Monty Python

Monty Python's Flying Circus was a moderately funny British comedy series that aired in the 1970s, and was followed up with by several moderately funny comedy films. Unfortunately, quite a lot of British people have now disavowed all knowledge of the Pythons due to a number of factors:

Over-Pythoning behaviour in a thread is sometimes curtailed with the announcement “NO-ONE EXPECTS THE ANTI-PYTHON INQUISITION!!!!!!”

The first point given here has begun to apply to other British comedic creations: mindless over-quoting by foreigners now threatens to make Red Dwarf, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and even Discworld unfunny. In order to prevent this, sensible British members have put the worst perpetrators on Ignore to avoid being infected by this; otherwise Englishmen 'round the world will be forced to resort to being purposefully unfunny to combat this problem!