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timelines:progress_decline_and_hope:asia_and_australasia_progress_decline_and_hope [2012/07/23 14:32] Broader Libertytimelines:progress_decline_and_hope:asia_and_australasia_progress_decline_and_hope [2017/05/24 06:16] (current) – removed petike
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-==== Asia and Australasia (Progress, Decline and Hope) ==== 
-**August 13th, 2011**: The renewable energy bill is finally passed in the Japanese House of Councillors after the opposition Komeito agreed to support the bill in exchange of Kan's resignation. However, Kan refuses to resign. 
-**October 10th, 2011**: At the same time Japanese prime minister Naoto Kan is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Revolution of 1911 and his 65th birthday on his visit to China, the lower house passs a motion of no confidence against Kan's government. Kan does not dissolve the lower house, he chooses to resign instead. 
-**October 14th, 2011**: Banri Kaieda, the newly-elected President of the ruling DPJ who defeated Finance Minister Noda for the party presidency, is elected Prime Minister of Japan, replacing Naoto Kan. Despite only having served for 493 days, Kan was the longest-serving prime minister since Koizumi. 
-**January 14th, 2012**: In Taiwan, incumbent President Ma Ying-jeou (KMT) narrowly defeats Su Tseng-chang (DPP) for reelction in the Taiwanese presidential election, 2012; continuing his policy of closer ties with China. China welcomed the results. Nevertheless, the ruling KMT fails to win a majority in the Legislative Yuan, falling one seat short of a majority. 
-Republic of China legislative election, 2012 
-Kuomintang 56 
-Democratic Progressive Party 46 
-People First Party 4 
-Non-Partisan Solidarity Union 4 
-Independents 3 
-Incumbent speaker: Wang Jin-pyng (KMT) 
-**March 21st, 2012**: Chinese military officials unveil the J-22 stealth bomber in Shenyang, China, sparking concerns of an international arms race. 
-**March 25th, 2012**: Henry Tang is elected Chief Executive of Hong Kong, despite his extramarital affairs and unpopularity. He is elected with 610 votes, compared to 361 votes for Leung Chun-ying and 180 votes for Albert Ho (DP). 
-**June 16th, 2012**: In Hong Kong, the approval rating of Chief Executive-elect Henry Tang has fallen under 20% after he blames his wife in a scandal over a basement built illegally in their home. Tang is also being accused of presenting fake drawings about his apartment before the construction work. The Civic Party announces that it would introduce an emergency motion to impeach Henry Tang once he sworns in.  
-**July 1st, 2012**: Despite the low unemployment rate, 450,000 people joined the July 1st protest in Hong Kong, due to monopoly of property giants and Henry Tang's extreme unpopularity. After the protest, 20,000 protesters suddenly change route, breaking through the police cordon and occupy Upper Albert Road. After minor crashes, the police fires tear gas, but is unable to control the angry crowd. More than 3,000 are arrested, including People Power lawmakers Albert Chan, Raymond Wong, activist Jonathan Kan and League of Social Democrats Chairman Longhair Leung Kwok-hung. 
-**September 5th, 2012**: Banri Kaieda resigns as Japanese prime minister amid a illegal donation scandal. He is replaced by Yukio Edano as prime minister. 
-**September 9th, 2012**: In Hong Kong, pan-democrats win 31 out of 70 seats in the Legislative Council, including 22 out of 35 in geographical constituencies, 3 out of 5 super district councillors and 6 out of 30 traditional functional constituencies. Surprisingly many, moderate Democratic Party vice chairwoman Emily Lau is elected President of the Legco (Speaker) with pro-establishment support. 
-**October 7th, 2012**: In Hong Kong, police forces attempt to clean up "Occupy Central" protesters under the HSBC headquarters near midnight. Protesters have been occupying the open space area for about a year, and a sudden police raid is met with anger and discontent. The Occupy protesters then torch the HSBC headquarters. Riot police and firefighters manage to control the situation within a few hours. 
-**October 8th, 2012**: Inspired by the HSBC fire, a small number of angry protesters set fire on the headquarters of Sing Tao Daily, Hong Kong, killing 18 reporters and editors, injuring many. The Democratic Party condemns the attack, and calls for tough actions against the rioters. Hang Seng Index falls by 15% within a day, and the Stock Exchange announces unprecedented decision to stop stock exchange for a week. 
-**October 9th, 2012**: In Mei Foo, Hong Kong, angry residents set fire on the construction site of partiperties. Leading activists including Fred Lam Fai and Chu Hoi-dick condemn the violence. However, Chan Wan, a leading opposition writer, proclaims the establishment of the Bauhinia Revolution Action Committee, declaring war on property monopoly and the "illegitimate" Hong Kong government. Rioters continue to create disturbance in different areas in Hong Kong. Legislative Council President Emily Lau, who openly condemns the violence and calls and "peace, rationale and non-violence", is assassinated outside the Legco building in Timur. Richard Tsoi of the DP will be later elected in a snap election to replace Lau. 
-**October 10th, 2012**: Appearing slow, Chief Executive Henry Tang of Hong Kong declares a state of emergency. A curfew is imposed to maintain public order. The HKSAR government asks the People's Liberation Army for help. 
-**October 14th, 2012**: Riots in Hong Kong die down, and the government introduces legislation for national security laws, or in other words, Article 23 of the Basic Law. At the same time, Henry Tang announces his intention to solve deeply-rooted social inequality, and vows to tackle social problems that brought the unexpected riot despite a strong economy. 
-**October 30th, 2012**: Chinese military officials announce the regional use of the "Beidou" global positioning system (GPS) in Shenyang, China, effectively granting Chinese military forces parity with American forces in the region. 
-**December 19th, 2012**: Independent opposition candidate Ahn Cheol-soo wins the South Korean presidential election, defeating Park Geun-hye of the ruling Grand National Party by 0.72% of the popular vote. "Dear citizens, it is not my personal victory. Today, the South Korean people have spoken, and they have spoken against the status quo and the monopoly of big businesses. I am not elected to serve the special interest groups, but the South Korean people!" said Ahn after his narrow election. 
-Ahn Cheol-Soo (Independent) 10456239 (43.18%)  
-Park Geun-hye (GNP) 10282104 (42.46%)  
-Kim Nak-sung (LFP) 2191381 (9.05%)  
-Rhyu Si-min (UPP) 1007651 (4.16%)  
-Gong Seong-gyeong (CKP) 280155 (1.16%)  
-**July 12th, 2013**: Japanese general election: no party manages to get more than 200 out of 480 seats in the House of Representatives. The DPJ won 165, LDP 164, Your Party 59, New Komeito 29, JCP 15, Lower Taxes Japan 11, SDP 8, PNP 2, other parties, non-partisan or independents 29. 
-**September 19th, 2013**: US spy satellites discover a mass build-up of troops and artillery on the North Korean side of the DMZ. South Korea is extremely alarmed by this rapid mobilization, and in turn mobilize their own forces; President Romney places US forces in Korea on high alert. 
-**September 20th, 2013**: Kim Jong-Il, the aging leader of North Korea, delivers a message to South Korea, asking for their government to step down in order to re-unite the two Koreas under the power of the North, or they will face war. Meanwhile, American diplomats attempt to avert war by contacting Chinese officials. 
-**September 21st-24th, 2013**: The South Korean government flat out refuses Kim Jong-Il's demands. As a result, North Korea declares war on South Korea and moves into the DMZ. Artillery shells bombard Seoul, causing extensive damage to the capital and killing hundreds of civilians. President Mitt Romney orders the mobilization of US forces in ROK and Japan, and diplomats continue talks with China on how to deal with the North. 
-**September 24th, 2013**: Politicians in Japan fail to reach a consensus on a coalition government. For the first time since the end of the Second World War, the Emperor tries to mediate due to regional instability brought by North Korea. Yoshimi Watanabe of Your Party becomes Prime Minister, before a LDP-Komeito-YP Coalition could be formed in November under the leadership of LDP MP Koichi Kato. 
-**October 3rd-November 3rd 2013**: The Korean War begins in earnest. In the first month of fighting, American and South Korean forces push the North Koreans to Pyongyang. The Chinese, to this point, have remained neutral and have refused any requests for aid from North Korea. 
-**October 4th, 2013**: US President Mitt Romney addresses the people of the United States and the world fallowing fighting between North Korean, and South Korean/American forces. In his address, President Romney asks for North Korea to, "stand down before more lives are lost," and promises that, "America will not leave the side of our South Korean allies." 
-**November 4th, 2013**: MP Koichi Kato is chosen as Japanese Prime Minister amidst national concern that the previous administration was "weak" in its response to North Korean aggression. 
-**November 8th, 2013**: Korean military overthrows and executes Kim Jong-Il. Obscure former official Choe Su-hon ( is named president. It is widely assumed China is behind this turn of events. The new government declares cessation of hostilities and the creation of a reunification council. This is quickly backed up by China with a pledge of defense. The reunification council gets nowhere, and President Romney's appears weak handling this crisis. 
-**November 10th, 2013**: Major news agencies the world over receive over 20, 000 pages of internal documents from the DPRK's Foreign ministry, documenting Chinese financial, material, and technical assistance to the regimes of Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jong-Il, and Kim Jong-Un, from the inception of the DPRK until its death. While the fact that the PRC has supported the North Korean government is hardly suprising, the timing of the release, which followed only two weeks after the much publicized liberation of numerous North Korean prision camps during the Allied push on Pyongyang, caused a firestorm of negative press for the PRC and the new military government of North Korea. 
-**November 13th, 2013**: The recently leaked papers force the hand of the South Korean government, who order the South Korean military to occupy all territory between the DMZ and Yalu, forcibly disarm all non-allied personnel, and establish a provisional government for the North under ROK control. South Korean leaders acknowledge that this is in violation of the recent ceasefire, but point out that the ceasefire was a unilaterally declared by Choe Su-hon, and therefore not binding. In addition they reveal that new intelligence suggest that both Choe Su-hon and nearly all other officals in the "new" regime were involved in the infamous Division 39, yet again, leading many nations to condemn both the new government, and its Chinese backers.  
-**November 14th, 2013**: On a related note, President Mitt Romeny publicly reaffirms American support for South Korea's recent operations in a speech from the Oval Office. While the South Korean troops push north, US ground forces remain behind the ceasefire line established on the 5th of November, both to avoid provoking China, and to begin undertaking humanitarian operations in rear areas. US air assets still operate in support of ROK operations during the brief push to the Yalu, but are rarely needed due to extremely sparse resistance. 
-**November 15th, 2013**: Chinese President Xi Jinping faces increasing pressure from nationalist elements in China to make good on his pledge of defense to the government of Choe Su-hon, but the recent leaks, resulting anti-Chinese backlash, and the widespread international support held by South Korea precludes him from doing so. 
-**November 16th, 2013**: Thousands of North Korean refugees cross the Pusan River, flooding into South Korea, looking for food, jobs, and long-lost family members. 
-**November 20th, 2013**: New People's Party chairwoman Regina Ip is elected Chief Executive of Hong Kong over Democratic Party chairman Sin Chung-kai by a 888-251 margin in the electoral committee.  
-**November 21st, 2013**: Chinese President Xi Jinping announces a "fire sale" of American Treasury bond, justifying the measure as a means to help fund "humanitarian aid" efforts for Korea, causing the value of the U.S. dollar to collapse by 16% within 8 hours. 
-**December 5th, 2013**: Chinese officials announce the launch of Yinghuo-1, China's first automated probe to Mars, amidst concern of "America losing the technological edge". 
-**December 7, 2013**: In Taiwan, the opposition Democratic Progressive Party wins the county magistrates and Mayoral elections in Penghu County, Changhua County and Chiayi City from the ruling Kuomintang, while its 4 incumbents are all reelected. President Ma Ying-jeou resigns as Chairman of the Kuomintang. He was succeeded by former Premier Wu Den-yih. 
-**December 8th, 2013**: Cheonan Riots; Food riots erupt in refugee camps as millions of people leaving North Korea face limited resources for food and resources. Local gangs act as warlords, in an effort to control the refugees, often turning them towards narcotics and prostitution. 
-**February 12th, 2014**: In Hong Kong, the Civic Party, the League of Social Democrats, the Labor Party, Neo Democrats, the Hong Kong Economic Journal and Apple Daily are outlawed by court orders due to conspiracy against the Central Government. A new wave of violent protests occur, but are immediately put down. New laws are introduced to ban public demonstrations. Democratic Party lawmaker Wu Chi-wai is arrested under national security laws for advocating subversive activities against the Central Government, simply because he suggests using a referendum to determine whether or not universal suffrage should be introduced in 2017. 
-**March 5, 2014**: Birth in Gisborne, New Zealand of Winston Richard Lewis, the second son and third child born to Lady Davina Lewis (b. 19 November 1977), the elder daughter of Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester. A great-granddaughter of King George V of Great Britain, the minor royal had married New Zealand native and ethnic Maori Gary Christie “Gazza” Lewis on 31 July 2004.  
-**April 6th, 2014**: Afghan President Hamid Karzai suffers a heart attack in Kabul, yet political insiders report that Karzai has suffered a drug overdose from heroin usage. Civil unrest takes place when Al-Jazeerah reports the heroin overdose. 
-**June 8th, 2014**: In Hong Kong, by-elections are held to replace the seats vacated by Wu Chi-wai, who is censured for subversive activities against the Central Government. New People's Party candidate Tony Liu, who calls for peace and stability, defeats Democratic Party nominee Daniel Wong Kwok-tung and People Power nominee Wong Yeung-tat [1] in the Kowloon East legislative byelection by wide margins, as expected. However, the most unexpected comes at the King Fu district council constituency by-election. Depsite being one of the most pro-democracy districts in Hong Kong, Dickens Chui of the DP is defeated by Timothy Choy Tsz-kin of the DAB by a 3,035 to 2,784 margin. Democratic Party chairman Sin Chung-kai is arrested for "criminal libel" after calling the election "rigged and unfair". After the incident, the remnants of the Democratic Party becomes nothing more than a vase opposition party. Democracy is almost dead in Hong Kong. 
-**July 15th, 2014**: Indian PM Rahul Gandhi's government announces it will back a new law, the Allowing for Advancement Act. The Act is the first major policy proposed by the new government. The first main provision of the Act is increasing higher educational opportunity in India. The Act plans to double the number of Indian Institutes of Technology to 30 by 2025, double the number of Indian Institutes of Management to 24 by 2025, open two new campuses of Jawarhalal Nehru University in Ahmedabad and Chennai, and finally, open a new Indian Institute of Instruction in Jaipur to train future teachers. The second main provision of the act is to mandate that all institutions of higher learning in India allow for an affirmative action selection process. Depending on the demographics of their state, universities must let in between 5% and 15% Dalits (Untouchables) to their undergraduate class. This acknowledgement that the caste system was still a potent cultural force in India caused some consternation, but was praised as a bold step by many domestic analysts. Lastly, the Act provided funding to state governments to improve their primary education, and commissioned teams of inspectors to weed out corruption relating to education in state governments. 
-**July 23rd, 2014**: Japanese prime minister Shigeru Ishiba, after a meeting with opposition Democratic Party leader, announces bipartisan plans for constitutional amendment, to turn the Self Defense Forces officially into a military. 
-**August 17th, 2014**: Mass by-elections are held in Hong Kong for seats vacated by lawmakers arrested under the national security laws. Since proportional representation is used in such by-elections as there are more than one vacancy in all of the five constituencies, pro-Beijing groups are unable to win every seat despite frauds. Among the 18 seats up for grabs, the DAB wins 7, followed by 4 for the NPP and 2 for the FTU. Among the remnants of the opposition, the Democratic Party wins 3, followed by 1 for People Power and 1 for the Coalition for Democracy and Hope, a successor group of the Civic Party and the Neo Democrats. The pro-establishment camp now has 53 out of 70 seats in the Legislative Council. 
-**September 7th, 2014**: Former Indian PM Manmohan Singh dies of a heart attack. Current PM Rahul Gandhi announces a national day of mourning for a man whom many in India consider their greatest leader since Nehru. His funeral, held on the 15th, is attended by over 40 world leaders and 1.8 million Indians, making it the biggest funeral since that of Pope John Paul II in 2005.  
-**September 12th, 2014**: In India, the Allowing for Advancement Act is passed after some controversy. While radical Hindu groups had opposed allowing affirmative action for Dalits, polls found that between 50 and 60 percent of the population supported it.  
