Seleucid Triumph

Wendell said:
One wonders what will become of Britain in this scenario.
If I recall, Belgic tribes like the Trinovantes were invading the island prior to the Roman invasion... Here I think they might end up in control of more of the island.
((OOC: Sorry about the lack of a serious update... Hope this will suffice (Extra I was the revised Roman history)))

Seleucid Triumph Special II: Trinovantium

Just due north of the civilized client state of Gallia sits an entirely different land. Similar to Gaul before the Roman conquest, the island called Britannia by Roman cartographers established its own Kingdoms, the most noteworthy being Trinovantium. Julius Caesar made one expedition to the island during his subjugation of Gallia, and during this time the King was Imanuentius. Imanuentius formed an alliance of convenience with the Roman invaders, however he was killed by the warlord Cassivellaunus. Julius Caesar returned to Gaul, and failed to honor his alliance with Imanuentius. However, the Trinovantes rose up under King Mandubracius, and cut down many of the Catuvellauni tribe of which Cassivellanunus belonged. The Trinovantes went on to dominate the island, expelling Belgic invaders, and subjugating the Iceni, Cantiaci, Regnenses, Atrebates, Belgae and Durotriges tribes before Mandubracius' death. Under his successor, the King Addedomarus, a more civilized sort of government arose based off the Gallian Kingdom. The powerful Dobunni were cut down in battle and incorporated into the Kingdom, while a rivalry began with the also-powerful state of Dumnonia. He was succeeded by Dubnovellaunus, however, he and his successor Kings are lost to the records- no great conquests are recorded until the fall of the northern Cortiani under King Mandubracius II in 34 AD. This led to the formation of the Dumnonian Confederacy between the Dumnonii, Demetae, Ordovices, and the Silures to combat Trinovantium. In 41 AD a long and inconclusive war between the Confederates and Trinovantium began, lasting intermittently until 50 AD when a treaty of peace was made.
It was here the Trinovantes began to face problems from within. The Cantiaci rebelled several times with Gallic (though not Roman) aid, only to be put down. In 59 AD, the Trinovantes attempted to wipe out the nearby related tribe of the Iceni, by killing the royal family. However, the Queen Boudica survived, and rebelled herself with the Cortiani as allies. The Dumnonian Confederacy saw an opportunity and attacked. Soon, the Trinovantes were forced to concede the Iceni and Cortiani independence under Queen Boudica and her line. In responce, many of the semi-independent tribes were forcibly absorbed into the Trinovantine state, their royal lines wiped out.
In 64 AD, Trinovantium was attacked by a Belgic tribe in the land of Cantiacia. The Belgians lay waste to the land, sacking the towns and carting off the inhabitants, while pirates occupied by the Island of Vectis. It would take years to expel the Belgians, and Vectis would remain a pirate stronghold for almost forty years, until 101 AD.
The tribes of the mountainous region of Cambria would slowly succumb to the expansion of the Dumnonian "Confederacy", a Greater Dumnonia in all but name and only marginally less centralized than Trinovantium. Meanwhile, the Brigantes were united under one tribal leader in 123 AD, and the Cornovii appealed to the Trinovantes for protection. Though the area was never truly conquered by Rome or heavily Romanized Gallia, Roman culture began drifting into the island nonetheless. Romanesque cities were constructed in the "Civilized Kingdoms of the South", as Trinovantium, Brigantium, Icenia, and Dumnonia were known, while Latin often became a language of the aristocracy next to their native Brythonic tongues, which were written in a Latin alphabet.

