The Farangi Raj, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love India

Valdemar II

While I don't like the idea of the rather random revolution in UK, the effect of it is going to be interesting, much of the colonial adminstration is going to stay loyal to the old order, which mean that Hanover has gotten a instant empire (much of the navy and army will likely elso end up in Hanover), the large number of refugees to Hanover is also likely to dramatic change Hanover, the large infusion of British capital and know-how. So we see Hanover punch a lot above in weight the next few decades, and likely do a good attempt at mediation of much of NW Germany.
While I don't like the idea of the rather random revolution in UK, the effect of it is going to be interesting, much of the colonial adminstration is going to stay loyal to the old order, which mean that Hanover has gotten a instant empire (much of the navy and army will likely elso end up in Hanover),

That is not something I'd considered, but yes, the planter aristocracy in the Caribbean would likely stay monarchist, so Hanoverian Jamaica and Barbados and all that. The EIC in Saigon shall go along with London though. The navy is in large part made up of impressed sailors, many of whom mutinied upon hearing news of revolution, but yeah, parts of it will stay Hanoverian, and larger parts of the army, most of whom find means to escape to Germany.

large number of refugees to Hanover is also likely to dramatic change Hanover, the large infusion of British capital and know-how. So we see Hanover punch a lot above in weight the next few decades, and likely do a good attempt at mediation of much of NW Germany.


Ahaha good one, a Voiron in Australia, that's sweet! :p
You must call the province around it "Nouveau Dauphiné".

So it shall be done. :D
It's a Republic, but the final system of governance hasn't yet been worked out. It also includes all of the former BNA, from Newfoundland to Florida. I'll have more information in the next post, and with any luck, other happenings wll be highly unexpected by my audience. Although I have hinted at certain things, must stop doing that...

Mega America! Awesome!
1789-1794 All men over the age of 21 who own a certain amount of property (I am unsure as to what would be a reasonable qualification at this point) have the right to vote or run for provincial and federal offices.

Depending on how inclusive the revolutionaries want to be, the right to vote would be based on property worth at least 10-40 shillings, and the right to hold office reserved for those holding property worth at least £5-10.
Mega America! Awesome!

A democratic union of English-speaking peoples (the combination of the US and Britain)?

Also awesome.

Doubly glad you approve. Thankee.

Depending on how inclusive the revolutionaries want to be, the right to vote would be based on property worth at least 10-40 shillings, and the right to hold office reserved for those holding property worth at least £5-10.

Hm... How much would that actually be, as an example?

Valdemar II

That is not something I'd considered, but yes, the planter aristocracy in the Caribbean would likely stay monarchist, so Hanoverian Jamaica and Barbados and all that. The EIC in Saigon shall go along with London though. The navy is in large part made up of impressed sailors, many of whom mutinied upon hearing news of revolution, but yeah, parts of it will stay Hanoverian, and larger parts of the army, most of whom find means to escape to Germany.

That mean that Hanover will get a lot of capital into its economy, of course a lot will be used to upkeep a oversized army and fleet. Hanovers biggest problem is the lack of good harbours, likely they will seek the Emperors premission (and a nod from Prussia and Denmark) to take over Bremen to insure a strong position in "keeping the evil of Republicanism from spreading", which they will likely be premitted out of fear that British idea should spread to the contignent (Hamburg is unlikely because its more strategic position). Another important aspect is that the king is absolute ruler of Hanover.

Beside that we will see many of the British refugees with their expertise ending up in other countries, my guess the country which will primary serek them out will be Austria, Prussia, Denmark, Münster-Colonge and to lesser extent France. For Prussia, Münster and Austria it will mean a early spread of industrial technics to Silesia, Ruhr, Austrian Netherlands and Bohemia, for Denmark they will primary focus on gaining a working knowledge of stream engine, something it experimented with in 1790ties until they gave up and bought one from UK in the early 19th century, beside that there will be focus on improve the arms industry and importing industrial process to improve Norwegian iron and timber industry. France will likely get it own improvements, but they likely feel less need for using foreign expertise than the other countries is willing to.
The improvements of Danish industry is important for Hanover for they will likely import a large part of their new ships from Denmark at least until they get their own shipyard up and running, which may take decades.
That mean that Hanover will get a lot of capital into its economy, of course a lot will be used to upkeep a oversized army and fleet.

Both true.

Hanovers biggest problem is the lack of good harbours, likely they will seek the Emperors premission (and a nod from Prussia and Denmark) to take over Bremen to insure a strong position in "keeping the evil of Republicanism from spreading", which they will likely be premitted out of fear that British idea should spread to the contignent (Hamburg is unlikely because its more strategic position).

I was under the impression that Hanover included Bremen and had since 1719. ;) Otherwise, yeah.

