WI no alcohol?

King Thomas

No alcohol would mean a better would with fewer murders, rapes and assaults. The conquest of the Native Americans might be slightly harder as well.


Certain developments could be changed, though. IIRC the first cocktails were invented during the Prohibition, to conceal the vile taste of bootleg booze under other flavors. Without the Prohibition, we'd probably only drink our liquor neat.

No cocktails. That would suck.

I can't drink anything straight and I really don't like cocktails you get in the Northern US.
Believe me, you DON'T want to drink CH3OH. It would make you go crazy, blind and dead (most likely in that order, and undoubtedly in quick succession). Ethanol is C2H5OH, what you wrote is methanol.

*ends the annoying know-it-all attitude*
Of course. Ethanol is CH3CH2OH, not CH3OH. Misprint, sorry.
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No alcohol! That's got to be a crime of some sort! :eek: :D :rolleyes:

Wha? :confused:

No Alcohol = Woo-Hoo :D:D:D

Furthermore it's got to be ten times worse than no pepperoni pizza! :eek::mad::eek::mad:

No pepperoni pizza = Hulk Smash! :mad::mad::mad:

Not to mention that neither are hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons are, for example, methane (CH4), ethylene (C2H4), and ethane (C2H6).
*ends the annoying more know-it-all than thou attitude* :p

Actually, it is... I think...

(I can't remember that much about A-level Chemistry :eek:)

Where is Thande when you need him?

Try becoming an Episcopalian (or Anglican/Church of England). We really enjoy our alcohol. Indeed, If God Created it, it certainly IS good! :D:D

Well, that explains somethings about the CoE... :rolleyes:;):D

But if God created everything, then everything is therefore good...
And I'm sure a lot of people will not like that...;)
Oh, and by the way, this belongs in ASBs.

Not necessarily: how about replacing the Wine Blight of the 1860s with something that kills off all the ethanol-producing yeasts?

This could be an interesting timeline.

- Temperance Movement instantly becomes moot, as the
remaining stocks of alcohol become an extreme luxury good
and vanish into rich people's cellars.

- The Church has a serious problem: what do they do about wine for
sacraments? Use the dwindling stocks and hope Jesus returns soon?
Use grape juice or holy water instead?

- Soft drink peddlers will make a lot more money than in OTL.
So will tobacconists. Will other intoxicants become mainstream?

- Without rum, world demand for sugarcane plummets. There may
not be a Spanish American War over Cuba.

- By the 1920s, when it becomes feasible to make synthetic ethanol
that's cheap enough to drink -and- won't kill consumers, the world
will have been dry for three generations. Will society allow alcohol
to be reintroduced, or not?
"no alcohol" belongs in ASB, as it requires a pre-civilization POD.

If this means 'ethanol doesn't exist', then biology is probably screwed up enough that humans never come about. After all, it is produced as a waste product in the metabolism of yeasts and many other simple organisms - if nothing else, they would have to have evolved to produce lactic acid instead of ethanol. Given that this POD is a billion-plus years in the past....

If, OTOH, the POD is "humans can't tolerate alcohol" and/or "no humans find alcohol pleasurable"... its possible. But it still belongs in ASB, as its an evolutionary POD.

If, on the third hand, this is all intended as a :p:D;) fest, then it still belongs in ASB, which is where the most whimsical PODs go.