WIP, inspired by recent discussion in the main thread...
Two Stalins (to be killed with fire).png
It would probably be helpful to pull up Napo's big map of the Union in the first post of the Prophecies in the Dark thread, just so you can envision the trip's route.

A Cokie Boy in Mexico Part I: Life is a Highway


A road on the outskirts of Metropolis, New Canaan (1972)

August 1-5th, 1972

Johnathan Gamble Cunningham stretched as much as he could in the backseat of the family's Rollarite Apollo Sedan, Carolina Edition. Because of the nation's smaller roads and somewhat higher gas prices (New Cackalack didn't have everything) their Carolina branded auto is a damn sight smaller than most of the gleaming, gas guzzling, chrome covered monstrosities hurtling past them on the Destiny Road. They were in the final stretch of an epic three day marathon moving trip. From their old home in Charlotte, NC, the family was now being sent to perhaps the Yankeeiest place one could find outside of Philly and New England, the city of Metropolis. His father Matt Cunningham, the handsome middle aged man currently calling a Pinnie who just cut him off everything but a child of God, got a job with Colonel Goodyear as a low-level executive. Johnny didn't know how much the job paid, but he did now that his momma Mary Lou, currently trying to have a discreet smoke out the window, let out a whoop when she found out. So it's obviously a lot. Is it enough for him to have fight for space with his two younger siblings for three days? That's another story. The road trip had been interesting, but also a massive pain in the ass.

The family's first stop had been Natchez, Florida. Including stops for food and the toilet it had taken them about 12.5 hours to get there. They drove right through the heart of Old Georgia and got to see the residual glamor of the Old South, as well as the chaos of the New South. Atlanta, once burned and pillaged by Yankee troops during the GAW, was now a booming and chaotic Southron American metropolis. Buildings were being thrown up in a slapdash fashion, and the expansion of the Destiny Road caused some delays. However, they got lucky from a traffic perspective. Shortly after they pushed through the city, the radio told them that a cocaine fueled road rage incident resulted in a three car pileup and two dead by shooting. RUMP would shut down the Destiny Road through the city for an hour to clean up the mess and ensure public safety. Although they missed the violence, the radio reports unsettled the family. Despite adapting plenty of the changes from Oswald's American Cultural Revolution, the Carolinas were very much a distinct country. Boasting the lowest rates of crime in the Free World (thanks to the deportation of most of the poor white trash), parts of the Carolina Homeland record more deaths from electricity than they do murders. This sudden and violent introduction to Yankeeland isn't what the Cunninghams had in mind. They plowed on to Natchez, getting there at around 6:30. This city, more than Atlanta had kept its old school Southron charm. Unfortunately, it had also kept its population of white trash. Thanks to a booking snafu, the family was staying in a Daygone Inn instead of a more traditional hotel. The 7th circle of hell is clearly the Daygone Inn Reception Desk 5 miles into Natchez proper. God didn't mean for tuna sandwiches to be left out in the Southron heat all day. There's the fella at the desk, who leers at his 14 year old sister Ruth just enough that Dad decided that was a great time to pull out his .38 and give an impromptu lesson on its usage in full view of everyone. Beyond the smelly, creepy reception area, the actual hotel was full of the kinda white people that the Common Sense Party would have loaded up on boats for Africa. A lot lizard offers Johnny a trick for $5, which he vehemently declined. Down the hall, a half a dozen Pinnies are snorting Anglo-Saxon Marching Powder faster than you cry "Cokehead." At about midnight, a violent fistfight broke out over a woman, and a man was nearly beaten to death. On either side of the family's room, truckers with serious Boogie Mouth took lizard lots up with em, and momma put pillows over our ears before giving up at around midnight. The family awoke at 5:30 AM and left alongside an equally frazzled looking Black family. Dad muttered something under his breath about "a topsy turvy world" and "the Blacks being more like us than those Whites." My youngest sibling, Zeke, throws a rock at the Daygone sign on our way out.

