President Elect 1988 - Megathread II

Perot before Perot - AceofShovels
Perot before Perot

George H. W. Bush / Dan Quayle (Republican) 326 EVs 40%

Michael Dukakis / Lloyd Bentsen (Democrat) 212 EVs 40%

Lee Iacocca / Lowell Weicker (Independent) 0 EVs 20%

1988 - Perot before Perot.png
King Udall '60
(Or, how "Go West" became a Democratic anthem)
Udall v. Rockefeller 1960.png

Rep. Morris King Udall (D-AZ) &
Sen. Stuart Symington (D-MO):
50.22% of the PV; 276 EVs

Gov. Nelson Rockefeller (R-NY) & Sen. Everett Dirksen (D-IL):
48.76% of the PV; 253 EVs.

Sen. Harry Byrd Sr. (D-VA) & Sen. Strom Thurmond (D-SC):
1.01% of the PV; 8 EVs.
I see that you've taken a bit of an inspiration from President Lincoln's Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond in one of the scenarios. You even have a POD of a surviving President Kennedy in this case its Robert avoiding Sirhan's assassination attempt.
Not everything is inspired by other works for example if there was an election between Henry Wallace and George Patton would that be inspired by the Footprint of Mussolini? No. People are not always inspired by other works and since this thread is about a game not Alternate Wikiboxes it almost definitely is computer generated.


Not everything is inspired by other works for example if there was an election between Henry Wallace and George Patton would that be inspired by the Footprint of Mussolini? No. People are not always inspired by other works and since this thread is about a game not Alternate Wikiboxes it almost definitely is computer generated.
I know.
McGoverning '76
(Or, well f#ck that was close. So long for Ronnie)
McGovern v. Reagan.png

Pres. George McGovern (D-SD) & Vice Pres. Phil Hart
46.94% of the PV (35,984,180 total); 271 EVs

Fmr. Gov. Ronald Reagan (R-CA) & Sen. George Bush (R-TX):
46.89% of the PV (35,950,108 total); 267 EVs.

Fmr. Gov. George Wallace (AIP-AL) & Thomas J. Anderson (AIP-TN):
6.17% of the PV (4,729,610 total); 0 EVs.
Dolebacle '80
(Or, I'm running out of ideas)
Clinton v. Dole v. Jackson.png

Sen. Robert "Bob" Dole (R-KS) & Rep. Jack F. Kemp (R-NY
44.48% of the PV (36,704,120 total); 280 EVs

Sen. Dale Bumpers (D-AR) & Sen. Henry M. Jackson (D-WA):
44.12% of the PV (36,410,692 total); 255 EVs.

Reverend Jesse Jackson (P-SC) & Rep. Shirley Chisholm (D-NY):
11.39% of the PV (9,402,496 total); 3 EVs.

Bumpers lost TX by 18,410 votes out of 4,271,172 cast in the state. Sad!​
Democracy not af-Ford-able '76
(Or, the last one, probably)

Ford v. Gephardt.png

Pres. Gerald R. Ford (R-KS) & Vice Pres. John B. Connally (R-TX):
48.03% of the PV (39,373,532 total); 275 EVs

Rep. Richard "Dick" Gephardt (D-MO) & Gov. Gerald "Jerry" Brown (D-CA):
50.46% of the PV (41,369,520 total); 263 EVs.

Fmr. Sen. Eugene McCarthy (D-MN) & Businessman William Ford (I-MI)
1.51% of the PV (1,235,369 total); 0 EVs.

Gephardt lost Wisconsin by just 161 votes, out of more than two million cast there. Wild map, huh?
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