-**November 29th, 2014**: In Taichung, Su Jia-chyuan (DPP) defeats incumbent Mayor Jason Hu (KMT) for reelection, who is running for his historic 4th term. In Taipei City, Chou Po-ya (DPP), deputy speaker of the City Council, defeats Hau Lung-pin (KMT) for reelection narrowly by 914 votes, after 4 recounts. Hu and Hau are not barred to run for reelction because of the changes in administrative divisions in 2009. Meanwhile, Eric Chu (KMT), William Lai (DPP) and Chen Chu (DPP) are all reelected. 
-**December 24th, 2014**: Hong Kong replaces the linked exchange rate system with US Dollar with a basket of currencies all of a sudden. Hong Kong Dollar, long thought to be undervalued, appreciates dramatically, deflation is going to happen for the first time since 2003. 
-**January 3rd, 2015**: A Naxalite attack and bombing on an army base in Jharkand state kill 57 troops. On the same day, a bombing causes a trail derailment, leading to 212 civillian deaths (the train was packed with laborers). In response, the anti-Naxalite paramilitary group Salwa Judum goes on a rampage, killing 14 suspected Maoists gruesomely. Rahul Gandhi's government is criticized for its slow reaction to the crisis, and despite their announcement that they are working quickly to end the Naxalite threat, Gandhi's approval ratings drop below 50% for the first time. 
-**May 10th, 2015**: In a referendum, Japanese voters approve a constitutional amendment that turn the Self Defense Forces officially into a military. The second paragraph of Article 9, which forbade the maintenance of "land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential", is replaced by a new Article 9-2 which permits a "defense force", under control of the Prime Minister, which defends the nation and may participate in international activities. This new section uses the term "gun". The United States welcomes the constitutional amendment, hoping that Japan could play a more significant role in combating the growing strength of China. However, China recalls its ambassador to Japan "for some urgent discussions regarding the new international political atmosphere". 
-**June 1st, 2015**: Future Indian Prime Minister Surjaa Chakravorty is elected in a special election for the Bongaon seat in West Bengal. The previus MP, Gobinda Chandra Naskar, had died of a heart attack earlier in the year. Chakravorty wins as a member of the Trinamool Congress Party (a Bengali offshoot of the Congress Party). She is notable for her young age and personal charisma. Only 27, she was elected to the City Council of Bongaon after graduating from Jawarhalal Nehru University. 
-**June 7th, 2015**: In Japan, the New Komeito withdraws from the ruling coalition, citing irrevocable differences with Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba. Almost immediately, the New Komeito stages a no-confidence motion against Ishiba, but is defeated since the Hatoyama and Ozawa factions of the opposition Democratic Party votes against the motion. 
-**June 11th, 2015**: In Japan, 42 lower house MPs and 22 Councillors from the Hatoyama and Ozawa factions of the opposition Democratic Party form their own Liberal New Japan Alliance. 
-**August 4th, 2015**: In Japan, the Liberal New Japan Alliance and the Lower Taxes Party merge to form the Social Credit Party, and joins the ruling coalition. Ichiro Ozawa is appointed Finance Minister. 
-**August 10th, 2015**: In Japan, outraged by the SCP-LDP coalition, 16 Your Party MPs and 7 LDP MPs cross the floor and join the opposition Democratic Party. 
-**August 23rd, 2015**: Chinese men start calling for "American mail-order brides" due to the shortage of available women in China. 
-**September 11th, 2015**: India's Parliament, under the leadership of Prime Minister Rahul Gandhi, passes the Equality in Donation Act. This act prevents fertility clinics from informing customers of the caste of the donor. Oftentimes, customers will refuse to accept sperm except from donors of specific castes. Some fertility clinics even go so far as to refuse donations from members of certain castes, or segregate the sperm storage facilities. The Equality in Donation Act seeks to end those practices. 
-**September 12th, 2015**: In some parts of India, outrage ensues over the Equality in Donation Act. Furious crowds gather outside of many lawmakers' offices and fertility clinics, demanding their "right" to know the caste of a donor. While most doctors and middle-class Indians support the Gandhi government's law, many lower-class and high-caste upper-class Indians oppose it, believing that it is important for them not to sully the purity of their caste. 
-**September 18th, 2015**: In response to severe public pressure, and pressure from some members of his coalition, Rahul Gandhi asks the Indian Parliament to repeal some parts of the Equality in Donation Act. While clinics will still be banned from refusing donations from low-caste donor, customers will regain the right to know what caste their donor was from.  
-**September 20th-October 20th, 2015**: In India, a national debate ensues over sperm donation and caste. Six states, including Bihar, pass state laws which require all donors to state their caste and make it more expensive and difficult for low-caste donors to give sperm. Meanwhile, nine state governments, led by Kerala, go in the opposite direction and ban patients from asking about the caste of their donor. Over the upcoming years, these numbers will shift slowly in favor of the Keralese bloc.  
-**November 15th, 2015**: In Hong Kong, the pro-establishment camp wins 401 out of 417 seats in the district council elections due to massive electoral fraud and unfair campaign benefits. Out of all 417 directly elected seats, the DAB and FTU jointly wins 209, followed by 51 of the NPP, 18 for the Liberal Party, 11 of the Civic Force, 8 for the Economic Synergy, 7 for the NWSC [2] and 94 other pro-establishment candidates. Among the 16 pan-democrats that survive, the Democratic Party wins 6 constituencies (Upper Tai Wo Hau, Lower Tai Wo Hau, Lai King, Siu Chi, King Fung and Sun King), the CDH wins 3 (Kin Shin, Yee Fu and Pokfulam), the ADPL wins 2 (Lai Chi Kok South and Kadoorie [3] - the biggest upset of the night), as well as 5 others (winning Choi Kin, Nam On, Hennessy, Ching On and Kowloon Bay). 
-**January 1st, 2016**: In Japan, the People's New Party merges into the Democratic Party. 
-**January 10th, 2016**: In Taiwan, Taichung Mayor Su Jia-chyuan (DPP) defeats New Taipei Mayor Eric Chu (KMT) in the Taiwanese presidential election, 2016, ending 8 years of KMT rule. For the first time in history, the DPP won a majority of seats in the Legilsative Yuan.  
-Republic of China legislative election, 2016 
-Democratic Progressive Party 62 
-Kuomintang 37 
-People First Party 5 
-Non-Partisan Solidarity Union 4 
-Independents 5 
-Incumbent speaker: Wang Jin-pyng (KMT) 
-Speaker-elect: Ker Chien-ming (DPP) 
-**March 12th, 2016**: In Japan, Your Party withdraws from the coalition government, but promises supply and confidence. 
-**June 6th, 2016**: Japanese prime minister Shigeru Ishiba dissolves the lower house for an earlier election, despite that Seiji Maehara's Democratic Party is enjoying a healthy lead over all parties inside the ruling coalition combined. As a result, elections for both the lower and upper houses will be held on the same day on July 10th. 
-**July 10th, 2016**: In Japan, the opposition Democratic Party wins the general election. The composition of the new House of Representatives is as followed: DPJ 247, LDP 110, YP 42, the New Komeito 22, Social Credit Party 22, JCP 17, SDP 6, New Blood League 2, Others, non-partisan and independents 12.  
-**August 2nd, 2016**: A series of explosions in a Muslim district of Kolkata kill 112 people, 97 of whom were Muslim. The perpetrators, Paboo Lahiri and Rajiv Bannerjee, are caught 7 days later. During their prosecution, it is revealed that they received several phone calls from the deputy head of the RSS, a mainstream Hindu nationalist group. They also spent days at a time in a Hindu temple led by a radical priest, Arumi Asselleelam. This fact, in combination with the RSS's weak condemnation of the bombing, enrages Indian Muslims, and two days of rioting lead to 17 further deaths. Rahul Gandhi's government promises to crack down on Hindu right-wing groups. 
-**September 11th, 2016**: In Hong Kong, the 6th Legislative Council elections are held. It is boycotted by the People Power and the Coalition for Democracy and Hope. International observers are not allowed to monitor the election. The moderate opposition Democratic Party and ADPL jointly wins 13 out of 70 seats in light of vote rigging.  
-**September 12th, 2016**: Although the Democrats manage to win a majority of seats, a coalition between DPJ, YP, and the New Komeito is formed to ensure a bulletproof supermajority. DPJ president Seiji Maehara becomes Prime Minister of Japan. 
-**March 2nd, 2017**: Wuhan Riots; Riots erupt in Wuhan, China, amidst proposed restrictions against "mail order brides". 
-**July 2017**: Construction at the Pati Sonapur plant in the Indian state of Orissa has been delayed for 7 years while slow and unproductive economic surveys are completed by government bureaucrats and regulators. In desperation, the company building the plant flew in a team of experts from the EU and US, who concluded the proposed plant was perfectly safe. However, government regulators continue to forbid construction. It is estimated the plant will create 7,000 jobs and provide 9900 MW of power once complete, enough for 100,000 homes in the area. Frustrations over this and other similar issues have been growing in the Congress Party for several years. Meanwhile, in the Bharatiya Janata Party and other right-wing groups, moderates have been growing increasingly worried about ties to right wing groups who have connections with terrorists. On July 19th, these groups announce they are leaving their respective parties and forming their own party, the New Democratic Party of India (NDP). Modeling itself after the positions of the Democratic Party of the United States (economically moderate, socially liberal), the party begins with 72 seats in the Lok Sabha. They promise to crack down on corruption, over-regulation, Hindu nationalism, and Pakistani-based terrorist groups. In addition, they announce their firm support of closer ties with the US, green energy, rural development, and reconciliation with Pakistan. 
-**July 22nd, 2017**: Surjaa Chakravorty, an MP from West Bengal who is only 29 years old, is elected as Deputy President of the NDP. She had been one of the three MP's to initiate discussions about forming the NDP, and had been influential in forming their policy planks. As Deputy President, she is placed in charge of outreach to the public due to her immense personal charm and charisma. 
-**August 10th, 2017**: China sets up a $890 million fund to support the People's Republic of Guinea. China's foreign secretary says that in recognition of the creation of the socialist state, China will give a new airport to the country as a gift. China also plans to build roads and buy ships to set up a reliable ferry service between Bioko Island and the mainland. 
-**September 16th-18th, 2017**: A massive earthquake with a magnitude of 8.8 hits the prefectures Aichi and Shizuoka. There are 20,400 deaths, one of the most fatal earthquakes in Japan's history, worse than the Tohoku quake of 2011. The main reasons are that it hit without much warning and it was quite near to the major city of Nagoya. There are reports of major problems in the Hamaoka 4 nuclear power plant, and fears of the third MCA in just eight years spike all over the world. In Germany (the only country that I can tell something about), demonstrations and anti-nuclear rallies peak, even though it is sure that all German NPPs are switched off on January 1st, 2019. 
-**September 20th, 2017**: In Japan, the problem in Hamaoka 4 NPP is confirmed as "security-relevant" and the operator, Chubu Denryoku, says that there is no more danger for the population. The Hamaoka incident is rated INES 4.  
-**February 14th, 2018**: Twin-kidnappings take place throughout major cities, especially Hong Kong, Shanghai, Nanjing, and Beijing, amidst the popular media image of the children of "multiple births" coming from affluent families. 
-**February 25th, 2018**: Stunning many, Taiwanese president Su Jia-chyuan visits China and met with President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang. Outraged, Tainan Mayor William Lai announces that he would challenge President Su in the DPP presidential primaries, 2020. 
-**February 27th, 2018**: Leaders of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi Party, the Janata Dal (United) Party, the DMK, and the Nationalist Congress Party announce that they are joining the New Democratic Party, along with several independents and other members of the Congress Party and the BJP. This bumps NDP numbers up to 129 members of the Lok Sabha. The membership of the Lok Sabha, as it currently stands, is: 
-- United Progressive Alliance, led by the Congress Party: 201 seats. 
-- Left Front: 78 Seats. 
-- Anglo-Indian Representatives: 2 seats. 
-Opposition Parties: 
-- National Democratic Alliance, led by the BJP: 107 seats. 
-- New Democratic Party of India: 129 seats. 
-- Fourth Front: 16 seats. 
-- Independents: 12 seats. 
-**August 15th, 2018**: In Japan, the Heiwa Memorial is officially opened in Kyoto. It is a separate secular memorial where the prime minister can make official state visits for memorial purposes, so as to avoid visits to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine. Seiji Maehara, despite his anti-China views, officially apologizes to China for "past mistakes during the Second World War", and vows to promote a "peace and non-nuclear" new world. 
-**September 12th, 2018**: Chinese military officials announce the active service of J-20 stealth fighters in Chengdu, China. 
-**January 12th, 2019**: Chinese Communist Party leaders debate the need to reform immigration in an effort to allow for "mail order brides" in Beijing, China. 
-**February 17th, 2019**: In Hong Kong, ADPL lawmaker Tam Kwok-kiu of Kowloon West is mysteriously killed in a "car accident", leading to the first wave of anti-government protests since 2014. The ADPL claims that the government is behind the death of Tam, but Chief Executive Regina Ip instead accuses the banned Labour Party, claiming that it wants to create social disturbances.  
-**February 24th, 2019**: Former Hong Kong Labour Party leader Lee Cheuk-yan "commits suicide out of guilt" mysteriously a week later. Western countries condemn the Tam Kwok-kiu and Lee Cheuk-yan Incidents, and Ip is declared a persona non grata by the European Union and the United States. Several Western firms announce that they would move their headquarters from Hong Kong to Taiwan citing the "lack of security and protection". 
-**April-May 2019**: Parliamentary elections are held in India. The current Prime Minister is Rahul Gandhi of the Congress Party. He has presided over continued economic growth of around 8% per year on average, and has managed (despite a scare in early 2016) to keep inflation low. In addition, his signature domestic policy, the Allowing for Advancment Act, has begun to show some fruits, with 8 new University campuses having already been opened, and over 300 state officials having been prosecuted for corruption. Nevertheless, his government is quite unpopular due to the continued attacks of the Naxalites, the still-rampant corruption, and the unfriendly environment for business.  
-The official election results show the seating of the Lok Sabha now stands as thus: 
-United Progressive Alliance (led by Congress): 198 seats. 
-Left Front (Communist/Socialist Parties): 70 seats. 
-National Democratic Alliance (led by the BJP): 110 seats. 
-New Democratic Party: 141 seats. 
-Independents: 14 seats. 
-Anglo-Indian Representatives: 2 seats. 
-After 2 weeks of haggling, the United Progressive Alliance and the Left Front form a government, along with several independents. The NDP says that it may support their proposals occasionally, but chooses not to be part of the government. The governing coalition controls 273 seats; only 5 more than a majority. Rahul Gandhi is re-inaugurated several days later. 
-**April 1st, 2019**: Taiwanese president Su Jia-chyuan is shot by a mad supporter of former President Chen Shui-bian, while visiting Tainan. China condemns the attack as well, calling it an attempt to halt the peace process. 
-**April 24th, 2019**: President Su Jia-chyuan fully recovers. In a nationally televised speech, President Su urged reconciliation and argued for the importance of establishing a stable relationship with China. Former Tainan Mayor William Lai announces that he would withdraw from the race, and endorses President Su for reelection. 
-**May 12th, 2019**: President Su Jia-chyuan visits China again. In a historical summit, President Su and President Xi sign the Shanghai Accords, which was also known as the Consensus of 2019 (similar to the Consensus of 1992), to be renewed in 2049. China removes all missiles targeting Taiwan, while both sides agree with the spirit of "One China, Different Expressions" outlined in 1992. Taiwan shall not declare independence, but could participate in a number of international organisations using the name "Chinese Taipei". Taiwan is also allowed to establish formal diplomatic relations with other nations, under the name of "the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu". It was a historical breakthrough in cross-strait relationship. 
-**May 17th, 2019**: Taiwanese leaders blame a series of electronic infrastructure failures on Chinese hackers, during a press conference in Taipei. 
-**May 20th, 2019**: In Hong Kong, despite allegations of vote rigging and unfair campaign bias, 38-year-old opposition ADPL District Councilor Wong Chi-yung of Lai Chi Kok South is elected lawmaker for Kowloon West, replacing the seat vacated by the late Tam. With a 57% turnout, Wong gets 52% of the popular vote over 41% for the pro-government candidate. 
-**July 7th, 2019**: In Japan, the ruling Democratic Party wins a majority of seats in the upper house election, Your Party withdraws from the coalition government citing the reason that "the era of distorted parliament has come to the end". 
-**July 8th, 2019**: 33 high-ranking officials are forced to resign amidst reports of defiance to the "one-child policy" in Beijing, China. 