From Natchez, Florida, we drove another 11.5 hours to Pasture, Texas. Momma made sure we had a proper hotel room this time. We stopped and explored Cajun country in Lewisiana for about 30 minutes. Rumor had it, you could still hear French spoken in these parts, but we didn't hear a lick of Frog. Beautiful country, if rather swampy and smelly. Kingfish Market was a godsend for some drinks. We got us some now cocaine free Sweet Victory and kept trucking into Texas. On our route we went through the city of Herald, Texas, which had become a heck of a boomtown thanks to the oil industry. We made sure to fill up there because gas is dirt cheap in the Oil Capitol of Texas. The Golden Goblin attendant was a nice older fella, who confessed that despite our "backwardness on the Black issue" in many ways he preferred Cokies to some of these Pinnie folks. This country in Texas was settled predominantly by Old Southron stock, and it was obvious that the region had kept that people's famous conservatism. Not that they didn't still love Oswald of course, but his Cultural Revolution wasn't universally approved of. Folks back home weren't fond of it either, even if some of the aesthetics rubbed off on us. As we moved on from Herald, the radio told us about another road rage incident in the city. That made the 5th violent crime we heard about in less than two days. Dad turned the station. We just kept on trucking through Texas, looking around at the natural beauty of the place. Closer to Pasture, we got the sense that we were truly leaving the South. The lusher, green climate of much of East and South Texas gave way to a more desert-like region. Once we arrived in Pasture proper, we checked into a (thankfully) respectable hotel, ordered room service steaks and sodas, then showered and passed out. Tomorrow was the final 13 hour push on into Metropolis, and we needed to be energized.

Back in Carolina, I heard a lot about the difference in regional cultures in the Union. I just never grasped it because in Carolina, the only differences really are in dialect and BBQ sauce (that last one is deadly serious though). When we vacationed in the Union, we typically stuck to the Old South. Athens, Savannah, Richmond, Prophetstown, Mayame, and Kissimmee (although they ain't really Southron these days). And although they got differences, they ain't too dissimilar. Burrland is definitely the odd man out. But I ain't never seen something like what happened when we crossed the Texas state line into Arnold. The whole place was just.... different. Alien almost. People were driving around in cars that were massive even by Yankee standards, with cattle skulls on the hood. Most things were "Western" themed on the billboards. I saw more cowboy and cowgirl hats than I could have imagined. It was like a foreign country. Momma was agape, and my siblings were awed. Dad was, as always, unhappy with their driving. When he's behind the wheel, my old man has a way with swear words that's almost Shakespearean in its brilliance. We drove around the outskirts of Valley City, Arnold, and saw a lot of the countryside. Even up here, you could see the odd Steele era shack crumbling into the desert, a reminder of the Sootstorms that pummeled this place all those years ago. In the more rural areas, there were billboards touting the Office of Health and Wellness's efforts with the Dustbillies. The stories I heard about them gave me chills. Sad, genetic dead ends they were. We plowed through Arnold almost in one sitting, stopping briefly for toilets and grub at Van Vleet's before carrying on. New Canaan, even more than Arnold, had an extremely "Western" look and feel. The state's famed ego was clearly on display. Car dealerships, restaurants, and even strip joints all advertised with the state's unofficial mottos "Everything's bigger in New Canaan," and "Everyone's Pinnacle in New Canaan." Going through Wellingsburg and Glass Church, cars were even larger (New Canaan Pinnacle Editions) and it seemed like almost everybody not in uniform was wearing full cowboy garb. The towns were prosperous and proud, but weathered. New Canaan never was able to erase the marks of the Sootstorms, and even if they had been, they wouldn't have. Those storms defined this state more than anything. It was nightfall when the pulled up to the outskirts of Metropolis. It was spectacular. Rising up from the wilderness, the gargantuan city gleamed like a beacon. The family was stunned, even if they were cranky and tired. It truly was an emblem of Protestant Civilization. We crashed in a hotel in the city center. Metropolis, like the rest of Old Mexico, was kinda weathered lookin'. Still, not too bad. After a quick breakfast the next morning, the family met the movers in Steele Heights, where their new home was. A handsome colonial, the house was in an upper-middle class neighborhood of Metropolis, about a half hour from the city center. Now it was time to get settled in before the school year started.


A room at the Daygone Inn in Natchez, Florida, a notorious hangout of druggies, Pinnies, hookers, and truckers.


Herald, Texas, as seen by air


A Rollarite Mars, New Canaan Pinnacle Edition
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Here's the spiritual successor to Bobby and Vera, set in New Canaan this time! We're gonna get into the meat of the story soon, but I wanted to give my take on what a road trip through Yankeeland might look like. I might go back and add some more details.
I could see Steele and Oswald factions in the MDP and regular society. I also wonder if the Union would deport habitual offenders or life sentences to the New Territories.
Scene of Gary Banks walking through an American suburb, kids are playing kickball while men are mowing the lawn and women sit on front porches. Subtitle is Libertytown, Osage. "Hello and Good Evening. You know, many of us grew up in towns like this or live in towns like this. Have you ever wondered however how these towns were built? Someone must have planned these towns out or come up with this design. Tonight, we will tell the story of one man who was not content to design one building or one housing development, but whole towns that span the country and the world. I am Gary Banks and This is Your America". Credits: This is Your America sponsored by Levin's and Wendell's.

