Table of Contents

The Game of Civilization

Inspired by Umbral and Leej


ASBs transfer you back in time 12 000 years, naked. You get to pick your landing spot.

You are fortified with immortallity, enhanced long-term memory, and unlimited memory storage capacity. The immortality will keep you from aging, return you to age 25, heal all wounds in a few minutes, and regenerate lost limbs in hours. Even a head, with all memories. You are also immune to heat, clod, poison and diseases, and animals will not harm you.

Here is the kicker: You are told that other members of the board will also be transported back in time. There will come a day when the ASBs will judge the accomplishments of all, and there will be one winner. The others will be punished.

That winner will be the one who have raised the most successful civilization.

You are not told how much time you have or what the criteria for “successful” is.

Gentlemen, pick your starting positions.


Player 1

Insert your activities

Player 2

And so on