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The Collins Presidency (2001-2009)

November 2nd, 2000: Michael Collins, Eagle Governor of Texas, is elected President. His Vice President, Senator Jorge Real-Diaz of New Mexico, makes a strong grab of the Latino vote. The result is a nailbiter election; but also one that ends in victory for Collins after Freedom Party Nominee Victor Vultan fails to win his home state.

Sept 13th, 2002: Friday the 13th Attacks against the United States. Nearly five thousand Americans are killed when New York's World Trade Center is destroyed by Muslim Extremists. Al Qaeda, a shadowy organization of international Muslim Extremists, claims responsibility.

December 1st, 2002: Afghan War begins as a US ultimatum to Afghanistan's Taliban is unmet.

May 10th, 2003: Iraq War begins as President Collins insists on the necessity of invading Iraq to locate its Weapons of Mass Destruction. None are ever found.

August 30th, 2003: Bankruptcy of NRG Inc after massive financial fraud is discovered at the company. An accounting firm is also shut down in the aftermath, and new laws (Milton-Hayes) require the CEO to sign financial statements and require the oversight of an accounting firm.

October 2003: Major Power Grid disruption to the Midwest plunges six states into blackouts for eight days.

March 3rd, 2004: Major Terrorist Attack by Al-Qaeda in Edinburgh, Scotland. Over 500 people are killed as multiple bomb are detonated simultaneously on the country's mass transit system.

September 25th, 2004 The September Surprise: US Forces find Iraqi Dictator Saddam Hussein hiding in a hole outside his hometown. Paraded around in the critical campaign season, this gives Collins a momentum to win.

November 2nd, 2004: Michael Collins Re-elected, defeating Massachusetts Senator Sean Howard Brooks for the Presidency.

April 16th, 2005: Magnitude 9 Earthquake causes massive waves and massive loss of life and economic damage to Indonesia, with less damage to Indochina, Australia, and the African Coast.

June 10th, 2005: Hurricane Lawrence hits New Orleans as a Magnitude 4 Hurricane, overwhelming the city's levee system and leaving much of the city underwater. Further compounding the tragedy is a half-baked plan to shelter many of the city's residents at its Football Stadium– CC Cola Stadium becomes a serious scene of hungry, neglected and overcrowded residents. The situation is worsened by reports that the New Orleans Police may have killed people without cause in the aftermath, and over a hundred thousand people ultimately leave New Orleans, never to return. Similar devastation is wrought elsewhere along the gulf coast.

May 10th, 2006: Space Shuttle Atlantis burns up in re-entry to Earth's Atmosphere, killing all aboard. A freeze on shuttles is reluctantly ordered by President Collins.

March 2008: The Great Recession begins as the Stock Market loses 3% of its value in a single day. The first Bankruptcy, Lionshare Financial, triggers shockwaves throughout the financial sector.

July 15th, 2008: Federal Bailout and the FISH act As dozens of banks head towards Bankruptcy, President Collins orders $400 Billion in government funds to prevent them from folding. This act earns the hatred of conservatives, but may have been critical in preventing the Great Recession from turning into a full blown depression.

November 4th, 2008: Election of 2008 With Conservatives reeling from Collins' massive intervention into the financial sector demoralizing their ranks, general war weariness hanging on the American People, and increasing frustration with an economy that is still losing ground, the American people elect Michael Snow as President, with Kevin Yankee as his Vice President.

The Eagle Party's Andrew Bard had attempted to steer too close to the Positives of the Collins' administration to win election. His choice of Alaskan Governor Thomas Kaufbus failed to draw much support in spite of Kaufbus' somewhat exotic qualities.

The Snow Presidency (2009)

January 20, 2009: Michael Snow (Played by Snowman23) is Inaugurated as President, along with the new Vice President, Kevin Yankee (Kome). In short order, the following Cabinet is assembled:

  • State: Isaac S. Levi (Played by Aranfan)
  • Economics: Scott Jones (Played by Aranfan)
  • Defense: Dash Tredeau (Played by Mmmeee0)
  • Intelligence: Whumbly (No name given)
  • Attorney General: Conrad Franks (Played by Civfanatic)

The assembly of the Cabinet, as well as the appointment of Senator Nathaniel Young (Played by Yelnoc) to lead Congress, consumed much of the presidents' efforts throughout the month of February (which is why no game turn occurred for that month).

February 2009: A Sensational story hits the presses: The US government is deliberately encouraging prison rape. Less publicly, but of equal severity is the death of the CIA's station chief in South America. On a more positive note, Automaker Detroit Auto Works manages to develop a technological edge on its rivals and survive its rough handling. Finally, in a move that will draw the long term focus of his Presidency, Mexico requests US aid in dealing with its cartels.

March 2009: Secretary Levi makes a State Trip to Israel; the CIA's budget is raised and US Forces begin to appear in Mexico. Financial reform sputters, but the Prison Rape Scandal is tied to a high ranking source–Former Vice President Jorge R. Diaz, tarring the Eagle party with scandal.

Things start to get interesting in the world. Iran and Syria sign a formal alliance, Civil War breaks out in Nigeria between Muslims and Christians, and US Troops find the bones of a long dead Osama Bin Laden in Southern Afghanistan.

