WI Plan of Casa Mata Failed and Mexico Empire Survived

What if the Plan of Casa Mata failed and Mexico Empire survive with Santa Anna killed or executed for his part in the plan ?

how would a longer Mexican Empire affect history of Mexico specially with Santa Anna dead?

I'm not sure if this alone would be enough to guarantee the long-term survival of the Empire, but it would be a very interesting scenario if it did! Being an empire on a continent of republics, I suspect Mexico might not have the warmest of relationsh with its neighbours, and it would quite possibly seek close relations with either the UK or France. It would be interesting to see if the european revolutoins of 1848 would have ripple effects in this empire. Republican ideas would likely be a fairly common issue the emperor would have to face. I speculate it 19th century Mexican history ITTL may look somewhat like 19th century Spanish history OTL; that is to say, chaotic. Lots of swinging between more absolutist governments, and more liberal governments, with rebellions and revolutions of the opposite tendency whenever one is in power.
What if the Plan of Casa Mata failed and Mexico Empire survive with Santa Anna killed or executed for his part in the plan ?

how would a longer Mexican Empire affect history of Mexico specially with Santa Anna dead?

Santa Anna basically just wanted Iturbide to like restore back congress. Which he dissolved. stated in the Plan De Casa Mata.

Especially that like Congress is like doing virtually like oppose him (Iturbide) and his lavish spending, also that congress was like virtually doing nothing. While like the country deteriorated.

So like he makes his own Junta appointed him made up by his allies as the new congress/assembly to act on it

Its mainly the other party, mainly the republicans who wanted him out. Basically he just joined like them. Seeing like Iturbide cant hold onto power anymore.