What Madness Is This ? : Info-boxes


Franco-American War (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

First-Mexican American War (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

Second-Mexican American War (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

The Missionary War (courtesy of Zoidberg12)


United States of America (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

Republican Union (courtesy of Lapsed Pacifist)

Confederated Empire of Mexico (courtesy of Zoidberg12)


Napoleon I (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

Napoleon II (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

Napoleon III (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

Napoleon IV (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

George Armstrong Custer (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

Charles Goodyear I (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

Charles Goodyear II (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

Charles Goodyear III (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

Willard Crawford (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

Augustin I (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

Louis Napoleon I (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

Chiang Kai-Shek (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

Leroy Walker (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

Norbert Hayes (courtesy of Zoidberg12)

See Also

What Madness Is This

Maps (What Madness Is This

Nations (What Madness Is This

Dramatis Personae (What Madness Is This

Glossary (What Madness Is This

Propaganda (What Madness Is This