Gary is walking in a University Campus, young men and women carrying books and bags walk in the background. Subtitle University of Centralia, Centralia, Iowai. "Now we will go back in to the year 1885 to the city of Centralia, Iowai to meet one man, Merlin Herrman. Born in 1865 in Oskosh, Michigania, Merlin was a bright student and the first born son in a family of teachers and farmers. Merlin liked to study construction and engineering and would read about the various wonders of the Ancient and Modern world along with how they were designed and built. He was a constant presence at construction sites across the county while growing up. Due to his excellent grades he was accepted at the University of Centralia on a full scholarship, where he majored in Architecture. Gary stops and is standing before a modern building with Hermann College of Architecture on the front. While attending University, his roommate would be a young man by the name of Terance Black, who was majoring in Engineering. Both men had a passion for building and design and soon became good friends. In 1887 while at the home of Terance, Merlin would meet Terance's younger sister Nona, who was also a student of history and a local artist. It would be the beginning of something truly magical.

Commercial Break for Wendell's showing scenes various restaurants with the subtitles Calvin, Oregon, Cooper, Mississippi, Richmond, Virginia, Carson, Jamaica. "Where you go and when you go, just know that a Wendell's is in your neighborhood."

"That friendship between Merlin and Nona would soon turn to love and by 1889 that would be married. Merlin and Terrance would both graduate from University and the young men would start work at a construction company called Harding and Revie in Centralia. Merlin would be a junior architect and Terance a junior engineer. Both men would continue to study design and construction, with Nona providing illustrations for proposed buildings. What would intrigue and frustrate Merlin and Terance would be the waste involved in construction, how designs had to be changed due to shortages of materials or parts or poor workmanship. Terance and Merlin believed that like other consumer items that were being mass produced buildings could be the made the same way. Interior sections and parts like plumbing, structural elements could be produced along a standard plan and standard quality while the outside could be customized to the owners taste. Construction costs and labor costs could be simplified. The men would create a series of designs for what they called 'standard' houses and commercial buildings and would propose them to the owners of Harding and Revie. This idea would be rejected and attempts to sell to other companies would be met with resistance or outright hostility. In 1900, Merlin, Nona, Terance and his wife Macy would make the biggest choice in their lives and form their own company. The Black and Herrman Development Company would be created, headquartered in Centralia. In the beginning, few businesses would be willing to trust projects to a new firm and so jobs were few and far between. In 1902, Merlin's paternal grandfather would pass away and leave Merlin one hundred acres of land near Milwaukee, Michigania. Merlin and Terance planned to sell the land to finance their company but Nona and Macy suggested that to create a new town, showing off the talents and designs of the young firm. Terance and Merlin would design the first neighborhoods and in May, 1901 the first Libertytown would be created.

Commercial Break for Levin's. Pictures of various stores and customers ranging from black and white pictures in the 1930s to the color pictures and films of the 1970s. "From humble beginnings to today Levin's has grown up with you and your community. To you we are the local store but to us, you are family. Levin's, always the same."

At first sight, construction of Libertytown was a curiosity. One crew of workers would dig foundations for houses, another crew would follow placing plumbing and pouring concrete, another crew would follow building the structure and so on. Like the automobile factories of Coronel Ford or the canneries of the East, the houses would be mass produced in record time at a fraction of traditional costs. While smaller compared to more traditional homes the cheaper costs and readiness to move in would be a blessing for young couples and families eager to have a home of their own. Within a few months the entire hundred acres would be filled with construction with homes being sold even before they were built. Nona and Macy would create exterior designs with Terance and Merlin supervising the work crews. Merlin would reward work crews with homes at reduced costs in order to promote quality control and encourage sales. Discounts would also be given to military veterans, ensuring a steady stream of buyers. By 1905, Libertytowns would begin to spread in Michigania, Iowai, Ohio and Dakota. In 1911, the world would change with the First World War, both men would go off to fight with Merlin serving in the west and Terance in Keybeck. However, only one man would come home.