And what will become of Ireland as time goes by, divergent from OTL? I suppose I will have to wait and see:) Nice work thus far.
Seleucid Triumph Part IV: The Collapse

Antiochus XI Philoromaeus was Emperor in Seleucia from 197 to 210 AD. His reign was charcterized by a complete hatred of everything that came out of the Nicephoran Age. His first act undid the reform of the provincial governorships. In the past, Hellenized local leaders loyal to the Great King had been granted high posititons in government, which both encouraged Hellenization and kept revolts down. This all changed, as Antiochus replaced governors with loyalists. In 200, he dethroned the Head Governor for all India, the Punjabi noble Rajuvulos, to replace him with loyalist Telephos. Telephos was a harsh ruler, who cared little for his people, and overtaxed them to gain funds for themselves. In 202, Rajuvulos led a revolt against Antiochus that soon spread across India, with support from the Salankayana Kingdom. In 205, Antiochus was forced to retreat across the Hindu Kush, creating the Neo-Bactrian or Rajuvulid Kingdom. Meanwhile, the remaining possessions across the Persian Gulf in Arabia were eaten up, the Seleucids only remaining in the island of Bahrain. Far worse losses were to come, however. The Romans attacked Anatolia and Syria, and in battle, captured Antiochus XI and smashed his great army, heading into Mesopotamia. The Romans were able to force huge concessions from Antiochus, losing Syria, Asia Minor, Armenia, and the entire Mediterranean Coast. From this he gained the insulting epithet of "Rome-lover", while Lucius V, Roman Emperor, finally dis what no Roman ruler had done before: make the Mediterranean Ocean a Roman Lake. He went on to conquer the client states of Gallia and Tingitania into the Empire, and the Seleucid Empire descended into Anarchy.

Amyntas III Persicus ruled in Seleucia from 210 AD to 212 AD, and from Persepolis to 220 AD, when he returned to the West and ruled until his death in 227. The descendent of the line of Nicephoros II through Amyntas II, his reign is sometimes called the "Nicephoran Restoration". During his reign, he attempted to hold the Empire together, but failed miserably. In 212 the nobility declared Andronicus of Assyria the true ruler, and Amyntas III was forced to retreat to Persepolis, where he organized an army. At this time Antiochus Philoromaeus attempted to regain his throne, attacking both Andronicus' army and Amyntas. The two competeing Emperors joined forces to expel him, and he fled to the northern semi-barbarian province of Chorasmia, where he established himself as King in Urgench. Amyntas and Andronicus then focused on each other, eventually drawing a line from the Caspian to the Persian Gulf. At this time, Seleucia decided to declare for Amyntas over Andronicus. In revenge, Andronicus had his army sack the city, carting off it's valuables, and moving them to a new capital built in old Assyria, called Andronicia. Amyntas struck again, and much of Andronicus's support destroyed with Seleucia, his army fell apart and the provinces of Mesopotamia and Assyria surrendered to Amyntas. Amyntas rebuilt Seleucia, but also rebuilt Babylon as a new, grander city, and made his capital there.

Seleucus VI Ducas ruled in Babylon from 225 to 241 AD, ruling an Empire that was a shadow of the greatness it held less than fifty years before. However, in a stroke of luck, in 229 the period of Roman History called the Time of Five Lucii (Many of the Roman Emperors of the Second Imperial Period took the cognomen Lucius after the founder of the Second Empire) began, and Rome began to tear itself apart. Even the weak army of Seleucus VI managed to take Syria and most of Armenia, though Judea made a deal with Rome to become a vassal state and fought fiercely against the Seleucid. He established relations with the Rajuvulid state, and attempted to capture Chorasmia, a kingdom ruled by the descendants of Antiochus XI that still claimed the entire Kingdom. The Chorasmians fought Ducas's armies off, and retained their status as independent.

Phillipicus Autokrator ruled from Babylon to 261 AD. He ruled the Empire with an iron fist, and crushed rebellions mercilessly. Outside of the Empire, he did not attack the Romans, who were regaining strength after their civil war at a rapid rate, but instead invaded Arabia, capturing several major trading centers, including Yathrib. He made a much greater effort to subdue the interior tribes, leaving his rule of Arabia far more stable than the past rulers. He is often criticized, however, for his harsh rule, and his failure to expand into territories that were truly worthwhile. His campaigns against Arabia are often seen as simply ploys to portray himself as a great military conquerer.

Seleucus VII did not have an epithet, for he only ruled three years, from 261 to 264 AD. He did war against Rome, but his battles only resulted in the fall of the island of Cyprus to him and no gains in Asia Minor or Judea. He died of a plague that struck Babylon in 264, and forced a removal of the capital back to Seleucia, which was not hit as hard.

