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timelines:science_and_space_progress_decline_and_hope [2012/07/20 17:35] – created Broader Libertytimelines:science_and_space_progress_decline_and_hope [2019/03/29 15:13] (current) – external edit
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-==== Science and Space (Progress, Decline and Hope) ====+===== Science and Space (Progress, Decline and Hope) =====
 **March 18th, 2011**: NASA's MESSENGER probe arrives at its intended destination, Mercury. **March 18th, 2011**: NASA's MESSENGER probe arrives at its intended destination, Mercury.
-**May 5th, 2011**: Elections for the devolved Scottish Parliament in Holyrood are held. Labour makes sweeping gains and is able to form a small majority government. Elections for the devolved Welsh Assembly in Cardiff are held. The Labour party is able to form a majority government, but also notably the Green party and UKIP pick up one seat each. 
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 **November 27th, 2027**: At a Cloning Facility in Paris, France, a bomb goes off, killing no one, but a few scientists are injured, and much damage occurs throughout the building as fires spread. This marks the first time a cloning facility has been specifically targeted for an attack. The perpetrator is later arrested and sentenced to prison. **November 27th, 2027**: At a Cloning Facility in Paris, France, a bomb goes off, killing no one, but a few scientists are injured, and much damage occurs throughout the building as fires spread. This marks the first time a cloning facility has been specifically targeted for an attack. The perpetrator is later arrested and sentenced to prison.
 +**December 8th, 2027**: A worrying report is released by the UN Health Office. The report finds that treatment-resistant AIDS has doubled in prevalence over the last 10 years, as misapplied retroviral drugs cause the virus to mutuate into a stronger form. While the global AIDS picture is generally becoming brighter, health experts warn that the 2.1 million people with treatment-resistant HIV could become a much larger issue in coming years.
 **December 11th, 2027**: Dr. James Omar reveals what would later be labeled 'the precursor to artificial intelligence', the Artificial Analytical Unit - nicknamed "Anna" by her designers. It can recognize most words of seven languages, and use memory of past encounters to create reasoned and 'normal' responses. Engineers and scientists around the world speculate that it's technology could be used in the military or diplomatic field if used in a human-form robot. **December 11th, 2027**: Dr. James Omar reveals what would later be labeled 'the precursor to artificial intelligence', the Artificial Analytical Unit - nicknamed "Anna" by her designers. It can recognize most words of seven languages, and use memory of past encounters to create reasoned and 'normal' responses. Engineers and scientists around the world speculate that it's technology could be used in the military or diplomatic field if used in a human-form robot.
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 **August 16th, 2037**: Stratos, a collection of exotic resorts around the world owned by a UK-based company, unveils the orbiting Helios resort. It is the most expensive hotel in the world, though is slammed as "nothing more than a glorified turn-of-the-century space station," as quoted in a article. **August 16th, 2037**: Stratos, a collection of exotic resorts around the world owned by a UK-based company, unveils the orbiting Helios resort. It is the most expensive hotel in the world, though is slammed as "nothing more than a glorified turn-of-the-century space station," as quoted in a article.
-**October 5th, 2037**: Dr. James Kirkland and his associates reveal the first robotic soldier, which can fire weaponry and analyze the battlefield all on it's own. It is, however, needed to be supervised by human soldiers while in combat, and is given orders from a command center far from battle. 
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 **September 17th, 2042**: After a two year journey to Mars, Ares Prima returns to NASA's lunar base, and the crew is shuttled back to Earth shortly after.  **September 17th, 2042**: After a two year journey to Mars, Ares Prima returns to NASA's lunar base, and the crew is shuttled back to Earth shortly after. 
 +**October 5th, 2042**: Dr. James Kirkland and his associates reveal what is dubbed by the media as "the first robotic soldier", which can independently analyse a battlefield and fire weaponry. In practice, however, the US military will only contemplate using it as a recon unit and as a self contained heavy weapons support unit under the close supervision of a human operator. The unit relies on adjustable all terrain tracks, with a reliable bipedal unit rigorous enough for battlefield use still being a way off.
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 **May 18th, 2063**: In orbit around Venus, Base-1 detaches from the interplanetary ship Arrow of Eros and lowers itself into the Cytherean atmosphere. It settles safely at a height of 12,000 meters, floating in Venus' wind banks and stabilized by a number of propellors, jets, and fans. The base is powered by a small nuclear core designed to provide enough energy to allow the 7-person crew (two women and five men) to survive comfortably for a month.  **May 18th, 2063**: In orbit around Venus, Base-1 detaches from the interplanetary ship Arrow of Eros and lowers itself into the Cytherean atmosphere. It settles safely at a height of 12,000 meters, floating in Venus' wind banks and stabilized by a number of propellors, jets, and fans. The base is powered by a small nuclear core designed to provide enough energy to allow the 7-person crew (two women and five men) to survive comfortably for a month. 
 +**May 19, 2063**: Dr. Joaquim Mulémbwè of Mozambique, an associate of Dr. Alejandro de la Cruz of the Los Pinos Institute for Genetic Research sequences the complete genome of the 900,000 year old Homo Ergaster skeleton known as Kilimanjaro Man found in a cave in the East African Federation in 2040. This discovery shocked the scientific community because it proved that Homo Ergaster had survived in Africa far longer than had been previously thought.
