Restored Byzantium

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Is Iran going to be the Afghanistan in this TL? Because it's been through a lot of cap and plus there are a lot of religious extremists camped there.

I think there may not be a direct Afghanistan analogue in TTL, instead you may see the fallout from the collapse of the USSR being the main concern for years to come, possibly up to the present day, with NATO being dragged into various wars in the former Kiev Pact and perhaps even joining the Civil War in Russia.
Is Iran going to be the Afghanistan in this TL? Because it's been through a lot of cap and plus there are a lot of religious extremists camped there.

Probably not.

Dieu Le Roi said:
I think there may not be a direct Afghanistan analogue in TTL, instead you may see the fallout from the collapse of the USSR being the main concern for years to come, possibly up to the present day, with NATO being dragged into various wars in the former Kiev Pact and perhaps even joining the Civil War in Russia..
This is more likely.

thebulbaderp said:
Could you elaborate a bit further on the situation and differences between the two Yugoslavias?..

Next update will cover them more

thekingsguard said:
And The Byzantines control the Queen of Cities once more! Will we see Constantinople become the capital once more??..


Also, heads up that the next update could be a few days.
Sorry for the Delay


During this time in China, popular resentment for the Communist government grew, despite the autonomous zones.

In 1986 The Republicans in the Soviet Civil War made a decisive defeat of the Soviets in the Battle of Perm. Later that month they also won a major battle against the communists near Minsk.

By 1985 the majority of Constantinople had been deemed secure, with the last military death in the city on June 2 1986. While Byzantium had liberated their sacred capital, the liberation had leveled a large portion of it. The royal palace had been destroyed by the Soviets in the 1950s; the Hagia Sofia had been damaged, with a shell knocking in part of the roof; and many other historic buildings had been damaged. A most of the residents of the city had also died or become homeless during the fighting. However, Emperor Constantine XIII declared that the city would be rebuilt. On May 29, 1987 Demopolis was officially inaugurated as the capital of the Byzantine Empire, and renamed Constantinople. It was a day of celebrating in Byzantium, in contrast to other places in the world. May 29th was also declared a national holiday in Byzantium.

By 1986 the Yugoslavian war had been in stalemate for a while. The Serb Dominated Kingdom of Serbia had been unable to properly invade the Croat dominated Republic of Yugoslavia, who in turn had been unable to properly invade the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In 1987 the two nations agreed to peace. In the Treaty of Budapest, both parties agreed to mutual recognition and respect to borders. The Kingdom of Yugoslavia would become the Kingdom of Serbia, and the Republic of Serbia became the Republic of Croatia, which also went from a communist dictatorship to an actual republic.

In 1988 the Soviet Civil War ended with Republican Victory. The Russian SFSR and Belarusian SSR became the Russian Republic, and the Ukrainian SSR became the Ukrainian Federation. The Russian Republic would be a presidential Republic, with autonomous areas for ethnic minorities. The Ukrainian Federation would be composed of two “states”; Ukraine in the North and the Black Sea region in the south, which would be autonomous for the ethnic Russians who lived there. Germany also reunified at this time. The Former Soviet Empire and her puppets had come to peace. At Least that was believed at the time.

In 1989 Crown Prince Alexandros of Byzantium wed Princess Helene Olga Lydia Tamara Maria of the exiled Italian Royal Family. A few months later his sister wed Paul Georg Maria Joseph Dominikus of the house of Habsburg in Exile.

In 1989 Iran threatened Azerbaijan and Kurdistan with war if they did not return land that had been part of Iran before the Soviet Invasion, however peace prevailed. In the future this would not always be the case.

In 1990 Germany, France, and the low countries announced plans to form a “European Union” that would increase the closeness of it member states, include a common currency, and other measures.

restored byzantium world 1990.png
Nice. But some questions:
  1. Why aren't the Russians in Kazakhstan breaking away? Besides, there's a cliche about the Kazakh border being constant in the TL and I was hoping I would help you avoid it.
  2. Why is Tajikistan part of this pan-Turkic Republic? Isn't it Iranian?
  3. Why didn't all of Kurdistan become independent and instead a small rump one was created instead?
  4. What about the other Caucasian ASSR? Didn't they want to be independent as well besides those that are?
  5. Why is the Russian peninsula part north of Karelia still Russian?
  6. Are the Sikhs (aka Punjab) trying to vie for independence?
  7. What happened to the Russians in Ukraine in the eastern portion? Have they fled or tried to break-away?
  8. Are all Russians in the former SSRs being persecuted and/or fleeing?
  9. Why is South Sudan content with an Arab government ruling over them?
  10. Why is there empty land between Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, and Oman?
  11. What is the line splitting Ukraine into twain?
  12. Can you cover Africa eventually? I want to learn more about the chaos in the Congo and Nigeria and other places.
  13. What are the chances of a more centralized European Union in this TL? A united Europe?
  14. How is the U.S. and NATO responding to the Soviet situation?
  15. How is Communism outside of the U.S.S.R. fairing?
  16. Why does Belarus want to be part of Russia still?

