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Byzantine Empire

Ah, the Byzantine Empire! Who has not dreamed of a world in which the Hagia Sofia is still the centre of the Orthdox Church, the Avtokrator rules from Ispania to Mesopotamia and Greek Fire is a secret weapon rather than a kebab restaurant in Luton? Where the Mediterranean is Mare Nostrum once more, and the year is counted from the creation of the world?

Byzantine scenarios are very popular in AH, partly because of Harry Turtledove's Byzantine-scholar background, and partly…just 'cause.

The unwary traveller reading accounts of Byzantium might be left with the mistaken belief that the Byzantines had airships, space marines and heavy metal.

alternate_history/byzantine_empire.1192750991.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:17 (external edit)

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