What if India was never colonized?


Not Particularly, Proto Industrialization had already occurred across many parts of the world and true Industrialization could have been set to occur from the start of 1800s
Proto industrialisation is just a word to equate human made goods with industrial machinery the format does not lead to the latter
Mughal empire and Qing as similar as France under Merovingian dynasty in dark ages and Louis XIV before the revolution respectively. Because under the Mughals and the Merovingians the regional ruler had significant autonomy and private armies both of which were non existent for regional governments under Qing and Louis XIV
I think Habsburg Austria would be a more appropriate comparison to the Mughals. The Mughals were still a gunpowder empire akin to the Safavids and Ottomans, bro. :p

? what you said has no connection to what i said
What I'm saying is that it's still a very odd process.


I never said Britain industrialized late did I ? I just said it was earlier than you said, Case in point is the Proto Industrialization I mentioned, which was even present in Bengal before British took over and systematically deindustrialized the region for their own benefit. To say British main cause of Industrialization were not its colonies would be a false statement of massive proportions. The very fact India went from 20-25 % of world GDP even post Mughal period to less than 2 percent of World's GDP post British rule is a very real telling about how terrible the British, Probably the worst regime with the most blood in its hands in human history.
That is an elementary mistake


I have to say it is disappointing to see how controversial the topic of Indian colonization is, and how many kicks we saw in this thread. Frankly thinking the Mughals are colonizers in the same manner as the British is so silly I truly can't believe so many people have actually bought into the idea. It's like saying the Normans were colonizers of England (that is, a false equivalency of the highest order).
You got it reversed Comparing Mughals with Normans is a false equivalency of the highest order. Normans did not institute a religiously discriminatory tax on the population of England like the Mughals did with Hindus. Mughals always preferred foreigners as officials and soldiers over natives unlike normans

One thing that certainly will not happen is that the Indian state(s) which remain free to dictate their own foreign and domestic policy remain static, at least for a while.

You got it in the reverse Japan modernised only because it give up the right to be free to dictate their own foreign and domestic policy without without a single fight when the shogunate gave i into the Perry's demands from America before he fired any shot unlike Siraj ud-Daulah who jumped into war with Britain with traitors in his ranks. Shogunate did not support regional rulers like Satsuma who fought against Europeans unlike China started the second opium war supporting the actions of canton's administrators despite fighting rebellions and already being soundly defeated by the Britian in the first opium war. Japan patiently waited for the Europeans to renegotiate unequal treaty until they modernised and defeated China which motivated Europeans ended the unequal treaties unlike Indians like Mir Jafar, Mir Qasim, Baji Rao II who quickly double crossed Britian after Britian helped them gain the throne
It has been known for quite some time the the Indian states of the 18th century despite having to fend off the British and other Indian states were constantly innovating in military terms
By constant innovation you mean ? only a portion of the regular army being modernised while most of their troops did not have any guns and their primary guns using 300 year old matchlock mechanism
eventually could go toe-to-toe with the EIC
By going toe-to-toe you mean ? being Completely subjugated
And every major country which escaped colonization (Ottomans, Iran, China, Japan, Thailand, Ethiopia) had some or a large movement for Western-style modernization.
Only Japan modernised and they escaped colonization because the modernised not the other way around. Ethiopia did not escape colonization it was colonized by Italy under Mussolini the least of great powers. Ottomans, Iran, Thailand escaped by becoming buffer States and India is too big to become one. China was not colonized because Britain opposed it from there experience of the hurdles in administering a large colony like India so it won't happen to India
Turkey, China and Iran could very well increase without the interference in their internal politics made possible by the immense power projection capabilities of the Raj. Certainly this does not guarantee the success of these movements, but in my mind it would increase the likelihood of their success.
Turkey, China and Iran will still fail to modernize in the Absence of Raj. if anything makes Turkey weak it does not strength in it because Britain assisted Turkey throughout the 19th century against Russia. China fail to modernised because of conservatism and it will still be defeated in the opium wars with Europeans being still be motivated by trade deficit and opium is not unique to India it can even be grown in Britain. Iran will be conquered by Russia without Britain to balance amount

The Turks might be able to reconquer Egypt, but that is very far down the line. I think it likely that the EIC keeps the East Indies, but hey who knows.
You got it reverse. Egypt was on the verge of conquering Turkey before Britain and other European powers stopped it


