lions In Mud: The Story Of The North American War”, about the small Nicaraguan city of Horseshoe Bay. Coyne watches the Allies coming to attack Horseshoe Bay. Balgir and O'Connor take part in the attack on the cliffs. Hearst receives Walker, who promises him to make the Allies's life hell. From “Memories of the Bay” (by Balgir), which criticizes the British politicians who wasted Australian lives. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 6: The North American War”, about the attack, which proved unsuccessful at the end.

Characters: Lieutenant Alfred Coyne, Commander Hershey; Corporal Herman Balgir, O'Connor; General Randolph Hearst, his adjutant William Butler, Lieutenant William Walker


#116: Middle Game

Content: From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 6: The North American War”, about the Lake Erie Theatre, where General Charles Bull had some successes against the Allies until stopped at Lake St. Clair. Barbosa participates in a parade in occupied Canada. From “Wars That Changed The World…”, about the front in the Pacific northwest, which was mostly a “Sitting War”, although the *Americans had some successes too. From “Wars That Changed The World…”, about the Lake Erie Theatre again, and the importance of the city of Buffalo. Alvar O'Brien is allowed to take the best men from general Cleveland, to the latter's misfortune. Manning and Brown talk about the new Arlacs. In Brazil, colonel Jobin talks Rui Nabuco into thinking about rebelling against the empress.

Characters: Captain Ricardo Barbosa, a Brazilian volunteer in the First Sword Army, and General Montgomery; Major General Jefferson Davis Cleveland, Lieutenant Colonel Alvar O'Brien; New English General Charles Manning, head of the Supply Department Howard Brown; Colonel Gilberto Jobin, the fazendeiro Rui Nabuco


#117: Winning the Exchange

Content: From “Guns, Gas and Steel: The North American War”, about how both sides prepared for the eventual, all-deciding big sea battle. From “The Battle of Long Island: Forty Years After” about the Battle of Long Island, where the Allies seemed to have quite the superiority. From “Cannon, Torpedos and Carriers: Naval Tactics from Nelson to Nielsen”, about the technological development (incl. the use of cloudships and submersibles, and oil-fired vessels). From “The Battle of Long Island…”, about the very battle - after a not too bad beginning, an undecided clash, and some minor fights, at 13:10 Lindsay-Davenport deploys west instead of east - which leads to the loss of the battle, and consequently, the war; some lesser fights follow. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 6: The North American War”, the losses during the battle of Long Island - Allies 24 ships, *Americans 18 ships. Mitchell gives von Hartmann his terms of peace, which are quite modest - if you don't remember that this will practically give him Colombia, Venezuela and Coast Rica.

Characters: German ambassador to the *United States Georg von Hartmann, president Mitchell


Interlude #5: On A Night Like This

Content: Andrew Kelvin walks through New York during carnival (of 1950), takes a look at the war memorials. Then he meets with Burton, talking some secret service business. A letter from Andrew to his wife Michelle.

Characters: Andrew Kelvin; Andrew Kelvin, Deputy Director Richard Burton

References: It's mentioned that no Australians can set their foot on American ground in 1950.

#118a: Fading Like A Flower

Content: Makhpyia-luta prepares a bomb against the *American occupiers of Canada. Mitchell tells von Hartmann that he'll recognize the government of the Nephi Free State, then learns from Harrison that he has a new kind of cloudship with a range of over ten thousand miles. The Brazilians make a putsch against their empress, declare the republic.

Characters: Makhpyia-luta aka Red Cloud; Lewis Mitchell, Secretary of State James Faulkner, German ambassador Georg von Hartmann, B. Scott Harrison; Colonel Lúcio Nabuco of the Palace Guard, Colonel Gilberto Jorbin, Rui Nabuco, Empress Maria

References: The putsch was prepared in #116.

#118b: Mein Herz Brennt (My Heart Burns)

Content: Gibson and Sharpe in occupied Dominica. O'Brien and Bull talk about the planned Rapier offensive. From the private diary of Ilya Alexandrovich Serov, Chief Minister of the Duma, who plans to stop the Czar if he pushes too much against Britain. Vickers and Röhm talk about the latest problem, that the Czar wants all of Persia. From “The Romanovs: Gold, Blood and Mystery”, how czar Peter IV's plan to take Persia was stopped by the Duma, and he had to abdicate, after which Russia would get a new constitution. From “From Napoleon to Peter: International Relations in the Nineteenth Century (1789-1906)”, how Peter IV's departure marked the end of the 19th century.

Characters: Corporal Antonio Gibson, Sergeant Terry Sharpe; General-in-Chief Charles Bull, Lieutenant Colonel Alvar O'Brien; Foreign Secretary Edward Vickers, German ambassador Hermann Röhm


#119a: Fire & Ice

Content: From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 6: The North American War”, about the fights at the Trans-Mississippian Front, between generals Montgomery, who conquered Selkirk, and Ambroise Riel, who managed to take it back with his “Red Army”. Forbes visits Manning in his HQ, hoping for reassurance before the great offensive. In occupied New Jersey, Connie kills Colonel Drake as revenge for her killed (black) husband. Ingersoll shoots down a cloudship over New York.

Characters: General Charles Manning, President Nicholas Forbes; Connie Jugal, Colonel Drake; Captain James Ingersoll


#119b: Zugzwang

Content: From “Guns, Gas and Steel: The North American War”, about the new developments and tactics in the war, as a preparation for Plan Gamma aka the Twenty Days. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 6: The North American War” about the Twenty Days themselves, which weren't unsuccessful for the Allies. Bull orders O'Brien to start the Rapier Offensive.

Characters: General-in-Chief Charles Bull, Lieutenant Colonel Alvar O'Brien


#119c: Riposte

Content: *American soldiers incl. Ernesto Bravo start fighting in the Rapier offensive. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about choketroopers, who were O'Brien's idea. A bit later, Ernesto Bravo and his men surprise some Yankee soldiers. From “Lions In Mud: The Story Of The North American War”, how O'Brien invented his “choke tactics”. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 6: The North American War”, about the breakthroughs the *Americans made during the Rapier Offensive. Bull meets his counterpart Manning in the sight of the Colossus of New York, telling him to give up New York. Mitchell meets von Hartmann who tells him that Forbes is asking for an armistice.

Characters: Private First-Class Ernesto Bravo, Corporal Hall, soldiers Rodrigo, Jeff; Ernesto Bravo and a Yankee sergeant; General Charles Bull, General Manning; Lewis Mitchell, Georg von Hartmann


#120: Midnight

Content: The British government witnesses the *American cloudships dropping leaflets over London. From “The Illustrated History of Sky Power”, about Captain Whelan's cloud-ship raid on London. Vickers and the New England peace delegation prepare for the unavoidable. The filming of “Mitchell”, the scene with the peace negotiations. Excerpts from the Treaty of Washington. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 6: The North American War” about the terms of the Treaty of Washington. In 1950, Kathryn Atwater watches “Mitchell”.

Characters: Prime Minister Isaac Disraeli, Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Vickers, First Lord of the Admiralty William George Campbell, 3rd Earl Cawdor, War Secretary Anthony McGowan, Disraeli's private secretary; Edward Vickers, former New England ambassador to the *USA Robert Connery, General Charles Manning and Admiral Ferdinand Mills; actors Michael Ellicott, Lamar Goines, John Hoover; Kathryn Atwater


#121: That Quiet American

Content: Edgar Langley finds himself in Liberia, where people hate him. Philemon Shikingo holds a speech about the expected refugees, then meets Langley, who is willing to help with the Third Exodus. Langley and Shikingo come to a better understanding discussing the details. Shikingo welcomes the first refugees in Liberia. Langley - and Shikingo - attending a visionist communion, Langley meanwhile having converted and accepted the Liberians as civilized. The two welcome a liberated slave - not the first one Langley helped to liberate.

Characters: *American Deputy Ambassador to Liberia Edgar Langley, ambassador Bernard Reyes; Liberian Secretary of State Philemon Shikingo, Edgar Langley; Philemon Shikingo, Edgar Langley; Philemon Shikingo, Third Exodus refugees; Edgar Langley, Philemon Shikingo; fromer slave Carver, Edgar Langley, Philemon Shikingo


#122a: Battle Lines Being Drawn

Content: The Canadian veteran Dombeck returns to his home in Wisconsin. While the Dombecks celebrate Christmas, Dombeck's father tells his son he should go into politics. In Dearborn, Matt is shocked to see an agitator speaking.

Characters: Matt Dombeck, his parents; many Dombeck family members; Matt Dombeck, right-wing agitator Kenneth Hillsington


#122b: This Summer I Hear the Drumming

Content: From “Rebels in our Midst: Radical Politics in the Kingdom of Canada”, about the post-war problems and the development before, which gave Canada a Whig government during the war and after. After Tom Dombeck holds a speech in parliament, Matt witnesses demonstrators shot at by the police. From “Rebels in our Midst…” about the “Friday riots” and how things would become even worse afterwards.

Characters: Tom and Matt Dombeck, politicians, policemen, demonstrators

References: The Canadians from British Columbia put into chains are mentioned.

#122c: The Shotgun Sings The Song

Content: While the king and his son are touring Canada to restore goodwill, the fiery prince is enraged about the Republican tendencies in the country. George and James have come to Wisconsin, to speak to the (few) loyalists there. The king holds a good speech to restore hope, unity and patriotism, but afterwards is shot by a veteran. James witnesses the assassination of his father. From “Rebels in our Midst: Radical Politics in the Kingdom of Canada”, how riots broke out after the king's assassination, politics radicalized, and the new king used his influence to install a quasi-dictature.

Characters: King George I of Canada, Prince James; George I, Prince James; George I, Prince James


#123: Holding Out For A Hero

Content: Napoleon V is interviewed, criticizing in a subtle way the instability of the Third Republic. The Third Socialist International meets in Paris. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the Third French Republic and how it was replaced by the Fourth Republic under Napoleon V. From “Words From The Ages: A Collection of Historically Significant French Documents”, a letter from Napoleon V to his sister, where he writes that he cannot foresee some developments in the future.

Characters: Reporter for Le Figaro Pierre Guizot, Napoleon V; Roger Shaw


#124: From This Moment On

Content: A letter from First Lady Anna Mitchell to a “beloved”, mentioning some “young war hero's actions in New Caledonia”. Anna Mitchell visits O'Brien and some other soldiers near the front. Anna has a talk with O'Brien, decides to tell Mitchell to keep an eye on him. At a great party in Columbia, the First Lady meets Diane Grant. A few weeks later, Anna Mitchell is interviewed by Diane. On the next morning, she awakes next to Diane, finding out she's a lesbian. Lewis Mitchell is shocked by this development, which makes it impossible for him to be re-elected.

Characters: Corporal Hall, Private First-Class Ernesto Bravo, Jeff, Rodrigo, Lieutenant Colonel Alvar O'Brien, Anna Mitchell; Alvar O'Brien, Anna Mitchell; Anna Mitchell, debutants Emma Hampton, Faith Griffin, Angela Davis and Yadhira Zuloaga, reporter Diane Grant, Senator Wade Hampton IV of South Carolina; Anna Mitchell, Diane Grant; Anna Mitchell, Diane Grant; Lewis Mitchell


#125: A Question Of Orthodoxy

Content: From: “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the Jewish Pale of Settlement in Russia, which was dissolved in 1907. From “People of the Lakes and Islands: A History of the Finns”, how the Finnish culture was rediscovered, and Finland gained a political voice. The brother of the Czar marries the daughter of Richard IV. From “Autocrats, Theocrats and Democrats: The Political History of Russia”, how the main parties developed.