Arsinoe Soteira was the mother of Amyntas IV, but ruled in her own right from 264 to 270. After her husband died of the plague, she returned the court to Seleucia to great applause. She attempted to rule as an Empress in her own right, exiling the youth Amyntas to Chorasmia as a prisoner, and going on campaign against the formerly allied Rajuvulid/Indo-Greek Kingdom. She allied with the Salankayanas, who grabbed much of the Deccan, but was betrayed by them and forced to retreat back to the former borders. In late 269, Amyntas was released by the Chorasmian Seleucids and after a short resistance, captured Seleucia and had Arsinoe forced into exile in the desert of Arabia, where she died soon after.

Amyntas IV Hellene ruled the Seleucid Empire from 270 to 301 at it's greatest extent in the west, finally realizing a great Seleucid goal, though only due to circumstances in the west. In 271 the Gothic tribes migrated into Roman territory. At first they seemed content in foederate lands in Gaul, but soon moved on southwards demanding tribute. When they did not get it, they moved into Greece and sacked it, ransacking the Roman Garrison before retreating back to Gaul, leaving Greece in ruins. Amyntas did not wait for a better oppurtunity, marching a revived army into Greece to fill the gaps left by Rome. As Rome faced more barbarian attacks, they could not fill the gap left in Greece, and were forced to concede. Amyntas found Greece in ruins, however, and heavily latinized by the Romans. Thousands of Hellenized Persians and Mesopotamians were brought into Greece to resettle latin cities, and the province was forcibly re-Hellenized. After sinking thousands of pounds of gold into rebuilding Greece, Amyntas died in Athens, not realizing that before his heir's death, all of his gains would be lost- as would Persia.

((I bet you weren't expecting that after seeing Amyntas III's reign...))


I kinda panicked when I saw the map before reading the timeline.

BTW, how fares Christianity? You mentioned Jesus once, as far as I can tell, so its probably around, right?
DominusNovus said:
BTW, how fares Christianity? You mentioned Jesus once, as far as I can tell, so its probably around, right?
Yes. Essentially Jesus was crucified as per OTL, though Christianity hasn't been treated well in Judea during Seleucid control, or in Roman Greece, so it's not as widespread. It's power base is in Egypt here... Alexandria is the current major center.
Imajin said:
Yes. Essentially Jesus was crucified as per OTL, though Christianity hasn't been treated well in Judea during Seleucid control, or in Roman Greece, so it's not as widespread. It's power base is in Egypt here... Alexandria is the current major center.
Makes sense.
Seleucid Emperors 305 BC-301 AD
Seleucus I Nicator 305–281 BC (Satrap 311–305 BC)
Antiochus I Soter 281–261 BC
Antiochus II Theos 286-246 BC
Seleucus II Pogon 246-226 BC
Antiochus III Hierax 226-223 BC
Antiochus IV the Great 223-180 BC
Seleucus IV Philopator 180-175 BC
Demetrius I Balas 175-147 BC
Demetrius II Nicator 147-120 BC
Cleopatra I Tryphaena 120-109 BC
Seleucus V Philadelphus 109-84 BC
Antiochus V the Great 84-59 BC
Antiochus VI Grypus 59-20 BC
Demetrius III Philopator 20-19 BC
Antiochus VII Soter 19 BC-1 AD
Demetrius IV Nicator 1-23 AD
Seleucus V Bactrianos 23-31 AD
Antiochus VIII Philopator 31-69 AD
Antiochus IX Grypus 69-75 AD
Demetrius V Balas 75-87 AD
Nicephoros I Archon 87-100 AD
Nicephorus II the Great 100-141 AD
Amyntas I Philometor 141-150 AD
(Archelaus 150 AD)
Demetrius VI Keraunos 151-161 AD
Amyntas II Balas 161-188 AD
Antiochus X Philadelphus 188-190 AD
Cleopatra II Thea 190-197 AD
Antiochus XI Philoromaeus 197-210 AD
Amyntas III Persicus 210-227 AD
(Andronicus 212-220 AD)
Seleucus VI Ducas 225-241 AD
Phillipicus Autokrator 225-261 AD
Seleucus VII 261-264 AD
Arsinoe Soteira 264-270 AD
Amyntas IV Hellene 270-301 AD
Great TL ...I like the format of the kings. It's easy reading. I did like the bit on Britian. Keep up the good work!
Seleucid Triumph Part V: Downfall

