TL Description and Title Game

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The Restored County of Tripoli

Air Florida Flight 90 crashes into the White House in January 1982.

The Gipper Meets a Crashing Plane

The Whites win the Russian Civil War and transform Russia into a theocratic state, eventually embroiled in a Cold War with the West. Russia tries to gain an upper hand by attempting to reunite the Orthodox Church with the Catholic Church.
The Whites win the Russian Civil War and transform Russia into a theocratic state, eventually embroiled in a Cold War with the West. Russia tries to gain an upper hand by attempting to reunite the Orthodox Church with the Catholic Church.

Is the Bear Catholic?

American railroads end up siding with the southern states and standarizing on Russian gauge.


The Celtic Crown

The Seduction of Innocents is never published creating a wider variety of comic book genres.
Diamond Age of Comics (like the Golden Age, but better)

Chinese Warlord Zhang Zuolin's armies perform better in the Second Zhili–Fengtian War and manages to consolidate power, becoming recognized as the legitimate ruler of China. He continues his co-operation with the Japanese and manages to keep Tokyo as his sugar-daddy while building up Chinese power. The Japanese invasion of Manchuria and subsequent conflicts are butterflied away, preventing Japan from being bogged down in constant anti-insurgency warfare in the Middle Kingdom. In 1930s the Germano-Sino-Nipponese alliance is formed as China and Japan both become Asian members of the Axis. Come World War 2, Japan expands into South-East Asia like in OTL WW2 and, due to having more manpower since troops are not wasted fighting a war in China, invades Australia with the aid of Chinese forces.
Diamond Age of Comics (like the Golden Age, but better)

Chinese Warlord Zhang Zuolin's armies perform better in the Second Zhili–Fengtian War and manages to consolidate power, becoming recognized as the legitimate ruler of China. He continues his co-operation with the Japanese and manages to keep Tokyo as his sugar-daddy while building up Chinese power. The Japanese invasion of Manchuria and subsequent conflicts are butterflied away, preventing Japan from being bogged down in constant anti-insurgency warfare in the Middle Kingdom. In 1930s the Germano-Sino-Nipponese alliance is formed as China and Japan both become Asian members of the Axis. Come World War 2, Japan expands into South-East Asia like in OTL WW2 and, due to having more manpower since troops are not wasted fighting a war in China, invades Australia with the aid of Chinese forces.

Retreat Australia Fair

The Razzies are invented in 1979, enabling Heaven's Gate to win a Worst Picture Razzie award just two years later.


Retreat Australia Fair

The Razzies are invented in 1979, enabling Heaven's Gate to win a Worst Picture Razzie award just two years later.

Heaven, Hell, and Popcorn

John Lennon survives his assassination attempt. The Beatles contemplate a reunion in the mid-1980's.
Heaven, Hell, and Popcorn

John Lennon survives his assassination attempt. The Beatles contemplate a reunion in the mid-1980's.
How the Beatles survived being Chap-manned

Thanks to paying more attention to the intelligence reports and being more careful at deploying their units, Montgomery succeds in carrying out Operation Market Garden, opening the way into Germany proper and leading to a sooner end of the war.
Open Market

In an impressive and unlikely turn of events France and it's colonies become fascist for world war 2, opening up theaters of war in northern India, Spain, and deep into Africa. South America sees some action as French Guiana is invaded. The Russian/Japan/Germany/France alliance makes the war go on for well over a decade.
Thanks to paying more attention to the intelligence reports and being more careful at deploying their units, Montgomery succeds in carrying out Operation Market Garden, opening the way into Germany proper and leading to a sooner end of the war.
The Importance of Military Intelligence

Henry the Lion does support Frederick Barbarossa in his last campaign against the North Italian cities. This leads to a deciding victory and in the next centuries to the germanization of North Italy.
Open Market

In an impressive and unlikely turn of events France and it's colonies become fascist for world war 2, opening up theaters of war in northern India, Spain, and deep into Africa. South America sees some action as French Guiana is invaded. The Russian/Japan/Germany/France alliance makes the war go on for well over a decade.

This cheese eating monkey-faschists

The Weimar Republic survives - and starts a moon-program in the 1970th.
The Weimar Republic survives - and starts a moon-program in the 1970th.

Germans on the Moon

Duke Henry the Lion of Saxony and Bavaria does support Emperor Frederick Barbarossa in his last campaign against the North Italian cities without demanding the imperial city of Goslar for his help. This leads to a deciding imperial victory and in the next centuries to the germanization of North Italy. After the campaign the many saxon enemies of Henry the Lion conspire against him but fail and loose their lands to the Holy Roman Emperor. This strengthens the power and influence of the Emperor and prevents the balkanization of the Holy Roman Empire. Since then the Germany (including Italy and Burgundy) has a federal structure with a strong hierarchy.

Germans on the Moon

Duke Henry the Lion of Saxony and Bavaria does support Emperor Frederick Barbarossa in his last campaign against the North Italian cities without demanding the imperial city of Goslar for his help. This leads to a deciding imperial victory and in the next centuries to the germanization of North Italy. After the campaign the many saxon enemies of Henry the Lion conspire against him but fail and loose their lands to the Holy Roman Emperor. This strengthens the power and influence of the Emperor and prevents the balkanization of the Holy Roman Empire. Since then the Germany (including Italy and Burgundy) has a federal structure with a strong hierarchy.

Bundeskonigsreich von Deutschland

During the American Civil War, the CSA is unable to arrange an army due to States' Rights. The USA wins by 1862.
Bundeskonigsreich von Deutschland
The 'von' is unnecessary in German.
During the American Civil War, the CSA is unable to arrange an army due to States' Rights. The USA wins by 1862.
Doomed by their own Constitution

A sequel of the TRON movies. Learning that a huge asteroid will his Earth in a couple of years Sam Flynn decides to use the technology that allowed him and his father to enter the digital world to save all of mankind by digitalizing all of them. The timeline decsribes how this happens and life in the digital world which is stored in a secure place.
Bundeskonigsreich von Deutschland

During the American Civil War, the CSA is unable to arrange an army due to States' Rights. The USA wins by 1862.
Killed by States' Rights

EDIT: Damn, ninja'ed.

Doomed by their own Constitution

A sequel of the TRON movies. Learning that a huge asteroid will his Earth in a couple of years Sam Flynn decides to use the technology that allowed him and his father to enter the digital world to save all of mankind by digitalizing all of them. The timeline decsribes how this happens and life in the digital world which is stored in a secure place.

EnTRONized in History

In the 20s, hemp is not illegalized, and it starts to become more used by the paper industry.

(There is a study that says that hemp is more profitable in terms of surface-per-ton of paper when compared with trees)
In the 20s, hemp is not illegalized, and it starts to become more used by the paper industry.

Hemp Paper
... or, you want something less direct:
These Pages May Get You High

The stories of a time traveler making his way across Earth's multiverse.* A POW from a future where prisoners are sent back in time,** he tries to navigate his way through infinite possibilities to find a way home.

(This is an actual TV series idea I have -- would be interested in a name for my lead as well, if anyone's got a cool idea.)

*He does it simply through time travel -- every time you go back in time and forward again, you're effectively entering another timeline -- there's rules for this, no "grandfather paradox" or "causality loop" nonsense
**because their sent back in time, they end up creating a whole new TL, and thus are effectively removed from history


Jesus Christ maximum security prisoner

Nazi Germany manages to survive the second world war and begins a cold war with America. WW3 starts in 1961 with America liberating Most of Africa, Middle east and finally Europe from the grip of the Nazis. This campaign leaves half of europes population dead and homeless and bio weapons running wild.
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