Characters: Czar Alexander II, his brother Nikolai and his English bride, Patriarch Alexius of Moscow, King Richard IV of England, Holy Roman Emperor Friedrich IV, Kaiser Friedrich III of Prussia, the kings of Greece and Bulgaria, the President of France


#126a: Pacem Appellant

Content: O'Brien meets Bull, who tells him he'll go to occupied British Columbia. O'Brien arrives in renamed New Caledonia where he is welcomed by Leggett. Some months after, with O'Brien still there, Leggett is shot down by a partisan. O'Brien tells Davidson that he'll make a honest amnesty for all Canadians who swear allegiance to the *US in the next ten days. A diary entry by O'Brien, deciding that Canadians may become non-citizens.

Characters: Colonel Alvar O'Brien, General-in-Chief Charles Bull; Colonel O'Brien, his adjutant Second Lieutenant Andrew Macarthur, General John “Fighting Jack” Leggett, Captain Bradley; Alvar O'Brien, Andrew Macarthur, Captain Bradley, General Leggett; General (temporarily!) O'Brien, Mayor Randy Davidson

References: Leggett mentions that the *US now almost reach to the Pole.

#126b: Tempora Mutantur

Content: Arrington tries to booby-trap a barrack, but is caught. Then, he is sentenced to life imprisonment, plus fifty thousand dollars he has to work off; worse, so is his wife. Later, he's working in Nicaragua, when Bautista arrives to make his case public. Bautista meets O'Brien to challenge his methods of making peace.

Characters: Daniel Arrington; Daniel Arrington, the *American colonel / judge; Daniel Arrington, Don Porter, Congressman Plutarco Bautista; Plutarco Bautista, General O'Brien


#126c: Abyssus Abyssum Invocat

Content: Bautista speaks in Congress about O'Brien's methods. An Editorial from The Columbia Messenger, pointing out the dilemma of the situation. O'Brien is questioned by the Committee, but he defends himself well, and they learn that he paid his broker's fees into a trust for war widows. The Committee speaks with the president who seems to be considering a third term, deciding for a compromise: Women are pardoned for now, but white non-citizens become “blanks”.

Characters: Plutarco Bautista, Speaker Haley, other congressmen; Brigadier General Alvar O'Brien, Chairman Bautista and the other fifteen members of the Joint Committee on New Caledonia, Jesse Grant II and other journalists; Lewis Mitchell, Representative Bautista, Senators Andrew Vermillion and Wade Hampton IV


#126d: Aegrescit Medendo

Content: Larry Blundell has decided to fight the Jackals, bt disappears; when his wife and brother decide to flee Seattle, they're arrested by the military and sent to Sonora. A telegram from Liberian president Jonah Cobb to Mitchell, telling he'll welcome white refugees too. Cheryl Blundell in Yucatan learns that she was pardoned (the men weren't). From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the Vermillion Compromise, which created the new category of “blanks”. Excerpts from “Slavery in the New World: How the Industrial Age became the Second Dark Ages”, about the Canadian slaves. From “Scourge of the Jackals: The Authorised Biography of Larry Blundell, Jr.”, who was conceived in a slave camp.

Characters: Cheryl Blundell, Larry Blundell, her brother-in-law Richard, *American soldiers; Cheryl Blundell, her cellmate Sharon, some guards

References: It's said that Larry Blundell Jr. has acted revenge on the *US. Whatever that means.

#127a: Land of Milk and Honey

Content: Brian McMahon walks through Edwardsville which was renamed Brigham, meets with some other gentiles in the pub. From “The Pacific Coast: A Study of Extremes”, about the history of Vancouver Island, how the Nephites settled there, and how their state was recognized. From “Matthias Rigdon: Father of the Free State”, about his early life, his election to Edwardsville's mayor even before the war, how he founded the Free Nephi party, and later made the Nephite constitution. From “Republics, Kingdoms and Theocracies: Governments in the Post-Colonial World” about the Nephi Free State constitution, and how it was accepted. Rigdon and the ambassador discuss the transportation of members of the Church of Christ from the United States to the Nephi Free State.

Characters: Brian McMahon, Adam the landlord, Daniel Corbin, Seymour Jackson, James Corbin; Matthias Rigdon, his secretary Gabrielle, *U.S. ambassador Gerald King


#127b: The Land That Yet Remains

Content: Part from a Gentile protest song “Nephi Land”. From “Exodus: The Great Journeys of Nephi's People” about the “Final Exodus” which brought ~75 thousand Nephites to the Free State, with *American help. After being under more and more pressure by the Nephites, Brian McMahon finds the Australian office for emigrants and decides to move there with his family, even if he's bitter about this. From “From Barbarians To Refugees: Major Migrations from Ancient to Modern Times.”, about the many migrations in North America after the NAW, among those going to and leaving Vancouver Island just being a footnote. Brian McMahon visits a pub in Australia and picks up a fight with two *Americans.

Characters: Brian McMahon, Nigel Ward; Brian McMahon, his bartender, two *Americans


#128a: Stand By Me

Content: William Macarthur talks with Bradbury about where to find the best land in the *US, because he wants to leave the city; not wanting to go to Mexico, New Caledonia or South California, he decides for Jackson instead. A letter from William Macarthur to his parents, telling them about his growing estate named “Cowpastures” where he grows oranges he wants to sell big style, and his son Andrew. Macarthur and his friends decide to hang out in Habana, where he wants to take Rumba lessons but learns that the dance tutors double as prostitutes.

Characters: Jonathon Bradbury, William Macarthur, his wife Evelyn; William Macarthur, his friends José Anderson, Ned Hooper and Matthew Hull, six “dance tutors”

References: He mentions “that clever woman down in Nicaragua” with the bananas.

#128b: The Colour Of Hope

Content: W. Macarthur's letter to The Ballington Herald, criticizing the peon prostitution in Habana. Macarthur then talks to his pastor about his crisis of conscience, getting a few addresses of people thinking like him. A letter by John Marshall Harlan to Macarthur who has joined his cause. From a pamphlet by his organisation, the Society for Ethical Peon Treatment. From “The Whitman Encyclopaedia: Volume 23: Famous Americans (7th Edition)” about William Macarthur and his achievements with SEPT and the Orange Marketing Board.

Characters: William Macarthur, Pastor Vincent Ramey


#129: One Out Of Many

Content: From “The rise of the modern world: A history of the nineteenth century” - Introduction: How Germany changed from the Confederation to a world power; Chapter 1: How the system of the three kaisers was established, new parliamentary organs were introduced, and the Confederation became the German Holy Roman Empire after the Confederation War; Chapter 2: How chancellor Bismarck helped integrating Germany further (especially considering Prussia), the Customs Union (Zollverein) expanded and the Deutschleger was organized, which saw its first test in the Swiss and Italian wars; Chapter 3: how Emperor Franz Josef further integrated Austria within Germany, even making Hungary, Croatia and Galicia kingdoms, and the common currency Reichstaler was introduced, and finally the Second Napoleonic War won; Chapter 4: how universal male suffrage was introduced, and Bismarck's last years; Chapter 5: how despite of often-changing governments social security was introduced; Chapter 6: an overview of the chancellors so far, the German political parties, the administrative situation in 1910, and of course (not for the first time) German census numbers.



#130: The Days of the Jackals

Content: The Colombian ambassador talks with Bautista who recommends him rather to surrender his country instead of going into a futile war with *America. Armero thinks about his options, remembering that in El Salvador at least some more men stayed free (and the last president became a rich man). Charles Bull, bored after having returned to the General Staff, reads in the newspaper that Costa Rica and Colombia ask for *US annexation… and that Mitchell wants to make nine(!) territories states… and that there might be still war with Venezuela… which means Mitchell seeks a third term, which spoils Bull's chances for the presidency. William J. Walker returns to Sharkview plantation, where his father talks him into teaching new regulars to fight in the jungles instead of fighting himself. From “Lords of the Land: The Story of America's Presidents”, about the candidates - generals Bull, Hearst, Leggett and Montgomery were all considered, and finally Bull and Leggett ran against Montgomery, winning easily - which proved fatal for *America.

Characters: Flavio Vegara, Plutarco Bautista; President of Colombia Juan Armero; Charles Bull, his adjutant; Captain William J. Walker, his father, his mother

References: It's mentioned that the Australians support the Venezuelan government-in-exile.

#131: Debts Of Honour

Content: From “Honour, Courage and Betrayal: A Soldier's Memories of the North American War”, mentioning that “the war isn't over for the veterans yet”. From “Marching Under The Green Flag: The History of Socialism” about the development of Socialism in Britain, where Labour became second power after the lost NAW. The elected *US president meets the passing one, and they have a disagreement about Ecuador which Mitchell wants to let go, but Bull doesn't. A note by Bull to general Kirby, telling that O'Brien's talents mustn't be wasted. William Walker, sent by James Fisher, helps to liberate the captured empress with the help of a cloudship. From “Revolutions and Counter-Revolutions: Examples of the March of History”, about the Brazilian Revolutionary War, where the *US backed the monarchy, and Germany and Britain the republicans. Napoleon V and the new British PM sign a treaty of friendship.

Characters: Charles Bull, Lewis Mitchell; former Empress of Brazil Maria Inês Isabel Catarina de Bragança e Bourbon, William Walker; Prime Minister Arthur Spencer-Churchill, Clement Churchill, Napoleon V


#132: Pillars Of Fire

Content: Goddard presents his new rockets to the general. From “Rockets: The Wave Of the Future”, how they were used by New England in the NAW. From “Going to the Moon” about the development of Rocketry in the 19th Century up to Henry Goddard. Morrell presents a rocket skycraft show. From “Rockets…”, about how Andrew Morrell organized his shows.

Characters: Henry Goddard, General Lansing; Andrew Morrell, Sky Captain Hap Sewell


#133: After The Tide

Content: On board of NE ship Apollo which is about to be scrapped, mutiny happens; the mutineers go to Liberia. From “Famous Ships of the World” about “Liberty”, as it was renamed. From “When Honour Is Not Enough”, where Nicholas Forbes writes about his hardest decisions, signing the Treaty of Washington and order the Army to disperse the rioters in Hartford to avoid anarchy. Some influential Radical senators think about impeaching Forbes, but Hunter makes them decide against this, as he'll be an easier opponent. An article mentioning that in 1907 Prince-Edwards-Island joined New England, while Newfoundland became an independent kingdom. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about Vitalism, a quasi-fascist movement in New England. From “1810-1910: A Century of New England Political History” about the election of 1908, where the Radicals almost crushed the Federalists, but the Socialists and United Democrats (Vitalists) also have successes. Anthony Vanderbilt pulls some strings to build arlacs in Liberia.