During this time in China, popular resentment for the Communist government grew, despite the autonomous zones.

In 1986 The Republicans in the Soviet Civil War made a decisive defeat of the Soviets in the Battle of Perm. Later that month they also won a major battle against the communists near Minsk.

By 1985 the majority of Constantinople had been deemed secure, with the last military death in the city on June 2 1986. While Byzantium had liberated their sacred capital, the liberation had leveled a large portion of it. The royal palace had been destroyed by the Soviets in the 1950s; the Hagia Sofia had been damaged, with a shell knocking in part of the roof; and many other historic buildings had been damaged. A most of the residents of the city had also died or become homeless during the fighting. However, Emperor Constantine XIII declared that the city would be rebuilt. On May 29, 1987 Demopolis was officially inaugurated as the capital of the Byzantine Empire, and renamed Constantinople. It was a day of celebrating in Byzantium, in contrast to other places in the world. May 29th was also declared a national holiday in Byzantium.

By 1986 the Yugoslavian war had been in stalemate for a while. The Serb Dominated Kingdom of Serbia had been unable to properly invade the Croat dominated Republic of Yugoslavia, who in turn had been unable to properly invade the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In 1987 the two nations agreed to peace. In the Treaty of Budapest, both parties agreed to mutual recognition and respect to borders. The Kingdom of Yugoslavia would become the Kingdom of Serbia, and the Republic of Serbia became the Republic of Croatia, which also went from a communist dictatorship to an actual republic.

In 1988 the Soviet Civil War ended with Republican Victory. The Russian SFSR and Belarusian SSR became the Russian Republic, and the Ukrainian SSR became the Ukrainian Federation. The Russian Republic would be a presidential Republic, with autonomous areas for ethnic minorities. The Ukrainian Federation would be composed of two “states”; Ukraine in the North and the Black Sea region in the south, which would be autonomous for the ethnic Russians who lived there. Germany also reunified at this time. The Former Soviet Empire and her puppets had come to peace. At Least that was believed at the time.

In 1989 Crown Prince Alexandros of Byzantium wed Princess Helene Olga Lydia Tamara Maria of the exiled Italian Royal Family. A few months later his sister wed Paul Georg Maria Joseph Dominikus of the house of Habsburg in Exile.

In 1989 Iran threatened Azerbaijan and Kurdistan with war if they did not return land that had been part of Iran before the Soviet Invasion, however peace prevailed. In the future this would not always be the case.

In 1990 Germany, France, and the low countries announced plans to form a “European Union” that would increase the closeness of it member states, include a common currency, and other measures.

This is a great update. Will be interesting to see how different the world becomes leading into the present.
Nice. But some questions:
  1. Why aren't the Russians in Kazakhstan breaking away? Besides, there's a cliche about the Kazakh border being constant in the TL and I was hoping I would help you avoid it.
  2. Why is Tajikistan part of this pan-Turkic Republic? Isn't it Iranian?
  3. Why didn't all of Kurdistan become independent and instead a small rump one was created?
  4. What about the other Caucasian ASSR? Didn't they want to be independent as well besides those that are?
  5. Why is the Russian peninsula part north of Karelia still Russian?
  6. Are the Sikhs (aka Punjab) trying to vie for independence?
  7. What happened to the Russians in Ukraine in the eastern portion? Have they fled or tried to break-away?
  8. Are all Russians in the former SSRs being persecuted and/or fleeing?
  9. Why is South Sudan content with an Arab government ruling over them?
  10. Why is there empty land between Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, and Oman?
  11. What is the line splitting Ukraine into twain?
  12. Can you cover Africa eventually? I want to learn more about the chaos in the Congo and Nigeria and other places.
  13. What are the chances of a more centralized European Union in this TL? A united Europe?
  14. How is the U.S. and NATO responding to the Soviet situation?
  15. How is Communism outside of the U.S.S.R. fairing?
  16. Why does Belarus want to be part of Russia still?