And again, it seems people are ignoring the fact India was systematically deindustrialized by British for their own benefit.
India didn't have industries to be deindustrialized

British also were able to have agricultural revolution in the Isles precisely because They were also able to exploit India for crops as well,
which led to massive famines, British were able to be food secure precisely because of India

which led to massive famines, British were able to be food secure precisely because of India
Prove it with data not mere assertions
There are literal record of how British came in and cut the thumbs of Handloom weavers in Bengal in order to remove them from competition. Like literally its hilariously evil in practice noted by everyone from Marx to Gandhi but is again ignored here again and again.
That's outdated propaganda. Weaver cut their thumbs by themselves in protest of low wages in India


The importance of naval power was known to South Indian power that's why Shivaji established his Navy ,https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maratha_Navy
Which was nothing infront of european navies. because it was soley for costal defence none it's ships were capable of transoceanic warfare.India's last and only navy were the cholas. So no colonization
It was after the Protugal have destroyed all Naval power in india between 1500-1650.
Protugal never destroyed all Naval power in india.They only destroyed Naval power of petty kingdoms and continued fighting Deccan navy. Mughal navy even managed to evict BEIC in 17th century


Sending lower caste people outside will be best option for higher caste ruler of India who will want the population balance with them.
By sending them outside india they reduced the chance of revolution , which will boil in the wealthy lower caste people.
Upper castes never wanted a population balance with a lower castes. They always wanted to oppress most of their population through caste system. If surdas are exiled who will be forced to work the field. Before Green Revolution which happened after WW2 and independence Indian Agricultural efficiency always depended on amount of labour. If Dalits are exiled who will be forced to perform tasks nobody wanted to like Sewage cleaning, Managing graveyards and dead cows


Caste is severely exaggerated in India based timelines,
Because it was used to oppress most Indians for thousands of years. Evidence for caste oppression goes back to end of Vedic age in Iron age 10th century BCE in Purusha Sukta and Indian castes mostly stopped intermarriage by 5th century CE
It was exasperated by the British rule
You got it reverse. British curtailed caste system and they were the first to do affirmative action against it.
and the Current Indian government is too weak to actually change British Era laws,
Substitute British Era laws for Dominant religious and cultural discriminatory beliefs ingrained for thousands of years
In a United India by Mughals or Marathas, it would be completely different and not big of an issue
It would be the opposite and they would no improvement as neither Mughals nor Marathas who kept oppressing the lower castes who were most of the population but replaced the previous upper castes with themselves
Regarding religion, it honestly depends who rules India. Mughal India could very well lead to Islamic India while Maratha India might lead to a Hindu India, though both would be really different compared to OTL Hinduism and Islam in subcontinent
No power in Delhi ever had the zeal to Islamasize India.


Huh? Indian states were already reforming their military before the British conquest.
But only after being defeated in a pitched battle by a French army that was outnumbered 10 to 1 and even then military reforms were only a portion of the regular army being modernised while most of their troops did not have any guns and their primary guns using 300 year old matchlock mechanism
As you point out, the Ottomans only became more centralized in the 19th century after losing much of North Africa. And British managed to hold onto the subcontinent despite actually encouraging decentralization. Of course these aren't direct comparisons, but I don't think it's as implausible as you think considering how other Asian Empires functioned for the Mughal Empire to at survive to the beginning of the 20th century.

Ottomans were always more centralized than Mughals. Provinces didn't go out of control despite centuries puppet emperors before Egypt became independent and even that happened because of invasion not internal weakness. While Mughal provinces went out of control in less decade of puppet emperors under sayyid brothers


Unlikely IMO, the French were not gonna try and conquer the subcontinent when the soldiers could be better used defending French territory in Europe and the Americas. The alliances with Mysore and other Indian states will continue.
By the time Britian conquered Bengal. France was not under threat in Europe and had already abandoned Americas outside carribbean which needed a navy not an army which was needed for India


My point still stands. If they wanted to conquer more the certainly could have, the British didn't control all of India in one day. But they didn't because the French had bigger priorities as the time. And after the SYW I don't think they'd be willing to spend even more cash on training more Sepoys to achieve what many at the time thought was a fool's errand in conquering multiple Indian Kingdoms.
Your point doesn't stand. French priorities outside India were not big than that of the British. French conquest of India does not need funds from Paris it can be sustained on local territories. It wasn't a fool's errand Europeans had been doing that for centuries before and centuries after
Because it was used to oppress most Indians for thousands of years. Evidence for caste oppression goes back to end of Vedic age in Iron age 10th century BCE in Purusha Sukta and Indian castes mostly stopped intermarriage by 5th century CE

You got it reverse. British curtailed caste system and they were the first to do affirmative action against it.

