Victoria: 1700 Mod

So perhaps we should do it on some, but not others. As the British Isles were united soon afterward, and Austria and prussia operated as single states anyway, I suggest that they should be shown as one country.

I'm sorry but Prussia and Austria are staying seperate, that's going a bit far...
There's several issues within Victoria that we aren't going to get around, personal unions are probably the biggest problem. I say we just stick with a Great Britain that maybe occupies but has not annexed Ireland. The issue there is the AI will annex it within a week...
Have them be a Dominion of Great Britain (or England, if that path is chosen), and then, when UKGBI rolls around, have them inherit Ireland, gaining cores on them and changing the flag).
Have them be a Dominion of Great Britain (or England, if that path is chosen), and then, when UKGBI rolls around, have them inherit Ireland, gaining cores on them and changing the flag).

True though I am not sure how much scripting I know as of now, you want to hop in on this project?
I'm sorry but Prussia and Austria are staying seperate, that's going a bit far...
Oh, the states of Prussia and Austria both consisted of a patchwork of personal unions, it just that only the big member (Prussia and Austria, respectively) is mentioned in the name. Not union of the both, but both were personal unions.
True though I am not sure how much scripting I know as of now, you want to hop in on this project?
Eh... only with advise, or possibly *simple* events. My internet is a bit too unstable for me to upload things, and there are many things I can't do.
Also, another suggestion. Maybe take the VIP path, and have there be Native American states in America?
Yeah I meant to have native American states. Well you wouldn't necessarily have to upload things. If you want to help with any aspect, you can go ahead and join in. The more people the better the game will be!
Also, another suggestion. Maybe take the VIP path, and have there be Indian states in America?
Like the Cherokee and Iroquois in my latest map?:D

Victoria 1700.png
That's pretty good, the Iroquois and the French should be allies if we use something like that, also could you please keep the Netherlands Orange haha, I'm used to it from the AH maps and it's much easier to distinguish. Good edit though, and I think I got some information on Indochina I might add after I get dinner.
Like the Cherokee and Iroquois in my latest map?:D
Well, VIP has all of America, and almost (though not quite) all Africa, covered by states, instead of colonisable areas. That's mostly because colonisation isn't possible until the 70s, at the latest, though.


Suggestions for Africa: Ashante, Dahomey, the Oyo Empire, Ethiopia, the Kongo Empire.

Can't think of anything for South Africa: too early for the Zulus and I'm not sure if the Xhosa count as a state society.


Well, VIP has all of America, and almost (though not quite) all Africa, covered by states, instead of colonisable areas. That's mostly because colonisation isn't possible until the 70s, at the latest, though.

When it comes to Africa and some other places, though, the definition of state becomes a bit woolly.
When it comes to Africa and some other places, though, the definition of state becomes a bit woolly.

Yeah I know what you mean, I've got those ones you mentioned and a few others down but I'm shattered so I'll post it up tomorrow at some point.
Well, VIP has all of America, and almost (though not quite) all Africa, covered by states, instead of colonisable areas. That's mostly because colonisation isn't possible until the 70s, at the latest, though.
That's a bit much for my liking.
When it comes to Africa and some other places, though, the definition of state becomes a bit woolly.
Yes, so several of the African 'states' are, well, ethnicities, more or less. They're just there to be conquered, after all, not played as (and to make colonization more realistic).