Characters: Rear Admiral Seymour Bentley, Captain Wyatt, other sailors; Senator (ex-president) John Hunter, Senators Mahlon Pitney, Eugene Hale, J. Baird Weaver, Timothy Vanderbilt; Anthony Vanderbilt, Genevan banker Jean Dufour


#134a: Danger Zone

Content: From “Rebels in our Midst: Radical Politics in the Kingdom of Canada”: While the years of 1909-1911 stayed quite calm after the shocking regicide, but problems for the farmers lead to the formation of the Freedom Army and their march on Kingston (now including workers too), where they gathered around the parliament until some weeks later the first people died in a clash. Some days later, the Republicans besiege the parliament and have raised their flag on the Royal Library, and Baker who has lost control tries to help. From “Rebels in our Midst…”, about how the Freedom Army gave up after nine days and their leaders were executed, after which the Republicans fell apart again, and king James II took control, forming the Canadian “Jacobite” Party. From “Sit Back, and I'll Tell you a Tale: A Folklore History of Canada”, the song “The Autumn Rain” about the Freedom Army's fight.

Characters: The leaders of the Freedom Army Robert Baker, Ellie Booth, Hiram Moore, Quinton Cleary and Henry York


#134b: You Say You Want a Revolution

Content: Tom Dombeck asks Father Abe whether he's on the right way, and gets support. Tom “Dynamite” Dombeck helds a speech, demanding making Canada a republic, with much success. From “Rebels in our Midst: Radical Politics in the Kingdom of Canada”, about the new-founed National Republican Party, which soon became strongest left-wing party. In a pub in Wisconsin, the Stockholm brigade of the Canadian Brotherhood of Socialists plans an attack on an armory.

Characters: Tomas Dombeck, Father Abe; Tom Dombeck, his wife Maud, their son Matt, his fiancée Donelle; Lars Thorson, the band Jubert Brothers, Frank Stockinger


#134c: "A Picture From Life's Other Side"

Content: The king and Churchill discuss the situation, mentioning Dombeck's name. From “The Chief: The Memoirs of Matthew Dombeck”, how he became a politician at age 26, and the situation at that time. From: “Rebels in our Midst: Radical Politics in the Kingdom of Canada”, about the dangerous split between moderates and radicals among the Republicans, which Dombeck couldn't heal.

Characters: James II, Robert Churchill

References: It's mentioned that the split among the Republicans would later play a role in their dissolution.

#135: Playing With The Boys

Content: Louis Chevrolet easily wins a wagen (car) race, waking the interest of two Dutchmen. They suggest him to build more cars - a wagen for the volk. Martin Fischer succeeds in making the banker Escher giving him credit to build more cars, trucks and arlacs. Prince Willem opens the contest for designing a cheap car. Louis Chevrolet is happy because the bank is financing his new car factory in the Rhineland. Martin Fischer also is overviewing the growth of his business. Several generals witness a test of Fischer's Panzerkampfwagens. The first Chevrolet-Basis leaves the assembly line. Fischer thinks about the new developments after the death of the Grand Duke. Excerpts from the Christmas Address of Henry Chevrolet. Quotes from the Annual Report of the Board of Directors of Ajax Industries.

Characters: Louis Chevrolet, his brother Henry, Carlo Ponizetti, Princess Juliana of Bern, Dutch investors Robert Du Bois and Pieter van Nuffel; Louis Chevrolet, Robert Du Bois and Pieter van Nuffel; Martin Fischer, Director General Ludwig Escher; Johan Stuyvesant, Prince Willem, Louis Chevrolet; Louis and Henry Chevrolet, van Nuffel; Martin Fischer; Martin Fischer, Johann Keller and Balthasar Wydler, General Kirchoff; Martin Fischer, new Grand Duke of Bern Ferdinand


#136a: Reasons Of State

Content: Excerpts from the New England President's Annual Message to Congress, where he speaks about the rebuilding and what is to do, but also about repealing the Eighth Amendment. James Ingersoll, tired of the military, witnesses a speech by Mullins who demands more order for New England. Friedrich IV is unhappy about *American interfering in Brazil and thinks about how he can make Willem IV support his plan.

Characters: James Ingersoll, Timothy Anderson, Shane Mullins; German Holy Roman Emperor Friedrich IV


#136b: Conventions Of State

Content: George I has meetings with Allan Judd (about the grown immigration and the need for water) and Hugo Alfonso (about the fate of Venezuela, and a certain Marshal Juan Gómez). Napoleon V meets with O'Brien in Versailles, to “civilize the world” together. From The Encyclopaedia Recidivus, about the Versailles Convention which aimed at making war more human after the NAW horrors.

Characters: King of Australia George I, his secretary, Prime Minister Sir David Philby, New South Wales Premier Allan Judd, Venezuelan President-in-exile Hugo Alfonso; Napoleon V, Alvar O'Brien


#137a: The Start of Wars: A New Hope?

Content: From “Nails in the Southern Cross: The History of the Brazilian Civil War”, about how this war came about. José Arámbula's rise from cattle thief in ex-Mexico to general of the volunteers in Brazil (for the monarchists). From “Nails in the Southern Cross…” about the first year of the war, and which areas were monarchist and republican. Willem IV oversees the overseas force going to Brazil.

Characters: José Arámbula / Mike Yarwood, General John. J Pershing; Kaiser Willem IV


#137b: The Start of Wars: The Reich Strikes Back

Content: From “Nails in the Southern Cross: The History of the Brazilian Civil War”, about the divisions among the republicans and the strategies of the Imperials, who include the experenced returned NAW volunteers. Two volunteers for the republicans meet, go to fight in the “Jahrhundert Falke” skycraft. A telegram from admiral Pieter Kruger to the German chancellor, telling that the Apollo has hijacked a vessel with 50 arlacs. The chancellor's answer, who tells that Germany will pay for everything, and that the ships will go to Brazil now. From “Nails in the Southern Cross…” about how the fronts went back and forth, and the foreign support - from the *US and Portugal for the monarchy, from Germany and many other countries for the republic. Moltke tells the people he met what he'll do in Brazil, being the head of the Observation Force (Germany officially staying neutral).

Characters: “Hans” and “Luke”; General Helmuth Hans Ludwig von Moltke, Augusto de Campos, his interpreter, Marshal Floriano Peixoto, General Lúcio Nabuco, American consul Emile Rivers


#137c: The Start of Wars: The Return of the JD-Is

Content: From “Nails in the Southern Cross: The History of the Brazilian Civil War”, about how the war went in 1908 (still indecisive) and foreign support was now done in public. “Hans” and “Luke” make a successful attack on a cloudship, giving Luke his new nickname Cloudstalker. From “Nails in the Southern Cross…” about how the *US under Bull openly intervened, and the Germans sent their DOK (Observation Force) under Moltke. From “Blood and Iron: The Concise Encyclopaedia of Military History”, about the Battle of Pilão Arcado, which saw the first arlac vs. arlac battle.

Characters: “Hans” and “Luke”


#138a: Call of the Kulullu

Content: From “Effects of the North American War” about the artistic / nihilistic Raven Movement which developed in New England after the NAW. From “L.H. Philips: A life in the presence of the Great Gods”, about the life of said author up until the NAW where he became addicted to morphine. From “The Letters of L.H. Philip” where he writes about his experiences in the war hospital. From “L.H. Philips…” about the time after the hospital and the war, when he returned, his mother was dead and he started to write. The founder of “Weird Tales” reads his story “The Mirror” and is interested. From “L.H. Philips…”, how he and the “Weird Tales” magazine helped each other to success. From “Yellow's Notes on Philips's The Fields of Madness”, which is about a soldier who summons Yog-Silloth during the Twenty Days of the NAW. From the editorial in The Harvard Journal of Literature 1908, about the strange new art. From “The Tripod Has Three Legs: The three founding fathers of modern science fantasy”, naming L.H. Philips as the creator of the Cosmic Horror genre and the Kulullu Mythos.

Characters: Manfred Raymond


#138b: The March of Madness

Content: From “L.H. Philips: A life in the presence of the Great Gods” about Matthew Hammer aka Joseph Simons who discovered the Kulullu Mythos and started to write his own stories about it. Matthew Hammer meets his idol L.H. Philips, but is harassed by Vitalists before. From “Yellow's Notes on Philips's Childhood End” about his only published full-length novel, which became very controversal in the *US for mentioning the Shoggoth slaves overthrowing their masters. From “Effects of the North American War” about the decline of the Ravens after 1914, and the new artistic styles they influenced. From “L.H. Philips…”, about the sad rest of his life.

Characters: Matthew Hammer, L.H. Philips


#139: Riders On The Storm

Content: Julia and the others from Sharkview plantation make a trip in a cloudship, meeting Scott Harrison and learning from senator Mena about the scandal with Mitchell's wife. From “A Boy's First Book of Funks” about the invention of funk/radio and its use by ships. Excerpts from “The 100 Greatest Events That Changed The World”, #25: The Hugh Griffin's Circumnavigation of the Globe

Characters: Julia Gordon Walker, Yolanda, Harry Walker, Jeffrey, Scott Harrison, Senator Luis Mena

References: Scott Harrison already appeared in #118a. Darryl Benedict is mentioned leading the first expedition to reach the North Pole.

#140: That's How The World Goes On

Content: A brief tour of the wider world through to the start of 1910.



Interlude #6: Destination Unknown

The Undergraduate Program 1950 of the Hobson University. The Staff Guide 1950 of the HU. Excerpts from recommended readings for “HIST297: World Relations in the Twentieth Century”: “Striking the Balance: The Rise of Hegemony and the End of the Old Order”, which mentions that the *US reign supreme in the Americas, Germany in Europe, and Russia in Asia; “Promised Land versus Crusader State: The New England and American encounter with the world and each other since 1811”, about the differences (of their foreign policy) between the *US and New England, although mentioning they have something in common too; “The Weak Reed: International Law in the Superpower Era”, mentioning the Silent War (Cold War) and the Restored Empire.

#141a: To The Brink

Content: Diane Grant interviews general Kirby about the situation in Brazil and in the annexed territories in the south, going as far as to doubt that Bull can pull a complete victory out of this, especially since a war with Germany might break out. From the editorial of the Columbia Messenger, about the situation in Brazil, where six *Americans have been killed by Germans, as things are. Bautista receives a telegram by speaker Haley to return to Columbia immediately.

Characters: Diane Grant, General Lyle Kirby; Congressman Plutarco Bautista, head of the telegraph office in Guaymas Henry Dickens


#141b: Move In Time

Content: Bautista returns to Columbia, meeting with the other congressmen who're split about the question whether to declare war, and secretly making a deal with the German ambassador to avoid said war. From The Columbia Register: War was not declared since the Senate defeated it.

Characters: Congress(wo)men Plutarco Bautista, Lewis Tompkins, Emily Ascher, Cordell Hull, Wade Hampton IV, Douglas Dalton, Speaker Haley, German ambassador Georg von Hartmann


#141c: Listen To Your Heart

Content: The empress talks with Montgomery about the war now that the republicans have taken Sao Paulo, wanting to avoid more bloodshed. From “Nails in the Southern Cross: The History of the Brazilian Civil War” about the end of the war. From a letter from Bautista to Cordell Hull, hoping that they can bring president Bull down.

Characters: Empress Maria, General Edward Montgomery


#142: In the Shadow of the Mountain

Content: The island of Martinique before and after the Mount Pelée eruption; a young boy meets an old black ex-slave who was in prison when the volcano exploded and survived by a sheer miracle.

Characters: The boy, the man


#143: This Land Is Mine

Content: Arturo Segovia, socialist ex-politician and author of the Book of Freedom (written as “Eunuco Mitchell”), and what strategy he devises to drive out the chacals from Venezuela (or anywhere). From “A Difficult Friendship: The History of the Amistad”, about the tensions between Brazil and the Amistad because of the border territories. The young author Carmela de Vita whose two brothers were killed by the chacals meets with Segovia to join the revolution.