Another important aspect is that the king is absolute ruler of Hanover.


Beside that we will see many of the British refugees with their expertise ending up in other countries, my guess the country which will primary serek them out will be Austria, Prussia, Denmark, Münster-Colonge and to lesser extent France. For Prussia, Münster and Austria it will mean a early spread of industrial technics to Silesia, Ruhr, Austrian Netherlands and Bohemia, for Denmark they will primary focus on gaining a working knowledge of stream engine, something it experimented with in 1790ties until they gave up and bought one from UK in the early 19th century, beside that there will be focus on improve the arms industry and importing industrial process to improve Norwegian iron and timber industry. France will likely get it own improvements, but they likely feel less need for using foreign expertise than the other countries is willing to.
The improvements of Danish industry is important for Hanover for they will likely import a large part of their new ships from Denmark at least until they get their own shipyard up and running, which may take decades.

Something I hadn't considered, but yeah, I guess they can't all follow their king into exile. I feel Sweden and the United Netherlands might be attractive to British refugees as well, or am I wrong about this?

Also, the Germanies of this era are not something I really know much about/understand.
Who would be the refugees other than die-hard royalists in this scenario? There has not been a Terror, nor have other states tried to gang up on England to restore the king.

Valdemar II

I was under the impression that Hanover included Bremen and had since 1719. ;) Otherwise, yeah.

The former Bishopric of Bremen became Hanoverian in 1719, the city of Bremen didn't, it was a independent republic.

Something I hadn't considered, but yeah, I guess they can't all follow their king into exile. I feel Sweden and the United Netherlands might be attractive to British refugees as well, or am I wrong about this?

Sweden to much lesser extent, it's in a bad periode economical, if I remember correctly. While the Netherlands is pro-revolutionary which will likely keep refugees out (through it will still receive a lot).

Also, the Germanies of this era are not something I really know much about/understand.

Just ask, that's what such a board is useful for.
Who would be the refugees other than die-hard royalists in this scenario? There has not been a Terror, nor have other states tried to gang up on England to restore the king.

Well, basically the upper aristocracy and those who are otherwise connected to the monarchy.

The former Bishopric of Bremen became Hanoverian in 1719, the city of Bremen didn't, it was a independent republic.

Dammit! :mad:

Somebody needs to fix Germany good...

Sweden to much lesser extent, it's in a bad periode economical, if I remember correctly. While the Netherlands is pro-revolutionary which will likely keep refugees out (through it will still receive a lot).

Alright then. Denmark, Prussia and Hanover.

Just ask, that's what such a board is useful for.

I'm having an urge to cause the HREGN to fall into a black hole. It's just... Painful. Ow.


So, that elusive "Napoleon in India" scenario? Jolly good, there had been earlier speculation about it but I don't recall it leading to anything.

I'd like to see Napoleon marry a Hindu princess, just for the sake of it. Or even a commoner. As Flocc said last time around, caste issues don't really matter so long as Napoleon imposes himself as unquestioned ruler, at which point his place in the caste hierarchy will be a moot point.
Well, basically the upper aristocracy and those who are otherwise connected to the monarchy.

Why wouldn't all of them go to Hanover with the king, then?

If you want to have a diaspora of the English aristocracy, perhaps they go to Hanover with the king, get into trouble there, and end up leaving for elsewhere?

Valdemar II

Well, basically the upper aristocracy and those who are otherwise connected to the monarchy.

I doubt you can keep it to so few, as a rule in a violent revolution, I would say between 5-10% of the population flees. Especially because some violence, revenge taking and redistrictbution of property is unavoidable.
So, that elusive "Napoleon in India" scenario? Jolly good, there had been earlier speculation about it but I don't recall it leading to anything.

I'd like to see Napoleon marry a Hindu princess, just for the sake of it. Or even a commoner. As Flocc said last time around, caste issues don't really matter so long as Napoleon imposes himself as unquestioned ruler, at which point his place in the caste hierarchy will be a moot point.

Well, certainly not marry, as he doesn't really plan on staying in India, and a 'heathen' wife would be a liability later on, but there will be a few Buonaparte bastards running around India...

Why wouldn't all of them go to Hanover with the king, then?

If you want to have a diaspora of the English aristocracy, perhaps they go to Hanover with the king, get into trouble there, and end up leaving for elsewhere?

I'd imagine some would rather dislike his being absolute ruler of Hanover.

I doubt you can keep it to so few, as a rule in a violent revolution, I would say between 5-10% of the population flees. Especially because some violence, revenge taking and redistrictbution of property is unavoidable.

So many? Seems a bit much to me, but yeah, I understated it before. 5% would probably be the upper extreme, I figured somewhere 50,000 and 100,000, over the course of several years, including people who may have become disillusioned with the Revolution...