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1916 (Winner only as detailed records do not exist for most states) - In a result very rarely seen, the House of Representatives is hung, with neither party having a majority. The Democrats have slightly fewer Representatives but stay in power by forming a coalition with the Progressives and one Socialist

House and Senate vote on entry into WW1, April 1917

1920 - The most crushing victory for the Republicans and defeat for the Democrats since the Civil War, with the Republicans gaining a two-thirds majority in the House

1924, high tide mark for third parties, with three of them getting Representatives elected

1928 - Democratic recovery scuppered by anti-Catholic reaction to presidential nominee Al Smith. The Democrats' darkest hour before the Depression led to a dramatic turnaround

1930 - As the Depression hits, the Democrats recover to produce an almost exact 50/50 balance in both votes and seats. Special elections before Congress convened produced a razor-thin one-seat Democratic majority


OTL Election Maps Database

resources/us_house_of_representatives_election_maps_1900-1930.1408718663.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:16 (external edit)

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