Amyntas V Kybiosaktes ruled the Seleucid Empire from 301 to 340 AD. At the start of his reign, Rome seemed weaker than ever. The Goths ruled over Gaul, Suebi lords held reign in Hispania, and the Vandals had raped and pillaged their way across Mauretania and Old Africa. However, Amyntas did not realize the Romans plans. The Roman Emperor Romulus I had abandoned the western provinces, keeping his eyes set on one goal: Greece. Amyntas V, meanwhile, lay blissfully unaware of this in Babylon, believing Rome to be doomed. Soon, however, at the head of an army he had to preside over the destruction of his father's work in Greece, his armies being pushed back to Byzantion. As Amyntas prepared for another attack, the walls of the stronghold would be breached, and Amyntas was almost killed by the Roman General who captured the city. However, said General had his eyes on the purple, and instead of killing the hapless Seleucid he made a deal. Amyntas retreated back to Antioch, while the General came to Rome in triumph. Amytas V faced no less that five assassination attempts in Babylon, and the threats to his rule grew after Armenia broke away, it's king Tigranes not even theoretically subject to Babylon. After he was narrowly killed by his son Seleucus in 321 AD, he tightened the noose across the Empire, which erupted in rebellion. The Roman Emperor, Lucius VIII, the same general who has spared Amyntas' life, invaded Asia Minor and Syria, while the Indo-Greeks gave aid to a revolt in Persia. In 331 AD the Romans captured Syria, and forced him to make peace, while the revolt in Persia spread across all the provinces. Amyntas' greatest general, Alexander, who was sent to put down the rebellion, instead joined it in 336, and was proclaimed the King of Persia by his troops. He was forced to concede independence to the new dynasty in 338. In 340, the small Decapolis region proclaimed itself a Republic allied with Rome. It was in battle against this much smaller group of rebels that Amyntas was cut down.

Demetrius VII Cyclops ruled Mesopotamia from 340 AD to 351 AD. He was the youngest brother of Amyntas Kybiosaktes, and had lost an eye in battle with the Romans. During his reign, the Franks, defeated by the Gallic Visigoths, crossed the Alps into Italy. Seeing weakness, Demetrius funded a Christian revolt across Egypt, hoping to gain a valuable ally, while invading Syria for himself. He recaptured Antioch, while the Romans were expelled from Alexandria and Jerusalem. However, the completely independent Egyptian and Judean kingdoms were not interested in the yoke of the Seleucids, and refused to even send troops when Demetrius attempted to recapture Persia.

Seleucus VIII Grypus returned the capital to Seleucia in 351 AD, and ruled there until 371 AD. His connections to the Seleucid dynasty, which he through Cleopatra Thea, were most like falsified to gain legitimacy in the realm. He attempted an invasion of the Decapolis, which resulted in a sacking of Damascus but eventual expulsion. His reign did coincide, however, with the end of the Second Roman Empire, and the beginning of the Second Kingdom. The ne Kingdom was radically different than past rulers, as its dynasty was not Roman in the least- it was the Franks, who seized Rome in 359 AD and had themselves granted the laurels. A barbarian ruled the eternal city, and with it the Roman possessions in Greece and Asia Minor. Seleucus took advantage of the chaos in Rome to lead an army against them in 361 AD, but after initial gains the King Chlovius I was able to prevent the Seleucids from expanding. He clashed with both the Greco-Persians and the Armenians, and failed to conquer either, and was only spared from conquest himself when the Greco-Persian Kingdom was invaded by the Indo-Greeks in 370 AD. He died soon after.

