WI a coalition of African nations invaded Apartheid South Africa?

Nick P

Would there be Afrikaner emigration?
Most of the technothriller novels from the 80s or 90s (Vortex, The Sixth Battle, Iron Gate, Third World War etc) seem to feature an Afrikaner homeland being formed somewhere in South Africa. Rather like the many 'Bantustans' that were formed, but in this case they wouldn't lose citizenship. Maybe the start of a more equal Federal South Africa?

But yes, we would see a lot of Afrikaners head out of South Africa to somewhere safer. Although not necessarily somewhere their views on race would be so widely accepted. USA, Australia springs to mind, maybe New Zealand or even another part of Africa where there is a local white majority - Kenya or Rhodesia maybe?
Similar to how Israel was invaded/attempted invasions a few times in the 20th century by a coalition of its Arab neighbors, could anything like that have been attempted by a coalition of African nations against Apartheid era South Africa?
What if Gadaffi proposes a even larger coalition of all Aftican countries against SA and send his mercenaries?