When you have questions, you don't do them halfway, do you?:D

1.They haven't broken away because the dictator of the Central Asian Republic has managed to keep control of them. That could change in the future.
2.While encompassing a lot of Turks, the Central Asian Republic is not panturkish, the former soviet general merely took control of what he could, which was the central Asian republics. Again, this could change in the future.
3. It only consists of areas that are majority Kurdish, it isn't a greater Kurdistan.
4. Other independence movements were unsuccessful, but there were other uprisings.
5. In OTL, the Karelian SSR did not control the northern Kola Peninsula (I believe that the Russian SFSR wanted complete control of Murmansk), so it was not added to the Finnish SSR, and thus was not part of the independent Finland.
6. Not right now, in general the quality of life in India is improving, so separatism is not to prevalent.
7. Some have fled or moved to the Russian autonomous zone in Ukraine, but the majority of Russians in Ukraine are happy with an autonomous zone.
8. Some are being persecuted (i.e. in Chechnya) but in most other places the fall of the USSR hasn't created a need for an antirussian killathon. Many elite Russians from other SSRs will move to Russia in the years following the collapse.
9. They're not content, but they have not rebelled.
10. In OTL that land is pretty much uninhabited(its name is the empty quarter), and was just divided by treaty, which didn't happen in TTL.
11. That line is the line between the Russian autonomous zone and the rest of Ukraine.
12. I will cover Africa more.
13. Unlikely, the biggest difference between TTL and OTL EU will be that Greece won't cause the ruin of Europe's economy.
14. There has been some light humanitarian aid, but for the most part they're waiting for the dust to settle.
15. China's economy is mostly about keeping the country going, in India, the special economic zones are booming, and the country's economy is starting to look more and more like OTL china.
16. Its not so much that they want to,, its more that they didn't not want to enough to take up arms during the civil war.
I am a touch surprised Macedon doesn't want more cooperation with Byzantium, seeing as how they are better than those Serbs ;)

The Kingdom of Serbia has managed to avoid violent nationalism (so far)

RandomWriterGuy said:
Why is Armenia part of Kurdistan?

It isn't, their colours are just similar.

Dieu Le Roi said:
Are we going to see anything like the Polish National-Territorial Region? Perhaps a war between the Poles and Lithuanians? Or will any such conflict be avoided as Poland seeks to avoid other countries claiming her land?

Maybe. I don't want to give away to much, but lets just say that the current borders will change over the next few updates.

Unrest in China increased during this time.

In 1990 the Australian territory of Papua New Guinea became independent, and joined the Republic of New Guinea.

In 1991 Sergey Akhromeyev, the president of the Central Asian Republic, who had actually been a dictator that used the army to keep his control of the country, died with no clear successor. Thus started the Central Asian Civil War.

Sagadat Nurmagambetov, lead general of the Central Asian Army, had the support of the majority of the military. However, the russianmajority provinces of northern Kazakhstan declared independence as the Russian Republic of Akmola, and this lead to the mother load of independence declarations in the country. Over the next few months Tajikistan, Badakhshan, Karakalpakstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan all declared independence. Conflict soon arose between these groups.

Iran, and Russia both sent troops into Central Asia too try to take advantage of the situation, however they were able to accomplish little.

In late 1992 the Ganges river flooded in India, forcing India to abandon their puppets to focus on rebuilding their country. The Asian Protection sphere gradually evolved from India’s way of controlling her puppets to an EU-esque union after China left in 1995.

In 1993 the Khorugh massacre happened in Khorugh, which was the provisional capital of the republic of Badakhshan. Tajik troops entered the city the night before, and throughout the course of the day killed over 1,000 civilians as they searched for Badakh officials. The massacre brought international attention to the Central Asian civil war. TONA deployed troops to Central Asia to try to help facilitate peace, but their efforts were not easy. The various ethnic groups of the country continued to commit various war crimes against each other, with the sheer size of the country making it difficult for the US or UN to make sure the fighting adhered to the geneva conventions. However, the US was able to make sure that all of the countries nukes were safely escorted out of the country and destroyed.

Also in 1993 Emperor Constantine XIII of Byzantium died suddenly of a heart attack. The nation was shocked, and his son Alexandros became Emperor Alexandros II of Byzantium, and was the 100th emperor of Byzantium. His wife gave birth to his first son and heir Basil in 1994.

Czechoslovakia dissolved into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993

In 1994 the Treaty of Athens was signed, creating the European Union. The Founding member states were Belgium, Byzantium, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Luxembourg, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and the UK

In 1994 Apartheid ended peacefully in South Africa with the work of Nelson Mandela. South West Africa was also annexed into the country.