Cleopatra III Thea was a princess of the Indo-Persian Kingdom who married the legitimate heir to the Seleucids, Demetrius, in 369. However, in 370 Demetrius was held as a hostage by the Greco-Persians, and Cleopatra demanded the throne at Seleucus' death. She ruled only for a short time, until 374 AD. She put down a revolt in Antioch in 373 AD, but did not live long after her victory. Demetrius was released near the end of that year, and disgusied as a palace servent, poisoned Cleopatra, revealed himself, and took the throne.

Demetrius IX Philometor ruled from 374 AD to 386 AD. His epithet, "mother-loving", was used as an insult by his opponents due to his murder of Cleopatra III. He attempted to reform the Seleucid military, long in decay and weakness. His new armies did bring great success against Rome, and he captured Cilicia and the interior of Asia Minor. But the Greco-Persians also had a strong military, and were undaunted by Demetrius' armies. Demetrius spent much of his twelve-year reign on campaign against Persia and Rome, spending little time in Seleucia. This would prove to his detriment, when his own son seized the capital in 385, and gained enough support from Mesopotamia that Demetrius was forced to concede the throne in 386.

Nicephoros III Seleucus was born Seleucus, son of Demetrius IX. He took the name Nicephoros, however, as an attempt to hearken back to Nicephoros the Great, who brought victory to a dying Empire. His reign, from 386 to 399, however, did not see victory or decay, only a status quo. This was not on purpose: Nicephoros believed himself to be a great commander, but records of the battles fought against Rome in 390 show him to have been lucky to hold onto the borders created by his father. The Greco-Persian Kingdom invaded Mesopotamia in 397, and Nicephoros retreated to Antioch as the Greco-Persians placed Seleucus IX on the throne as a puppet. In 399, the armies marching across the Seleucid kingdom took Antioch and ended Nicephoros' reign. The once-great Seleucid Empire was reduced to a puppet, of Persia no less.

Last edited:

I absolutely love this timeline. As you know, I haven't been online much, and just now got to read this AWSOME alternate history. I honestly have no critiques, worth mentioning (by that, I was just thinking about how short all the empress-regnants reigns are, but they ARE time-appropriate.) I think a Hellenistic Middle-East would completely alter the course of about everything.

I have a few questions about the timeline, and your planned future:

1. On religion, you mention there is some Christianity. However, will the Seleucid Empire (what is the empire's official name anyway?) accept Christianity later down the road? Or will they do something like lower down to pantheon to like a Trinity (Zeus-Hera-Athena)?

2. I notice that Hellenestic Egypt was taken over by Rome, why didn't the Hellenestic Persians attempt to save it, or incorporate it, by making Cleopatra VII a client-queen? Anyhow...was it Cleopatra VII of Egypt's descendants that now rule Persia?

3. As I asked earlier, what is the Empire's official name?

It's an awsome timeline, that you've put a lot of effort into. It's inspiring too! I think I might use your format for my "Kingdom of Lorraine" timeline. The way I'm doing it, I spend WAY too much time per sovereign.

Good Luck!
Can't Wait To Read More!

1. On religion, you mention there is some Christianity. However, will the Seleucid Empire (what is the empire's official name anyway?) accept Christianity later down the road? Or will they do something like lower down to pantheon to like a Trinity (Zeus-Hera-Athena)?
I'm not sure yet, really... Right now the main religion incorporates many Babylonian and Greek Gods, but also has some Hinduist elements as well...

2. I notice that Hellenestic Egypt was taken over by Rome, why didn't the Hellenestic Persians attempt to save it, or incorporate it, by making Cleopatra VII a client-queen? Anyhow...was it Cleopatra VII of Egypt's descendants that now rule Persia?
I'm assuming Rome annexed Egypt after the civil war that established the First Empire there. A branch of the Ptolemies did reign in Mauretania (later Tingitania) until it was annexed around 200 AD, and it's possible the new rulers of Egypt could claim Ptolemic descent... But in Persia, no...

3. As I asked earlier, what is the Empire's official name?
It does not really have an "official" name... The title used by the Emperors is simply "Great King" (Megas Basileus)... By the way, would anyone know what the Romans used to refer to the small Seleucid Kingdom OTL?
What a great timeline. Keep up the good work.