Merlin would come home wounded, decorated and proud to have served his country. Terance would however remain forever in Keybeck having fallen at Three Rivers. Merlin would resume leadership with Nona and Macy the Company which now had enough resources to become a Corporation. With the massive expansion of the country towards the north and west, Black and Herrman would use its influence and popularity with the military and local and national governments to develop Libertytowns in the New Territories. Terance would begin his biggest project yet, not content with designing neighborhoods to be built one at a time, he predicted that entire towns with all the essential benefits and services would be needed in the post war era. He would enlist the help of other Industrial Clans who wanted housing for workers and new markets for their goods and services. Footage of Destiny Road construction with signs saying COMING SOON LIBERTYTOWN along the side of the road. In 1922, he would unveil a new Libertytown in Burr, Ontario completely finished with shops and stores, private and government offices. It would be ambitious but Merlin would once against create magic. Similar towns were built across the country by the time of Manifest Climax. Post-war, similar towns would be built across the world but Merlin would not see it, passing away in 1942. Pictures of an older Merlin, Nona and Macy, footage of Manifest Climax and post war construction.

Back to the earlier Libertytown.
Nona and Macy would continue running the company until 1950 with both retiring. The company would become a public company listed on the Stock Exchange. Now Libertytowns exist in every state and country of the free world, a testament to imagination, freedom and a little magic. I'm Gary Banks and This is Your America.
I'm thinking for this new series, Johnny Cunningham will actually be a transfer student at BAUM. His folks couldn't afford international tuition to Chapel Hill, so he moved with them. Gives it a fresh angle
WIP, inspired by recent discussion in the main thread...
Two Stalins (to be killed with fire).png

Work continues. This is supposed to be set a little after the ISOT, so there's been time for Britain and Europa to agree on a joint occupation of Syria. US-occupied Japan is holding Taiwan rather than surrender it to Madness-verse China or Mao. Italy is being swallowed by Europa. Stalin and Steele are still figuring out their relationship.
OTL "Hot Rod Lincoln" Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen

A History of Auto Racing, Auto and Motorcycle Clubs in the Union and Confederation
Part 1
"There are three things that all men will discuss over cigarettes and coffee. Women, Rounders and Cars." -Walt Richards

Before 1893: Autocarriages developed by Rudolf Diesel, Rheinbund

1885: Henry Ford, later Coronel Henry Ford founds Henry Ford CGE Autocarriage Factory

1889: Henry Ford CGE introduces the Patriot Model, a decent quality, more affordable autocarriage for the upper-middle class.

1895: The first American automobile race is generally held to be the Thanksgiving Cincinnati Herald race of November 30th. Press coverage of the event first aroused significant American interest in the automobile

1901: Ford founds the Ford Motor Company after leaving Coronel Goodyear Enterprises.

1903: Ford releases the first Ford Boltcat. A pioneer, the design is comfortable, safe, and reliable. It soon becomes of the most sold cars in North America and the world.

1905: A group of automobile enthusiasts form the Pride of South Bend Car Club. It is the first organized car club with a yearly membership fee, charter and officers. It is open to all who pay the fee and abide by the club charter.

1906: Ford builds one of the first automobile test tracks in Crawford City.

1909: One of the oldest existing purpose-built automobile racing circuits in the NUSA, still in use, is the 2.5-mile-long (4.0 km) Centralian Motor Speedway in Centralia, Iowai. It is the largest capacity sports venue of any variety worldwide, with a top capacity of some 200,000+ seated spectators.

1909: Ford publishes A New Economic Order, calling for all of the corporations and companies to be divided up into economic clans. These clans would keep order and respect between the different companies and decide on policies with input from all members, keeping confrontation to a minimum and profits to a maximum). The Industrial and Trade Clan, consisting of companies like the Colonel Ford Motor Company, CGE, Old Kinderhook Shipping and Industries, Pentagon Oil, Yankee Doodle Telegraph and its new subsidiary Yankee Doodle Motors, Northern Rail, Cobblepot Industries, Sunrise Motorworks, Texas Oilworks, Eds-Oil, Richardson Rail, Trenton Steelworks, and Kohler Coal and Oil is formed.

1910: After a favorable story in the South Bend Sentinel similar Car Clubs are formed in cities and towns across Iowai, Ohio, Chersonesus and as far east as Pennslyvania. Prize races are organized between clubs and individual drivers for cash prizes, car ownership and publicity, however road and weather conditions limit the length and speed of the races.

1911-1914: The Great War curtails auto racing as rationing, unrest and the calling up of young men to serve.