-**August 8th, 2019**: Chinese scientists Yi Zhao, Bing Qi, and Hoi-Kwong Lo announce the "end of privacy" with the development of "quantum hacking", granting CCP officials greater security abilities in Beijing, China. 
-**November 9th, 2019**: Japan announces plans for manned space mission within 5 years. At the same time, Prime Minister Seiji Maehara announces that private companies would be allowed to launch their own spacecrafts for tourism purposes. 
-**November 11th, 2019**: It is announced that Taiwanese President Su Jia-chyuan and Chinese President Xi Jinping won the Nobel Peace Prize for the Shanghai Accords. Riots against awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Xi Jinping broke out in Oslo, at least 24 are killed. The Chinese embassy is set on fire, killing the ambassador and 14 others. 
-**January 12th, 2020**: In Taiwan, incumbent President Su Jia-chyuan (DPP) wins a landslide victory against Nantou magistrate Tsai Yi-chu (KMT) with 60.7% of votes in the presidential election, even winning Nantou county.  
-In the legislative elections, however, DPP only manages to gain 2 seats, because radical pro-independence members of the DPP formed the Taiwanese Patriotic Party - a splinter group which manages to win 2 seats in the nationwide constituency. As a result, KMT gains 1 seat too. 
-Republic of China legislative election, 2020 
-Democratic Progressive Party 64 
-Kuomintang 38 
-Non-Partisan Solidarity Union 3 
-Taiwanese Patriotic Party 2 
-People First Party 2 
-Independents 3 
-Labor Party 1 
-Incumber Speaker: Ker Chien-ming (DPP) 
-**January 16th, 2020**: In Japan, internal fighting inside the opposition Liberal Democratic Party continues. Shinjiro Koizumi, son of former prime minister Junichiro Koizumi, joins Your Party with 26 LDP MPs. 
-**May 15th, 2020**: China lands their first man on the moon. People in the US begin saying that the Chinese will dominate the USA if they are allowed to claim first man on Mars. Regardless of the falseness of this statement, the newly appointed head of NASA plays it perfectly in order to get funding. 
-**May 25th, 2020**: Chinese military officials announce the global deployment of the "Beidou" global positioning system (GPS), effectively ending American monopoly over the technology. 
-**June 3rd, 2020**: Chinese officials announce the deployment of the Beidou-2 (a.k.a. "Compass") global positioning system, effectively ending American monopoly on the technology. 
-**July 5th, 2020**: Japanese general election: thanks to the unprecedented economic growth since the 1980s and a severely divided opposition, the ruling Democratic Party wins a landslide victory and 54% of votes. Seiji Maehara continues to serve as Prime Minister of Japan, while the DPJ-Komeito coalition continues. Your Party replaces LDP as the main opposition party. The election results are as followed: DPJ 309, YP 54, SCP 37, LDP 35, New Komeito 23, JCP 8, SDP 4, New Blood League 3, Others / Non-partisan / Independents 7. 
-**August 7th, 2020**: Chinese military officials announce the active service of the J-22 stealth bomber in Shenyang, China. 
-**September 13th, 2020**: In Hong Kong, despite the relatively strong economy thanks to the "Hong Kong Stock Through Train” Program and government intimidation against opposition candidates, the opposition camp surprisingly wins 36 out of 80 seats in the Legislative Council. Among them, the People's Governance Party, merged by the moderate Democratic Party and ADPL, wins 20 seats, followed by 7 for the Coalition for Democracy and Hope, 4 for the People Power, 3 for the Democratic Labor Party and 2 independents. This is the first time the Legco is elected through universal suffrage, despite that the functional constituencies still exist, making the nomination process rather unfair. Since international observers are allowed to observe the election, vote rigging like in previous elections does not take place at all. Also, China would like to gain the confidence of the Taiwanese during the continuous peace process. 
-**March 23rd, 2022**: The Pakistani Taliban reignites conflict in the Northwest Frontier provinces, determined to topple government authority in the region. The Pakistani military, now devoid of US military aid since the US's reorientation toward India as a major ally, suffers several humiliating defeats at the hands of the Taliban, and is pushed back to a line defending the cities of Peshawar and Mardan by the end of the year. 
-**March 27th, 2022**: For the first time in the history of Hong Kong, the Chief Executive is directly elected. Despite that the pro-democracy camp does not have enough seats in the "Nomination Committee" to nominate a candidate, 27 pro-establishment NC members endorses lawmaker Wong Chi-yung of the People's Governance Party. Wong, a 41-year-old lawmaker who begins his career simply as a social worker, is at first seen as unelectable, but he has done incredibly well in the debates thanks to his dream team of shadow cabinet. Capitalizing of public memory of the Tam Kwok-kiu and Lee Cheuk-yan incidents, Wong Chi-yung surprisingly defeats DAB Chairman Horace Cheung Kwok-kwan [1] by a 50.7%-49.3% margin. 
-**April 6th, 2022**: Beijing announces that it would not appoint Hong Kong Chief Executive-elect Wong Chi-yung as the city's next leader. According to the Basic Law, the Chief Executive has to be appointed by Beijing. Instead, Beijing appoints Horace Cheung Kwok-kwan, the loser in the election Chief Executive citing that "Cheung has gained the support nearly half of the citizens, and could broadly represent the people of Hong Kong". Almost all Western countries refuse to recognize Cheung as the new leader of Hong Kong. For the first time since 2014, riots break out. 
-**April 14th, 2022**: Despite anti-government riots, opinion polls in Hong Kong shows that 70% of people are angered by Beijing's appointment of Cheung the loser. The Hong Kong University Public Opinion Poll Center is immediately outlawed by Chief Executive Regina Ip due to national security concerns. The People's Liberation Army is called in to clear the protesters. 
-**April 17th, 2022**: Unlike the riots in the early 2010s, riots did not die down despite the deaths of hundreds. The PLA continues to kill protesters, despite Western condemnations and threats to impose sanction against China. However, given China's economic strength, it is a forgone conclusion that the United States and Europe would do nothing other than condemning China. 
-**April 19th, 2022**: Internet services in Hong Kong have been shut down. It would not be reopened until March 2026. Chief Executive-elect Wong Chi-yung is arrested for subversive activities against the Central Government, and disappears since then. 27 other pro-democracy lawmakers are arrested, 6 fled Hong Kong to the United States, while 3 decides to support the government against "the Western-inspired conspiracy". By then, even the vase opposition parties are dead. Democracy is officially over in Hong Kong. 
-**July 1st, 2022**: Chinese hackers launch a coordinated cybernetic warfare attack on the nationalist Kuomingtang government in Taipei, effectively wiping out the financial assets of many corporate and political leaders. 
-**July 11, 2022**: India and the United States sign the US-Indian Free Trade Agreement. This pact, also known as the Treaty of Mumbai, is considered one of the foundations of the growing American-Indian alliance. 
-**August 3rd, 2022**: A popular Japanese anti-fascist is violently murdered by mysterious agents in San Francisco after appearing on an alternative media talk show. 
-**August 8th, 2022**: After the murder of Toshiji Fukui, a popular Japanese anti-fascist in San Francisco by mysterious agents, it is revealed that the case is connected to the far-right New Blood League in Japan. 
-**August 17th, 2022**: In Japan, New Blood League leader Matsuhiro Kimura is arrested for conspiracy against the Japanese government and his involvement in the death of Toshiji Fukui. 
-**September 6th, 2022**: In Japan, both houses vote to outlaw the New Blood League and censure its MPs. 
-**Late 2022-Early 2023**: India experiences a short yet highly visible recession, it's first in many years. The recession, lasting 3 quarters, is caused by inflation and high food prices (particularly of imported staples like onions and potatoes). The recession, in conjunction with bribery and misdealing investigations, shutters two major state-owned Indian banks, UCO and IDBI. Surjaa Chakravorty, Deputy President of the NDP, calls these "more examples of the inefficiency of wide government control over the economy." The recession ends beginning in the third quarter of 2023, with India having experienced a total .9% drop in GDP. Prime Minister Rahul Gandhi's approval rating drops to 31%.  
-**July 1st, 2023**: A bombing in Algiers kills 23 people. Islamist terrorists announce that they are forming a new group, Jai al Jat Har el-Allah (Liberation Army of God), or al-Jat Harir. Al-Jat Harir, they say, shall continue the struggle against dictatorship in order to establish an Islamic state. Algerian President Hanoune pledges to give no mercy to any terrorists captured. 
-**July 2nd, 2023**: Twenty-year-old Crown Prince Moulay Hassan of Morocco dies in a motorcycle accident. His sister, Lalla Khadija, is now in line to the throne. 
-**September 12-15th, 2023**: Nigerian President Ibrahim Shekarau visits South Africa. The two countries sign the Joint Development and Free Trade Pact, marking the beginning of what is known as the "Alliance for Democracy". Nigeria has overcome it's sectarian troubles of past years after a deal signed in 2015 between northern and southern politicians granted great autonomy to the newly re-organized 21 states. The states, larger in size than before and more equal in population, are each headed by a powerful governor, while the authority of the federal government is reduced to mostly military and foreign issues, as well as national parks, etc. With several peaceful transfers of power consecutively, Nigeria is now marked as a "stable democracy", and Freedom House ranks Nigeria as "Free" in 2019, an update from "Partly Free". 
-**January 4th, 2024**: Japan's Emperor Akihito (known posthumously as the Heisei Emperor) succumbs to pneumonia at the age of 90. He is succeeded by his son Crown Prince Naruhito (born 23 February 1960). 
-**January 9th, 2024**: China finally attempts their first unmanned mission to Mars. The probe's initial launch is successful but unfortunately, something goes wrong just after leaving the mesosphere, and the probe explodes violently in mid air over far eastern Siberia. 
-**January 13th, 2024**: In Taiwan, New Taipei Mayor Jay Chou (DPP) wins the presidential election against KMT Chairman and former Taoyuan magistrate John Chih-yang Wu (KMT) with comfortable margins, becoming the youngest ever President in Taiwan's history. 
-Republic of China legislative election, 2024 
-Democratic Progressive Party 60 
-Kuomintang 41 
-Non-Partisan Solidarity Union 4 
-Taiwanese Patriotic Party 4 
-Labor Party 2 
-Independents 2 
-Incumber Speaker: Ker Chien-ming (DPP) 
-Speaker-elect: Liu Chien-kuo (DPP) 
-**January 21st, 2024**: In Japan, the ruling Democratic Party wins the general election, though its majority in the House of Representatives is sharply reduced. Seiji Maehara continues to serve as Prime Minister of Japan, and the DPJ-Komeito coalition continues. The election results are as followed: DPJ 267, YP 93, Social Credit Party 42, New Komeito 34, LDP 25, JCP 7, SDP 3, Others / non-partisan / independents 9. 
-**April-May, 2024**: Parliamentary elections are held in India. Rahul Gandhi, the current PM of India, is running for a third term, the first Prime Minster to do so. However, his Congress Party has held the premiership for 20 years (since 2004) and there are many discontented with his government. The recent recession, the first in generations, contributed to widespread popular appetite for change. The New Democratic Party of India is projected to make massive gains with their popular policies and young, vigorous leadership. 820 million people vote, making this the largest democratic election in the history of humanity. 
-After the election, the seats of the Lok Sabha (House of the People) are apportioned thusly: 
-New Democratic Party of India (NDP): 282 seats. 
-New Democratic Alliance (led by the Bharatiya Janata Party): 129 seats. 
-United Progressive Alliance (led by the Congress Party): 54 seats. 
-Left Front: 60 seats. 
-Independents: 8 seats. 
-Anglo-Indian Representatives: 2 seats. 
-The government, with 288 seats, is formed by the NDP, along with several independents and the Anglo-Indian representatives. The success of the NDP, India's first big-tent party, has caused severe distress within the ranks of the BJP and especially within the Congress Party, which has fallen to a mere 44 seats. Surjaa Chakravorty, aged 36 years and head of the NDP, is inaugurated as India's youngest Prime Minister ever on May 29th. 
-**April 5th, 2024**: Pakistan's military leadership topples the civilian government in Islamabad, due to the ineffective response to the conflict in the Northwest Frontier and its attempts to negotiate with the Taliban, and installs a military dictatorship. The military's strategy switches to lashing out an all-out offensive against the Taliban, as well as to demonize perennial enemy India in an attempt to distract the populace from internal problems. 
-**June 8th, 2024**: Following the NDP's massive electoral gains in the recent elections, a coalition of Bharatiya Janata Party parliamentarians announce that they will be leaving the party. "The more extreme elements of this party have become conflated with the more extreme elements of nationalism and Hinduism in this country, and the situation is unacceptable," says the venerable Rajnath Singh, one of their leaders. "Our new party shall be fresh and work to provide solutions for all Indians, not just those who share our beliefs." Styling themselves the Prakarita Kriya Party (PKP), or Progressive Advancement Party. After their announcement, the Lok Sabha is composed of the following representatives: 
-New Democratic Party of India (NDP): 282 seats 
-Anglo-Indian Representatives: 2 seats 
-Independents: 4 seats 
-Opposition Parties: 
-Prakarita Kriya Party (PKP): 103 seats 
-United Progressive Alliance (led by the Congress Party): 54 seats 
-BJP: 26 seats 
-Left Front: 60 seats 
-Independents: 4 seats 
-**November 17th, 2024**: The United States and China sign the Environmental Protection Act of 2024, a treaty between the two nations agreeing to reduce Carbon emissions and energy consumption by 50% by 2040. 
-**January 27th, 2025**: The Outline of the Formation of the Republic of Hong Kong, the famous banned book written by Marcus Aurelius Lo, a 33-year-old Western-educated Hong Kong writer, is published in the United States. Lo, now living in San Francisco, becomes the target of assassinations among "patriotic Chinese". 
-**May 8th, 2025**: The Indian Supreme Court rules that under the right to privacy, fertility clinics and sperm banks are banned from keeping any information on the caste of donors. The decision settles a national debate ongoing since 2015, when Rahul Gandhi's government attempted to pass the Equality in Donation Act, which would have had the same effect. After public backlash, Gandhi's government was forced to repeal part of the act, and since then, caste and donor conflict have been a state issue. Following the Court's decision, five states are forced to repeal their "caste reporting" laws, although they face minor public protests. Most Indians, especially those in urban areas, celebrate the Court's choice. Prime Minister Chakravorty also supports donors' right to privacy. 
-**December 5th, 2025**: Indian Prime Minister Shurjaa Chakravorty announces her government's plan to "end the threat of the Naxalites once and for all." In her speech, she says that military solutions have ultimately been ineffective, despite short-term gains. "The only true solution is economic; to help the poor and needy, to feed the hungry, and to house the homeless. They will not fight if they are rich and free." To this end, she announces a massive infrastructure plan (including two nuclear plants and three huge wind farms) to provide jobs. In addition, she announces the Rural Electrification Act, which will a) connect homes to the national power grid and b) provide subsidized, and in some cases, free wind-turbines and solar panels to rural farmers. The Act, costing 250,000 crores (around 50 billion USD) is passed on December 21st. 
-**July 5th, 2026**: At the conclusion of their 17th annual summit, BRIC leaders announce that they will no longer meet on a yearly basis. The stated reason given by Brazil, India, China, and Russia is that the four nations believe they can best collaborate through other international bodies. However, international commentators attribute the action to a growing lack of common goals and interests. 
-**October 2nd, 2026**: Seiji Maehara, the longest-serving Prime Minister of Japan in Japanese history, retires. He is replaced by Foreign Minister Daisuke Matsumoto. 
-**May 7th, 2027**: A sniper kills Algerian Foreign Minister Abdelhamid Temmar in Algiers. The sniper, an unidentified man in his 20s, is kiled by police as he attempts to flee. The revolutionary Islamist group Al-Jat Harir claims responsibility. 
-**September 14th, 2027**: What has become known as the "Frontier War" between the Pakistani government and Taliban forces in the Northwest Frontier, becomes a bloody stalemate. Though the military under guidance from the junta in Islamabad has made great strides in isolating the Taliban to a pocket in Waziristan. For the next few years, the combat line will remain stagnant until both sides gradually give up fighting and accept the new status quo (Taliban control of border areas near Afghanistan, Islamabad control of everywhere else). 
-**September 29th, 2027**: The King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, announces in a speech to Parliament that he will step down at the end of the year. He will be succeeded by his daughter, Princess Lalla Khadija. As the last act of his reign, he will sign over his vast executive powers to the Prime Minister and the Parliament of Morocco and create "a true parliamentary democracy for the people of Morocco". The Crown Princess is very popular among the Moroccan people, noted for her beauty and intelligence. The King's speech is greeted with widespread acclaim from both the people of Morocco and the world community. Despite their surrender of political power, the royal family will continue to exert considerable economic power in the years to come. 