Characters: Arturo Segovia; Ana Carmela Parra de Vita, Arturo Segovia


#144: The Darkening Menace

Content: From “The Lusitanian Encyclopaedia (First Edition)” about João Carlos de Saldanha Oliveira e Daun, who negotiated about the sale of parts of Angola for Liberia and also served several times as ambassador and governor in Portugal's colonies. A letter to the newspaper “Jornal de Lisboa” which praises Saldanha's achievements and calls for support for Brazil. Haynes meets Friedrich IV to discuss an eventual division of Portugal's colonies in case it should go bankrupt, since Portugal's interfering in Brazil has estranged them from their ally, the *US.

Characters: British ambassador to Germany Sir Derek Haynes, Holy Roman Emperor Friedrich IV


#145: Roma Eterna America

Content: Editorial from The Oregonian, about the Roman-Carthaginian rivalry which culminated in Cannae, ending with the question whether the *US should want to be the new Carthage or the new Rome. An opinion piece in The Berlin Sun stating that Brazil might become a Pyrrhic victory for the *US. From The Hartford Sentinel, about the new *American flick “Crassus” with supposedly a lot of depravities. From “Crossing the Rubicon: America's Imperial Presidency”, about how similar caesarian Rome and *America have become, with its enslavement, its cultural influence spread world-wide, and of course its imperialism.



#146: The Years of Nice and Fault

Content: From “Salt of the Earth: The Life of Leroy Abbard”, his working-class background, his rise in the Radical Party, his interest in socialism, his disillusionment in the NAW, his subsequent conversion to Modern Baptism, and later founding of the Socialist Alliance. From “Phrases for the Ages: Memorable Political Speeches”, excerpts from Leroy Abbard's speech to Congress, decrying the fate of the factory workers. Excerpt from President Lemuel Tweedie's Annual Message to Congress, defending his work. From “Lemuel Tweedie: Great Reformer or Great Dose of Luck?”, which states that he wsa mostly lucky to preside in a time when the economic boom happened.


References: It's mentioned that of the other nations that lost the NAW until 1950 two boomed, one endured and one foundered.

#147: Where Eagles Dare

Content: From “Going to the Moon” about the three men who built on the foundations laid by Henry Goddard: Johann Schwartz, Coleman Carnegie, and Gregor Malinkov. Louis Leiden tells Schwartz to research liquid-fuel rockets. Coleman Carnegie who's at the moment down on his luck gets an offer for a position from Henry Goddard. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about The Underground Railroad which was about promoting scientific and military exchanges between New England, Canada and potential allies. Kraksky makes his nephew Malinkov join his studies about rocket science.

Characters: Doktor Johann Schwartz, Louis Leiden; Coleman Carnegie, his landlady Mrs Greenhill, his postman Harry; Fedoer Kraksky, two police officers, Gregor Malinkov


#148: Ordinary World

Content: From “Lords of the Land: The Story of America's Presidents”, how Bull failed as president and had to leave the office after one term because of corruption scandals, and was replaced by Andrew Vermillion, who has the support of the Central American states. Napoleon V knows of Britain and Germany's plan to relieve Portugal of its colonies, and thinks their plan isn't that smart. From “Cloud-ships and Cloud Music: America in the Golden Years” about the fondly remembered decade of the 1910s with its Nubado music.

Characters: Napoleon V


#149a: Queen of Hearts

Content: Extracts from the private diaries of Faith Griffin (Hugh Griffin's granddaughter); how he told her she might become president, what she felt when he died, and the advices he gave her. Adrian Hasler visits a ball and is lucky to be able with Faith Griffin whom he has fallen in love with. Extracts from the private diaries of Faith Griffin, when she's eighteen and not that determined anymore, as she finds out when she reads her old diaries.

Characters: Adrian Hasler, Lewis Mitchell, the debutants Emma Hampton, Faith Griffin, Angela Davis and Yadhira Zuloaga, Anna Mitchell


#149b: Dream The Day Away

Content: From “Woman Suffrage and Politics: the Inner Story of the Suffrage Movement” about the slow development of women's rights in education, economy and politics, which lead to the National Woman's Rights Convention. From “Women of the World: The Global March for Female Equality”, about the development of women's suffrage in the *US. From the private diaries of Faith Griffin who's wondering where she should study laws. From “Women of the World…”, how the struggle for female suffrage took off after the NAW. From the private diaries of Faith Griffin, who gets more and more angry about inequality of the sexes. Faith Griffin meets Bautista, convincing him to fight for her cause. From a speech by Bautista to the Sonoran congress, proposing female suffrage. From the private diaries of Faith Griffin Bautista who's about the be elected to Congress. Faith Griffin Bautista talks governor Knox into sending her to the delegates for the national constitutional convention.

Characters: Congressman Plutarco Bautista, Faith Griffin (Bautista); Sonoran Governor Martin Knox, Faith Griffin Bautista

References: Faith Griffin refers to the coming Great Crash of 1920 in her diary.

#149c: Sowing the Seeds

Content: From the private diaries of Faith Griffin Bautista, who doesn't want anymore children and wonders how high the stocks can rise. From “From Golden Years to Golden Tears”, about the Black Monday after Portugal defaults on its loan payments. From “Lords of the Land: The Story of America's Presidents” about Vermillion, how despite the Great Crash another Unionist president was elected in 1920, and the problem that the Unionists profited from a skewed election system, which was why the constitutional convention was called. From the private diaries of Faith Griffin Bautista who attends the convention and notes that the abolition of the electoral college helps states with female suffrage. Excerpts from the Washington Convention Report, which suggests universal female suffrage for citizens.



#150: History Repeating

Content: From “Effects of the North American War”, how the peace of Washington was criticized in *America too, and about the Manifest Society which wants an *America stretching form Pole to frozen Pole. From “Wonders of the Modern Age” about the Victory Memorial erected in Columbia and the great Esperanza Colosseum. Juan Tanner and his family go to the Colosseum, where Daniel Parker tells them to invest money in the stock market. From the editorial of the Esperanza Bulletin how the Esperanza Chiefs finally repeat their victory after 40 years.

Characters: Juan Tanner, his wife Gracia, sons Andrew and Lewis, daughter Madeline, his friend Daniel Parker and his wife Fiona

References: The last article (from 1953) mentions that nowadays there are no Australians in *America.

#151a: Architect of Dreams

Content: From “Oliver Bird: The Iron Commissioner”, about his life, how he left the traditional architecture business of his family, fought in the NAW and went to Columbia. From “Inside Columbia”, about how he noticed during the NAW the educational superiority of New England and the state of *America's educational system before he started his work. From “Oliver Bird…”, how he rose in the American Education Association, lobbied successfully for a national system of teachers colleges and fought the corruption under Bull. From “Inside Columbia”, how the new elementary schools started.


References: The Great War is mentioned.

#151b: Better Off Alone

Content: From “Oliver Bird: The Iron Commissioner”, how he first fought corruption from the Mitchell years and later under Bull's secretary of Treasury Seymour O'Hara, and then worked in the Industrial Commission, created the Civil Service Commission to get a party-independent civil service, and finally became head of the Industrial Commission in 1917. From “Inside Columbia”, where Bird writes about the 1920 Panic, how he fought unemployment with public works and created a system for the national administration of indentured labour. From “Oliver Bird…”, which also mentions that the attitudes towards the new degrees didn't change that much.


References: It's mentioned that Bird would keep his post in the Industrial Commission for three decades. And it's said that he would divide different kinds of work between free whites and indentureds. The Great War is also mentioned again, and that the *US would NOT stay neutral in it.

#152: Shards of Gold

Content: From “Lords of the Land: The Story of America's Presidents”, about Donald Bellamy's term and the problems of the “nervous Twenties”. The Twenty-Third Amendment to the *US Constitution, which gave women the right to vote. From “Lords of the Land…” about the mysterious death of Bellamy on 14 August 1923, making Colin Michaels new president. From “The Atlas of American Political History”, how the constitutional convention struggled to abolish the electoral college. The Twenty-Fourth Amendment to the *US Constitution, which introduced the direct election of the president, but also gave Congress powers to establish uniform laws of presidential election in all states. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about Errol Holman, pioneer of scientific management. From “Lords of the Land…” about the election of Harlan Porter, first Democrat since sixteen years ago.



#153a: The Mask and Mirror

Content: From “1810-1910: A Century of New England Political History” - the afterword, where the author expresses his hope that New England will recover from the NAW and set an example for the world (the book was published in 1912, don't forget!). From “The Anatomy of Vitalism” about the five stages of Vitalist movements and the first two stages in New England, where the United Democrats eventually emerged. James Ingersoll is made “Front Chief” (commander of 12.5k Redshirts) by Mullins. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about Megaflation, which struck New England in the 20s.

Characters: James Ingersoll, Shane Mullins

References: It's foreshadowed that Mullins would be a senator in 1921.

#153b: Fox on the Hudson

Content: The most important men in the UD party meet to decide who'll candidate for which office - Mullins pulls the strings, and Sargent tries to resist without success. From “Phrases for the Ages: Memorable Political Speeches”, from Shane Mullins first speech to Congress, where he attacked the Jews and Socialists for bringing disunity to New England. From “Shane Mullins: Patriarch of Vitalism”, how he effectively had control of the party since 1918 and that he knew that the real power in New England was in the Senate, not the presidency. From “The Anatomy of Vitalism” about the 1920 election which saw the Socialists and Vitalists become stronger than the Federalists, and general Franklin elected president. James Ingersoll visits an arlac factory in Liberia, where arlacs are secretly produced for New England.

Characters: Shane Mullins, Jesse Sargent, “Roaming Ernest” Brewster, Timothy Powell, Terry Rundle, Errol Oakley, Dylan Compton; James Ingersoll, a Liberian engineer.

References: It's mentioned that Mullins has made a deal with the Federalist Conrad Dalton.

#153c: Book of Secrets

Content: Excerpts from “Revolutions and Counter-Revolutions: Examples of the March of History”, about the various problems of Newfoundland which resulted in the first successful Socialist revolution in the world. Mullins meets Bellamy to talk about the difficult situation of almost-broke New England; while Bellamy isn't willing to reduce the reparations, he makes Mullins an interesting offer involving the submarines of New England. From “The Anatomy of Vitalism”, how the “Newfie” revolution helped the cause of the Vitalists who became second-strongest party now. Mullins writes two letters, one to Ingersoll, one to a certain captain. Captain Crawford James finds the lifeless body of Bellamy and disposes him - something hasn't worked out well. From The Hartford Sentinel, how New England VP Henry Cornwall died mysteriously as well - which makes the Senate president next in line. From “The Anatomy of Vitalism” about the political crisis of New England even after the ending of reparations. Mullins orders Brewster to go with his men and half-tracks to Canada and beat down the Socialists there. From “The Anatomy of Vitalism”, how the Vitalists gained a majority in 1924 and were ready to seize power.