So, even with the Seluecids dying, the region is still under Hellenistic (or at least hybrid hellenistic) rule. Cool.

Europe looks to be shaping up into an interesting situation. Will the Franks settle into Italy or will they be ousted? If they settle, I could definately see them integrating into the local culture rather well, since they were pretty good at that in OTL, and that was in Gaul, where there was a lower native population that as totally Romanized as, well, Rome.. With the higher population of romanized people of Italy, we might see very little linguistic/culture effects left over from the Franks as they assimilate. I remember reading once that very few French words owe anything to Frankish.

An idea that just occured to me. It'd be cool to see the Egyptians expand a bit. Egypt is a good area to have, and everyone around them is pretty weak and divided. Plus, maybe the Christians there feel the urge to spread the word. Is the population Greek speaking, or do they speak something like Coptic?

Also, did the Goths split up?
DominusNovus said:
What a great timeline. Keep up the good work.

So, even with the Seluecids dying, the region is still under Hellenistic (or at least hybrid hellenistic) rule. Cool.

Europe looks to be shaping up into an interesting situation. Will the Franks settle into Italy or will they be ousted? If they settle, I could definately see them integrating into the local culture rather well, since they were pretty good at that in OTL, and that was in Gaul, where there was a lower native population that as totally Romanized as, well, Rome.. With the higher population of romanized people of Italy, we might see very little linguistic/culture effects left over from the Franks as they assimilate. I remember reading once that very few French words owe anything to Frankish.
That's what I was thinking having the Romans under Frankish rule, but still being seen as a continuation of Roman rule.
An idea that just occured to me. It'd be cool to see the Egyptians expand a bit. Egypt is a good area to have, and everyone around them is pretty weak and divided. Plus, maybe the Christians there feel the urge to spread the word. Is the population Greek speaking, or do they speak something like Coptic?
Coptic was essentially a Greek-influenced Egyptian tounge, so it'd probably be the language of choice in such a region.
Seleucid Triumph VI: Vassalage and Insanity

Seleucus IX Philopersis was placed on the Seleucian throne in 397, and ruled until 407. In 400 AD, the Persians demanded the provinces of Cappadocia, Cilicia, Seleucid Armenia, and Assyria, reducing the Empire to Babylonia and Syria. Meanwhile, Egypt became a rising power, annexing Judea after a long seige (Jewish writings blame the loss on a plague, Egyptian records cite only the strength of their army) and later taking the Decapolis cities. Seleucus IX was dethroned in 407 and replaced with his brother, who took the name Seleucus.

Seleucus X Basileus was a loyal vassal of Persia from 408 to 423 AD. His reign was an even greater failure than that of his father, as losses to Egypt in 410 forced the Seleucid armies in Syria to retreat across the Syrian Desert, a march that killed many of them. The Persians increased their demands on the Seleucids more and more, and the Megas Basileus became little more than a man with a fancy title. As a result, the titles claimed by the rulers grew grander and grander. In 420 AD, Seleucus X began titling himself the "Kosmokrator", the "Lord of all the Universe". In 423 a revolt broke out in Assyria, and proclaimed Seleucus X the true King. Not wanting a threat to their reign, Seleucus X was killed and his son Amyntas took the throne.

Amyntas VI Chronokrator ruled in name only from 423 to 441 AD. During his reign, the Persians ruled Babylonia as a province, even appointing several governors. Amyntas was fine with this. He was uninterested in ruling, and only cared about himself. Because of this, he was allowed to keep the throne. His epithet refers to the title by which he referred himself, the "Ruler of All Time". The Egyptians overthrew their King in this year, and proclaimed a religious state headed by the Patriarch of Alexandria, supreme head of the Christian Religion (which also had minor patriarchates in Damascus, Jerusalem, and Babylon- Christianity had caught on greatly in that city). The Rajuvalid Indo-Greek Kingdom abandoned its small Deccan holdings, but conquered up to the Ganges. Amyntas died in 441 AD of natural causes, and was replaced with Seleucus XI- the last Emperor.