-**October 17th, 2027**: Japanese general election: the DPJ-Komeito coalition wins the general election, Daisuke Matsumoto continues to serve as prime minister despite calls for him to step down after the DPJ loses its majority in the lower house. The election results are as followed: DPJ 226, YP 127, Social Credit Party 46, New Komeito 31, LDP 28, JCP 8, SDP 4, Others / non-partisan / independents 10. 
-**January 25th, 2028**: The military junta led by General Mohamed al Zahari* finalizes covert plans to fund insurgent groups in India's Kashmir and Jammu provinces, in an attempt to wrestle control of the region from India and to distract the restless population from Pakistan's internal problems, including sporadic terror attacks by religious extremists and overall decline in the standard-of-living. 
-**February 19th, 2028**: In Taiwan, incumbent president Jay Chou (DPP) wins the presidential election against Yunlin magistrate Chang Chia-Chun (KMT) by a thin margin of 0.9%. Chang refuses to concede, but the Supreme Court upholds the election results. Nevertheless, for the first time in 12 years, the ruling Democratic Progressive Party loses its majority in the Legislative Yuan. 
-Republic of China legislative election, 2028 
-Kuomintang 54 
-Democratic Progressive Party 42 
-Non-Partisan Solidarity Union 6 
-Taiwanese Patriotic Party 5 
-Labor Party 3 
-Independents 3 
-Incumber Speaker: Liu Chien-kuo (DPP) 
-Speaker-elect: Tsai Wu-Hong (KMT) 
-**March 14th, 2028**: Hong Kong writer Marcus Aurelius Lo is severely injured in New York City after being shot by an angry Chinese. The incident does not remove Lo from the HK Independence Movement, but instead makes him a hero. 
-**July 9th, 2028**: In Japan, the DPJ-Komeito coalition loses its majority in the upper house. 
-**April-May, 2029**: Parliamentary elections are held in India, with over 750 million people voting. Prime Minister Surjaa Chakravorty is widely popular throughout India, and her NDP party is predicted to gain seats, although not in a landslide. During her premiership the threat of the Naxalites has decreased almost to nonexistence, and educational standards in India have improved. However, some attribute these successes to her predecessor, Rahul Gandhi. Nevertheless, continued strong economic growth (with her decentralization policies cited as a cause by economists) have led to continued popularity for Chakravorty. 
-The new Prakarita Kriya Party (PKP) is also poised to make gains. Their moderate policies have won them supporters among the middle-class Hindu right and with conservative lower class voters. They are well known for their strong anti-Pakistani rhetoric, while simultaneously denouncing Hindu extremists. In addition, they want to privatize many Indian banks and decrease environmental regulation "in order to open the door to increased economic growth." 
-After the election, seats in the Lok Sabha are apportioned as follows: 
-New Democratic Party of India (NDP): 289 seats 
-Prakarita Kriya Party (PKP): 142 seats 
-Left Front: 51 seats 
-Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP): 21 seats 
-Congress Party: 19 seats 
-Independents: 11 seats 
-Anglo-Indian Representatives: 2 seats 
-The government is formed by the NDP, the Anglo-Indian Representatives and several independents, controlling 298 seats. In the wake of their second shellacking in a row (and reduced to their base in Uttar Pradesh), the Congress Party announces it will be joining the Left Front. The BJP decides not to attempt to broaden its appeal, instead preferring to remain a vocal minority. 
-Government: 298 seats 
-PKP: 142 seats 
-Left Front: 70 seats 
-BJP: 21 seats 
-Independents: 4 seats 
-**May 6th, 2029**: In Japan, New Komeito withdraws from the ruling coaltion.  
-**May 13th, 2029**: Matsumoto's government is defeated by a no-confidence motion, 245-232. Matsumoto dissolves the lower house. 
-**June 17th, 2029**: Japanese general election: the ruling Democratic Party is defeated by the YP-SCP-LDP coaltion. Matsumoto loses his own seat in the election. The election results are as followed: DPJ 167, YP 150, Social Credit Party 85, New Komeito 33, LDP 21, JCP 10, SDP 5, Issuikai 2, Others / non-partisan / independents 13. 
-**June 27th, 2029**: Shinjiro Koizumi, president of Your Party and son of former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, becomes Prime Minister of Japan. 
-**May 8th, 2030**: The small sultanate of Brunei signs a treaty with Malaysia, handing control of two Brunei-held Spratly Islands over to Malaysia in exchange for rare-earth mining contracts in Borneo's interior. The Bruneian company Jawatak announces it hopes to begin exports from Borneo within two years. 
-**June 10th, 2030**: An ambush on an Indian Army convoy in Baramula District, Kashmir, kills 21 soldiers. The perpetrators, about 80 Kashmiri militants, sustain 2 casualties, and one of them, Hanif Ghaffour, is captured. Under interrogation (and suspected beatings) by the Indian Army, Ghaffour reveals that he and his comrades received training and weapons from a three Pakistani men whom they believed to be members of the Pakistani government. India's Prime Minister, Surjaa Chakravorty calls upon Pakistan to denounce the attack and cease support of terrorists in strong terms. General Zahiri refuses, stating that "as long as India's terrorist occupation of Kashmir continues, the people of Kashmir will continue to rise up against them."  
-**June 22th, 2030**: In Hong Kong, 46-year-old former District Councilor Siu Leong-sing is sentenced to jail for 9 years after drafting the Declaration of Civil Liberties and Self-determination, which is co-signed by famous writer Marcus Aurelius Lo. 
-**July 1st, 2030**: India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, the Maldives, and Sri Lanka announce that they are creating a "supranational body" that will "facilitate trade and political cooperation" between themselves. The new body, called the Indian Ocean International Community (IOIC), will have broad powers to regulate agriculture and also removes almost all tariffs on trade between the involved nations. It also sets the long-term goal of introducing a single currency, the as-yet hypothetical "South Asian rupee." Prime Minister Chakravorty says that "this announcement is an important step towards peace and democracy in the region", pointedly not noting the absence of Pakistan from the group. Pakistan's General Zahiri denounces the move as "another act of blatant Indian aggression and irredentism". China expresses it's worries more quietly, and steps up its presence in Myannmar and Tibet. It also decides to court Afghanistan. 
-**August 24th, 2030**: Australian Federal Election. Lena Heade of the Green Party is elected as the first prime minister of Aboriginal descent. The decisive victory of pro-republican parties in this election demonstrates the voters' willingness to separate from the crown, which is a priority this term. 
-**January 21st, 2031**: Hanif Ghaffour, a Kashmiri militant responsible for the previous years attack on an Indian convoy which killed 21 soldiers, is sentenced to life in prison. 
-**February 20th, 2031**: The Indian Navy commissions the INS Jayant Rama (meaning Rama Victorious), its first supercarrier. Displacing 108,000 tonnes, and carrying upwards of sixty aircraft, the carrier was developed together with Brazil, which is expected to launch the twin ship later in 2031. 
-**May 20th, 2031**: Representatives of fourteen nations (America, Europe, China, India, Somaliland, Ethiopia, the East African Federation, Turkey, Brasil, Indonesia, South Africa, Nigeria, Japan, and Russia) agree to meet on May 25th in Rome in order to address the growing Somali crisis. The group terms themselves "Friends of Somalia." 
-**May 25-26th, 2031**: The "Friends of Somalia" meet in Rome to try and forge a unified strategy to deal with the Somali crisis. However, after two days of fruitless talks, the meeting is disbanded. The United States and Europe wished to fiscally and diplomatically continue to support the federal government, China wanted international recognition transferred to Puntland, India wanted more aggressive action taken to stop Al-Shabab, and Somaliland requested an international naval force to protect its shores from pirate raids. No parties were able to come to any agreement, except to meet again in 25 days, on June 20th, in Cairo.  
-**May 26th, 2031**: In a major address, Indian PM Surjaa Chakravorty announces that the situation in Somalia is a direct threat to India's interests, and and that unless the international community intervenes, India may be forced to take "unilateral action." The East African Federation has been pressuring their close ally India to defend them against Al-Shabab, which has a strong base of support in the EAF's Northern Province.  
-**June 16th, 2031**: Indian Prime Minister Surjaa Chakravorty orders two of India's aircraft carriers into position one hundred miles off the coast of Somalia. The two ships, INS Vikrant and INS Jayant Rama, will arrive on the 20th. China warns that Indian intervention in Somalia will be greeted with trade sanctions. Even the United States, usually India's staunch ally, is worried by the aggressiveness Chakravorty is displaying.  
-**June 20-22nd, 2031**: The "Friends of Syria" group (America, Europe, China, India, Somaliland, Ethiopia, the East African Federation, and Russia) meet for the second time in Cairo. Here, some of the most frantic diplomacy since the Second Korean War takes place. India wants a limited intervention, and quickly wins the support of the EAF, and Somaliland, which agree to allow Indian planes and troops to be based out of their country. Ethiopia follows the Chinese line, and asks all sovereign nations to transfer their recognition of Somalia from the government in Mogadishu to the one in Puntland. After two days of fruitlessly trying to convince Indian PM Chakravorty not to take unilateral action, US President Rubio is forced to announce acceptance of India's plan, which calls for airstrikes on Shabab forces, and limited Marine and special ops raids throughout Somalia. Neither the United States nor Europe are willing to commit any support (military or financial) besides diplomatic, however. 
-**June 23rd, 2031**: Indian air forces from the carrier INS Jayant Rama engage Al-Shabab's air fighter force, which consists of six ancient Panavia Tornado ADVs (later traced back to Saudi Arabia). All six are shot down with no casualties, and Al-Shabab's two bombers are subsequently destroyed on the ground. Indian airstrikes begin along the battle lines outside of Mogadishu, while several Indian cruisers and troop ships arrive in Mogadishu harbor and unload 32 tonnes of food and water aid, along with 4000 paramilitary troops to keep the peace and ensure an orderly distribution. Meanwhile, in the north, Puntland's invasion of Al-Shabab's territory has advanced to within 150 miles of the Islamists' provisional capitol, Galkayo. 
-**June 25th, 2031**: In the face of withering Indian airstrikes and commando raids targeting Islamist generals, Al-Shabab orders a unilateral withdrawal from southern Somalia in order to deal with the threat from Puntland - the siege of Mogadishu is broken. Somali President Ahmed Jumale announces pardons for Shabab fighters who surrender and turn in their weapons rather than withdraw - 3000 do so in the first few days. 
-**June 27th, 2031**: In the Somali War, the MARCOS Special Amphibious Command of the Indian Navy launches an amphibious takeover of the town of Hobyo, in central Somalia. The town, less than 200 miles from Galkayo, is intended to provide a base for an Indian effort to cut off retreating Shabaab troops, getting between Mogadishu and Galkayo.  
-**June 29th, 2031**: The largest Indian force of the Somali War, the elite Sikh Light Infantry, land and begin unloading at Galkayo. They are supplied by airdrops and given air protection by Indian Air Force planes based out of the EAF. Numbering 13,000 troops, they quickly begin to move inland towards Balli Gubat.  
-**June 30th, 2031**: China imposes trade restrictions on Indian auto imports in retaliation for India's intervention in Somalia. On the same day, Puntland forces suffer a defeat at the hands of Al-Shabab, and are forced to retreat back behind their borders. Al-Shabab's forces in the north have been reinforced by troops returning from their campaign against the government. India chooses not to respond to the trade sanctions. 
-**July 1st, 2031**: A major car bomb attack in Nairobi's Market Square kills 85 people, including 12 Indians from a military delegation. Al-Shabaab claims responsibility and threatens more retaliatory strikes against any country that hosts Indian military forces. There are currently 82 Indian Air Force planes flying missions out of the EAF. 
-**July 5th, 2031**: Indian troops from the Sikh Light Infantry capture the towns of Dhusamareb, Ceelbuur, and Adado in the Mudug region of central Somalia. The capture of the three towns cuts off retreating and remaining Al-Shabab forces in the south of their country from their provisional capitol at Galkayo. 
-**July 13th, 2031**: India finishes moving 14,000 troops and equipment into place around Galkayo, preparing for an offensive to begin on July 20th. Prime Minister Chakravorty gives Al-Shabaab leaders until then to surrender peacefully, and guarantees all privates and low-level officers pardons. 
-**July 19th, 2031**: In the Somali War, an Indian air force jet is shot down by a Shabaab missile, marking the first air combat loss for the Indian Air Force since 1971. So far, 86 Indian troops have died in combat. 
-**July 20th, 2031**: In the face of silence from Al-Shabaab leadership, Indian troops begin a large offensive against Islamist positions around Galkayo, their capitol. So far, Indian troops have remained on the front lines, leaving Somali government forces to pacify and occupy towns in their wake. India is hoping to reduce resentment of an "occupying" force - the only Indian troops in an occupation role are the 4000 paramilitaries helping keep law and order in Mogadishu.  
-**July 22nd, 2031**: A group of sabotouers manages to poison Mogadishu's central water supply with 80 pounds of cyanide at three distribution plants in the city. Over 180 people (including 32 Indian troops) die before the source of the poisoning is realized. The Indian Air Force begins a massive airlift to bring clean water into the city while the cyanide-tainted fluid is flushed out. 
-**July 25th, 2031**: Indian Air Force planes, in a show of logistic incompetence (albeit in the face of a massive challenge), have so far failed to supply nearly enough water to Mogadishu and the approx. 4000 Indian troops stationed there. Embarrassingly for the Indian Army, three soldiers die of thirst, along with over 400 civilians (mostly elderly).  
-**July 29th, 2031**: The Al-Shabaab capitol of Galkayo falls to Indian Army forces. In recent days, desertion among Shabaab fighters had been high, and there was only minor resistance. The elderly leader of the Islamist group, Sahal Isku Dhuuq, is killed in battle, while three top aides are captured and two more are believed to have escaped.  
-**August 1st, 2031**: In Somalia, Indian forces move into position across from Puntland-controlled territory. Puntland had launched an invasion of Shabaab territory more than a month earlier, and now claimed that it was the legitimate government of all Somalia. A Chinese-backed state, Puntland announces that it will forcibly oppose any attempts by Indian troops to advance further. 
-**August 3rd-5th, 2031**: In the face of a stand-off between Indian Army forces in Somalia and the Chinese-trained troops of Puntland, frantic diplomacy occurs at a third "Friends of Syria" meeting, which takes place in Istanbul. Both Prime Minister Surjaa Chakravorty and Premier Liu Yazhou attend, as does President Marco Rubio. President Rubio and Turkish President Sahane Sultan Muftuoglu manage to broker a deal between the two nations, along with representatives of Somaliland, the Somali government, and Puntland. Under the terms of the deal, Puntland will become an autonomous region in Somalia, in exchange for the withdrawal of all Indian troops from Somalia by 2032. 
-**August 6th, 2031**: A further set of agreements by the "Friends of Somalia" (America, Europe, China, India, Somaliland, Ethiopia, the East African Federation, Turkey, Brasil, Indonesia, South Africa, Nigeria, Japan, and Russia) is signed in Istanbul. These will later be termed the 'Istanbul Accords'.They establish, with the consent of the UN Security Council, an international naval and drone force to prevent piracy off of Somalia (excluding Indian and Chinese forces), a joint development and free trade area between Somalia, Somaliland, and Ethiopia, and an international aid and training fund to aid Somalia in preventing an Islamist insurgency. 
-**September 1-10th, 2031**: Large protests rock Kashmiri cities, with turnout close to 1 million across Kashmir on the peak days. After a protestor is killed by a rubber bullet, some protests turn violent and 25 people are killed in the following days. There are some rumors of Pakistani instigators fueling the protests. In response, PM Chakravorty's government announces that it is suspending the Armed Forces Act, which gave the the Indian army special powers to detain and interrogate in Kashmir. This takes momentum away from the protests, which soon peter out. In addition, the PM creates a committee to provide proposals to improve the standing of Kashmiris in India. 
-**November 11th, 2031**: Gunmen from Al-Shabaab attack the parliament of Somalia in Mogadishu. One parliamentarian is killed, along with two Indian troops, but all twelve attackers are dispatched.  
-**January 2nd, 2032**: The final regiment of Indian paramilitaries leave Mogadishu, completing the Indian withdrawal. Mogadishu police forces are considered "mostly ready" to return to work by American intelligence analysts, but India wants to avoid becoming the target of an insurgency. 
-**February 14th, 2032**: Taipei Mayor Lo Wu-shih (KMT) defeats Vice-president Kao Chia-yu (DPP) in the Taiwanese presidential election, ending 16 years of DPP rule. 