Characters: President Bellamy, Shane Mullins; Shane Mullins; Captain Crawford James, a sailor; Shane Mullins, “Roaming Ernest” Brewster


#153d: A Winter Garden

Content: Excerpts from “Revolutions and Counter-Revolutions: Examples of the March of History”, how the Socialists built “liberty camps” in Newfoundland. George Yeats witnesses a Vitalist rally, but mistrusts them despite of some sympathy on his side, and suspects correctly that Mullins is just another king. From “Phrases for the Ages: Memorable Political Speeches”, from Shane Mullins's speech on assuming control of both Houses, where he surprisingly suggests that Conrad Dalton should continue to be Senate president. From “Revolutions and Counter-Revolutions: Examples of the March of History”, how the Vitalists effectively invaded and later annexed Newfoundland. From “The Anatomy of Vitalism”, how the Vitalists acted as if they had all the power, limited only by president Franklin. Mullins meets Franklin, who tries to stop him from making his new courts which are supposed to remove anyone anti-Vitalist - without success. From “The Anatomy of Vitalism”, how Mullins impeached president Franklin and replaced him by figurehead Conrad Dalton. Ingersoll learns by Mullins that he was made new Secretary of War, and they talk about replacing many old officers with Redshirt leaders. From “Shane Mullins: Patriarch of Vitalism”, how he took full control of New England, went on to destroy the Socialists and continued the “liberty camps”, and finally was elected president in 1926. From a speech by President Shane Mullins, about the war New England has joined.

Characters: George Yeats; Shane Mullins, President Charles Franklin; Front Chief James Ingersoll, Shane Mullins

References: In 1930, New England will be at war.

#154: The Weight of the World

Content: The history and situation of the important countries of the world up until 1927 (most American states and Italy) / 1920 (Canada and most Old World states).



#155: For Want Of A Penny

Content: Editorial from La Vérité, about how Napoleon V has failed in the Portugal crisis, accusing him only to follow his own interests. Napoleon V tells his sister that the Portugal crisis might be an opportunity for France, Italy and Portugal to come closer. Haynes and Schulthess agree to finally divide Portugal's colonies between them, as was planned to do seven years ago. But then, Hugenberg demands the lion's share of the colonies for Germany and threatens to leave the coalition if this shouldn't happen. The British PM isn't too pleased and plans to take Morocco for Britain. From “European Relations 1920-1929: A Decade of Crisis”, about the Portuguese crisis and how it was - somewhat - solved, but changed the relations between European powers.

Characters: Napoleon V, his sister Princess of Naples Danièle di Savoia; Foreign Secretary Sir Derek Haynes, Reichs Chancellor Edmund Schulthess; Edmund Schulthess, head of the Conservative Party Alfred Hugenberg; Prime Minister Arthur Spencer-Churchill, Derek Haynes


#156: Matters of Orient-ation

Content: Paredes writes several letters after Portugal has been betrayed: To Britain, to dissolve their alliance; to the Portuguese people, to tell them he's going to exile in Nippon; some others too; and he plans to spread Eunuco Mitchell's Book of Freedom worldwide to spread unrest in British colonies. Chen talks to the unexpectedly China-savvy Lynch, who gives only empty promises for China's future. From “European Relations 1920-1929: A Decade of Crisis”, how Chen and other intellectuals founded the Yellow Lotus society a few months later, to drive the westerners out. From “European Relations 1920-1929: A Decade of Crisis”, about the Siam Crisis, which happened when influential German Werner Schweitzer made most of Siam a German protectorate. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the Fists of Heaven, a paramilitary organisation part of the Yellow Lotus. From “European Relations 1920-1929: A Decade of Crisis”, how Chinese rebellions broke out in 1925/26, was soon defeated again, but guerilla warfare under Chen continued.

Characters: Portuguese Prime Minister Eduardo Paredes; Chen Jiongming, Arthur Lynch


#157: Here Come The Drums

Content: From “Words From The Ages: A Collection of Historically Significant French Documents”, a (although doubtable) letter from Napoleon V to his sister, where he expresses his worry that new president Marceau might try to reunite all French-speaking people in Europe. From a memorandum from Reichs Chancellor Edmund Schulthess to Finance Minister Hendrikus Colijn, giving his support to the latter against the Hungarian premier. From a letter by Hungarian Premier Juhász Miklós to Edmund Schulthess, protesting that the Gold standard hurts Hungarian economy. From “European Relations 1920-1929: A Decade of Crisis”, how the once so strong German-British axis suffered in the decades after, until it just existed on paper, while Britain made a new alliance with France and Aragon. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the Moroccan crisis, where Germany had sent a battleship to protest against Moroccan debt defaulting, which lead to the formation of the Bouclier. From a letter by Neville Wood, Prime Minister of Great Britain, to Schulthess, offering condolences for the death of the Holy Roman Emperor.



#158a: The Path of Shadows

Content: From the private diary of Andrey Sergeyevich Lebedev, Chief Minister of Russia, who expects that there'll be a bigger war in Europe, and wonders which side Russia should support. From “European Relations 1920-1929: A Decade of Crisis”, how the two alliances stood against each other, and the Czar influenced Russia to make a purely defensive treaty with France. From the resignation speech of Croatian Premier Drago Lukich, accusing the Reichsverein to hurt Croatia's finances. From “European Relations 1920-1929…”, how the populists in Croatia and Hungary protested against Schulthess and the Reichsverein. Porter talks with Herschel and Nielsen about naval strategies in an eventual war. From a speech by Hungarian Premier Agyar László, demanding that no new Hungarian king may be crowned unless Hungary gets better conditions in the Verein. From a note delivered by the Italian ambassador to Schulthess, expressing concerns about the situation in Croatia and Hungary.

Characters: Rear Admiral Oscar Herschel, *US president Harlan Porter, Commodore Ronald Nielsen

References: Porter mentions that Mullins might interfere in the war too.

#158b: The Dark Night of the Soul

Content: Adrian Disraeli holds the second lecture on ‘Understanding The Great War’, claiming that no western European statesman really wanted a war - a difficult thing, considering how recent the events are. From “Selected Readings From the Great War I: Primary Sources”, letters that were exchanged by Wood and Schulthess about the situation in Hungary and Croatia. Disraeli continues speaking about the demands of the various sides. From “European Relations 1920-1929: A Decade of Crisis”, how the populist government of Hungary was toppled, and German soldiers entered Hungary and Croatia. Disraeli points out that Schulthess didn't want to lose two German allies. From “European Relations 1920-1929…”, how Schulthess forbade all foreign intervention in the Verein, Britain closed the Suez canal, and after some subterfuges, Schluthess demanded (among other things) that Egypt should become independent, after which the declarations of war followed - but Russia stayed neutral. Disraeli learns that his interested student's sister is caught in the *US since 1947.

Characters: Associate Professor Adrian Disraeli, an interested (female) student; the same two ones; the same two ones again; Adrian Disraeli, Danielle Warner (since that's her name)


#159: Diamonds in the Dark

Content: In Haiti, Stenio Duvalier is persuaded by his uncle (a successful guerilla), that he should go to Liberia, although those who do are considered cowards. Two Makaks are caught, one of them proves to be quite bright, and the detective recommends him for the army. Stenio is interviewed by famous reporter Doak, telling that the Liberians shouldn't regret having to fight fellow blacks. From a handwriting analysis of Stenio Duvalier, telling that he was thorough, forethinking, self-assured, independent, controlling, strong-willed, harsh and stubborn. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the Carver Agricultural Institute in Liberia, which created many new plants. Duvalier meets Ingersoll, suggests him to learn the strategy game awari, hoping to be able to talk about skycrafts for Liberia. From a letter by Lieutenant Colonel Stenio Duvalier to his wife Eileen, about his work as military attache in Abyssinia. Duvalier is going to liberate Mozambique from German rule, but he has some doubts about this.

Characters: Stenio Duvalier, his uncle Henri; Detective Sergeant William Bryant, an officer, two Makak gang members (one of them being Stenio). Correspondent for the Wilkinston Chronicle Charles Doak, Second Lieutenant Stenio Duvalier; Front Chief James Ingersoll, major Duvalier; General of the Army Timothy Pickering Johnson, Brigadier General Duvalier


#160: West of Suez

Content: British ship Challenger is attacked by German planes near Port Said. From “Wolves At The Gates: The Story of the Great War”, about the fights for the Suez Canal. From “Salt of Glory, Salt of Tears: The Last War of the Royal Navy”, about the Battle of Suez, which the Germans claimed they won, but cost them lots of their naval skycraft. From “Wolves At The Gates…“, about the fights at Port Said, which both sides claimed as a victory.

Characters: Chief Petty Officer Anthony Woodward


#161: Who Will You Run To?

Content: From “The Evolution of Armoured Warfare”, about the developments of arlacs, which was developed after the NAW and BCW mostly by Italy and New England. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 1: The Great War”, how the fact that Russia stayed neutral influenced other nations like Turkey too. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the Battle of Otranto, where the Germans (at least for the moment) defeated the Italian Regia Marina. From “Words From The Ages: A Collection of Historically Significant French Documents”, a letter from Pierre Marceau, President of France, to Victor Emmanuel III, asking him to send more men against Germany since France is doing most of the fighting at the moment. The Italian general staff plans an attack on Germany in Northern Italy. From “Great Battles, Great War: Memorable Events in History’s Greatest Struggle”, about the Operation Notte e Nebbia, where the Italians succeeded against Germany.

Characters: General Vincent de Moro-Giafferi, General Giordano, General Amedeo de Luca, General di Benedetto, Marshal Lauro Mancini


#162a: Spark To A Flame

Content: From “You Only Die Once: The Autobiography of General Courageux”, where Andre Rousseau writes about the horrible “Days of Thunder” when the Germans bombarded the French “peace line”. From “The 100 Greatest Events That Changed The World” about the Peace Line, its construction that was started by Napoleon V, and how it made the French think that they might win a war against Germany. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 1: The Great War”, about the beginning, when 136 French and Aragonese divisions stood against almost twice that many German ones. From “Days of Thunder”, how the Germans broke the French fortifications at strategic places to conduct their “Metaal” offensives. From “Wars That Changed The World…”, how the Germans finally broke through the Peace Line after four weeks. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the Kiev Declaration, where Czar Alexander II announced that Russia would not only stay neutral, but sell no weapons or petroleum to fighting nations as well - which hit the Germans more than the others.



#162b: When The Lights Go Down

Content: From “The Evolution of Armoured Warfare”, how Germany was behind in arlac warfare. From “The Encyclopaedia of Armoured Fighting Vehicles”, specs of the French Goliath SC-1. From The New War, how well the French arlacs did in the first battles. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 1: The Great War”, how the German Goud and Silber offensives came close to Paris.

#163a: Through The Fire

Content: A partisan called Fantasmo makes an assault with a car bomb in Caracas. From the private diary of *U.S. President Donald Bellamy who doesn't know a solution for such assaults either. From “The History of Irregular Warfare”, about the guerilla warfare in *US-occupied territories, esp. in Columbia which persisted and took off in 1923. Fierro meets William Walker and tells him of his idea to burn the crops of rebels - which William denies, since this practically means murdering civilians. From “The History of Irregular Warfare”, about Fierro's “Fire Squads” which went into action after 1923, and how he also introduced “safety camps” for the civilian population to cut off guerilla support. After the first actions of Fierro, Lee De Forest is appalled either. Disraeli gives his fifth lecture on ‘Understanding The Great War’, mentioning the faction of the warhawks, who are willing to make war with strong opponents. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary”, about the “Fire-Squads”, mentioning that they committed massacres too.