Seleucus XI Nicator ruled from 441 AD to 445 AD. His reign was marked by a revolt he started against the Persians, that soon spread all the way to Asia Minor. In 443, Seleucus ruled an Empire stretching from Cappadocia to Armenia. It was not going to last long, however. Seleucus was forced to evacuate Seleucia in 444 AD, and in 445 Antioch fell. Seleucus, who had converted to Christianity, was sentenced to exile in the Egyptian State, where he would play a massive role in that state's future. However, for the time being, the Seleucid Empire was dead.

Seleucid Emperors
Seleucus I Nicator 305–281 BC (Satrap 311–305 BC)
Antiochus I Soter 281–261 BC
Antiochus II Theos 286-246 BC
Seleucus II Pogon 246-226 BC
Antiochus III Hierax 226-223 BC
Antiochus IV the Great 223-180 BC
Seleucus IV Philopator 180-175 BC
Demetrius I Balas 175-147 BC
Demetrius II Nicator 147-120 BC
Cleopatra I Tryphaena 120-109 BC
Seleucus V Philadelphus 109-84 BC
Antiochus V the Great 84-59 BC
Antiochus VI Grypus 59-20 BC
Demetrius III Philopator 20-19 BC
Antiochus VII Soter 19 BC-1 AD
Demetrius IV Nicator 1-23 AD
Seleucus V Bactrianos 23-31 AD
Antiochus VIII Philopator 31-69 AD
Antiochus IX Grypus 69-75 AD
Demetrius V Balas 75-87 AD
Nicephoros I Archon 87-100 AD
Nicephorus II the Great 100-141 AD
Amyntas I Philometor 141-150 AD
(Archelaus 150 AD)
Demetrius VI Keraunos 151-161 AD
Amyntas II Balas 161-188 AD
Antiochus X Philadelphus 188-190 AD
Cleopatra II Thea 190-197 AD
Antiochus XI Philoromaeus 197-210 AD
Amyntas III Persicus 210-227 AD
(Andronicus 212-220 AD)
Seleucus VI Ducas 225-241 AD
Phillipicus Autokrator 225-261 AD
Seleucus VII 261-264 AD
Arsinoe Soteira 264-270 AD
Amyntas IV Hellene 270-301 AD
Amyntas V Kybiosaktes 301-340 AD
Demetrius VII Cyclops 340-351 AD
Seleucus VIII Grypus 351-371 AD
Cleopatra III Thea 372-374 AD
Demetrius IX Philometor 374-386 AD
Nicephoros III Seleucus 386-399 AD
Seleucus IX Philopersis 397-407 AD
Seleucus X Basileus 408-423 AD
Amyntas VI Chronokrator 423-441 AD
Seleucus XI Nicator 441-445 AD
Wow. Really cool. Can't believe I missed that you updated this 12 hours ago. Like the titles of the last emperors. Like the developments overall.

How's Christianity doing in the west?
For that matter, how's the west?
Seleucid Triumph Extra: Christianity

Around 25 AD, the preacher Jesus Christ was crucified in Nazareth. This much we can be sure of. In 450 AD, his divinity was accepted by two groups that shared somewhat of a common heritage, but were radically different.

The Alexandrian Church
And He said to Benjamin, son of Kish: "Be Benjamin no longer. Your name is Peter, for you and your descendents shall be the firm Rock upon which my Church shall stand." - The Gospel (1; 24:6)