Following the collapse of the USSR, the various puppet states in Africa found themselves without a protector. The US and India both started to invest more into the infrastructure of Africa.
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Very nice work. I enjoyed reading it. Quite a few questions i got here.
1. About a kingdom of Serbia, it is supposed to unite with Bulgaria, because of the marriage? When is this going to happen? Did Bulgarians help kingdom of Serbia during '85-'87 war with socialists? How come they (Serbs) are not part of EU, considering they avoided fascism, extreme nationalism and communism, and were heavily on the allies side?
2. What is political situation in Byzantium? It's relation with its neighbours? Any fascism leftover? Relation with Republican Russia?
3. What about scientific development of the world? Are there cellphones, computers, internet, gps, satelites? How had medicine and technology developed? Are oil and coal major energy sources? Or is it nuclear, solar energy maybe? What about military technology?
4. Any space exploration progams in USA or elsewhere?
5. Are fascist or communist parties outlawed in some countries, and what are those countries?
6. How is weather and climate influenced by a nuclear war and industrialization of the world? Has global temperature raised significantly? Any major flodings, tsunamis, etc..?
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He gave birth to his first son and heir Basil in 1994.

You might want to change the wording a bit there.

How is the economy of Byzantium doing? And how is the restorations of Constantinople coming along?
Nice but some questions.

  1. How can US get nukes out safely? Wouldn't the factions in Central Asia rather use it to their own interests? I mean they're a quick tool for genocide for goodness sakes!
  2. Would the Russians in Kazakhstan join Russia?
  3. How are the Russians doing in Central Asia besides North Kazakhstan?
  4. What will happen to Taiwan?
  5. Are the pro-Soviet African governments doomed?
  6. Is the unrest in China getting bigger?
  7. How is Iran going to feel the failure of its attempted conquests?
  8. Is separatism still strong in Russia?
  9. Is US better off in this TL? What about Civil Rights?
  10. Does the Falklands conflict occur?
  11. Can you cover the Middle East eventually because at this point Saddam should be starting his shenanigans now...
  12. What are the political leanings of Europe in this TL?
  13. Wasn't there supposed to be an economic crisis already?
  14. How's the Aral Sea?
  15. Shouldn't the Ethiopia famine start already?
  16. What is this TL's population?
  17. Is there a War on Drugs in this TL?
Very nice work. I enjoyed reading it. Quite a few questions i got here.
1. About a kingdom of Serbia, it is supposed to unite with Bulgaria, because of the marriage? When is this going to happen? Did Bulgarians help kingdom of Serbia during '85-'87 war with socialists? How come they (Serbs) are not part of EU, considering they avoided fascism, extreme nationalism and communism, and were heavily on the allies side?
2. What is political situation in Byzantium? It's relation with its neighbours? Any fascism leftover? Relation with Republican Russia?
3. What about scientific development of the world? Are there cellphones, computers, internet, gps, satelites? How had medicine and technology developed? Are oil and coal major energy sources? Or is it nuclear, solar energy maybe? What about military technology?
4. Any space exploration progams in USA or elsewhere?
5. Are fascist or communist parties outlawed in some countries, and what are those countries?
6. How is weather and climate influenced by a nuclear war and industrialization of the world? Has global temperature raised significantly? Any major flodings, tsunamis, etc..?

1. Bulgaria and Serbia will unite when the current king of Serbia dies (SPOILERS: In 2000). Yes, Bulgaria helped Serbia during their war. Serbia and Bulgaria didn't joinbecause they are still somewhat less developed than the rest of Europe, and they just weren't to interested (like how Norway isn't part of OTL EU)

2. Currently the liberal party is in power in Byzantium, they are on good relations with their neighbors, although Turkey will be interesting in the future. Fascists are a fringe group, and relations are good with Russia.

3. Technology has been roughly the same as OTL.

4. Both the USA and USSR reached the moon, but no one has gone recently. The US has plans for building a space station

5. In Europe, those are legal pretty much everywhere. India, China, etc are 1 party states. The middle East is pretty monarchical, but most parties are legal.

6. Global climate hasn't changed too much, the Ganges flooding is the only major natural disaster that could be attributed to nuclear exchanges.

Khaine; said:
You might want to change the wording a bit there.

How is the economy of Byzantium doing? And how is the restorations of Constantinople coming along?