Despite the interesting events occuring around the world, it was a bit too much for President Snow. After a speech at the University of Colorado, Snow complained of a headache. It turned out to be far more serious than anyone recognized, and Snow was rushed to a Denver Hospital, where he fell into a coma. In Boston, Vice President Yankee managed only a brief response to the tragedy before being rushed to Washington.

In between the tragedy, Attorney General Franks was accused of fabricating evidence for his investigations.

Secretary of State Levi leaks information over a backroom deal attempt made by the Eagles. This will lead to the discrediting of Senate Minority Leader Casey Mungbean and increased tension between the Eagles and the Freedom Party.

In spite of heroic efforts to save him, Michael Snow passes away in a Colorado Hospital.

The Yankee Presidency (2009-Present)

After the stroke and death of the former president, Newly sworn in President Kevin Yankee opted to make some new changes to the cabinet:

  • State: Art Westbrook (Played by Westbrook 49)
  • Defense: Dash Trudeau (A Holdover from the Snow administration)
  • Economics: Temporarily Vacant
  • Atty General: Tim Thomason (IG name and Forum Name)
  • Intelligence: Whumbly (Holdover from the Snow Administration)

Senator (F-MD) Aaron Frank (run by Aranfan) becomes Vice President. Disagreements with Levi and Jones are amiably resolved, those with former Attorney General Franks less so.

April 2009: The Eagle Party sacks Casey Mungbean (E-CA) and replaces him with the more assertive Mel Iverson (E-SD). Abroad, Israel attacks Palestinian Terrorist Group Islamic Jihad, while the USA continues with its plan to pull out of Iraq.

Septimus Magistos is appointed the new Education Secretary.

May 2009: The X Killer kills fifteen homeless people in Las Vegas, while the CIA gains a high level contact in Syria. The Ricochet computer Virus does serious damage to the Internet, while the Taliban begin their slow retreat south. Finally, NASA asks for and receives funding for a Mars Project.

Charles Mueller (Played by Chamonix) takes the Position of Economics Secretary.

Secretary Westbrook stops attending Cabinet Meetings; Whumbly unofficially assumes the mantle of Secy of State.

June 2009: The Russians elect a Pro-US leader, Japan elects a US Crony, and the CIA sees a chance to topple North Korea's government. Poland begins drifting away from the USA, and narcotics prices quadruple owing to the crackdown on drugs. President Yankee makes the most of the opportunities, making the call to overthrow the Juchist regime. The Decision will cast a long shadow on the game.

Secretary Magistos (Education) Proposes his “Fair Shake Act”, which attempts to unify grades and standards across schools. Building on President Collins' American Dream Act, this turns the nationwide testing into a metric to calibrate grades. A bolder initiative, the Student Empowerment Act (which would shift responsibility on learning from teachers to students themselves) goes into study.

Unfortunately, this marvelous idea is fillibustered by the Eagle Party.

In Pyongyang, the North Korean Armed Forces are baited into killing the General Secretary, but their own divisions turn what was intended to be a simple coup into a multi-sided civil war as at least three figures in the armed forces and the surviving party members vie for control. The CIA has succeeded in its mission, but the outcome is hardly what is wanted.

July 2009: Pop Singer Lady Desiree is killed by Christian Fundamentalists, the X killer is taken down but kills a Policeman in the process, chemical weapons start flying in the North Korean Civil War, and a bumbling attempt to airdrop food into wartorn North Korea (Operation King Ronald) is shot down by the Air Force Brass.

The USA makes the fateful decision to intervene in North Korea. Fear of the North Koreans nuking themselves are realized in a dreadful phone call between the SAC and President Yankee:

“There has been a nuclear hit against Pyongyang, and we had nothing to do with it. Pacificon has moved to DEFCON 2, per standing instructions” “We have to hit the Norks with nuclear weapons, or they'll hit us and the South Koreans!”

President Yankee makes the call not to use nuclear weapons. The US Air Force makes an interception hours later of a few aircraft, among them, a forty year old Tu-16 bomber. Shot down by US aircraft, the bomber explodes in a nuclear fireball. It is later determined that the bomber was aiming directly at Seoul.

In more traditional news, the Fair Shake Act passes. The dreary war of fighting in Korea kills thousands of US servicemen, but the Warlords suffer around fifteen times as many losses. The Patent agency is purged after corruption becomes an issue; laws increasing punishment for child pornography are passed.

August 2009: High point for popularity for the Freedom Party–Polls show 91% Support after saving Seoul from nuclear destruction and serious victory in North Korea. The Pope throws praise on the President, while the UK strengthens ties to the States after a Royal marries a American Businesswoman. NK Warlord General Gang Chan is sent to the ICJ for his crimes against humanity–in particular, giving the order to nuke Pyongyang. Israel annexes settlements in the West Bank, as the world is distracted by NK's actions.

Secretary Mueller (Economics) Steps down. An obnoxious preacher from Nebraska is lynched after trying to parade “Thank God for Dead Soldiers” in the middle of the most popular conflict in sixty years, and fanatics firebomb the Leninist Party HQ.

Senator Young steps down as Senate Majority Leader, to be replaced (briefly) by Sen. George Lincoln (F-Az, played by Godless Liberal)

The US government cracks down on Anti-Communist Extremism, makes plans to wipe out the last of NK's chemical weapons, and increases its aid to Mexico.

shared_worlds/aa_tl.1284023416.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:17 (external edit)

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