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2006 Election Runoff Act


The Election Runoff Act of 2006 was one of several bills debated by the 2006 Parliament and was the only one actually passed by a floor vote. The bill was crafted in order to help end the disputed poll between DominusNovus (DNCP) and EvolvedSaurian (GNP) for the 15th seat in Parliament. Until that contest was resolved, Parliament would be unable to elect a Prime Minister.


Resolving the contest between DominusNovus (DNCP) and EvolvedSaurian (GNP), who had tied in the general election for the 15th seat in Parliament, was the very first item on President Leo Caesius' (AHPP) agenda when Parliament began its first session.

Steffen (?) proposed “a poll-based by-election for the open seat, eliminating the allegation of undemocratic behavior as an appointed 15th MP lacks democratic credentials” on August 9, 2006. This proposal was seconded and endorsed by Midgard (E), Michael(KETWIWBP), Flocculencio (YSP), and MrP (YSP). Midgard (E) proposed an amendment to Steffen's proposal, “For the benefit of members who are located in different time zones, the vote for any matter is open for at least 24 hours.” This amendment did not specify this specific poll and thus would legally apply to all open polls (Referenda) presented by Parliament to the public. The amendment was seconded by Flocculencio (YSP) and Michael (KETWIWBP).

Douglas (E) presented a motion to hold the election on August 9, 2006, with the Prime Minister elections held no later than August 10, 2006. Although this motion was seconded by Midgard (E) and Othniel (YSP), it would not be upheld.

Othniel (YSP) proposed allowing the polls be open for a period of two full days. This was opposed by Douglas (E), who argued: “I disagree with the honor(u)able member, since time is of the essence. While there is no 15th Member of Parliament, we are still not fully legitimate, nor can we elect a Prime Minister from our ranks or decide any other thing.”

The Abyss (E), who at the time was interested in running for Prime Minister, proposed the creation of a separate topic for campaigning for the post of Prime Minister on the grounds that such campaigning would unnecessarily litter the Parliament topic. This proposal was opposed by Midgard (E), Flocculencio (YSP), and Othniel (YSP), who argued that such a topic was unnecessary and would likely clutter the Non-Political Chat forum as a whole, which was already filled with topics related to the elections.

Text of Legislation

NOTE: The following is interpreted, based upon the above debate in Parliament. While this is not the question finally posed to MPs regarding the matter, this is the meat of what they discussed and, thus, what they in fact voted upon.


A poll-based by-election shall be held for the open seat 15th seat of Parliament, eliminating the allegation of undemocratic behavior as an appointed 15th MP lacks democratic credentials.


For the benefit of members who are located in different time zones, the vote for any matter is open for a period at least 24 hours and no more than 48 hours.


The poll shall be open all members of and the winner of the poll shall become the 15th Member of Parliament.


After debate, the following question was placed to a floor vote on August 9, 2006:

“Should there be a runoff poll between DominusNovus and EvolvedSaurian?”

Blochead (DCNP), Douglas (E), Michael (KETWIWBP), Midgard (E), Othniel (YSP), Steffen (???), and The Abyss (E) voted “Yes, have it run one day”.

Fortyseven (WP) and Straha (E) voted “Yes, have it run two days”.

None voted against.

Agentdark (E), Flocculencio (YSP), Haggis (???), MrP (YSP), and Saladin (YSP) abstained from voting.

Thus, the measure “A runoff poll between DominusNovus and EvolvedSaurian shall be held, and it shall be open for one day” passed.

offtopic/2006_runoff_election_act.1210211702.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:15 (external edit)

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