Characters: “Fantasmo”; General Rodolfo Fierro, Colonel William Walker; Lieutenant General Lee De Forest, Rodolfo Fierro; Associate Professor Adrian Disraeli, Danielle Warner


#163b: Rescue Me

Content: Bautista and Hull hold critical speeches against Fierro, but Caden dislikes their opinions, being a radical warhawk. Faith is raging at the monster Fierro, doesn't want to let him get away with this, but her husband fears for his re-election. Faith meets with William Walker, learns from him that he considers Fierro's orders unlawful, that Fierro witnesses massacres, and that they're mostly conducted by militia, not the army. Excerpts from “Blood on American Hands: The Purification of Colombia”, how both the massacres and the investigations of the latter declined in numbers after 1924, but the Colombians were broken. From a letter from Alvar O'Brien to the editor published in The Columbia Messenger, warning that the *US aren't ready yet to fight a war with another major power. Professor Disraeli talks about the rising influence of the warhawks during the 20s. A note from Caden to Representative Edward LeMay, telling not to worry about Bautista and that the (Great) war has more opportunities than risks. *US president Harlan Porter proclaims that *America will help France.

Characters: Junior Senator from Nicaragua Jefferson Davis Caden, Plutarco Bautista, Senator Hull of Tennessee; Representative Faith Griffin Bautista, General Rodolfo Fierro, Plutarco Bautista; Faith Griffin Bautista, Colonel William Walker; Associate Professor Adrian Disraeli


#164: Sweet Sacrifice

Content: Amber Jarrett wonders whether Chris might have to go to war. From “A Night of Miracles”, about the ships Cherbourg (France), Abraham Lincoln (New England), John Calhoun (*USA). From “Thirty Years a Sailor: My Life”, about the rescue of the Cherbourg passengers by the other two ships after their ship was sinking. Excerpts from the Deck Logs of the two American ships. A short dialogue on the Lincoln. Excerpts from the Deck logs and funk logs of both ships. Statement of Captain Guy Noelson how he cooperated with Vargas. The After-Action Report of USS John Calhoun. Report of the MV Abraham Lincoln. Secret Annex to After-Action Report of USS John Calhoun which tells that she was spying whether the Lincoln had illegal material on board. From “Guardians of the Sea: The New England Revenue Cutter Service in Peace and War”, what the International Conference for Safety of Shipping worked out to be better prepared for such accidents. In 1919, the Yankee commander Thoreau observes an experiment with better torpedoes. Funk schedules for Sunday, 25 March 1928 from the Boston Herald. From a letter left by Larry Blundell, Jr to his mother Cheryl, where he writes that he expects a war and doesn't want to fight for the “Chief”, so he'll run away. *America is at war with Peru, Chris has to go to war, but Amber decides to take his place. From a letter left by Amber Jarrett to her father Kevin, explaining what she and Chris did.

Characters: Amber Jarrett, her twin brother Chris; First Officer Lewsley, Captain Noelson; Commander Donald Thoreau, Gridley; Amber Jarrett, Chris


#165a: Highway to Hell

Content: From “Rebels in our Midst: Radical Politics in the Kingdom of Canada”, about how Canada fell into crisis after 1920 and the Jacobites under Randal Dalton radicalized before already. From “Twenty Most Significant Elections of Modern History” about the Canadian elections of 1920, where the Jacobites barely held power. From “Rebels in our Midst…“, how Matthew Dombeck uncovered the “Wright Letter” which proved that possible PM Lord Savage had taken money from the *US to finance his blackshirts. Matthew Dombeck learns that his father has been arrested.

Characters: Matthew Dombeck


#165b: Crossing the Rubicon

Content: From “Rebels in our Midst: Radical Politics in the Kingdom of Canada”, about how king James II made Canada a quasi-dictatorship in “The Last Winter Night,” imprisoning Thomas Dombeck and many other prominent Republicans. Matthew Dombeck visits his father in prison, tells him about the situation and asks him what to do, since changing Canada by legal means seems impossible now - and receives a manuscript. Encyclopedia of Canadian History, about the Security Act to suppress the Jacobites' opponents, Thomas Dombeck and his work “The Model Government”. From The Dearborn Daily Herald, mentioning Thomas Dombeck's death in prison.

Characters: Matthew Dombeck, Donelle, Thomas Dombeck


#165c: In the Court of the Crimson King

Content: King James II has the last meeting with PM Small, before the latter is murdered by a car bomb before James's eyes. From “Rebels in our Midst: Radical Politics in the Kingdom of Canada”, how the king took even more power, not preventing that Canada slipped more and more into anarchy after the deaths of Thomas Dombeck and PM Small. From a speech James II made to the Canadian Parliament, condemning the Republicans and asking the parliament to give him more powers. Richard Walker is made “Knight of the Round Table” (a secret pro-monarchist group), and leader John Winthrop announces an alliance with the Blackshirts.

Characters: James II, PM Princeton Small; Richard Walker, John Winthrop, other “Knights”


#165d: All That I'm Living For

Content: From “The History of Irregular Warfare”, about the twilight war in Canada after November 1922. ‘Roamin’ Ernest Brewster tells a barwoman how he and his men are going to Ontario to “restore order”, as he claims by invitation by the king, which she doesn't believe. From “Rebels in our Midst: Radical Politics in the Kingdom of Canada” about The Second Battle of Teutoberg Forest, which started with a Vitalist intervention (who cooperated with groups like the Canadian Brotherhood of Veterans) in Wisconsin. A group of radical Republicans from Marquette devise a strategy against Brewster. From “Rebels in our Midst…”, about Brewster's plan for Wisconsin, which somehow leaked to the Republicans who started to mobilise. A group of Jacobites under leader Reginald Barkley is ambushed by the Republicans. From “Rebels in our Midst…“, about how the Republicans sank one ship of the Jacobites, defeated a group of them, and attacked the Vitalists on their march. Herman Volker expects watches the Vitalists enter the valley. Wilma Swan witnesses how the Vitalists are defeated, but is caught by the Republicans. From “Rebels in our Midst…”, about how Brewster was killed and his Redshirts scattered.

Characters: Wilma Swan, ‘Roamin’ Ernest Brewster; Jonathon “Johnny” Pekinnen, Herman Volker, Mayor Thorson, leaders of the Canadian Brotherhood of Socialists Reginald Tone and Marion Trzebiatowski, Antonio DiColumba; Jack Dolan, Reginald Barkley; Herman “the German” Volker; Wilma Swan, Roaming Ernest


#165e: Summertime Blues

Content: Some Republicans receive a shipment of arms from - of all things - an *American. Dombeck prepares for a congress in Albright and has a plan. From “Rebels in our Midst: Radical Politics in the Kingdom of Canada”, about the Republican convention, the factions of the “dwarves” and “elves”, and how Dombeck, Gustav Haraldson and Maurice du Lac were elected leaders of the provisional government of Republican Canada.

Characters: Martin Baker, Hank Mueller; Matthew Dombeck, Governor Blackwell


#166: The Day You Went Away

Content: From a speech delivered by Shane Mullins after Brewster's death, demanding to “clean out the house” before further foreign adventures. From “The Anatomy of Vitalism”, how New England would target people of a particular race - as the only Vitalist nation to do so. From “James Ingersoll: Tyrant and Patriot”, how traditional liberalism was inverted in New England, while the facade of liberty was maintained. From “Martin Arendt: His Trial and Legacy”, how the Jews were blamed in Vitalist *New England. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about Martin Arendt, a Jewish colonel who was charged by the “special courts”. From “Martin Arendt…“, how Jewish officers, civil servants and businessmen were harassed and removed from power in New England. From “James Ingersoll…”, how he built up a new leadership cadre for the army, but also promoted talented officers. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about Timothy Powell, once the head of the Veterans League, who was assassinated in 1928, possibly because Mullins wanted so. Some prominent Socialists are brought to the North West River “liberty camp”. Shane Mullins has to decide whether to interfere in the Great War (for international glory and German colonies) or fight “Socialists” in Canada, possibly annexing part of the country, and decides for - the former.

Characters: Kendall Weston, former leaders of the Newfoundland Socialist Republic Dylan Boucher and Gerard Hadley, Socialists David Rubin and Leroy Abbard; Shane Mullins

References: Rodney Ironfist is mentioned the first time.

#167a: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Content: O’Meara sees the nominally Greek, but really New English battleships leave Sphagia, knowing that Mullins wants to interfere in the Great War. From “Cannon, Torpedos and Carriers: Naval Tactics from Nelson to Nielsen” about the naval developments after the NAW, with skycrafts, carriers and sea wolves available, battleships growing bigger than ever, and Germany getting the biggest navy by accident. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 1: The Great War”, how the Royal Navy defended Britain and what the Krijgmarine planned to do.

Characters: Lieutenant Alexander O’Meara


#167b: Still Waters Run Deep

Content: From “Cannon, Torpedos and Carriers: Naval Tactics from Nelson to Nielsen”, about how different sea battles were in the Great War, compared to the NAW - with much less losses. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 1: The Great War”, about the Australians and Nipponese fighting Germany in the Far East, as in the battle of Neu Tessel. From “Salt of Glory, Salt of Tears: The Last War of the Royal Navy”, about the preparations for the battle of Dogger Bank. From “Wars That Changed The World…“, about the battle of Dogger Bank. From “Cannon, Torpedos and Carriers…”, how said battle was tactically a draw, but strategically a German defeat. From a speech by David Lloyd George, who left Labour for the Cymry Nationalist Party, calling the Welsh to support the war, but also announcing that the Welsh kingdom can't be far. A man who foresees the course of further events meets the Czar in the Winter Palace.

Characters: Premier of Greece Kyriakos Venizelos, Czar Alexander II


#168: Tears and Glory

Content: The situation of the war in 1930, when Paris is attacked and finally taken by the Germans, and New English general Rodney Ironfist breaks through their lines with his revolutionary new tactics.



#169: When The Sun Burns Out

Content: Amber Jarrett is warned by her sergeant shortly before Operation Vine Lance. From “End of Empires: A Short History of the Great War”, about Ironfists successful Lightning Offensive and the less glamourous Operation Vine Lance (an attack around Dijon). The czar meets three ambassadors to tell them that his country is at war with them now.

Characters: Amber Jarrett, Sergeant Hawthorn, Chris Evans; Alexander II, the ambassadors of Britain, Italy and the *US.


#170a: Under The Eagle's Wings

Content: About the lifes of the Swiss-Germans Lina Huber, a working-class woman and mother, and Thomas Fischer, a manager in a wagen factory. Lina's son Röbi is (for security) at the land, helping his guest family harvesting rapeseed. A French prisoners of war has to work for the Germans and wonders about the fate of France.

Characters: Lina Huber, Thomas Fischer; Robert “Röbi” Huber, Karl Künzli and his family, Vreni Glauser; Pierre Leclerc


#170b: Where Eagles Soar

Content: Some German Home Guard men listen to an editorial that demands the harshest possible peace for France, even scolding Bismarck for being too soft. Lina Huber asks Klara to join her for church on Sunday. Lina und Klara listen pastor Weber's sermon, who condemns Germany's enemies in the war; afterwards, Lina visits her son on the farm, who just has listened to the anti-*American story of Master Thompson.