1920s: The rise of 'Car Culture' in the Republican Union and the Confederation of the Carolinas. Competition between car clubs becomes more intense as military veterans join the clubs and surplus weapons are mounted on cars. The Industrial Clans and Miliary Police are forced to expand and upgrade their vehicles and weapons against 'roadway rascals'. Some Clans use the clubs as a weapon against rivals. Local Military Police officals are rumored of letting people of influence off with light sentences or fines. People begin to end their travels at sundown due to fear of 'bandits and highwaymen'. Car Clubs form all over Carolina and smuggling of illegal and non-taxed goods is common along the borders.

1925: President Joseph Steele announces the beginning of the Destiny Road project.

1926: Construction begins on the Destiny Roads. RUMP and the Carolina OVP form the first Pursuit and Interceptor units. They are soon called The Road Warriors. Industrial Clans begin to develop and market 'Security' upgrades and models of various cars.

1930: Construction begins on the Southron Circuit, which soon becomes known as the 'Donut' f rom Frankfort to Nashville, Memphis, Elyton, Atlanta and ending at Columbia, South Carolina. The Zephyr Model-A1 motorcycle, invented by Wilbur Wright's Daedalus Motorworks is introduced.

1933: First Motorcycle Club (New York Vikings) founded Buffalo, New York. In the future Motorcycle Clubs are nicknamed Vikings.

1934: Under increasing pressure from the party, all levels of the government and the Industrial Clans the American Automobile Club is formed to provide a system of rules and racing regulations. It also handles disputes between clubs if they appeal against state regulators.

1936-1944: Similar to the Great War Manifest Climax curtails auto racing as rationing, unrest and the calling up of young men to serve.

1946: As a part to encourage post war morale and boost local economies several states and cities begin construction of new race tracks, soon called 'Donuts' after the Southron Circuit. Local races are held on Saturdays not scheduled for Rounders or Fisticuffs matches. Local car clubs purchase older cars, upgrade them, race them and sell them on Monday. This creates the term Weekend Specials. These races become popular enough leading to the Media Clan broadcasting them on Talkiebox networks. Revival of Motorcycle Clubs by veterans.

1947: After a series of bad race accident and crashes into race crowds the AAC, led by veteran racer Siegmar Cross calls for a conference of all state level and regional car clubs, donut owners along with representatives from the Media and the Industrial and Trade Clan. This week long Conference is held in Centralia, Iowai and helps to standardize the rules and practices of auto racing. War hero and daredevil Richard Lionheart Nixon purchase his first racing car to compete in the Region 6 Circuit.


1. Racing cars and parts must be from 'stock or general production' of at least five hundred vehicles. Parts and upgrades for Police or Security cars would be allowed. All member treasuries and inventories can be reviewed by the AAC.

2. No vehicular weapons except the Republica Cup.

3. Barriers would be constructed and required at all donuts with the AAC financing any upgrading and remodeling of dounts.

4. Car drivers and crews will behave responsibly during the race and on the track.

5. A three tier system of races (State, Regional, National) would be created with points awarded to the first three racers in each race. The driver and team with the most points at the end of the Year would be awarded a Cash Prize and media coverage.

6. A National Race would be held once a year on the Southron Circuit for one week with all non-race traffic prohibited. Unlike races in the regular donuts, vehicular weapons would be allow outside of city limits. It would be called the Republica Cup after the sponsor, Republica Beer.

AAC States and Regions:
Nova Scotia, Vermont, Keybeck, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island

REGION 2: New York, New Jersey, Ontario

REGION 3: Appalachia, Ohio, Iowai, Cheronsus, Michigania

REGION 4: Appalachia, Virginia, Burrland, Delaware, Confederation of the Carolinas

REGION 5: Dakota, Osage, Lewisland, Redemption, Hudson, Custeria

REGION 6: Georgia, Revere, Florida, Cuba*, Lewisiana, Mississippi

REGION 7: Texas, Arnold, Brown, New Canaan, Oxacre, Grand Panama

REGION 8: Magnum, Miskatonic, Pacifica, Oregon
a road trip through Yankeeland might look like
Fun trip. I like how you're showing that Carolina is, culturally, still not part of Yankeedom.
all non-race traffic prohibited.
I can hear complaints about the traffic jams from across the multiverse.
Maybe Taiwan ends up as the United States in Exile
It ends up as part of it. Speaking of which...

Behold! The finished map (complete with footnotes). If people like it I may do a sequel.

Two Stalins (to be killed with fire) (Footnotes).png
So suppose that OTL Cuba at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis got ISOTed to the Madnessverse during the height of Manifest Climax and promptly freaks the fuck out and looses all the nukes at the RU once it inevitably attempts to take back the island.

What happens?