The Alexandrian Church is the oldest and most widespread of the Christian Churches, claiming descent from the Apostle Peter and his moving of the Church into Egypt during Jewish persecution of what was seen as a heresy. The center of the Church is the Patriarchate of Alexandria, based in that city, and Egypt is the most powerful Christian nation. In fact, since 439 AD the Patriarchate has controlled the Egyptian Government, with the highest leaders being selected and approved by the Patriarch and the High Priests.
The Alexandrian Church has one holy book, called simply the Gospel. The Gospel is written in a simple form of Greek which sometimes throws in Aramaic words, fitting the idea that it was written by Peter, who was born a simple fisherman in the Great Sea. The Gospel is divided into two parts, the first describing the life of Christ. His name is never given in the book out of reverence, He is almost only referred to with the pronoun He. However, the book's Christ is a humble figure. The second part takes place much later, and is referred to as the Appendix. It details the growth of the Alexandrian Christian Community.
The Church is divided into five Patriarchates: Alexandria, whose domain includes Egypt and North Africa (excluding Africa Proper), Damascus, whose domain is in the Decapolis and the tiny christian communities in the Himyarite Kingdom and Arabia, Jerusalem, which has dominion of Judea, Syria, Asia Minor, and Greece, Syracuse, which has dominion over Africa Proper, Italy, and points West, and Babylon, which includes everything east of the other Patriarchates. The Patriarch of Alexandria is referred to as the Supreme Patriarch.
The position of Supreme Patriarch is an odd one. In 90 AD, Peter was growing incredibly old. Christ had said that his descendants would inherit his leadership, but as is written in the Gospel: Peter had no sons, and as an only child, had no brother or nephew to act as heir. (2; 31:1). He did, however, have a daughter, who was called Sophia due to her great wisdom. According to the Appendix, when the dilemma was brought before Peter, he said: He said that my children would be the next Patriarch. If you believe He was truly the one God among us, then why do you hesitate? (2; 33:10) At Peter's death soon after, her daughter was proclaimed with the title of Patriarch (despite the title meaning "Father") as the head of the Church. Since then, the Patriarchate of Alexandria has followed female-line succession, while the other Patriarchates have male-line succession with their founding Apostles.
Theologically, the Alexandrian Church believes in One God, inseparable. Jesus is explained as a human aspect of God, not born but brought by Angels as an infant down to the home of Mary, the one chosen to act as mother. The Church rejects the Jewish texts as corrupted, believing that while the originals held truth, corrupt Jewish leaders subverted and twisted them to become useless except as glimpses into what the original truth could have been. A popular doctrine, though not an officially sanctioned one, is that of Egyptian Redemption. The doctrine states that Egypt fell into the hands of powers like Babylon, Assyria, Persia, and the Greeks because of their sin of keeping the Hebrews in Slavery. When the Jews rejected Peter and the Christians, the Egyptians welcomed them, thus "redeeming" the Egyptians and the passing of the title of Chosen People onto them. This is often criticized, however, especially due to the fact that Egypt was still a powerful nation for hundreds of years after the Hebrews were freed from Slavery.

The Frankish Church
And lo, did Jupiter look down on the world and see sin upon sin being committed. At this he was distraught, and threatened to destroy the world. But Lucina [Juno] stayed his mighty hand, saying "Shall you destroy them without giving them a test?" - The Founding Legend

The polytheistic Frankish Church, usually not seen as Christian by other denominations, is a combination of Christianity with the Roman pantheon that is practiced throughout most of mainland Italy, Hispania and Gallia, arising during the Frankish Kingdom of Rome, directly competeing with the Alexandrian Patriarchate of Syracuse which is strong on Sicily. According to the various Legends that make up the holy writ of the faith, Christ was in fact Jupiter in disguise, to see if the world was worthy of existance. When the crowds of Jews threatened to kill Christ/Jupiter, he left them, and came to Rome, where the test was again given. The Frankish faith is highly evangelical, believing that all the world needs to truly believe or Jupiter may have a change of heart and destroy the world after all. For this reason, many clerics of the faith have gone into Gallia, the Civilized Kingdoms of Britannia (and even far north to barbaric Caledonia), and even the wilds of Germany to convert people to this faith.
The Frankish Church has a centralized leadership based in the Senate of Clerics. The Senate is controlled completely by the King of Rome, who is considered the head of the Church. The Senate of Clerics is only responsible for doctrine and canon, however, and individual clerics (especially those outside of Rome) have much autonomy in making decisions. The Visigoths have accepted the religion and have enforced it on their people, though they claim an alternate Senate is the True one in Narbo Martius as they refuse to be ruled by Rome. The Christian groups in Britain (mostly in Icenia) do pay alliegence to the Roman Clerical Senate and accept the King in Rome as their spiritual (not Temporal) head.

A rough map of Christianity in Europe in 450. Grey lines are Patriarchal borders, only applicable for the Alexandrian Church.