-Republic of China legislative election, 2032 
-Kuomintang 64 
-Democratic Progressive Party 28 
-Non-Partisan Solidarity Union 7 
-Taiwanese Patriotic Party 6 
-Labor Party 4 
-Independents 4 
-Incumber Speaker: Tsai Wu-Hong (KMT) 
-**March 2nd, 2032**: After months of rumbling, the 4,750 meter Kluchevskoy Volcano located in Russia’s Kamchatka peninsula explodes in an eruption so powerful it destroys the mountain itself. With results similar to the eruption of Laki in Iceland in 1783, an estimated 120,000,000 long tons of sulphur are emitted. While only 2717 people die in the initial blast, there is much loss of wildlife on the heretofore pristine Kamchatka peninsula. The poisonous cloud dissipates over the Pacific Ocean before reaching North America although record thick fogs are reported at sea. 
-The winter of 2032-2033 is one of the most severe on record. While the world enjoyed spectacular sunsets, snowfall over North America was deeper than it had been in decades. Harbors froze from Maine to Charleston, South Carolina, as did the Mississippi River as far south as New Orleans. As a result of weakened monsoon cycles in Asia and Africa, there was much suffering in famine stricken areas on both continents. The lowering of mean temperatures around the world stopped the progress of global warming for several decades and weather patterns returned to mid- 20th Century norms as glaciers again advanced, ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland firmed up, and polar bear populations began to increase. The effects would wear off by 2060 when scientists again began to note record high temperatures and the loss of ice in Antarctica and Greenland. 
-**September 9th, 2032**: Indonesia signs the Treaty of Tunis, formally joining Brazil and Turkey in what is frequently called the BIT block. The treaty establishes free trade, establishes high and low-level military contact and cooperation, expands cultural exchanges, and removes visa restrictions. The three second-class power nations frequently work together to expand their influence on the world stage. They individually exert their power in their respective regions; North Africa and Central Asia, Aládec in Latin America, and ASEAN. 
-**October 4th, 2032**: A 7.1 Magnitude earthquake strikes Gujarat, India, killing over 16,000 people. An international relief effort led by the United States is organized. Among the 16,000 dead in the Gujarat, India earthquake is Sweden's Prince Carl Philip, Duke of Varmland. A convert to Hinduism after the death of his parents King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia in the Goring Hotel bombing of 2029, the prince's body is found in the ruins of the ashram where he was living. 
-**November 21st, 2032**: Japanese general election; the ruling Coalition for National Unity of YP, SCP and LDP is reelected. The election results are as followed: YP 167, DPJ 130, Social Credit Party 92, New Komeito 37, LDP 22, JCP 12, SDP 6, Issuikai 3, Others / non-partisan / independents 11. 
-**January 16th, 2033**: In Japan, Your Party, Social Credit Party and the LDP merge to form the National Frontier Party. 
-**May 28th, 2033**: Liu Linzhi, son of late General Liu Yazhou and the new Premier of China, warns that ageing population may create huge social problems in the next 50 years. 
-**May 29th, 2033**: Japanese prime minister Shinjiro Koizumi and US President Marco Rubio are shot by Liang Weihua, a Chinese reporter in New York. While President Rubio only sustains minor injuries, Prime Minister Koizumi is severely injured. 
-**November 10th, 2033**: In Hong Kong, 49-year-old former District Councilor Siu Leong-sing is awarded the Nobel Peace Price for "for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights, democracy and self-determination in Hong Kong". He is unable to attend the ceremony, and China temporarily suspends new trade contracts with Europe as a "punishment". 
-**April-May, 2034**: Parliamentary elections are held in India, with over 770 million people voting. Prime Minister Surjaa Chakravorty is running for a third term; were she to win a third term, she would be the first Indian Prime Minister since Nehru to do so. Her premiership thus far has been popular and successful. The Naxalite threat has completely vanished, and relations with the US are at a high point. The Indian economy has been growing steadily for over 10 years, and India's HDI is now .713, with the 5th largest economy in the world. 
-The Prakarita Kriya Party (PKP) has been gaining followers in the years since its formation. Its economic policies appeal to a broad swath of Indians, while it's aggressive anti-Pakistani rhetoric has increased the party's following among many scared of Pakistan's military government.  
-After the election, seats in the Lok Sabha are apportioned as follows: 
-New Democratic Party of India (NDP): 290 seats 
-Prakarita Kriya Party (PKP): 169 seats 
-Left Front: 51 seats 
-Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP): 14 seats 
-Independents: 9 seats 
-Anglo-Indian Representatives: 2 seats 
-The government is formed by the NDP, the Anglo-Indian Representatives and several independents, controlling 298 seats. Prime Minister Chakravorty, in her victory speech, announces that she will try to end the problem of ghettos and slums in cities, and attempt to enact closer relations with "civil" neighbors; a list that includes Nepal, the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Bhutan. 
-**October 16th, 2034**: Japanese prime minister Shinjiro Koizumi resigns due to rapidly deteriorating health after the failed assassination attempt a year ago. He is succeeded by Defense Minister Masayoshi Chikafuji. 
-**February 1st, 2035**: Chinese premier Liu Yazhou announces that the remaining one-child policy would be abolished in all China by January 1 2036. 
-**February 25th, 2035**: Former Japanese prime minister Shinjiro Koizumi dies in Tokyo. He was only 53 years old. He is the second post-war prime minister to be given a state funeral after Shigeru Yoshida. 
-**May 20th, 2035**: Japanese general election: the ruling National Frontier Party wins a landslide victory, as the nation is still mourning the loss of its former prime minister. The election results are as follows: NFP 318, DPJ 114, New Komeito 24, JCP 8, SDP 6, Issuikai 3, Others / non-partisan / independents 7. 
-**July 8th, 2035**: Unemployment in Burma has reached 19.8%, and the ill-health of opposition leader Alexander Aris (son of Aung San Suu Kyi) has sparked unrest. Several government buildings have been subject to arson. General Khin Maung Myint says that "these rabble-rousers are criminals and shall be treated accordingly."  
-**August 30th, 2035**: Indonesia announces that it intends to build a supercarrier, to enter service in 2039. It will purchase plans and designs from Brazil and India, which jointly developed the Victorious-class four years previously.  
-**September 1st, 2035**: A political rally led by opposition leader Alexander Aris in Burma is attacked by government troops. In the fighting, Aris is shot dead by government forces, but his body is recovered by protestors. The news spreads quickly across Burma. 
-**September 2-5th, 2035**: Burmese Revolution; The military junta that ruled Burma for 73 years is overthrown in a democratic uprising. On September the 2nd, massive protests, some violent, flare up across Burma after the death of Alexander Aris. Military dictator Khin Maung Myint orders troops of the Tatmadaw to attack and disperse the protestors, but some troops in the Mon north refuse. Rioters seize control of Mandalay and several districts in Yangon, but many are killed in the capitol, Naypidaw.  
-Over the next few days, massive protests across the country, combined with army defections, cause the government to lose control of most of the country except for Naypidaw, which is under heavy lockdown. On September the 5th, over 1 million Burmese march on Naypidaw from several directions, while 500,000 gather in the city center. They are lead by Kim Aris, brother of Alexander Aris and second son of Aung San Suu Kyi. Faced with certain and swift execution, the military leadership flees to China. Kim Aris declares that "Democracy has come to Burma at last. It is time for all her children to honor Aung San's memory." 
-**September-October 2035**: The new government of Burma goes through a rough transition period. Army loyalists are hunted down and killed summarily, while ethnic rebels in the north attack civillians. However, Kim Aris manages to organize the government efficiently, and elections are scheduled for December. Aris leads the National League for Democracy, which had previously been banned. Than Nyein leads an opposition party, the Democratic Party of Burma, which seeks close relations with China. 
-**December 20th, 2035**: Elections are held in the newly-democratic Republic of Burma. The National League for Democracy wins 83% of the seats in the Pyithu Hluttaw, while opposition parties take the rest. President Kim Aris' government announces that the size of the Tadmataw (armed forces) shall never again exceed 100,000 personnel. In addition, the country will join the IOIC. 
-**March 24th, 2036**: The infamous and corrupted family register system (Hukou) is officially replaced by an ID card system. Urban riots against the reform breaks out in Urumqi, Chengdu, Luoyang, Xian, Nanning, Wuhan and Changsha. 
-**March 29th, 2036**: Intellectuals stage counterprotests in China, supporting the reforms. Both sides crashed, at least 20 killed. 
-**March 30th, 2036**: For the first time since 2009 in Urumqi and 1989 in other cities, the Chinese government declares martial law in Urumqi, Chengdu, Luoyang, Xian, Nanning, Wuhan and Changsha. 
-**April 3th, 2036**: Under pressure from party conservatives, Chinese Premier Liu Linzhi resigns. He will be replaced by Deputy Premier Jian Lo, a moderate. 
-**May 12th, 2036**: Chinese President Liang Zhengshen, an ultraconservative in the process of trying to reintroduce mandatory bit control, is assassinated in Shanghai. 
-**May 17th, 2036**: In an upset, Liu Linzhi, who was purged only the month prior, is elected President of China in the National People's Congress over conservative candidate Deng Hexie. 
-**May 23rd, 2036**: In China, General Li Zuoren is arrested. Chinese president Liu Yazhou declares a state of emergency in all China, claiming that the arrest was part of thwarting an attempted coup staged by the "reactionary groups, led by the General." 
-**May 26th, 2036**: General Wang Yuanan, an ally of Liu in the military, orders troops to storm the offices of Vice President Li Xiongwu and Politburo member Deng Hexie, an ultraconservative. Both Li and Deng are reported as "committing suicide", according to the General. 
-**June 1st, 2036**: In China, a purge of the ruling part's moreconservative elements takes place, all accused of involvement in the attempted coup of General Li Zuoren. 
-**June 4th, 2036**: Surprising many, Chinese President Liu Linzhi announces the post-houmous pardon of the victims killed in the Tiananmen protests in 1989, and issues a formal apology on behalf of the state. 
-**January 11th, 2037**: Afghanistan announces it will join the Indian Ocean International Community (IOIC).  
-**February 5th, 2037**: The Indo-Pakistani War of 2037 erupts when the military junta in Pakistan orders an invasion of Indian Kashmir and Jammu, seeking to finally settle the issue and garner popularity among the Pakistani populace. While some moderate elements of the government are concerned with India crushing them, the dominant nationalist wing led by General Zahari ignore and repress the opposition. By the end of the month, the Pakistani military captures most of western Kashmir including the city of Amristar. 
-**February 25th, 2037**: China outlaws quantum hacking. 
-**March 18th, 2037**: Spring Offensive; The Indian Army launches a counteroffensive against Pakistan in western Kashmir, after suffering a surprise attack the previous month. The superior equipment and tactics of the Indians prove to be lethal against the outdated Pakistani military, and quickly pushes them over the Line of Control by April 10th. 
-**March 20th, 2037**: A series of air strikes by the Indian Air Force destroys much of Pakistan's ground-based nuclear arsenal, though a secret few devices are hidden away previously by the military. 
-**July 6th, 2037**: The Indian Army captures Faisalabad, while an amphibious force captures the port of Karachi, the largest endeavor yet conducted by the Indian Navy.  
-**June 11th, 2037**: India invades Pakistan proper, quickly capturing the cities of Lahore and Gujranwala. While resistance and casualties inflicted upon the Indian Army is high, the Pakistani military is gradually pushed back as India seeks to decisively defeat Pakistan.  
-**July 19th, 2037**: El Aleatorios, a Brazilian band, releases their first album, Pixinguinha. The band, led by Amerindian singer Maysa Monjardim, is quickly becoming popular in Brazil with their mix of traditional Brazilian styles like bossa nova with a revival of Occidental music.  
-**October 4th, 2037**: Former Japanese prime minister Junichiro Koizumi dies at the age of 95 in Yokosuka, Kanagawa. 
-**October 20th, 2037**: After the capture of Rawalpindi following a bloody battle, the Indian Army begins the month long seige of Islamabad. General Zahari contemplates detonating a nuclear weapon on the Indian positions in Rawalpindi in order to end the siege. 
-**November 3rd, 2037**: Minutes before General Zahari gives final orders to detonate a nuclear weapon over Rawalpindi, the Pakistani military led by more moderate members of the junta overthrow the seemingly insane general, afraid of the consequences that India would unleash in such an event. The new military regime then asks for an armistice with India, which is granted until a formal peace can be established. 
-**January 2nd, 2038**: Treaty of New Delhi; Hostilities formally end between India and Pakistan. As punishment for the surprise attack in Kashmir at the beginning of the war, harsh terms are sanctioned on Pakistan. The treaty stipulates: 
- • Pakistani Kashmir is to be annexed into India, and Pakistan will relinquish all claims to the region. 
- • Pakistan is to relinquish all remaining nuclear weapons to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and is to allow IAEA inspectors to inspect all nuclear facilities in the country. 
- • Pakistan will not be allowed to possess nuclear weapons indefinitely. 
- • India will impose a military occupation of Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, and surrounding regions for a period of five years. 
-**March 16th, 2038**: Japanese prime minister Masayoshi Chikafuji resigns after 5 of his cabinet members are arrested in a scandal involving JAL. He is succeeded by NFP Secretary General Ichiro Imai. 
-**June 8, 2038**: After a youth spent both in New Zealand and Britain, Winston Lewis, a cousin of King William V graduates Summa Cum Laude from The London School of Economics and Political Science's Law School. While studying in London, the young New Zealander lives with his aged grandparents, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester in Kensington, Palace and sees his royal relatives often. 
-**September 17, 2038**: Winston Lewis, a great-great grandson of King George V of Great Britain joins the prestigious Wellington law firm of Tahana, Patuawa & Stone specializing in Maori law. 
-**December 5th, 2038**: The first free parliamentary election since 1913 was held in all China. The Communist Party wins a landslide victory, winning a supermajority of seats. Jian Lo remains prime minister. 
-Chinese parliamentary election, 2038 
-Communist Party of China (centre-right) 44.1% 1001 (67%) 
-People's Revolutionary Party (ultraconservative) 18.8% 243 (16.3%) 
-Democratic Justice Party (centre-left) 15.4% 132 (8.8%) 
-Grand National Party (far-right) 16.5% 102 (6.8%) 
-Others/independents 18 5.2% (1.2%) 
-Total: 1494 (100%) 
-**January 2nd, 2039**: The Indonesian Navy commissions the KRI Terkenal, its first supercarrier. Displacing 108,000 tonnes, and carrying upwards of sixty aircraft, the carrier was built domestically with plans purchased from Brazil and India. The carrier is seen by many as an indication of Indonesia's growing influence in the Pacific. 
-At a garden party at Government House in Wellington during a rare visit to New Zealand, King William V introduces his cousin Winston Lewis to Atawhai Paki (b. 15 February 2016), only surviving daughter of King Whatumoana, Eighth Monarch of the Maori, who represents a native dynasty founded on the North Island of New Zealand in the 1850s in response to British land encroachments but not recognized by all Maori tribes. Winston Lewis is instantly attracted to the lovely Maori girl. 
-**March 5th, 2039**: A leak to the New York Times concerning the Indo-Pakistani War reveals that the CIA had provided to India a list of Pakistani nuclear sites and hiding places, which had enabled the Indians to destroy all but four of Pakistan's nuclear weapons. Had the Indians been acting on their intelligence alone, it is likely that several dozen Pakistani weapons would have remained, as well as functional launch mechanisms. The leak indicates the level of intelligence-sharing between India and the United States, now approaching the level of cooperation between British intelligence and US agencies. 
-**March 8th, 2039**: In the Treaty of Jakarta, Malaysia and the Philippines settle their part of the dispute over the Spratly Islands. Malaysia agrees to cede control of the seven islands it controls in exchange for the Philippines reducing trade controls on Malaysian finished goods.  
-**March 21st, 2039**: Chinese premier Jian Lo and Mongolian prime minister Borjigin Narantsetseg jointly proposes the formation of a new East Asian Community. 
-**April-May, 2039**: Parliamentary elections are held in India, with over 810 million people voting. In the wake of the Fourth Indo-Pakistani War, the Prakarita Kriya Party (PKP) has gained widespread support due to their strong anti-Pakistani stance. In addition, charismatic and popular NDP Prime Minister Surjaa Chakravorty is not running for a fourth term, instead choosing to retire as a party elder at the age of 51. Her successor, Bharat Agnihotri is seen as stuffy and ineffective. Nevertheless, most of the NDP's policies continue to be popular, and the election is predicted to be close. Raj Chouhan, the PKP standard-bearer, is quoted as saying "The people of India have two excellent choices; but only one warned us about Pakistan's treachery from the beginning." 
