WI Nymphidius Sabinus is hailed as Emperor in 68 AD?

Between the death of Nero and the arrival of Galba at Rome, Praetorian Guard co-commander Nymphidius Sabinus wasted no time: he orchestrated the "resignation" of Tigellinus and stood as sole commander of the praetorian guard. Galba, however, appointed a "puppet" replacement for Tigellinus, Cornelius Laco, and took several further steps to eliminate potential rivals, all of which must have made Nymphidius uneasy.
No longer content to help others to the throne, Nymphidius declared that he himself was a legitimate successor to Nero—a claim which he supported with the dubious assertion that he was the illegitimate son of the former emperor Caligula. The Praetorians recognized that Galba's approach counted for more than Nymphidius' presence, and killed the would-be usurper before their new emperor arrived at Rome.
WI the Praetorian Guard accepted him as Emperor and fought against the incoming Galba? Does a potential defeat of Galba butterflies away the rise of Vespasian and the Flavians Emperors?