Quirks you put in your timelines

These don´t go onto the internet

I like to have an imperialist US which conquers all of North America and the carribean. And a South America with fewer countries. And expansionist China, Russia, and India as well.


Canada rarely survives intact in my timelines.
I like the idea of a coptic egypt so If I can create that I do.
Im very found of republics so they tend to do pretty well.
Hm, well, I like to create very screwed up religions, especially crazy variants on OTL religions. In addition to that I like to screw up the demographic regions of existing religions (Jewish Russia and Muslim South England, for example)
Two others impressed upon me with the Tripartite Alliance World timeline:

Newfoundland survives as an independent nation.

There is an independent Mayan state of the Yucatan.
I tend to just make up maps with a vague backstory, rather than fully-fledged TLs, but this is what I do anyway:

I like to keep the original borders for Upper & Lower Canada.
If Israel exists at all, more often than not it isn't in Palestine.
United Kasmir (either as a nation or as part of Pakistan).
Divided Australia (if only because Federated Homogenous Boring British Australia occurs too damn often).
United Macedonia (ethnic chauvinism on my part)
I like to keep the entirety of the original USA western border (at the Mississippi) in some form or other - meaning Minnesota does not exist.
I never do finish my timelines... but they always include Berbers/North Africans/Carthagians/Maghrebis doing better... OK, I must continue CRE... I MUUUUUUST... Goodness gracious, I'm too lazy.
Normans. Lots of them.

Powerful Italys.

Progressive Catholic Churches.

Divided Frances, Britains, Byzantines/Ottomans, Russias and Chinas.

Or at least, those are what I'd put if I ever actually finished one of my TLs...:rolleyes:
Things I put in my TLs:

- Earlier republics, reformation, democracy, science, computers(!), socialism, space flight, internet...
- United Germany, Italy
- A strong Israel
- Development of science, and other stuff besides the usual wars / changing borders / revolutions.

I also like:
- Brazil, India, divided North America
Wacky Personal Unions are the staple of my two current TLs (A Kingdom and a Horse = Anglo-Habsburg Union, This Fair Conjunction = Anglo-Spanish Union). Oh, and alternate colonisation of the Americas.

In my Astonishing the World, I made sure to include a lot of terminology not usually found in OTL (ACW = Fourth American War, red tape = Clerk Slime, etc) because so much of it is just begun spur-of-the-moment IOTL.


In my first TL, Scandinavians PWNING, in my second, Europeans (EU+Russia) as the superpower.


EDIT: Oh, and religious people, especially followers of monotheisms, are evil to the bone.
@Communist Wizard & Sicilian : Greetings, fellow kind.

@Abdul Hadi Pasha : Yummy idea :cool:! Though personally I'm more fond of an Oman-centric empire rather than Zanj-centric one.

@Nekromans : For wacky personal union, my favorite would be an Acehnese in Topkapi :cool::cool::cool: !

As for my ideas that I'd put into my TL(s), there are many many many many ! And kinda afraid that those might would be to elusive for you guys ;). But here are those anyway :
Direct, indirect Results of Pre-1700 PoDs and additional quirks.
-Other wacky personal unions, such as Anglo-Burgundy, Prusso-Denmark, Prusso-Sweden,(or basically speaking, between a German/HRE state and a Nordic State with PoD post-1400), [insert a Scandinavian nation here]-Scotland, Navarre France (probably not as weird), Aragon-France, Hungary-Switzerland :)eek::eek::eek:), Netherlands-[insert Scandinavian Nation here], Anglo-Dutch(not weird as it happened once IOTL), France-Burgundy :)eek:), Spain-Ireland (yes it should be basically/technically/de facto Spanish Ireland), a Norman state-a non-Norman State, Islamic state-Islamic state, inter regional personal union, Mughal-Mataram, Mughal-[a Chinese state].... ok, maybe that's all for PUs....
-Uber Poland with the expenses of anything they want in its surrounding except the Ottomans.
-An Ottoman Superpower which is analogous with OTL US in some certain, at the least accountable, fields. Roughly in the more/less similar way and/or concentration amount as the Mughal Empire in Gurkani Alam is an technically analogue of US in that TL.
-Ottoman dominated Europe, at least most of it, in any ways, but with Ottoman territory to be wanked only considerably. Preferably European nations to be under Ottoman dominated bloc or something....
-Safavid revolution failed and resulting to an Ottoman dominated Persia. BUT anytime after that Shiism rise somewhere else. Preferably some where west of Tunis.
-Rhenish/Lowlander Muslim community
-Historical Indonesian Jewish community.
-"Europeanized" (equivalent of "Balkanized" only change it with Europe of any age) India and Nusantara.
-A rump Russia which remains Orthodox until 2000AD (at least:p).
-Surviving Khanate of Kazan, preferably to be coexist with a considerably rumpy Russia.
-Multiple Industrial Revolutions. Are we able to make 4 IRs happened in a same century or 1.5 at least, btw ?
-Strong Korea.
-Strong Japan co-exist with a strong or even superpower China.
-A small Christian state emerge in Indonesia, and that one would be the only.
-Siberia to be settled by the surrounding Asian countries rather than by Russia.
-And so on. more to come....

-Not totally colonized India.
-Disunified-ly colonized India.
-Good chunk of Africa for Ottomans/ OE as more or less Africa's equivalent of Russia
-Indian Ocean access for Russia co-exist with strong (at least fairly) OE at anywhere west of Khuzestan
-British Indonesia (got to admit British was still the technically less evil than other Europeans...) which eventually will get independent intact.
-Disunited Australia, Administratively or Politically.
-Stronger Oman
-Stronger China
-Fairly not weak Japan at the least.
-Stronger Mexico.
-Fairly significant presence of any technically western Pacific nations in the Americas.
-Conquest of some American country/ies (whether independent or a colony) by any European powers in rather minimalist rate.
-More independent Africans.
-That's all I remember for now.

No way those all can be combined in a single TL, obviously. Those are only for pre-1900 ideas. I'll tell you my post-1900 ideas when I feel like it.
Even though none of my TL's have actually made it beyond pen and paper, some of the common things that seem to pop up alot are:

A North America with many nations
A non united India
Africa more divided
Native people in general doing better against settlers
A Celtic nation of some kind (Generally some kind of united Ireland)
A powerful Austria
Gran Colombia suriving

Some of them kind of baffle me, like why I like Austria to be strong or why I like there to be a Celtic nation.