Substitute British Era laws for Dominant religious and cultural discriminatory beliefs ingrained for thousands of years

It would be the opposite and they would no improvement as neither Mughals nor Marathas who kept oppressing the lower castes who were most of the population but replaced the previous upper castes with themselves

No power in Delhi ever had the zeal to Islamasize India.

Come on, dude. This thread doesn't need you to respond to 30 month-old posts. I've told you not to spam before. Slow down, catch your breath, and maybe make a new thread on the topic with one well-considered post.

Kicked for a week.
India didn't have industries to be deindustrialized
Britain didn't destroy Indian economy because under British rule India did not decline in neither it's total GDP nor per capita GDP and neither stagnated
Sounds ridiculous, especially when you consider the GDP Percentage of India going from 25% before British to 2% after British
India had a history of famines befor the British https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Famine_in_India#Ancient,_medieval_and_pre-colonial_India and those under Britain were recorded better because of the increase in press created by the introduction of printing press by Europeans . The Mughals built Taj Mahal while Deccan had a famine. Most of Indian population lived around poverty line https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_regions_by_past_GDP_(PPP)_per_capita#1–2008_(Maddison) before the Green Revolution created by the Rockefeller Foundation after Indian independence and because of that any bad harvest or disruption of supply of food resulted in famine. Britain didn't cause any famines in India it might've made some of them worse unlike the deaths mentioned in the black book of communism were directly and intentionally caused by communist regimes to reach their ideological goal of collectivation of property
This sounds ridiculous, because even as per the links provided by you, it shows that India having, very, VERY few famines, that can be counted in one hand before British and even during those famines, there were reliefs provided and famines causes addressed, compared to British, where famines became a commonplace and so did mass deaths. The excuse that it was not recorded is a flimsy one, especially since the ones all recorded all happen in already far flung areas of the empire and they are still recorded, why wouldn't Indian empires record famines ?
Because it was used to oppress most Indians for thousands of years. Evidence for caste oppression goes back to end of Vedic age in Iron age 10th century BCE in Purusha Sukta and Indian castes mostly stopped intermarriage by 5th century CE
That is factually wrong though, I could agree with it only intensified after 5-6 Century CE and during Islamic Era, but to say it was always present is wrong, at best it were similiar to social classes in Europe
You got it reverse. British curtailed caste system and they were the first to do affirmative action against it.
They literally did nothing, Literally they did nothing. All progress comes from Modern Indian Govt.
Substitute British Era laws for Dominant religious and cultural discriminatory beliefs ingrained for thousands of years
What beliefs are you referring to and it is as if you are saying British did not have any discriminatory laws or beliefs, they had it even worse than what even the worst Indian empires could do.
It would be the opposite and they would no improvement as neither Mughals nor Marathas who kept oppressing the lower castes who were most of the population but replaced the previous upper castes with themselves
How though ? Both Marathas and Mughals, though discriminatory, were not that different from any other empire of their time, even British. You are taking the present Religious and Caste scenario and pasting it upon 15-16th Century India and it obviously is wrong. Again, Europe was probably worse than India at this point regarding unequal wealth and power distribution among Caste or Classes
No power in Delhi ever had the zeal to Islamasize India.
They did have them, none were able to enact their zeal


Sounds ridiculous, especially when you consider the GDP Percentage of India going from 25% before British to 2% after British

This sounds ridiculous, because even as per the links provided by you, it shows that India having, very, VERY few famines, that can be counted in one hand before British and even during those famines, there were reliefs provided and famines causes addressed, compared to British, where famines became a commonplace and so did mass deaths. The excuse that it was not recorded is a flimsy one, especially since the ones all recorded all happen in already far flung areas of the empire and they are still recorded, why wouldn't Indian empires record famines ?

