The Seas of the Sultan, Ottoman New World

If I may suggest, what happens to the Incas post-civil war after Atahualpa wins(assuming no ASBs), assuming that the lack of Spaniards doesn't butterfly it away, and first contact with the Ottomans/Granadians sounds good.


What are your plans for the Venetians in this timeline? They seem to be working more closely with the Ottomans in this timeline. It's conceivable that Venetian merchants (who of course are already traveling across the Ottoman Empire doing trading) would set up shop in the colonies... I'm not imagining official Venetian colonies necessarily, but perhaps "Venetian Quarters" springing up in the cities of the Ottoman New World.
Well sorry for the no updates, I was wrapped in a SW game, and I am minimizing my involvement in it. So more updates yayy! Will get one to summarize everything for now soon.


The Ottoman Empire was in an extremely secure position for entering the year 1667. The borders were secured, money was flowing and the populace was content with the rule of Selim I, nicknamed the Prosperous, as under his reign the Empire became rich with treasures and trade from Al-Jadiddyah, or the continent of Jadid as the Europeans called it.

While the Turks prospered, the continent was in shambles. The Russians defeated the Polish, ending their status as a Central Asian power. Allowing the Crimean Khans to amass large amounts of loot from the crumbling state. The French were constantly at war with their neighbours, and the Dutch defeated the English, to become the sole naval power in the world. This troubled the Ottoman and Granadan Sultans, whose possessions in Jadid, Africa, Indian Ocean and elsewhere were now under threat.

In India, the Mughal Emperor Dara Shukoh, defeated his last brother Aurungzeb and took the Mughal throne. His rule is marked with increasing interest north, and a war with the Timurids of Iran, which ended in a humiliating defeat for him. The increasing alliance of the Shaybanids of Uzbekistan, and the Ottoman Turks troubled him, as they could easily assail him from two sides.

In the Continent of Jadid, expansion were made north and south, while the Portuguese consolidated their hold over Tegesta (Florida) and on Brasil. The Dutch also made landings much more north, in hopes of creating a colony like Al-Messtli, Reisah, Ahmeddiyah and Bilad-ul-Maghribbyah Al-Jaddidyah.
galleys in the Med, mostly Carracks, Caravels and Galleons elsewhere. The primary design for these ships was heavily influenced by Arab ship designs, especially the Carrack.
Hmm can you link me to some sources for that (about the Carracks)? I'd be interested in reading more about that.
Finally, a map of all New World possessions. It is called the continent of Jadid, from Maghribbyah Al-Jadidiya, Arabic for Far West.

Countries and Regions
Al-Messtli=Arabized version of Mexico, Word originally came from Native origins.
Al-Qouba: Cuba
Reisah: OTL New Granada, named after Piri Reis, who discovered the continent, and conquered the Aztec
Ahmaddiyah: Named after Sultan Ahmed I, who sponsored the voyage
Tegesta: Alternate wording for Florida, used in OTL as well

Medinat-ul-Muntazzari: Built atop Tenochtitlan, named after the Granadan Prince Abdul Wahhab Al-Muntazzari who was killed in the first expedition
Al-Tilasscala: Main city of the Islamic allies of Tlaxcala. They converted to Islam, and took Granadan and Ottomn customs
Al-Gharb: Means West in Arabic. Small trading town
Ahmaddyiah: Named after Sultan Ahmed, first Islamic city on Jadid
Al-Kawthar: Arabic for sweet water, because of the fresh water in the area
Bilad-ul-Reis: Named after Piri Reis
Muhammadiya: Main city on the island of Al-Qouba

Map coming as soon as I can upload it
England is currently unable to go colonizing, because the Dutch destroyed their fleet, but by 1700, theyll be in the game.

The map is for 1667, I only posted major places, no small outposts or anything.

The joint Ottoman-Grenadian Condominium of Maghribbiyah Al-Jaddidi was prospering. Many poverty stricken people flocked to the new lands in order to find better lives, and the land rich with resources financed the wars in Europe.

The Emir of the province of Reisah, had made large transactions with a large Kingdom to his south, with gold to awe the possessions of Al-Messtli. He sponsored a large force of 1500 Janissaries, 500 Sipahis, 2000 Ahzabs, and Native Levies to take the Kingdom for himself. Dignitaries were sent to the Sappa Inca, ordering him to convert to Islam. He seemed interested, but he died of smallpox before he could convert, and his heirs began to fight amongst themselves for the throne. Large warfare took place, and the Emir sent overtures to Huascar, one of the rival claimants. He embraced Islam, recieved the full support of Reisah and Al-Messtli. He also took upon the name Abdullah Al-Huscar. Backed by a large force of Islamic soldiers, he defeated the forces of Atahualpa at the Battle of Kuzko. Atahualpa was killed, and his force routed. Al-Huscar took the throne, and encouraged his people to accept Islam. Many did to recieve tax benefits and the such, but those who resisted proved to be a massive thorn who fled to the mountains. But the Inca were renamed as Bilad-ul Thahhab-e-Fidda, the land of Gold and Silver. Large expansions and settling took place, and the entire Pacific seaboard of the Inca, and South America fell under Islamic sway in the next half-century.
Part XIV

In the year 1671, the Turkish War took place. Many nations bordering the Ottoman Empire, including Tuscany, Venice, Russia, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Iberia, Portugal, Holland and France had been preparing for a major Crusade against the Muslims. Increased gold and trade from Jadid had financed massive wars for the Ottomans and their allies to ravage large parts of Hungary, Iberia and Russia. But that had to cease. Organized into the Holy League, they prepared for war against the Ottomans and their allies. Each nation had a specific target, against which they would concentrate their entire forces upon.

Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth would attack against the Crimean Khans, Venice, Tuscany and France would concentrate their forces against Ottoman Italia, Iberia would attack Granada, Austria and Hungary would invade Ottoman Balkan holdings, while Holland and Portugal were given to attack the Ottoman and Granadan holdings on Jadid. The War swiftly began on April 17th, 1671 during the prosperous reign of Sultan Ahemd III. The Empire had grown fat from all of its prosperous trading, but the gold had financed a military machine to awe the world. Almost immediately after the news had reached Istanbul, Sultan Ahmed III, ordered his best generals, and began to muster forces in order to defend the empire. In the Crimea, Khan Adil Giray mustered a total strength of about 85 000 horsemen, all bred of the steppe and hardened by years of campaigning. They inflicted several large defeats upon Cossack forces of the Commonwealth. But a second front, invasion by the Russian Tsar Peter, proved too much for the Khans. Adil Giray pleaded for help from the Ottomans, and the Ottomans sent help. Armies were sent into the Commonwealth, and took many large forts. Piercing deep into the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. For the duration of the war, the entire area was turned into a hellish battlefield. Running battles were fought along the area, ravaging the countryside. A stalemate was achieved that neither side could break.

In the east, the Ottomans pleaded their vassals in Timurid Iran, and their allies the Shaybanid Uzbeks to aid them in the war against the Rus. The Shaybanids, who developed a close alliance with the Ottomans for several centuries, sent a large army of 45 000 men, and attacked the Russian from the East. Large levies of Tatars aided their cause, as the Uzbeks reached as far as Astrakhan, where a large Russian force confronted them. An inconclusive battle was fought, where both sides had heavy losses. But the damage had been done. The Rus had been stopped from toppling the Crimean Khans, and Adil Giray was safe for the duration of the war, though several large battles were contested over the Crimea, ending in Russian defeats.

In Italia, Venice, Tuscany, Florence and France all contributed to a force 28 000 strong, that pushed into Italy. They laied siege to Rome, a siege that was held for the duration of several months. In the end, Khalil Pasha managed to raise an army 20 000 strong, and break the Siege of Rome. While Rome was saved, this front was a defeat for the Ottomans. Large parts of the north were ravaged by the Italians, and Umbria was ceded to Tuscany. Venice also was able to raid the Anatolian coasts, and Rumelia, gathering much plunder.

In the Balkans, an army 125 000 strong invaded Belgrade and captured the city. The Ottomans mustered their main forces in this region calling upon an army 175 000 strong from Rumelia, Anatolia and Slavia. The massive battle that took place in Belgrade proved decisive for the future of the Balkans for the next century. The battle was a massive stalemate. Both sides lost more than 50 000 soldiers, making war in that area a thing that nobody wanted. For the duration of the war, the area became a status quo ante bellum. Major raids took place, but no battle like that of Belgrade took place.

Granada was the only area in which the Ottomans gained a victory. Bolstered by heavy Berber levies, and gold that payed for mercenaries the Granadan army was second only to that of the Turks. Small but professional. The Iberian army attacked the string of forts that had been built for the past several decades, and were stopped in their tracks. The Battle of Huescar was one that would be remembered for years as well. The Spanish recieved a massive defeat. About 65 000 troops entered the vicinity of Huesca where about 25 000 Granadans had set up a simple ambush. Only 15 000 came out, the rest dead or taken prisoner. The Emirs of Granada began to claim that Allah backed them, and in Spain increased discontent with the government grew that little heathen Granada could defeat the prowess of Iberia. The Granadans began recieving tribute from the Spanish another nail in the coffin as this reminded them of the days of Almanzor, the Almohads and the cruel grip of the Moor. In the end of the war, it was a defeat for the Ottomans, they lost Umbria, several small provinces. The Balkans and the Crimea fell into deep decline for the next decade or so.

In Jadid, the Portuguese and Dutch were able to score several naval victories against the Muslims, but after England capitalized on the absence of the Dutch fleet to take revenge upon them, the naval supremacy declined and the Ottoman fleet in the Carib was able to bombard Sao Pedro, and captured the city of Semonolia in Tegesta, that was returned at the end of the war.
You're TL is why I made my account :)

Hmmm... as far as I know every time an Islamic Nation gets into such a huge size, a remote, Islamic part of it would revolt and gain independence
Any chance for the colonies to at least try to gain independence?