That'll be changed, and Byzantium's economy is doing well, Constantinople and surrounding areas are being rebuilt.

RandomWriterGuy; said:
Nice but some questions.

  1. How can US get nukes out safely? Wouldn't the factions in Central Asia rather use it to their own interests? I mean they're a quick tool for genocide for goodness sakes!
  2. Would the Russians in Kazakhstan join Russia?
  3. How are the Russians doing in Central Asia besides North Kazakhstan?
  4. What will happen to Taiwan?
  5. Are the pro-Soviet African governments doomed?
  6. Is the unrest in China getting bigger?
  7. How is Iran going to feel the failure of its attempted conquests?
  8. Is separatism still strong in Russia?
  9. Is US better off in this TL? What about Civil Rights?
  10. Does the Falklands conflict occur?
  11. Can you cover the Middle East eventually because at this point Saddam should be starting his shenanigans now...
  12. What are the political leanings of Europe in this TL?
  13. Wasn't there supposed to be an economic crisis already?
  14. How's the Aral Sea?
  15. Shouldn't the Ethiopia famine start already?
  16. What is this TL's population?
  17. Is there a War on Drugs in this TL?
1. Special ops missions, and the USA got them out early in the war, and the majority of revolutionaries recognize the danger of nukes after the War in China, where both Astana and Almaty were nuked.
3. They weren't concentrated enough anywhere to declare their own country, so they're mostly being genocided or are fleeing to Russia.
4.Currently, Taiwan is still Kuomintang ruled, so it will stay separate.
5. They're mostly falling or have fallen, yes.
6 Yes, China's still unrestful, but no open revolt.
7. The Shah isn't happy, but the country has to focus on rebuilding the north before they can gain more land.
8. In some places yes (Bashkorstan, Ingushetia) but no revolt.
9. The US is about the same. More conservative because no Vietnam war, but civil rights still happened.
10. No
11.Middle East will be covered, but it is general more monarchist and stable. (Iraq still has a king, Shah of Iran, King of Egypt, plus the OTL monarchs)
12. Pretty much the same as OTL.
13.When did I say that? But the economy was shaken up by the collapse of the USSR.
14. No virgin lands program=no Aral Sea Drying.
15. Um, didn't think of that, but Ethiopia is still a kingdom (no communist revolution TTL) so lets say that the emperor secured food from the USA.
16 *Does quick math* about 5.7 billion, other than China and former USSR the population has progressed similar to OTL.
17. Yes, pretty much the same as OTL.

In China, the popular resentment to the ruling regime hit the boiling point. However, and fortunately for the world, China didn’t have a civil war. General Wei Zhou launched a coup that overthrew the politburo, and free elections were held in 1997, the same year the taiwan reunited with mainland China.

In India, Kanu Sanyal, Premier of India, died of cancer in 1996. His replacement, Sahil Goel, started to undertake many reforms that allowed India to continue to prosper. Many more factories were built, and it became common in the west to see many cheap products have a “made in India” label on them. Some economic analysts said that the XXI century could be the “Indian Century”.

In 1997 the Indianapolis peace accords were signed in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, thus ending the Central Asian Civil War. The Russian Republic of Akmola was granted independence and quickly united with Russia. Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Karakalpakstan all gained independence. Because of the small population and size, Badakhshan would stay part of Tajikistan, and the country would be called Federal Republic of the Tajiks and Badakhs.

When Communism fell in Turkey, free elections were held, where Özgür Paşazade of the newly formed Türk party had been elected president. The Türk party was a nationalistic, panturkish party that believed that it was the destiny of “the Turkish people” to unite into one country. However, the Türk party had focused little on rebuilding the country after years of mismanaged communism. But, after the Central Asian Republic fell apart, this dream was shattered. In the 1998 elections, international observers saw that the elections were full of fraud, and when it was announced that the Türk party won elections again, people too to the streets in protest. New elections were held, with the Muhafazakâr (Conservative) Party winning elections. Durmuş Osmânî, grandson of the last Turkish Sultan and claimant of the throne, was allowed to visit Turkey for the first time, and toured the country.

In 1999 NASA announced an ambitious plan to build a space station by the year 2005. Both the USSR and USA had visited the moon several times, but other than that there had been few human interactions in space. Commercial satellites also started to become important.

Also in 1999 the reconstruction of Constantinople was declared over. The city had been rebuilt, with historic buildings being saved. Byzantium used this as an opportunity to build wide modern boulevards in the city to help with travel. The city’s population was 5 million.

restored byzantium world 2000.png
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