Characters: Franz Müller, Heinz Wettstein; Lina Huber, her workmate Klara Schnyder; Lina and Klara, Pastor Weber, Röbi Huber, Vreni, Karl Künzli


#171: Deliriant Isti Americani

Content: From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 1: The Great War”, how the Germans decided Italy after taking Paris, with the Eisen and Quecksilber offensives. From a letter by Jefferson Davis Caden to Oliver Bird about the effects of Russia joining the war, which he thinks won't matter much. Disraeli speaks about Australian-Nipponese relations in the war and how they liberated German East Asia. From the editorial of the Columbia Messenger, demanding to bring Alvar O'Brien back in the army to conquer Brazil and Chile. Porter asks O'Brien to return, and O'Brien demands unconditional support, simple but sturdy arlacs for taking Brazil, and support for the Brazilian monarchy to succeed, which the president grants.

Characters: Associate Professor Adrian Disraeli; President Harlan Porter, Alvar O'Brien

References: Caden mentions Peru being conquered by the *US. Disraeli mentions Chen Jiongming being released to wreak havoc in Russian China.

#172: Watch on the Rubicon

Content: From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the “Endguelting Friede” (final peace), which the Germans wanted to impose on their enemies. From “End of Empires: A Short History of the Great War”, how the Germans landed at the Italian east coast and broke through the Apennin into Tuscany. Schulthess demands from the Italian foreign minister unconditional surrender. Extracts from the Vatican Treaty which gave Germany most of Northern Italy. Excerpts from “Revolutions and Counter-Revolutions: Examples of the March of History” about the republican uprisings in Italy after the peace terms became public. Danielle Warner discusses with other students about arlacs and points out that the *American General Hearst arlac turned the tide in South America.

Characters: Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Giovanni Amendola, Reichs Chancellor Edmund Schulthess, German foreign minister Hermann Müller; Danielle Warner, Andy Keegan, Vikas Prasad, Tim Tam, John Holbrook, other students

References: Andy Keegan mentions that parts of Europe still aren't safe in 1953.

#173: Francia Delenda Est

Content: A text about Abraham Lincoln's saying “And this, too, shall pass away”, general Rodney Ironfist who died defending Paris when the Germans took it the second time in 1931, how Germany fought down France until unconditional surrender, and how president Marceau committed suicide. From “The Whitman Encyclopaedia: Volume 18: Migrations (7th Edition)” about the French Diaspora, which emerged after the Great War and includes 5 million “libres” in various countries. Excerpts from “End of Empires: A Short History of the Great War”, how parts of the french continued to fight even after the official end of the war, and how the *US, Aragon, Morocco and Portugal also left the war and signed the treaty of Madrid.



#174: The Truth of an Omen

Content: From Neville Wood's writings during his imprisonments, where he claims that the Boer War brought Britain on the road to decline. From a speech by Edmund Schulthess, where he makes Britain a last fair peace offer and threatens an invasion. From Neville Wood’s reply, where he tells that Britain won't yield. Daniel Kelvin is getting ready for the bomber attack on Frankfurt. Disraeli talks about the secret negotiations between Britain and Germany, and the terms of Schulthess last “fair” peace offer. From “The Battle of England”, about how the Germans planned operation Jungeisen since 1931 - the invasion of England.

Characters: Flight Lieutenant Daniel Kelvin, flight engineer Nick Harris; Associate Professor Adrian Disraeli


#175: Above Us Only Sky

Content: From “The Future Born: A Technological History of the Great War”, about the new skycraft LZW-100 by the German Luftreich Werke. Dr Schwartz experiments with skycrafts breaking the sound wall. From “The Future Born…“ about the *American skycraft research, the foundation of the American Commission on Caelunautics, and the start of the first rocket skycraft. From “Rockets: The Wave of the Future”, about the R-1 Eagle (said *American rocket skycraft) and its fights with the German LZW-100. From “The Future Born…” about the Astor rockets invented in *New England. From “Going to the Moon”, about the great photo “Darkness over North America”, shot from a camera on a rocket, which was said to have changed history. From a letter by Coleman Carnegie to Shane Mullins, about their progresses in rocket technology. From “The Future Born…“, about the Astor-5 rockets, how they were used in the war, with great success in propaganda and less success on the battlefields. From a speech by Shane Mullins, where he boasts about the strength the new rockets give the Allies against Germany.

Characters: Dr Johan Schwartz, pilot Zimmermann(?)


#176: Ride Through The Night

Content: Duvalier and Hofmeyr talk about the *Americans (which they both dislike) in Liberian-occupied Mozambique. Duvalier and other high-ranking Liberian officers decide to write a protest letter to the president, demanding to leave the war. Duvalier learns from general Donovan that Liberia joined the war so New England would get arlacs. President Jamieson questions Duvalier about his involvement in weapon running to the Kikuyu rebels in Kenya. From “The Rise and Fall of The Liberian Republic: Struggle, Sorrow, Triumph, Growth and Tragedy”, about the anti-war protests in Wilkinston during the Great War, and how things escalated in 1931. Duvalier visits Chepe in prison and tells him that he'll be released soon, and about the situation outside. Duvalier arrests Jamieson and announces that he'll leave the war.

Characters: Brigadier General Stenio Duvalier, Brigadier Johannes Hofmeyr; Duvalier, Brigadier General Gerard Hyppolite, colonels Dany Étienne, Julien Biassou and Abraham Lincoln Roye; Duvalier, New England Major General William J. Donovan; President Morris Jamieson, Duvalier; journalist Jorge Chepe, Duvalier; President Morris Jamieson, Duvalier


#177: Chasing Rainbows

Content: From “The Hofmeyrs: The Famous South African Family”, about some infamous members of said family, but also their greatest member, PM William. William talks with his brother about the problems with Duvalier and the emerging Vitalist movement in South Africa. From The Encyclopaedia Recidivus (3rd edition), about the Ubuntu Coalition in South Africa created by William Hofmeyr, thus securing the peace among the different races there. From a speech by Prime Minister William Hofmeyr, calling for staying firm against Germany. From “Republics, Kingdoms and Theocracies: Governments in the Post-Colonial World”, about the South African population. Jack Cousteau thinks about his past life in France and the current elections in South Africa while driving through Retief.

Characters: William Hofmeyr, his brother Frederick; Jack Cousteau

References: It's mentioned that Mozambique has become a part of South Africa.

#178: The One Regret Of My Life

Content: After two years in unwanted quasi-exile in Argentina, admiral Gercke is told to leave with his ships for the Baltic. Gercke talks with Fagel that some spies from New England may have broken their codes. The heads of the German government and armed forces talk about Operation Jungeisen and decide to start it, despite of Gercke's warnings. Schulthess meets Gercke to tell him Kaiser Willem was killed, and asks him whether they should risk the invasion, given that this would make the *US Navy the biggest navy on the planet, and that England never will be a German friend again.

Characters: Admiral Erwin Gercke, Konteradmiral Jörg Kindler; Admiral Erwin Gercke, Fagel; Grossadmiral Gerard Huygens, Gercke, Chancellor Schulthess, Foreign Minister Hermann Müller, Minister of War Wilhelm Moeller-Bruck, head of the Deutschleger Prinz-Marshal Adolf Ernst of Schaumburg-Lippe, commander of the Luftmacht Marshal Heinz Naumann; Gercke, Schulthess

References: A Blundell is mentioned to wreak havoc among the *Americans.

#179: Blood and Iron

Content: A longer text about the world-wide situation during the end of the war, and about the first German attack with skycrafts, ships and a diversion in East Anglia, which cost them two full divisions, for which they'll build four great memorials after the war.



#180: The Cold Light of the Sun

Content: Before the real invasion starts, Gercke is not too happy about the results so far. Gillick's battleship has survived (being one of two in the Royal Navy!), but he fears for the worst since the real invasion is coming now. Jensen in his skycraft is afraid that the next landing also may be a diversion. Anderson sees the Germans attacking the shore he guards - with the new hovercrafts. Kumar is on the way with the relief force after most of the RN has been destroyed and wonders whether they're too late. Eilers hates being a captain working for the German navy in the war, when he has nothing left to decide by himself. Logan Knight finds a German leaflet and wonders whether to trust the German or the British government. Lutze attacks on a beach with his flamethrower-equipped arlac. Ex-PM Lloyd George fears that the war may be lost and wants to save Cymru at least. Part Two, what happens later: Gercke becomes Grossadmiral and head of the Krijgmarine, re-building it and publishing his tell-all memoirs after his death. Gillick doesn't take part in a battle, flees with some ships to Ireland and becomes its ambassador to the Council of Nations. Jensen survives, stays in England as part of the garrison, marries an Englishwoman and later returns to Hamburg. Anderson survives the German invasion, helps fighting down the Communards, various other insurrections and finally becomes Minister of State for Information. Kumar makes it to Britain, but doesn't take part in the fighting anymore, and later rises to become Commander. Eilers survives the war despite fearing he won't and gets a formerly British ship, and later dies while on sea. Logan Knight joins the Communards, becomes a leader of their council, orders Neville Wood to be executed, later dies while defending London, but becomes a Socialist martyr. Lutze survives, is later transferred to Morocco, where he will die of a car accident. David Lloyd George leaves the war cabinet, flees to wales, leads it to independence and becomes its first president, until his death.

Characters: Admiral Erwin Gercke; Vice-Admiral William Gillick; Feldwebel Christian Jensen; Sergeant Henry Anderson; Sub-Lieutenant Aman Kumar; Heinrich Carl Eilers; Logan Knight; Major Viktor Lutze, Konrad; David Lloyd George; Gercke; Gillick; Jensen; Anderson; Kumar; Eilers; Logan Knight; Lutze; David Lloyd George


#181a: Victoria Aut Mors

Content: Ingersoll meets Mullins who tells him that he'll reatreat from the war, and Ingersoll wonders about the coming elections. From “Young Iron: History’s Greatest Gamble”, which calls Jungeisen a great gamble and analyzes that the withdrawal of New England and the strength of the Luftmacht were the deciding factors for Germany's victory. From “Salt of Glory, Salt of Tears: The Last War of the Royal Navy”, about how brave the Royal Navy fought - until its almost-complete destruction.

Characters: James Ingersoll, Shane Mullins


#181b: Donatio Mortis Causa

Content: From “Our Struggle”, a pamphlet by the English Liberation Army, which calls for guerilla war against the Germans. From “The History of Military Engineering”, about German Simon Perles who worked together with Jozef Sikorski and others to develop the “flagellant” anti-mine arlac, the “Tadpole” amphibious arlac, flamethrower-equipped arlacs, and the “PIW” anti-fortress arlac. From “Salt of Glory, Salt of Tears: The Last War of the Royal Navy”, about the RN's history, how they became second after the Krijgmarine after the NAW and finally were destroyed in the Battle of Great Yarmouth, after which the remains joined the Royal Australian Navy. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 1: The Great War” about the German landings on Zero Day at four beaches, which succeeded thanks to skycraft support, the new hovercrafts and the capture of the Great Yarmouth port.



#182: I Hear Voices

Content: Extracts of the Warsaw Accord, which gives Courland to Russia and divides the Balcan into spheres of influence. A number of great citations by various people. Annex III of the Treaty of Constantinople.



#183: Honour Among Thieves

Content: Disraeli speaks about Russia's involvement in the Great War, noting how complex its motivations were. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the Warsaw Accord. From “End of Empires: A Short History of the Great War” about the Russian objectives and the success of their diplomacy.