-After the election, seats in the Lok Sabha are apportioned as follows: 
-Prakarita Kriya Party (PKP): 268 seats 
-New Democratic Party (NDP): 198 seats 
-Left Front: 44 seats 
-Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP): 15 seats 
-Independents: 8 seats 
-Anglo-Indian Representatives: 2 seats 
-The government is formed by the PKP and several independents, controlling 272 seats. Newly-inaugurated Prime Minister Chouhan, in his victory speech, announces that he will attempt to enact a "no problems with neighbors foreign policy", modeled after Turkey's policy decades earlier. However, he says he continues to support very close ties with the United States. Lastly, he says he will attempt to completely revamp India's regulatory system and de-nationalize many Indian banks and industrial corporations. 
-**May 7th, 2039**: A bombing at a school in Godhulpur, India, kills seventeen people, including eleven children. The perpetrators are found to be Pakistani-based terrorists, with weak links to the ISI (Pakistani Intelligence). In response, Prime Minister Chouhan threatens Pakistan's government with a extended Indian occupation, and warns that India may "take all necessary action" unless the Pakistani government cracks down on militants. 
-**May 10th, 2039**: Pakistan's government, under intense pressure from India, announces that it is disbanding the ISI, and Army troops surround the ISI headquarters in Islamabad. However, the ISI refuses to disband, and in the late afternoon of may 10th, the troops close in. In the ensuing fighting, 123 troops are killed, while over 300 ISI agents die. Around 1000 former-ISI are captured, while most of the top leadership flees to the tribal areas. The remnants of the ISI's networks will be a major security problem for Pakistan in the years to come, as they work directly with Islamic militants. Vice President Kirkpatrick of the USA compares the bloody end of the ISI to the destruction of the Janissary Corps in the Ottoman empire a century and a half earlier, saying that "the loss of life is regrettable, but this action was necessary if Pakistan is to truly rejoin the world community." The Pakistani government, meanwhile, plans to replace the intelligence function of the ISI with the Intelligence Bureau, an old, weak organization.  
-**May 15th, 2039**: Japanese general election: the opposition DPJ-Komeito coalition wins a landslide victory. The election results are as followed: DPJ 310, NFP 105, New Komeito 33, JCP 12, SDP 8, Issuikai 6, Others / non-partisan / independents 6.  
-**May 20th, 2039**: Taiwanese president Lin Yu-chun proposes the formation of the Greater Chinese Economic Sphere between China, Taiwan and Singapore. His approval rate jumps down from 64% to 49% within a week. 
-**June 1st, 2039**: Hirobumi Hosono becomes Prime Minister of Japan. 
-**July 20th, 2039**: Pakistan's government launches the July Offensive against militants in the districts of Swat, Chitral, and Upper Dir. In the first two weeks of fighting, the government reports that 41 militants have been killed (as well as 4 captured and over 100 wounded), while 11 soldiers have died. However, the government has made very slow progress against the well-embedded and financed militants. 
-India's Prime Minister praises the offensive as a necessary second step for Pakistan after the disbandment of the ISI, but refuses to involve India's forces in any way, recognizing that this would be a huge recruiting boost for the militants. 
-**January 3rd, 2040**: Both India and Russia announce their recognition of Kosovo, bringing the total number of countries recognizing the breakaway region to 119. In the wake of the announcement, Burma, Pakistan, Georgia, Nepal, Bhutan, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia also recognize Kosovo. The UN begins to make plans to induct Kosovo into the United Nations.  
-**February 4th, 2040**: President Liu Linzhi fails to win over 50% of votes in the first round of the first ever presidential election in China. He would face Zhang Jinting of the People's Revolutionary Party in the second round. 
-Chinese presidential election, 2040 (1st round) 
-Liu Linzhi (CPC) 312,426,460 (48.1%) 
-Zhang Jinting (PRP) 102,380,759 (15.8%) 
-Li Aiguo (GNP) 102,121,811 (15.7%) 
-Tan Xiaomeng (DJP) 92,587,847 (14.3%) 
-Other candidates 39,434,627 (6.1%) 
-**February 25th, 2040**: President Liu Linzhi was reelected with over 65% of votes in the second round of the Chinese presidential election. 
-Chinese presidential election, 2040 (2nd round) 
-Liu Linzhi (CPC) 453,695,032 (67.3%) 
-Zhang Jinting (PRP) 238,562,613 (32.7%) 
-**May 25th, 2040**: It is agreed that by January 1, 2043, China, Mongolia and Taiwan will use a new currency, the East Asian Yuan (EAY). 
-**June 23, 2040**: English royal Winston Lewis marries Maori royal Atawhai Paki in a simple ceremony in Huntly, New Zealand with King William V and Queen Catherine in attendance.  
-**June 26th, 2040**: Mongolian prime minister Borjigin Narantsetseg is nearly assassinated in Tsetserleg.  
-**June 30th, 2040**: Talks begin among members of the Indian Ocean International Community (IOIC) on creating a unified currency, the South Asian rupee. Currently, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and the Maldives already use currencies called rupee. In addition, the Bhutanese ngultrum and both the Nepalese and Maldivian rupee are pegged to the Indian rupee. Thus, it is hoped that the South Asian rupee can be introduced within 10-15 years. 
-**August 1st, 2040**: In a constitutional crisis, Chinese President Liu Linzhi uses his "reserved power" and dismisses Foreign Minister He Minghua without the approval of fellow Communist Premier Jian Lo. 
-**August 4th, 2040**: Chinese President Liu Linzhi appoints Li Aiguo, Chairman of the far-right Grand National Party the new Foreign Minister of China. Jian Lo refuses to recognise the legitimacy of the appointment. 
-**August 15th, 2040**: On the 96th Anniversary of the Japanese surrender in the Second World War, Chinese President Liu Linzhi delivers the "New Huanggutun" speech, comparing the United States to militarist Japan, and calls on East Asian countries to be united against the rise of American neoimperialism. In the speech, Liu Linzhi said the assassination attempt on Borjigin Narantsetseg is the modern Huanggutun Incident. US President Alexander R. Boone angrily denies US involvement in the Tsetserleg Incident.  
-**August 18th, 2040**: Republican senators call for the immediate suspension of all diplomatic ties with China, but President Boone maintains that the United States is willing to solve all disputes with China and Mongolia through diplomacy. 
-**August 20th, 2040**: Mongolia announces to expel all Americans from Mongolian borders. 
-**September 1st, 2040**: Violating the Shanghai Accords, China deploys missiles in Fujian province. Taiwan threatens to withdraw from the East Asian Dollar zone 
-**September 11th, 2040**: It is reported that Chinese president Liu Linzhi claims that the September 11th incident 29 years ago was an inside job.  
-**September 12th, 2040**: In all major cities in China, huge demonstations against a possible new Cold War and the presidency of Liu Linzhi break out. 
-**September 14th, 2040**: Liu Linzhi breaks the silence and denies having said that September 11th was an inside job. However, 483 Communist MPs, along with the Democratic Justice Party and the People's Revolutionary Party, calls for the impeachment of President Liu Linzhi. 
-**September 17th, 2040**: In China, Chengdu Mayor Tan Xiaomeng of the opposition Democratic Justice Party is assassinated by a Mongolian. 
-**September 24th, 2040**: In China, Acting DJP President Fang Xiongwen accuses President Liu Linzhi of being behind the death of Tan, intensifying calls to impeach President Liu.  
-**September 30th, 2040**: The Chinese parliament begins impeachment procedures against President Liu Linzhi. 
-**October 1st, 2040**: President Liu Linzhi orders General Wang Yuanan to storm the parliament, General Wang refuses and secretly recorded the order. 
-**October 7th, 2040**: After the release of tapes that President Liu Linzhi had ordered General Wang to storm the parliament, the Communist Party of China expels President Liu Linzhi. President Liu announces to join the far-right Grand National Party. The approval rating of President Liu is at 42%, while 54% disapprove the way he handles the presidency. 
-**October 8th, 2040**: Icebreaking between China and the United States - Chinese premier Jian Lo and US President Alexander R. Boone meet in Tokyo, Japan. Premier Lo officially apologizes for President Liu's "New Huanggutun" speech and 9-11 inside job accusation. Both sides agress to resume talks on further cooperation in the development of renewable energy. 
-**October 10th, 2040**: In China, 430 pro-Liu MPs leave the Communist Party and joins the Grand National Party, the CPC now has 571 MPs, while the GNP has 532 MPs. The CPC forms an alliance with the Democratic Justice Party, and Jian Lo remains Premier. Riots between the supporters and opponenets of President Liu break out throughout the country. 
-**October 13th, 2040**: "Judicial coup"; In China, the Supreme People's Prosecutorate orders the arrest of President Liu Linzhi, charging him with high treason. 
-**October 14th, 2040**: Despite apparently having enough votes to escape impeachment in the parliament, Chinese President Liu Linzhi seeks political asylum in Mongolia, and is replaced by Vice President Wu Ruiqi, the first female head of state in China since Wu Zetian in 690. President Wu announces that she is invited by President Bronne to visit the United States, and she favours the end of Sino-American hostility. 
-**October 16th, 2040**: Chinese President Wu Ruiqi sacks Foreign Minister Li Aiguo, and appoints DJP leader Fang Xiongwen Foreign Minister on the request of Premier Jian Lo. At the same time, China removes all missiles in Fujian province targeting Taiwan. 
-**October 18th, 2040**: After it is revealed that the ruling Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party has received illegal funding from former Chinese President Liu Linzhi, the government of Mongolian prime minister Borjigin Narantsetseg is defeated by a no-confidence motion. He is replaced by Jalair "Askaa" Arslandorj, a close ally of the United States, of the Mongolian Democratic Party. 
-**October 22nd, 2040**: Mongolia and the United States restore diplomatic relations. 
-**November 11th, 2040**: Mongolian president Gantulga Sanjaagiin (PRP) and prime minister Ja. Askaa (MDP) visits China and hold a meeting with Wu Ruiqi, the newly-sworn in Chinese president and premier Jian Lo. 
-**November 12th, 2040**: Despite Ja. Askaa's previous engagement with the United States, China and Mongolia agree to share and jointly develop the remaining rare earth minerals in both countries. Citing the "scarcity of rare earth minerals", China and Mongolia both decide to limit the exports of rare earth minerals to any other countries. 
-**November 13th, 2040**: In response of the Sino-Mongolian agreement, US President Alexande Boone and Japanese prime minister Hirobumi Hosono urge China and Mongolia to ensure the stable supply of rare earth minerals.  
-**December 22th, 2040**: Outraged by the Sino-Mongolian decision, the Taiwanese electorate votes to withdraw from the proposed East Asian Dollar Zone in a referendum. 
-**January 4th, 2041**: Under the Consitution of 2038, the People's Republic of China is officially renamed as the United Provinces of China. Meanwhile, the Communist Party of China renames itself as the Union for Development and Prosperity (UDP). 
-**March 4th, 2041**: The People's Supreme Court rules that the decision of former President Liu Linzhi to sack Foreign Minister He Minghua in August 2040 was illegal since the reserved powers should only be used either with the consent of the premier under a state of emergency - which should only be declared upon an request by the premier, with the consent of the premier, or in the absence of the premier. In response to the ruling, president Wu Ruiqi declares that she would act only as a figurehead unless under emergency conditions, thus temporarily solving the Chinese Constitutional Crisis. Nevertheless, the People's Supreme Court also rules that the President has independent diplomatic and military duties that the Premier has no right to intervene. 
-**May 10th, 2041**: China tests an anti-satellite missile, destroying a high orbiting defunct communications satellite. 
-**March 11th, 2042**: Perennial Crop Sustainability Project begins in the U.S. and India to genetically modify perennial plants to yield adequate food. If annual crops could be converted to perennial counterparts, fertilizer use would be drastically reduced, as well as the need for vast amounts of land. 
-**March 15th, 2043**: Japanese general election: the ruling DPJ-Komeito coalition wins a comfortable victory. The election results are as followed: DPJ 289, NFP 127, New Komeito 32, JCP 13, SDP 6, Issuikai 6, Others / non-partisan / independents 7.  
-**May 14th, 2043**: Just one month before the Chinese parliamentary election, Chinese premier Jian Lo, British prime minister Max Rodgers, Mongolian prime minister Ja. Askaa and Korean president Son Bae-sook sign the General Agreement on Rare Earth Minerals (GAREM). China and Mongolia agree to allow more exports of rare earth minerals to Korea and the United Kingdom.  
-**June 14th, 2043**: The ruling coalition between the Union for Development and Prosperity and the Democratic Justice Party wins another term in the Chinese parliamentary election. 
-Chinese parliamentary election, 2043 
-UDP-DJP coalition 336,981,225 (48%) 793 (53.1%) 
-[Union for Development and Prosperity (UDP) 190,126,951 (27.1%) 506 (33.9%) 
-Democratic Justice Party (DJP) 146,864,274 (20.9%) 287 (19.2%)] 
-Grand National Party (GNP) 284,834,857 (40.6%) 632 (42.3%) 
-People's Revolutionary Party (PRP) 58,145,971 (8.3%) 55 (3.7%) 
-Others/independents 21,622,101 (3.1%) 14 (0.9%) 
-Total: 701,594,154 (100%) 1494 (100%) 
-Incumbent Premier: Jian Lo (UDP-DJP coalition) 
-**April-May, 2044**: Parliamentary elections are held in India, with over 815 million people voting. The current Prime Minister, Raj Chouhan, is popular with voters; however, his policies of de-regulation have made him unappetizing to many in the lower classes, who feel they are not being heard. The Left Front has been polling well in poorer districts, and is expected to gain seats. Nevertheless, due to continued anti-Pakistani sentiment, he is expected to be re-elected. In addition, his main opponent, Naboo Singh, is caught on an open mic saying that "Pakistan has always been forthcoming with us." After the election, seats in the Lok Sabha are apportioned as follows: 
-Prakarita Kriya Party (PKP): 261 seats 
-New Democratic Party (NDP): 184 seats 
-Left Front: 62 seats 
-Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP): 21 seats 
-Independents: 5 seats 
-Anglo-Indian Representatives: 2 seats 
-(Government in bold) 
-In order to control a majority, the PKP is forced to ally with the BJP and promise to not tolerate any "misbehavior" from Pakistan. The new government, controlling 288 seats and with Chouhan remaining PM, appears to be more radical than the old. The NDP immediately begins to positions itself as the sensible voice of moderation once again, in contrast to the BJP. The BJP's powerful leader, Jayanto Lahiri, warns that there is "a Muslim plot within India to destroy the very fabric of our nation." 
-**April 9th, 2044**: India announces that it will suspend its financial aid to Burkina Faso in the wake of a violent crackdown on protests there.  
-**April 28th, 2044**: Indian and American intelligent agencies jointly make a covert offer to support the Sankarist Pan-African Convention in their violent struggle against the military junta in Burkina Faso. However, party leader Gnisso Konate turns them down, saying that Sankarist principles mean that Africans must work without outside interference to solve their own issues. 
-**February 1st, 2046**: Japanese prime minister Hirobumi Hosono retires, and is succeeded by Foreign Minister Hidenao Maehara. 
-**February 6th, 2046**: Despite the endorsement of both ruling coaltion parties, former Foreign Minister of the far-right Grand National Party leads President Wu Ruiqi by 0.4% of votes in the first round of the Chinese presidential election.  
-Chinese presidential election, 2046 (1st round) 
-Li Aiguo (GNP) 322,875,145 (44.3%) 
-Wu Ruiqi (inpendent, endorsed by UDP and DJP) 321,785,241 (43.9%) 
-Deng Jiankang (PRP) 46,387,251 (6.3%) 
-Kang Chengwu (PoR) 31,758,315 (4.3%) 
-Other candidates 10,135,883 (1.4%) 
-PRP candidate Deng Jiankang refuses to endorse any candidate, and asks his supporters to boycott the second round. Kang Chengwu of the Party of Regions endorses Wu Ruiqi for reelection and denounces the "militarist platform" of former Foreign Minister Li Aiguo. 
-**February 25th, 2046**: Chinese president Wu Ruiqi is elected to a full 6-year term. She would not be eligible to run for another term in 2052 due to that she has served more than half of former President Liu Linzhi's term. 
