Works of L. Neil Smith

Well... pretty libertarian. If you aren't into that ideology or dislike authors who use their books for preaching in general, think twice whether you read it. (I can't confirm it myself, but someone here on the board mentioned that in one of his books he has a twelve-year-old girl buying a gun and some drugs at the shop... and means it seriously)

The ATL? Quite amusing and not that bad... once you accept the POD (Washington lynched, Gallatin becoming president, turning the US into a libertarian state), of course... and don't find it strange how easily the libertarian "empire" grows until all the world is libertarian.


The Crystal Empire is my favorite AH book. It's a stand-alone novel that has nothing to do with his other works. As far as I could tell from reading it about a dozen times :D there's little or no libertarian ranting in it.

Henry Martyn is also great. It's space opera science fiction, not AH, but you should definitely read it.

I didn't much care for his AH series (the alternate US one). In fact, I can't even remember any of the titles off the top of my head, so it must not have made that much of an impression on me.
Is it pop-AH, like Harrison, Gingrich, and some of Turtledove and Stirling's works, where butterflies are ignored and OTL people show up, and is thus very implausible though not necessarily bad?
Strategos' Risk said:
Is it pop-AH, like Harrison, Gingrich, and some of Turtledove and Stirling's works, where butterflies are ignored and OTL people show up, and is thus very implausible though not necessarily bad?

yeah, lots of OTL, in a way, not much thought put into butterflies. i personaly dispise L.Neil Smith, as shown in my previous thread on the topic