RFK lives

The P.O.D. is there are death threats and in the tense time following MLK's death LBJ orders secret service protection for all the candidates. I read in a AH anthology that had RFK avoiding death. Humphrey sees him as a threat and changes his Vietnam policy before the convention and then picking RFK as his running mate. With a unified party he wins. I think this is plausible. I would like to read everyone else's opinion I think the question of whether Kennedy would accept the vice presidential nomination will be the biggest point of controversy. Even if he doesn't run, I think the Eugene McCarty doesn't sulk and the anti war Democrats get behind Humphrey. The Humphrey administration is remembered for the Vietnamization program that allowed for US withdrawal. There is also progress on Civil Rights, with strong support for school busing. The GReat Society continues with new programs such as OSHA and the EPA. Detente with the Soviets produces the SALT Treaty. Humphrey also wins credit for the alternative energy program passed in 1974. There is also the opening to China. Republicans strongly criticized Humphrey for this and blamed him for the fall of South Vietnam. He also remembered as the only president to resign. He left office for health reasons in 1976.
I think RFK, who seemed open to the idea of being LBJ's running mate in 1964, would accept the Veep slot on a Humphrey-led ticket in 1968--but if and only if Humphrey broke with LBJ on Vietnam War policy at or before the Democratic Convention. RFK would not and could not accept the Veep slot otherwise.

A U.S. President resigning due to health reasons late in his second term (basically doing a "Pope Benedict")? It is within the realm of possibility but I don't think Humphrey's cancer had progressed to such an extent in 1976 that he would step down due to an incapacity or inability to do the job.

A resignation would give RFK the presidency in 1976 to seek election as an incumbent. After nearly 16 years of Democrats in power since early 1961, however, RFK mght face an uphill battle for election as president in his own right.