That is factually wrong though, I could agree with it only intensified after 5-6 Century CE and during Islamic Era, but to say it was always present is wrong, at best it were similiar to social classes in Europe

They literally did nothing, Literally they did nothing. All progress comes from Modern Indian Govt.

What beliefs are you referring to and it is as if you are saying British did not have any discriminatory laws or beliefs, they had it even worse than what even the worst Indian empires could do.

How though ? Both Marathas and Mughals, though discriminatory, were not that different from any other empire of their time, even British. You are taking the present Religious and Caste scenario and pasting it upon 15-16th Century India and it obviously is wrong. Again, Europe was probably worse than India at this point regarding unequal wealth and power distribution among Caste or Classes

They did have them, none were able to enact their zeal
He's a troll ....he replied to my post about caste too, seems to be a trend, he seems to be Indian too cause his understanding of caste seems to be what you'd expect to learn in a typical Indian high school, with no nuance whatsoever.

To continue your line of answer, i would like to add something:

Look you're not going to abolish the caste system unless you abolish cousin marriage, which was common amongst all indo European society. The indo European have a taboo against cousin marriage, that is marrying your first cousin but oddly enough they were totally cool with marriage amongst second cousins though was ok so long as you don't end up violating the gotra rules and you tended to marry close to your family.

This marriage between close but no so close relatives help form extended kinship groups through blood and marriage which helped in accumulation of capital in a clan/tribe as people avoided marrying outside the select group of relatives and in a lot of cases they refused to marry out because of group solidarity.

Now your caste/jati/clan performed a lot of work for you, one it helped you get married and thus have kids, it ensured that you get a job as knowledge and know how is kept within the group with all marrying within, your privileges with reference to a job was enforced by your group, your contacts came from the group and more importantly in times of need this extended kinship group came to your aid.

Now in Europe catholic Church destroyed this kinship because it got in the way of spreading the word of" God", since pagan culture was pretty closely connected to this kinship and there by you break paganism and to the Church's credit it did take on all the responsibilities that these kinship groups did, for a while anyway.

Problem here is Indians don't understand the nuances of their own history and how similar and different we are from the rest. This is down to two problems
1. Politicisation of history thought in school, nuances such as these are not even though in school, caste system is thought in a very poor manner as if it was one solid unchanging institution for 5000 years, which it was not.

The line between brahman and Kshatriya blurred as time passed by, as they inter married, and that of vaishya and Shudra was often blurred, again because of inter marriage. This is one example as to how it contradicts the state's lazy attempt to propagate history.

Social mobility was possible as a group because as i stated earlier, We were a group culture and we even have instances in British rule of certain groups rising to the rank of vaishya or kshatriya or even Brahman and the depreciation of fortune of some groups. Another example.

2. Chauvinism: Islamists saying Mughal rule was golden, Hindu nationalists saying Gupta rule was the golden age, secularist saying it was the Mauryan empire. We know all of them are dead wrong and what's worse is that they say other eras were bad.

Indian history like all history is messy, complicated, nuanced and has no black and white, infact it's not even grey, it's a rainbow, a spectrum.

Yeah there were periods in history where all groups, were well off but it kept happening at every point in the long history of of country during the mauryas, the Guptas and the Mughals were not the only ones

Again not all groups suffered under the British rule and the experience of the British rule is complicated for many groups, Bengalis suffered a lot because of famines but the flowering of the language took place during the British rule in Bengal, Paris community benefited disproportionately yet a lot of independence activists were Parsi disproportionately, The upper caste muslim and Hindus also benefited but then again it's not all upper castes, a lot saw their fortunes taken away as the British rule was established.

Yeah history is confusing, complicated and contradictory , which is what I use to test how true a narrative is and if it's simple, straight forward, self contained/consistent, it's probably wrong.
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Sounds ridiculous, especially when you consider the GDP Percentage of India going from 25% before British to 2% after British
This has been explained earlier to you. That's not an indication of Indian economic decline, but an indication of the growth of others.

I made up the figures, but this shows the principal. Let's say the world is divided in four countries, who have in 1600 an equal GDP, so each has 25% of the total GDP. All countries increase their GDP, but certain countries increase it more than others. Now the smallest GDP is only 2% of the total. But it didn't decline.