 **May 22nd, 2063**: On Venus, astronauts on Base-1 use several robotic samplers to obtain over two hundred pounds of soil samples from Venus, from several different locations. They will be returned to Earth for study and investigation.  **May 22nd, 2063**: On Venus, astronauts on Base-1 use several robotic samplers to obtain over two hundred pounds of soil samples from Venus, from several different locations. They will be returned to Earth for study and investigation. 
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 **September 1st, 2065**: The GART-C supercollider in southern Mali provides proof of reunification theory, first proposed by Nigerian Muhammad Eda. The theory is hailed as the biggest breakthrough in physics in the history of mankind. Space enthusiasts are particularly excited by one of the precepts, which allows for near-infinite creation of energy out of tiny amounts of matter. This possibility would allow for much easier space travel within the Solar System, but would not solve the distance and speed problems associated with interstellar travel.  **September 1st, 2065**: The GART-C supercollider in southern Mali provides proof of reunification theory, first proposed by Nigerian Muhammad Eda. The theory is hailed as the biggest breakthrough in physics in the history of mankind. Space enthusiasts are particularly excited by one of the precepts, which allows for near-infinite creation of energy out of tiny amounts of matter. This possibility would allow for much easier space travel within the Solar System, but would not solve the distance and speed problems associated with interstellar travel. 
 +**October 5, 2065**: After collecting thousands of DNA samples across Africa, Dr. Joaquim Mulémbwè of Mozambique stuns the scientific community with the announcement that on average, approximately one percent of the genomes of Pygmys, the Khoi-San peoples and other Southern Africans who speak click languages such as the Khosa originates from an ancient hominid known as Homo Ergaster. This proves that Homo Sapiens and Homo Ergaster not only coexisted in Pleistocene times but interbred. 
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 +**April 15, 2075**: While in the tiny West African country of Guinea-Bissau collecting DNA samples for his ongoing African DNA research, Dr. Joaquim Mulémbwè of the Los Pinos Institute of Genetic Research is kidnapped by thugs. Controlled by President-for-Life Mario Mohamed Djalo these thugs move the genetic researcher incommunicado to the dictator’s private estate on a small island in the Arquipelago dos Bijados off the coast of Guinea-Bissau. Dr. Mulémbwè is led to a state-of-the-art laboratory and is told in no uncertain terms that if he wishes to live, he must clone the dinosaur known as Oxalaia quilombensis, a five ton giant carnivore whose genome had been sequenced in 2032. Since Dr. Mulémbwè had closely worked with Dr. Alejandro de la Cruz during the cloning of the Emperor Maximilian, he knew as much as his colleague about the process. 
 **October 27th, 2075**: Dr. Olaf Magnusson saves the life of Dr. Alejandro de la Cruz by replacing his diseased nephritic kidneys with new cloned ones. The surgery is a complete success. **October 27th, 2075**: Dr. Olaf Magnusson saves the life of Dr. Alejandro de la Cruz by replacing his diseased nephritic kidneys with new cloned ones. The surgery is a complete success.
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 +**September 24, 2081**: President-for-Life Mario Mohamed Djalo is overthrown by Africanist revolutionary forces led by Manuel Duarte Nhamadjo. The dictator flees to his private island in the Bijados Archipelago where he finds his secluded compound ruined and burned out by unknown forces. Unnerved by reported sightings of monsters, his few loyal soldiers desert him as Africanist forces land on the island to apprehend him. Fleeing into the jungle, the dictator is tracked running erratically into the interior by Africanist intelligence operatives via the GPS on his cell phone. Trackers realize later that he no longer had his cell phone after they find his head and other body parts strewn across a clearing only a mile from his ruined compound. The dictator’s greatest secret is soon revealed when the Africanist troops are attacked by several Oxalaia quilombensis dinosaurs. Later, one of them is brought down and the dictator’s torso and cell phone are found in its stomach.
 +The body of Dr. Joaquim Mulémbwè is found amidst the ashes of the compound but none of his notes or cloning methodology records are recovered. 
 +The world acknowledges Dr. Joaquim Mulémbwè’s great achievement when photographs of the living dinosaurs are released to the press shortly after the announcement by Dr. Alejandro de la Cruz of his cloning of wooly mammoths. The new government declares Djalo’s island an off-limits game preserve and the dinosaurs there thrive. Dr. Alejandro de la Cruz deeply mourns the death of his colleague and close friend.
 **September 26th-29th, 2081**: Three cloned woolly mammoths are born on the grounds of the Los Pinos Institute of Genetic Research. The world looks on in wonder at photos of living creatures the likes of which had not been seen on the earth for 10,000 years. **September 26th-29th, 2081**: Three cloned woolly mammoths are born on the grounds of the Los Pinos Institute of Genetic Research. The world looks on in wonder at photos of living creatures the likes of which had not been seen on the earth for 10,000 years.
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timelines/science_and_space_progress_decline_and_hope.1342820151.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:18 (external edit)

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