-Chinese presidential election, 2046 (2nd round) 
-Wu Ruiqi (INDPT, end. by UDP and DJP) 377,851,934 (51.9%) 
-Li Aiguo (GNP) 349,732,981 (48.1%) 
-**March 28th, 2046**: The Anglo-China Strategic Platform and the GAREM are replaced by the Nordic-Asia Strategic Platform (NASP) jointly signed by China, Mongolia, Britain, Korea, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. 
-**March 29th, 2046**: Japanese prime minister Hidenao Maehara denounces the NASP as the new Warsaw Pact which would effectively drive the world into an "irreversible new cold war". Ironically, some historians believe that Prime Minister Maehara's "New Warsaw Pact Speech" marked the official beginning of the 2nd Cold War. 
-**September 23th, 2046**: Japanese general election: the ruling DPJ-Komeito coalition wins its third consecutive victory. The election results are as follows: DPJ 252, NFP 162, New Komeito 30, JCP 16, Issuikai 7, SDP 5, Others / non-partisan / independents 8. 
-**November 1st, 2046**: At a joint press conference, Indian Prime Minister Raj Chouhan and Thai Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat announce that Thailand will join the IOIC. This step, a major shift in Thai foreign policy, signals India's increasing influence in Southeast Asia. Some Western analysts have described a "Cold War" for influence developing in Southeast Asia between India and China.  
-**November 8th, 2046**: South Atlantic Tsunami; A 9.2 earthquake in the South Atlantic Ocean creates a powerful tsunami that devastates coastal West Africa, the Antilles, northeastern South America, and to a lesser extent, the east coast of the US. Nearly 120,000 fall victim to the tsunami event. 
-**January 1st, 2047**: Treaty of Manila; Japan, Philippines, and Vietnam establish the East Asian Treaty Organization (EATO), an economic and political alliance between the three members. The pact was created in response to the recent establishment of the Nordic-Asia Strategic Platform, as well as diplomatic crises involving China, and the member states wanted to protect their economic interests in disputed areas such as the South China Sea. 
-**February 1st, 2047**: As one of the provisions of the Treaty of Manila, Filipino and Vietnamese negotiators meet in Kyoto, Japan, to try and solve the Spratly Islands dispute. Chinese negotiators refuse to join them, calling the talks "a clear and aggressive violation of China's sovereignty." 
-**February 20th, 2047**: The Philippines and Vietnam sign the Treaty of Kyoto, resolving their dispute over the Spratly Islands. China, however, still disputes both countries' claims to any of the islands. The treaty provides for joint economic rights and combined military bases on the largest three islands "to defend against possible external aggression." China refuses to recognize the signing of the Treaty of Kyoto, calling it "as useless as if Washington and Cornwallis signed a treaty concerning the French Revolution. The Spratly Islands are Chinese and will remain so." 
-**May 5th, 2047**: Jian Lo, the longest-serving Chinese premier since Zhou Enlai, retires. Under the coalition agreement, Jian Lo is replaced by DJP president and Foreign Minister Fang Xiongwen, a moderate. 
-Average of opinion polls as of June 2047 are as follows:  
-GNP (far-right nationalist) 44.1% 
-UDP-DJP coalition (moderate) 38.6% 
-[DJP* (centre-left) 25.4% 
-UDP* (centrist) 13.2%] 
-PoR (federalist, centre-right) 6.2% 
-PRP (far-left) 4.7% 
-Others 0.8% 
-Not Yet decided 5.6% 
-Average of opinion polls as of December 2047 are as followed:  
-GNP 45.3% 
-UDP-DJP coalition 37.7% 
-[DJP* 25.8%] 
-PoR 7.1% 
-PRP 5.5% 
-Others 0.7% 
-Not Yet decided 3.7% 
-**January 4th, 2048**: Taiwan and China begin talks regarding the possible extension of the Shanghai Accords. 
-**January 18th, 2048**: Chinese premier Fang Xiongwen visits the United States, the highest-ranking Chinese leader to do so since the formation of GAREM in 2043.  
-**May 9th, 2048**: In China, the far-right Grand National Party wins a plurality of votes and seats, but short of a majority. As a result, a new coalition between the DJP, UDP and the Party of Regions is formed. Fang Xiongwen would continue to lead the coalition, while it is agreed that PoR leader Zien Mai (Mai is the surname) would become First Vice-Premier and Foreign Minister. UDP leader Li Jiawen would become Finance Minister. 
-Chinese parliamentary election, 2048 
-DJP-UDP coalition 298,248,220 (40.6%) 653 (43.7%) 
-[Democratic Justice Party (DJP) 188,488,569 (25.6%) 351 (23.5%) 
-Union for Development and Prosperity (UDP) 109,759,651 (14.9%) 302 (20.2%)] 
-Grand National Party (GNP) 325,806,250 (44.3%) 668 (44.7%) 
-Party of Regions (PoR) 70,398,251 (9.6%) 130 (8.7%) 
-People's Revolutionary Party (PRP) 28,444,491 (3.9%) 29 (1.9%) 
-Others/independents 12,601,129 (1.7%) 14 (0.7%) 
-Total: 735,498,341 (100%) 1494 (100%) 
-Incumbent Premier: Fang Xiongwen (DJP-UDP coalition) 
-Premier-elect: Fang Xiongwen (DJP-UDP-PoR coalition) 
-**June 12th, 2048**: The members of the Indian Ocean International Community (India, Nepal, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Burma, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Thailand) introduce a shared currency, the Indian Ocean rupee. Based off of the Indian rupee, the new currency has a purchasing power of 20 rs/dollar. In addition, the Pakistani government announces it will tag its currency (also called the rupee) to the Indian Ocean rupee. 
-**July 12th, 2048**: The Shanghai Accords has become permanent, after the Taiwanese electorate finally votes to join the East Asian Dollar Zone. 
-**February 4th, 2049**: Daya Bay Disaster; in Daya Bay, Guangdong, China, the 1st reactor of the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant explodes. The disaster is arguably far more severe than Chernobyl in 1986 and Fukushima Daiichi in 2011. 
-**February 5th, 2049**: Chinese President Wu Ruiqi declares a state of emergency in Guangdong, and orders biochemical troops and robots to move towards the 1st reactor, but the decision is widely controversial as the 2nd reactor would explode, killing all biochemical troops there. 
-**February 11th, 2049**: The Chinese government has declared the 50km Daya Bay evacuation ring, which covers half of Shenzhen and most of the New Territories East and Kowloon, Hong Kong, a permanent no-go zone. 
-**April-May, 2049**: Parliamentary elections are held in India, with over 875 million people voting. Over the past several years, India has continued to develop close relations with the members of the IOIC. The two major parties, the PKP and the NDP, have chosen to take very different positions on the major issue; China. The leader of the NDP, Jairam Ramesh, has warned against China's "expansionist policies", saying that "while they may have abandoned dictatorship, they have not abandoned irredentism and intolerance." The PKP, on the other hand, has said that China has taken important steps towards democracy and freedom over the last few decades, and that it is important that India works with China to secure freedom for all the world's people. The election is largely seen as a referendum on Indian foreign policy. 
-After the election, seats in the Lok Sabha are apportioned as follows: 
-Prakarita Kriya Party (PKP): 1 seats 
-New Democratic Party (NDP): 291 seats 
-Left Front: 48 seats 
-Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP): 31 seats 
-Independents: 1 seats 
-Anglo-Indian Representatives: 2 seats 
-(Government in bold) 
-Jairam Rajesh is inaugurated as the new Prime Minister on May 13th, 2049. 
-**April 10th, 2049**: In China, the far-right opposition Grand National Party wins a landslide victory in the Fujian provincial elections, winning 155 seats in the 225-seat-provincial assembly. The newly-formed Green Party becomes the second largest party, follows by the far-left People's Revolutionary Party and the Party of Regions of the ruling coaltion. The DJP and UDP get 4 seats each. 
-**April 25th, 2049**: China announces that 85% of nuclear plants in China will be shut down within 10 years.  
-**May 10th, 2049**: British Prime Minister Rose Daltrey visits China, the first foreign leader to do so since the Daya Bay Disaster. Her visits to Hong Kong and Shenzhen win her hugh popularity in China. 
-**May 12th, 2049**: British Prime Minister Rose Daltrey and Chinese premier Fang Xiongwen sign the Guangzhou pact, further fostering Anglo-Chinese cooperation in the already rapid development of non-nuclear renewable resources. 
-**June 1st, 2049**: Chinese opposition leader of the far-right Grand National Party Li Aiguo resigns after suggesting opening advocating teenagers to kill Indian prime minister Jairam Rajesh. India recalls its ambassador from China. 
-**June 2nd, 2049**: Chinese premier Fang Xiongwen condemns the speech of Li Aiguo, but pointed out that the Indian government was overreacting. China recalls its ambassador from India. 
-**June 5th, 2049**: The Indian government declares a state of emergency, in order to put down the anti-Chinese riots. 
-**June 7th, 2049**: The anti-Chinese riots in India came to the end, more than 700 are arrested. The state of emergency would be deal effective until late August.  
-**June 10th, 2049**: Anti-Indian riots break out all across China, killing more than 600, including 70 non-Indian South Asians mistakenly recognized. A state of emergency is extended from areas affected by the Daya Bay nuclear disaster to all China due to the riots. 
-**June 13, 2049**: Several Indian lawmakers proposes the Chinese Internment Act. 
-**June 16th, 2049**: China recalls its ambassador from the United States, after US condemnation of Anti-Indian riots in China. "President Kirkpatrick said nothing when anti-Chinese riots broke out in India, and he said nothing about the proposed Chinese Internment Act." said Chinese president Wu Ruiqi. 
-**June 21th, 2049**: Mongolia recalls its ambassador from India after Indian prime minister Jairam Rajesh declares President's rule in Nagaland. 
-**July 2nd, 2049**: Global stock markets suffer a short panic after Chinese finance minister Zhao Shangzheng suggests that all American assets in China should be frozen. Zhao is forced to resign, and the approval rate of Fang Xiongwen is now at 19%. 
-**December 14th, 2049**: Chinese foreign minister Liang Jiawen and Indian Foreign Minister Indira Gavaskar meet during an international conference on renewable resources in Canada, in an attempt to improve Sino-Indian relations. However, the meeting ends with angry arguments. 
-**January 20th, 2050**: Chinese economic growth in 2049 was -4.6%, the worst in 74 years. Public pressure for premier Fang Xiongwen to resign increases. 
-**March 5th, 2050**: Chinese premier Fang Xiongwen resigns as Premier of China and DJP leader. PoR leader Zien Mai becomes the new premier, the first female premier in Chinese history. 
-**April 5th, 2050**: The new Chinese premier Zien Mai visits India and holds bilateral meetings with Indian Prime Minister Jairam Rajesh. Mai and Rajesh acknowledge the importance of Sino-Indian cooperation for the sake of regional stability and economic development. 
-**May 5th, 2050**: Seiji Maehara, the longest-serving prime minister in Japanese history and the father of Hidenao Maehara, dies in Nara at the age of 88. He is given a state funeral, and Japan announces 2 weeks of national mourning. 
-**August 28th, 2050**: Japanese general election; the ruling DPJ-Komeito coalition wins its fourth consecutive victory. The election results are as follows: DPJ 227, NFP 188, New Komeito 28, JCP 15, Issuikai 10, SDP 4, Others / non-partisan / independents 8. 
-**November 15th, 2050**: Chinese premier Zien Mai and Indian Prime Minister Jairan Rajesh end all Sino-Indian border disputes by signing the Manchester Accords in Manchester, England. China gives up claims of the Indian state of Arunchai Pradesh, while India gives up claims of Aksai Chin. The Manchester Accords prompted anti-government riots in both countries. Outraged by his "betrayal of the Indian course", hawks begin to call for the resignation of Jairam Rajesh. 
-**August 1st, 2051**: The nations of the Indian Ocean International Community (India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Burma, and Thailand) introduce a joint currency, the rupee. The decision is approved after each country's legislature approves the action, and after referendums have been held in enough countries that a majority of the population of the IOIC lives in a country that supports the motion. An inflammatory and popular Chinese blogger, who goes by Sun Yat-sen's nickname Zaizhi (載之), calls the introduction of the rupee "pure economic imperialism and oppression" by India. In addition, Zaizhi says that the population-based method for collective decisions in the IOIC, while on the surface more democratic, "is in fact a way for monolithic India to impose its tyrannical will on the smaller and freer nations of South Asia." 
-**February 10th, 2052**: Fujian Governor Zhou Qifan of the far-right Grand National Party defeats Beijing Mayor Hu Qianci of the Green Party, daughter of Hu Jia, who is also endorsed by the Party of Regions, Democratic Justice Party and Union for Development and Prosperity in the first round of the presidential election in China. Zhou says in his victory speech that China seeks peace instead of aggression, and that Anglo-Chinese relationship is "the single most important relationship we have in the world today." 
-Zhou Qifan (GNP) 398,420,561 (50.7%) 
-Hu Qianci (Green) 369,120,533 (46.9%) 
-Huang Jiaxi (PRP) 18,704,038 (2.4%) 
-**January 4th, 2053**: In China, the Union for Development and Prosperity, the Party of Regions and the Democratic Justice Party merge to form the Anti-Fascist Union for Freedom and Democracy. 
-**May 25th, 2053**: In China, the far-right Grand National Party wins a plurality of votes and seats, and forms a coalition government with the newly formed centre-right Liberal Democratic Party. 
-Chinese parliamentary election, 2053 
-Grand National Party (GNP) 356,018,255 (45.5%) 732 (49%) 
-Anti-Fascist Union for Freedom and Democracy (AFUFD) 169,527,127 (21.7%) 392 (26.2%) 
-Green Party (GP) 152,019,241 (19.4%) 257 (17.2%) 
-Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) 52,819,243 (6.7%) 57 (3.8%) 
-People's Revolutionary Party (PRP) 35,012,843 (4.3%) 35 (2.3%) 
-Others/independents 17,504,832 (2.2%) 21 (1.4%) 
-Results by alliances: 
-[Presidential Majority 408,837,498 (52.2%) 789 (52.8%)]  
-[Anti-GNP Alliance 321,606,368 (38.9%) 649 (43.4%)] 
-Incumbent Premier: Zien Mai (AFUFD-Green coalition) 
-Premier-elect: Zhao Fangzheng (GNP-LDP coalition) 
-**March 5th, 2054**: Parliamentary elections are held in India. Prime Minster Jairam Rajesh is widely popular, and the intervention in the Congo is supported by all major parties. However, Prime Minister Rajesh lands in hot water when he suggests that he supports the establishment of permanent Indian military bases in the Congo. His main opponent, Susheela Gopalan of the Prakarita Kriya Party, accuses him of neo-colonialism and reminds Rajesh that India was once colonized itself. 
-After the election, seats in the Lok Sabha are apportioned as follows: 
-Prakarita Kriya Party (PKP): 169 seats 
-New Democratic Party (NDP): 301 seats 
-Left Front: 41 seats 
-Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP): 28 seats 
-Independents: 3 seats 
-Anglo-Indian Representatives: 2 seats 
-(Government in bold) 
-Prime Minster Rajesh is re-inaugurated on May 12th, 2054. 
-**July 30, 2054**: Winston Lewis, prominent New Zealand jurist and cousin to King William V, accepts a position as Professor of Law at Victoria University Law School in Wellington. 
-**June 28th, 2054**: Japanese general election: the ruling DPJ-Komeito coalition wins its historic fifth consecutive victory, but with just a one-seat-majority. The election results are as followed: DPJ 218, NFP 200, New Komeito 27, JCP 15, Issuikai 10, SDP 3, Others / non-partisan / independents 7. 
-**October 22th, 2054**: Li Shangzhi (李尚志), aka Zaizhi, the popular blogger, is elected Governor of Guangdong under the banner of the ruling far-right Grand National Party, defeating incumbent governor Wu Haozhang of the Greens by 400 votes. 
-**January 25th, 2055**: Japanese prime minister Hidenao Maehara retires, and is succeeded by Foreign Minister Eriko Hayagawa, the first female prime minister in Japanese history. 
-**March 26th, 2055**: Guangdong governor Li Shangzhi of the ruling far-right Grand National Party fires 270 civil servants of Indian origins, claiming that they are spying for the Indian government. India recalls her ambassador from China in protest. 
-**March 29th, 2055**: Indian communities in Guangzhou stage an initially peaceful protests against Governor Li's "racist actions". The protest is disrupted by loyal supporters of the ruling GNP, leading to one of the worst race riots in Chinese history. Governor Li declares a state of emergency in Guangdong. 