Characters: Associate Professor Adrian Disraeli, students Vikas Prasad, Timothy Tam, Danielle Warner


#184: Much Ado About Everything

Content: From “End of Empires: A Short History of the Great War” about the negotiations of Russia with Greece and Bulgaria about dismembering European Turkey. From “Crescent and Star: A History of the Turkish People” about the Turkish resistance. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the Treaty of Constantinople which dismembered Turkey and made it a Russian satellite. From “Crescent and Star” about the toppling of the sultan and the riots and atrocities committed. From “End of Empires” about the bloodshed and resettlings in Turkey. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 1: The Great War” about what the Russian position in Persia and Afghanistan meant for a possible attack on India. From “End of Empires” about the tenuous German-Russian relationship.



Interlude #7: Sharing All The World

Content: President Griffin meets Muriel Hayden, a woman who made journeys through the wilderness and wrote about in her diaries; he promises her that Yosemite Valley will become a Federal reservation. From “The Whitman Encyclopaedia” about Muriel Hayden (nee Spriggs) and her fight for the preservation of environment. From Column 11 of the Stirling Daily Mirror about the tiger hunts in the Yellowstone National Park. From “The Whitman Encyclopaedia” about Jonathon Andrew Clay who invented an insecticide produced of chrysanthemums, which was used to fight the boll weevil. From “Strangers in a Strange Land”, which is about the ecological problems of Australia. From the Liverpool Star which protests the Australian Coalition government subsidizing ethanol production. Miriam O’Connell at the foundation of the League of International Earth Friends.

Characters: Hugh Griffin, Muriel Hayden; Miriam O’Connell


#185: All Under Heaven

Content: From “The Long Road: A History of the Taiping Revolution” how the Taiping revolution split China and thus invited foreign powers to expand into the land. From “Shards, Spars and Stars: New Perspectives on Colonialism” about how the Europeans became interested in China and later colonialized it. From “End of Empires: A Short History of the Great War” about Russian proceeding in China, which meant separating the non-Han territories and support the Qing against the Taiping while leaving China divided. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 1: The Great War” about the Russian attack on Choson during the Great War which started in 1931. Arthur Coles on his ship before the start of the Inchon landing. From “End of Empires…” about the allied landing at Inchon, which caught the Russians in surprise. From “The Illustrated History of Sky Power” about the Russian bomber attacks against Nippon. From “End of Empires…” how Allies and Russians had fought until a stalemate in the Far East.

Characters: General Arthur Coles


#186: Never-Ending Road

Content: Danielle Warner watches the (somewhat exaggerated) movie “Life in the Fast Lane” about Australian prime minister Lane who governed during and after the Great War. From a funk speech by Australian PM Lane, where he proclaims that Australia and the other kingdoms will continue the fight after Britain has surrendered. From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 1: The Great War” about how the war came to an end - with the Indies under allied occupation. From “Wolves At The Gates: The Story of the Great War” about how the war outside of Europe ended with many colonies staying under the current occupation, as they had been conquered in the war. From “End of Empires: A Short History of the Great War” about how the Restored Empire was formed, and its kingdoms divided the colonies and conquests among them.

Characters: Danielle Warner


#187: When True Night Falls

Content: From “End of Empires: A Short History of the Great War” about the *US fighting the Amistad powers in South America, on their way to dominate the whole continent. Tavares and O'Brien negotiate about the fate of Brazil after Caudilho Oliveira has been toppled by the *Americans, eventually dividing it in three - one part in the south annexed by the *US, one part in the north-east under the new emperor, the rest becoming an independent republic. From “End of Empires…” about the *American conquest and occupation of Brazil. From “End of Empires…” about the *American conquest of Chile.

Characters: Ayrton Tavares, General-in-Chief Alvar O’Brien


#188a: Sceptered Isle

Content: In 1905, two British MPs (Tories) witness how everyone, including Labour, is enthusiastic that the NAW has started. In 1907, they want to remove Disraeli, and speculate about his successor. From “British Politics; from Gladstone to Blackwood” about the short McGowan administration that followed Disraeli's, and the following split of the Conservatives, the “National Conservatives” wing allying with the Liberal Party, and the victory of Arthur Spencer-Churchill. From “Rule Britannia! A History of the United Kingdom, 1707-1932” about immigration to Britain, which reached new heights when many Caribbeans left their home after the NAW. Clarke loses his job in the factory to a Caribbean black. From “British Politics…” about the 1912 election, which the Liberal Party won overwhelmingly. From “Rule Britannia! …” about the ‘great migration’ (of Caribbean refugees) after the NAW with following anti-immigrant sentiment (even influencing Labour politics). From “Who Was Who: Prominent figures and important events in British History, 1837-1932” about Hugh Clive Carswell, author of ‘Economic Democracy’ and originator of Distributivism (similar to Social Credit).

Characters: Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, Harold Sanderson, Hugh Coryton, other MPs; Harold Sanderson, Hugh Coryton; foreman James Clarke, a factory manager, Derek from Saint Lucia


#188b: Blessed Plot

Content: From “Who Was Who: Prominent figures and important events in British History, 1837-1932” about Cedric Bolingbroke, who overtook the Tories after the disastrous election of 1912. From “A History of Nationalism” about the Anglo-Saxon revival and growing English nationalism (in opposition the Unionism). From “British Politics; from Gladstone to Blackwood”, about how Bolingbroke formed the Tories into an English-nationalist, distributivist party. Harold Sanderson visits the Althing, an Anglo-Saxon festival, and meets press magnate Langtree. From “British Politics…” about how the Liberals who had become too bland after three won elections faced trouble when the crisis of 1920 began. From “Marching Under The Green Flag: The History of Socialism” about how the Labour Party became more popular after the crisis, and how their new leader Lloyd George wasn't completely happy about this. James Clarke at his job as a “crowd controller” for the blackshorts. From “British Politics…” about how Arthur Spencer-Churchill retired in 1922, and his party which was seen as incompetent now lost to Labour.

Characters: Harold Sanderson, Geoffrey Northcote / Lord Langtree; James Clarke, MP Tom O’Brien


#188c: Seat of Mars

Content: From “Marching Under The Green Flag: The History of Socialism” about Lloyd George's Labour government (the first one in Britain) which struggled between pragmatism and ideology, and had to make a coalition with the Welsh nationalists. From “British Politics; from Gladstone to Blackwood”, more about Lloyd George's government which brought new social legislation, but also was accused of being too Welsh. From “The Death of Britain” about how Lloyd George suggested to start the Imperial Federation. From “The Encyclopaedia Recidivus (3rd edition)” about the Lambeth Conference where the Imperial Federation was discussed, and Palestine made a kingdom. From “British Politics…”, how Lloyd George was toppled some months afterwards, since the rebels in his own party were willing to cooperate with the Liberals under Neville Wood now. From “Imperial Federation, from the Albany Plan to the Cape Town Declaration” about how the ideal of Imperial Federation lived on, despite not being immediately successful. From “Who Was Who: Prominent figures and important events in British History, 1837-1932” about Neville Wood, last British PM (Liberals) since 1926. From “The Death of Britain” about how Lloyd George and some others left Labour for the Cymry Nationalists. From “British Politics…”, how the Liberal government was only seemingly strong, and made the anti-German Andorra Pact. From “The British Almon”, rendering a speech by Tory Harold Sanderson, who protests the coming war with Germany.



#188d: This England

Content: From “Guilty Men”, accusing Neville Wood of using the war just for damaging his political opponents. From “Who Was Who: Prominent figures and important events in British History, 1837-1932” about John Blackwood, English dictator 1932-53, and his life until the war. From “Wolves At The Gates: The Story of the Great War” about the clashes between Wood and Blackwood, esp. about the militias. From “British Politics; from Gladstone to Blackwood” about the desperate situation of Britain in the war. From “The Death of Britain” about the time between the German landing and the uprisings. From “Guilty Men”, how Wood wouldn't make peace just because of pride. From “Wolves At The Gates…” about the coup Blackwood started against Wood. Sanderson tries to arrest Wood, who's called socialist militiamen for help. From “The Death of Britain” about how the Communards revolted after the failed coup, and Blackwood made peace with Germany to be able to fight them. Blackwood's cabinet meets in Guildford, decing to dissolve the UK and found England, to be free of the burden of Britain. From “The Death of Britain” about the Emergency Government Act that gave Blackwood absolute power. From a funk broadcast made by King Edward VIII, last king of Britain, declaring he stepped back. Some socialists meet conspiratively, planning to continue the struggle for their ideas. Blackwood appoints Sanderson to Sheriff of Devonshire, where he'll have the local power.

Characters: Harold Sanderson, a policemen, two soldiers named Sykes and Peterson, Neville Wood, some men of the Home Defence Force; Marshall Blackwood, Cedric Bolingbroke, Adam Stewart; James Clarke, a barmaid, former Education Secretary Barbara Wilkinson, other Socialists; Marshall Blackwood, Harold Sanderson


Interlude #8: Kingdom of the Empty Throne

From the World Factbook - about England, now seperated from Britain.

#189: Shards Of A Broken World

Content: From “Wars That Changed The World, Volume 1: The Great War” about how France was punished most severely of all defeated Bouclier nations. From “End of Empires: A Short History of the Great War”, about how the Großeuropäische Wirtschaftsverein replaced the old Verein. From “The New Oxford Historical Dictionary” about the Dublin Conference, the peace conference usually considered to mark the end of the Great War, where peace agreements were ratified and the Council of Nations founded. From “Wolves At The Gates: The Story of the Great War”, about the difficult cooperation between Russia and Germany, since Russia still expanded. From “Wars That Changed The World…” about the founding of the Restored Empire as another counterpart to Germany. Dr Asperger discovers a new disease among soldiers from Africa while visiting an English hospital - TTL equivalent of AIDS. The deposed last king of Britain decides to go to exile in Jamaica, to protect the island against the *Americans.

Characters: Dr Hans Asperger, Dr Eric Dax, soldiers in the hospital; Edward Windsor, Clement Churchill


#190: New Horizons

Content: Bautista meets with O'Brien, who tells him that he just wishes that Bautista won't oppose him while the Unionists choose their presidential candidate. New England's president Mullins admits to himself that entering the war was essentially a defeat, but thinks he can survive the next months and rebuild New England, planning to set up a strawman for president while staying majority leader of the Senate himself. William Walker puts the *American flag at the South pole, claming it. Amber Jarrett is at home again after hiding in Cuba, but knows that there'll be more war, even after the *US will have conquered Chile. Oliver Bird learns that someone invented a working machine for picking cotton, and fears it'll hurt the slave-based economy. Donovan starts a coup in New England, arresting Ingersoll and also caring for Mullins. Leroy Abbard learns that Donovan has toppled and killed Mullins, and that he becomes Acting president of New England. Alvar O’Brien takes his oath as the new POT*US.

Characters: Senator Plutarco Bautista, his wife Faith, General Alvar O’Brien; Shane Mullins; Colonel William Walker; Amber Jarrett; Industrial Commissioner Oliver Bird, a patent clerk; Secretary of War James Ingersoll, Terry Rundle, Shane Mullins, Lieutenant General William Donovan; political prisoner Leroy Abbard, “liberty” camp commander Kendall Weston, some soldiers; Alvar O’Brien, the unnamed Chief Justice


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