Sphinx: give me your wildest theory

It is one of the seven receptors for telluric streams on earth. The ancient Egyptians magicians used it to influence the tides of the river Nile, but it is capable of so much more powerful things. the order of Hermes Trismegistos took over the knowledge and this is as everybody knows how the Templar Knights got hold of this information. After the death of Molay and the dismembering of the order the secret French section was endowed with this piece of information. Why do you think that the strategic genius Napoleon organised a military expedition to an area that for France had no strategic value, hmm? Napoleon was a member of the scottish branch of the freemasonry, which was set up by the french section in their information war with the Bacon section of the Templars. The german section saw what the french section was doing and influenced their political leaders to force a return to Europe of Napoleon. A mere 150 years later they would through the nazis try to get a hold of it themselves. We all know how that ended.:openedeyewink:


The sphinx was built from ancient Serbs to Nerf the Bulgarians( internal civil war, good kings dying moments before sieging costantinople, siding with germany in ww1-2) to avoid avoid their dominance over the balkans
The sphinx was obviously carved on the orders of Napoleon as part of his attempt to win over the Egyptians. All the references preceding that were faked in order to create the false antiquity. I mean just look at that face


The sphinx was obviously carved on the orders of Napoleon as part of his attempt to win over the Egyptians. All the references preceding that were faked in order to create the false antiquity. I mean just look at that face
dude you're totally wrong, it's Michael Jackson, they even took off the noose.
Ancient Egyptians were not actually humans, but shape-shifting sphinxes. They decided to build the Sphinx as a way for future generations to realize who they actually were.


After the Phoenicians brought back cocaine from the New World, the Pharoah and his family became addicted to it. There was a lion monument under construction, and it's head was reworked into that of a human at the Pharoah's request whilst on a crack binge.