-**March 30th, 2055**: In what would be known as the Rape of Guangzhou, GNP supporters occupy Taojin Road and Hengfu Road, home to Indian communities, burn down shops, murder innocent children and rape innocent women and girls. Some South Asians are mistakenly killed as well, leading to strong protests from Pakistan and Bangladesh. Chinese President Zhou Qifan declares martial law in Guangzhou, and put it under federal control; while denying that mass rape has happened in Guangzhou against foreigners. 
-**March 31st, 2055**: India lowers her diplomatic relations with China. The Lok Sabha passes an emergency bill to freeze all assets of the Guangdong provincial government, declaring high-ranking members of the Guangdong provincial government persona non grata. 
-**April 1st, 2055**: The Southern Metropolitan Daily headquarters in Guangzhou is shut down by federal troops for violating the martial law. Reporters Without Borders condemns the incident, calling it a serious setback of media freedom in China. 
-**April 2nd, 2055**: Yangcheng Morning Post, another anti-government news agent, is "temporarily taken over" by the Guangdong provincial government due to "treason and Indian spying" 
-**April 5th, 2055**: In China, 120,000 journalists join a general strike on Ching Ming Day, "mourning the death of free press". Several liberal newspapers, including the Shanghai Times, stages a blackout in protest.  
-**April 6th, 2055**: Chinese prime minister Zhao Fangzheng announces plans to repeal the collective bargaining rights of unions, leading unions in China calls for a general strike against the "far-right fascist regime" 
-**April 7th, 2055**: In Guangzhou, race riots between Indians and Chinese get out of control again. The Consulate General of Bangladesh in Guangzhou is murdered as angry rioters mistakenly believed that he is Indian. Bangladesh recalls its ambassador from China and calls for United Nations intervention. The Chinese government officially apologizes. Public Security Minister Wen Jiaming resigns to take responsibility, and is replaced by intelligence chief Ma Huihua. Ma promises "strong actions against rioters" and "irresponsible press coverage of riots that triggers the death of innocent South Asians." 
-**April 9th, 2055**: Indian Prime Minister Jairam Rajesh says that while he deplores the recent deaths of Indians in riots in China, he supports the actions the Chinese government as taken, and refers to his "personal trust" in President Zhou Qifan. Many in India, particularly in the opposition Prakarita Kriya Party, criticize his comments. In recent years, a major division has emerged between India's two main political parties. The NDP, a more left-wing party, has taken on internationalist positions, supporting greater Indian involvement overseas, militarily, economically, and politically. At the same time, the Prakarita Kriya Party has become more nationalist, supporting a domestic focus, while virulently opposing Chinese "meddling" in international affairs. The Left Front, a smaller, far-left coalition, opposes both international involvement and nationalism. 
-**April 10th, 2055**: Major airports in China are forced to shut down, due to the general strike. President Zhou Qifan orders military takeover of airports and convinces leading air companies to fire union leaders, so as to avoid air traffic jam. 
-**April 12th, 2055**: In China, the Liberal Democratic Party threatens to withdraw from the ruling coalition due to irrevocable differences on press control. Blaming the government for indecision and late action on riots, the LDP however criticizes the "hysteria of GNP ministers" and warns against rolling back to pre-UP China press control. Rose Daltrey postpones her visit to China on request of Beijing officials. 
-**April 14th, 2055**: Chinese premier Zhao Fangzheng resigns, but at the same time dissolves the parliament. Opinion polls show that the electorate is polarized between pro-GNP and anti-GNP forces. The approval rating of far-right President Zhou Qifan is at 46%, while his disapproval is at 51%. 
-**April 22nd, 2055**: All non-GNP parties represented in the Chinese parliament, excluding the LDP, the PRP and a few independent MPs, form the Coalition for Democratic Change to contest the upcoming election. The LDP campaigns as the right-wing alternative of the GNP, and vows not to enter any coalition. 
-**May 30th, 2055**: In China, the ruling GNP is defeated in the parliamentary elections, with the highest-ever turnout of 82%. The Liberal Democrats, its former coalition partner, files candidates in various constituencies controlled by a GNP incumbent. The spliting of right-wing votes lead to an unexpected CDC majority in the Chinese parliament. Former premier Zien Mai becomes premier again. Chinese president Zhou Qifan expresses his unhappiness towards the results, but maintains that he would change his leadership style and would be more open to different ideas. 
-Chinese parliamentary election, 2055 
-Grand National Party (GNP) 361,223,951 (41.5%) 669 (44.8%) 
-Anti-Fascist Union for Freedom and Democracy (AFUFD) 208,785,193 (24%) 440 (29.5%) 
-Green Party (GP) 169,720,319 (19.5%) 271 (18.1%) 
-Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) 74,329,581 (8.5%) 41 (2.7%) 
-People's Revolutionary Party (PRP) 28,062,391 (3.2%) 18 (1.2%) 
-Democratic Labor Party (DLP) 12,590,382 (1.4%) 24 (1.6%) 
-Others/independents aligned with the CDC 10,629,833 (1.2%) 21 (1.4%) 
-Others/independents: 5,772,196 (0.7%) 10 (0.7%) 
-Results by alliances: 
-Coalition for Democratic Change 401,725,727 (46.1%) 756 (50.6%) 
-Grand National Party (GNP) 361,223,951 (41.5%) 669 (44.8%) 
-Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) 74,329,581 (8.5%) 41 (2.7%) 
-People's Revolutionary Party (PRP) 28,062,391 (3.2%) 18 (1.2%) 
-Others/independents: 5,772,196 (0.7%) 10 (0.7%) 
-Incumbent Pemier: Zhao Fangzheng (GNP) 
-Premier-elect: Zien Mai (Coalition for Democratic Change) 
-**July 5th, 2056**: Tajikistan announces that it will join the Indian Ocean Inter-national Community, with plans to join the common currency (the rupee) by 2059. China denounces Tajikistan's declaration, implying that Tajikistan will be nothing more than an Indian puppet. 
-**August 11th, 2056**: In Japan, the Hayagawa government is defeated by a no-confidence motion. 
-**September 3rd, 2056**: Japanese general election: neither side could win a clear victory, since the far-left JCP and the far-right Issuikai makes substantial gains during the election. The election results are as follows: DPJ 203, NFP 198, Issuikai 25, JCP 23, New Komeito 22, Others / non-partisan / independents 9. 
-**September 17th, 2056**: After talks between the DPJ and the opposition NFP, a grand coalition is formed. Since the ruling DPJ won the popular vote and the highest number of seats, Eriko Hayagawa would continue to serve as Prime Minister, while NFP leader Shintaro Kiyomizu is appointed Foreign Minister. The far-right Issuikai condemns the grand coalition as an ignorance of the Japanese people. 
-**May 13th, 2058**: Liu Xilai is confirmed as Acting General Secretary of the UN after Kirkpatrick's death.  
-**April-May, 2059**: Parliamentary elections are held in India. The election largely centers around domestic policy, as India's intervention in the Congo was broadly supported by all parties except the Left Front coalition. The election is a rematch of the 2054 polls. Jairam Rajesh, the incumbent Prime Minister of the New Democratic Party (NDP) has been accused of opposing state's rights by his main opponent, Susheela Gopalan of the Prakarita Kriya Party. Gopalan charges that Rajesh aims to destroy India's local cultures. Additionally, she argues that "Rajesh's neo-colonial ambitions" will damage India's image and soft power on the world stage. Prime Minister Rajesh, for his part, accuses Gopalan, who is strongly anti-China, of being a fearmongerer. 
-After the election, seats in the Lok Sabha are apportioned as follows: 
-Prakarita Kriya Party (PKP): 192 seats 
-New Democratic Party (NDP): 257 seats 
-Left Front: 38 seats 
-Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP): 41 seats 
-Independents: 4 seats 
-Anglo-Indian Representatives: 2 seats 
-(Government in bold) 
-Jairam Rajesh is inaugurated as the new Prime Minister on May 13th, 2059. However, his minority government is tenuous, and he had to make several concessions to the Left Front to remain Prime Minister, including raising the government ownership level of Indian Railways and working to re-establish a national airline. 
-**July 29th, 2059**: The Indian foreign minister and European defense minister engage in an embarrassing shouting match over the Congo PEACECOM mission on the floor of the United Nations. Visinath Pollinuriti accuses Pao Golanzes of not showing humanitarian backbone, and of running away like a coward when things get hot. Golanzes retorts that the Indians have "neo-imperial" ambitions in the Congo. Both countries swiftly repudiate their officials' statements, and Pollinuriti and Golanzes apologize to one another. 
-**March 8, 2060**: Winston Lewis, prominent New Zealand jurist and cousin to King William V of Great Britain is appointed Chief Justice of the New Zealand Supreme Court.  
-**June 19th, 2060**: Spratly Crisis; Chinese and Vietnamese naval forces clash when the Chinese cruiser Jiulingshan is fired upon by three Vietnamese patrol boats near Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratly archipelago. Jiulingshan fires back warning shots, and the Vietnamese squadron is forced to retreat.  
-**May 2nd, 2061**: A raid by Indian and Nigerian occupation forces in the Congolese village of Mabwe on the shores of Lake Upemba kills André Lubaya, leader of the Soldiers of Christian Zaire. Lubaya and the SCZ are responsible for the genocide of nearly 10 million Muslims and countless more deaths in the Third Congolese Civil War. Along with Lubaya, his two sons and three top aides are killed. His right-hand man, Jesus Mapkoka, is captured. 
-**December 8th, 2061**: Liu Xilai, who ran for a term of his own, is reelected for UN general secretary.  
-**February 19, 2062**: Both Winston Lewis, Chief Justice of the New Zealand Supreme Court and his wife Atawhai, Queen of the Maori are knighted becoming Knight and Dame Grand Commanders of the Order of Merit of New Zealand.  
-**July 8th, 2062**: Prime Minster Rajesh of India sets forward a bold plan to reorganize India's constitution. He and his New Democratic Party argue that the current parliamentary system only exists as such in name, and that India would be best-served by switching to a semi-presidential model, such as existed in France before the establishment of the Federated European States. Additionally, the powers of the federal government to set education and health policy would be increased.  
-**July 10th, 2062**: In India, the Prakarita Priya Party, together with the Left Front, the Bharatiya Janata Party, and several state parties, announce their opposition to Prime Minister Rajesh's Government Reorganization Amendment of 2062. They argue strenuously that such a change would destroy both India's many cultures and the rights of the federal states, while increasing Rajesh's personal power. Rajesh has been Prime Minister since 2049, the longest-serving Prime Minister since Surjaa Chakravarty. The Left Front threatens to bolt from the government and force snap elections if Rajesh continues to press his plan. 
-**July 12th, 2062**: In India, the Left Front departs Prime Minster Rajesh's governing coalition, forcing snap elections to be scheduled for September 12th-October 2nd, 2062. Prime Minister Rajesh's New Democratic Party had proposed the Government Reorganization Amendment of 2062, moving India to a semi-Presidential system, such as the prior arrangement in France. 
-**September-October 2062**: Snap parliamentary elections are held in India. In July, Prime Minister Jairam Rajesh had proposed the Government Reorganization Amendment of 2062, which would move India towards a semi-presidential system, like that existing in the Union State, and formerly existing in France. India's other political parties had banded together against Rajesh's New Democratic Party, joined by many local, state, and small parties which would be squeezed out under the new system.  
-After the elections, seats in the Lok Sabha are as follows.  
-Prakarita Kriya Party (PKP): 265 seats 
-New Democratic Party (NDP): 179 seats 
-Left Front: 52 seats 
-Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP): 43 seats 
-Independents: 4 seats 
-Anglo-Indian Representatives: 2 seats 
-(Government in bold) 
-Janaki Amma, the Malayalam leader of the PKP, is inaugurated as Prime Minister on October 29th, 2062.  
-**December 4, 2062**: Death of King Whatumoana, Eighth Monarch of the Maori. He is succeeded by his daughter Atawhai Lewis, wife of the Chief Justice of the New Zealand Supreme Court Winston Lewis. 
-**January 20th, 2063**: Prime Minister Amma of India gives a speech on the floor of the Rajya Sabha, saying that reforms are necessary to India's government to extend more power to the people. Her largest proposed change would be to increase the number of members in the Lok and Rajya Sabha (the Lower and Upper Houses of Parliament). Currently, each of the 545 members of the Lok Sabha represents over two million of the 1.6 billion Indians. Prime Minister Amma suggests increasing the number of parliamentarians to 4,000 in the Lok Sabha. She also proposes reducing the number of members of the Rajya Sabha (the Upper House) to 200, and increasing the number of expert members appointed by the President to 60. The Rajya Sabha would be elected on a statewide level. Each state would receive four seats. The Lok Sabha would be allowed to approve the appointed members of the Rajya Sabha, but ex-Prime Ministers and Presidents would be included automatically, unless they refused the honor.  
-**January 23rd, 2063**: Former Indian PM Jairam Rajesh accuses the PKP and Prime Minister Amma of hypocrisy for proposing huge changes to India's government after defeating him on a platform of opposing government reform. Prime Minister Amma responds in a statement that "my government's reforms are aimed at increasing the people's power, unlike your reforms, which were intended only to buffer your own power." 
-**March 31st, 2063**: In a rare joint session, India's parliament passes massive government reforms proposed by Prime Minister Amma several months earlier.  
-**January 1st, 2064**: Ascension talks officially begin between the EAF and the Indian Ocean International Community in the city of Mombasa. 
-**January 1st, 2066**: The East African Federation is officially welcomed into the Indian Ocean International Community, becoming the first member of the organization outside the Asian continent. China denounces the move as "a continuation of Indian neo-imperialism in Africa," even though China itself has exploited the resources of numerous African nations through economic domination for decades. 
-**November 18, 2067**: Sir Winston Lewis is appointed Governor-General of New Zealand.June 28, 2068 - Publication of a poll stating that nearly fifty percent of New Zealanders favor having a resident head-of-state. Although the Royal Family remains popular, a majority of New Zealanders favor cutting ties to Great Britain after the death of the greatly beloved King William V. Oddly, over sixty percent of New Zealanders favor retention of the monarchy when asked as a stand-alone question.  
-**June 1st, 2069**: Chinese and Indian forces clash in southern Equatoria (South Sudan). In 2067, a huge deposit of monazite was discovered and China and India had skirmishes about the exploitation rights. After law brought no solution, Indian security forces Marched into southern Sudan and clashed with Chinese ones. There is a first small 'battle', and the Indian side is victorious 
-**January 1st, 2070**: Treaty of Perth; the Indian Ocean Security and Defense Organization is established as a strategic military alliance in the Indian Ocean basin, in response with recent Chinese belligerence in Africa and Asia. The founding members are Australia, Bangladesh, Burma, the East African Federation, India, Madagascar, South Africa, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. 
-**August 7th, 2072**: Several bombs are detonated at the G-13 summit at Nairobi, EAF. The building is devastated, 200 are believed to be dead and 341 more are injured. Among the casualties are such prominent world leaders as American President Norse Cavalier, UK Prime Minister Theodore Quartermain, FES Commissioner Kyriakos Amanatidis, President of the EAF Vincent Oliech, and President of the Union State Andrey Brezhnev. Chinese Premier Shao Chianglei barely survives. Suspicion immediately descends upon the remnants of the SCZ, in cooperation with other Christian Fundamentalists. 
-**September 2, 2072**: Elections in New Zealand. The pro-Republican Labour Party wins a plurality of seats but not a majority. It is forced to try to form a coalition government with the tiny monarchist Ngati Poneke Maori Party. During negotiations Prime Minister-designate Alfred Trehearne privately wonders how they can retain the monarchy but dethrone the British Monarch as head-of-state and replace him with a native New Zealander. Ngati Poneke Maori Party leader Te Kani Afeaki tells him the solution is simple and actually rather elegant. He proposes making Governor-General Sir Winston Lewis, former Chief Justice of the New Zealand Supreme Court the new king. He is related to the British Royal Family by blood and is married to the Queen of the Maoris. Alfred Trehearne agrees the respected Governor-General and jurist is quite acceptable but asks that the proposal be kept secret until after the first of year. However, his plans change after the death of King William V on 31 December 2072. 
-**April 9, 2073**: Referendum on the New Zealand monarchy. Shortly after King William V‘s death in December, the coalition government of New Zealand Prime Minister Alfred Trehearne proposes that native New Zealander and British royal Sir Winston Lewis be enthroned as King of New Zealand instead of King William V’s daughter Princess Philippa. Fifty-Eight percent of New Zealanders vote for this change in dynasty, and upon the advice of her New Zealand prime minister, Queen Philippa abdicates. Sir Winston Lewis is asked to become the new king and ascends the throne with the reignal name of King Winston I. 

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